1,357 research outputs found
MANFAAT HASIL BELAJAR MANAJEMEN USAHA BOGA PADA MINAT USAHA JASA BOGA : Penelitian Terbatas pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Tata Boga Jurusan PKK FPTK UPI
Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh hasil belajar Manajemen Usaha Boga yang dapat mendorong mahasiswa untuk menjalankan dan mengembangkan Usaha Jasa Boga baik pada Usaha Jasa Boga katering, restoran, dietetika dan patiseri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh hasil dari minat mahasiswa mengenai manfaat hasil belajar Manajemen Usaha Boga pada minat Usaha Jasa Boga yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan, perorganisasian, penggerakan dan pengawasan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dengan jumlah responden yaitu 37 orang. Hasil penelitian diharapkan agar mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan minat dalam menjalankan Usaha Jasa Boga dan mengembangkan bakat serta kreasi dalam menciptakan suatu produk.
Kata kunci : Hasil Belajar, Menejemen Usaha Boga, Usaha Jasa Bog
Kearifan Sosiokultural: Hulu Moderasi Beragama Pesantren Bersama Masyarakat Adat Di Kalimantan Timur
AbstractPesantren is a social resource is a cultural maintenance in the community. The linkage of pesantren in the role of society gives birth to ideological and historical continuity with the community. PPKP Ribathul Khail is the oldest Islamic boarding school in Tenggarong City, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, which lives with the indigenous people of Kutai Kraton, which is identical with the dimensions of belief, traditional rituals, and cultural expression. In its religious reality, PPKP Ribathul Khail is faced with the choice of sowing moderate religious values, tolerance within the framework of pluralism, and being at the forefront of improving the quality of life of the community through Islamic education activities carried out. His acceptance of the Kutai Kraton Ethnic in traditional rituals manifests his tolerance and moderation attitude that is present because of the view of sociocultural wisdom. This paper is the result of field research that attempts to present data on the sociocultural wisdom of pesantren as the upstream of religious moderation and its various dynamics to create a sustainable relationship with the indigenous people of Kutai Kraton in East Kalimantan.Keywords: Sociocultural Wisdom, Religious Moderation, Indigenous Peoples of Kutai KratonĀ AbstrakPesantren sebagai sumberdaya sosial menjadi pemelihara budaya di masyarakat. Keterkaitan pesantren dalam peranan kemasyarakatan melahirkan kesinambungan ideologi dan historis bersama masyarakat. PPKP Ribathul Khail adalah pesantren tertua di Kota Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, yang hidup bersama masyarakat adat Kutai Kraton, yang identik dengan dimensi kepercayaan, ritual adat, dan ekspresi berbudaya. Dalam realitas keberagamaannya, PPKP Ribathul Khail dihadapkan dengan pilihan mampu menyemai nilai-nilai keberagamaan yang moderat, bertoleransi dalam bingkai kemajemukan, serta menjadi garda terdepan dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat melalui kegiatan pendidikan Islam yang dilakukan. Penerimaannya terhadap Etnis Kutai Kraton dalam ritual adat, merupakan perwujudan sikap toleransi dan moderatnya yang hadir karena pandangan kearifan sosiokutural. Tulisan ini adalah hasil penelitian lapangan yang berupaya memaparkan data tentang kearifan sosiokultural pesantren sebagai hulu moderasi beragama, dan berbagai dinamikanya untuk menciptakan kesinambungan relasinya dengan masyarakat adat Kutai Kraton di Kalimantan Timur.Kata Kunci: Kearifan Sosiokultural, Moderasi Beragama, Masyarakat Adat Kutai Krato
The diversity of natural resources in Indonesia, which is very abundant, will directly correlate with chemical diversity which has enormous potential for drug development. Indonesia needs to develop the pharmaceutical industry, especially drug raw materials, thereby making drug prices cheaper. The best solution to this problem is to continuously look for alternatives from Indonesian natural materials, so that the manufacturing process can be carried out both on a laboratory and industrial scale. There are many fruits typical of South Kalimantan and not available in other areas, one of which is Limpasu. This research aims to determine the cellulose content in Limpasu (Baccaurea lanceolata) fruit peel waste using the chemical delignification method. Proving the use of this plant is very important, so that the residue resulting from extraction from the Limpasu fructus cortex can be utilized into a very useful preparation. The research was carried out by first extracting simplicia from the plant, then the remaining residue from the extraction was continued to the alpha cellulose isolation stage. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it was found that the pure cellulose content in the form of alpha cellulose contained in the Limpasu fructus cortex is 21.08%. These results prove that Limpasu fruit peel has the potential to be used as a source of natural raw materials for the manufacture of other cellulose derivative products that can be used in pharmaceutical formulations
Keefektifan Teknik Konseling Kelompok Untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan Siswa Berbicara Di Depan Kelas
Abstract: This study aims to reduce the level of students when speaking in front of the class or in public, in this study using quantitative methods with the type of experimental research. The results of the test antiety of students speaking in front of the eleventh grade can decrease after being given or participating in group counseling activities. Based on the score of the questionnaire before the pretest, the average value was 111,08 and after the post-test, the studentsā speaking anxiety decreased with the questionnaire score obtained an average value of 82,81. Thus it can be concluded that the application of group counseling can reduce the level of anxiety of students speaking in front of the class. This means that the more treatment is given in the form of group counseling, it is followed by a reduced level of anxiety in students speaking in front of the class.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi tingkat kecemasan siswa saat berbicara di depan kelas maupun di depan umum. Dalam penelitian tersebut menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Hasil uji coba kecemasan siswa berbicara di depan kelas XI dapat menurun setelah diberikan atau mengikuti kegiatan konseling kelompok. Berdasarkan skor angket sebelum pretest diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 111,08 dan setelah postest kecemasan berbicara siswa mengalami penurunan dengan skor angket diperoleh nilai rata-rata 82,81. Dengan demikian dapat di simpulkan bahwa penerapan konseling kelompok dapat mengurangi tingkat kecemasan siswa berbicara di depan kelas. Artinya semakin di berikan perlakuan berupa konseling kelompok, maka di ikuti dengan berkurangnya tingkat kecemasan siswa berbicara di depan kelas
Arabisasi Kata-kata Asing Sebagai Usaha Mempertahankan Gramatika dan Morfologi Bahasa Arab
Interaction between nations in the world causes inter-language struggles that can cause positive or negative effects on one another. So there is a language that is very dominating other languages, and some eventually die without any speakers, or are forced to adopt some of the words or grammar of other languages.
There are three groups of expert opinions on the arabization of foreign words: the conservative, the pragmatic, and the moderate. The opinions of moderate groups are more representative of all the aspirations of Arabic experts
Response of Carcinogen-Altered Mouse Epidermal Cells to Phorbol Ester Tumor Promoters and Calcium
Primary cultures of mouse epidermal cells are induced to terminally differentiate when extracellular calcium levels are increased to more than 0.1mM After carcinogen treatment, cellular foci can be selected that resist this calcium signal to terminally differentiate Calcium causes these foci to stratify, however, in contrast to normal epidermis, DNA- synthesizing cells in these foci are found in the suprabasal cell layers as well as in basal cells Cell lines derived from these foci may be considered to be putative initiated cells Three of these cell lines, designated 308, D, and F, have been characterized for their response to calcium and phorbol ester tumor promoters. The formation of cornified cells and the activity of epidermal transglutaminase were utilized as markers of epidermal differentiation. Neither calcium nor the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13- acetate (TPA) increased transglutaminase activity or cornification of any of the 3 lines Proliferation was estimated by the [3H]thymidine labeling index, by incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA, and by a clonal growth assay. Unlike primary normal cultures, rising the calcium level of the medium did not markedly reduce the rate of proliferation of any of the 3 cell lines. in 2 of the lines, line 308 and line D, proliferation increased in response to TPA exposure. in line F, [3H]thymidine incorporation in confluent cultures was inhibited by TRA, while in cells plated at clonal densities, TPA was cytotoxic at doses of 5 ng/ml or higher. If these calcium-resistant epidermal cell lines correspond to initiated cells, their lack of sensitivity to the induction of terminal differentiation by TPA could account for their growth relative to normal cells. Those lines that also respond to stimulation of proliferation by TPA to a greater extent than normal cells would have a further growth advantage
Differentiation of Cultured Human Epidermal Keratinocytes at High Cell Densities is Mediated by Endogenous Activation of the Protein Kinase C Signaling Pathway
Normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) grown in serum-free medium on a plastic substrate spontaneously differentiate at high cell densities in vitro. Because protein kinase C (PKC) regulates murine keratinocyte differentiation triggered by a variety of stimuli, we examined the role of this signaling pathway in density-dependent activation of NHEK differentiation. Relative to subconfluent cultures, confluent NHEK expressed markedly higher levels of multiple differentiation markers assayed by immunoblotting, including keratin 1, loricrin, filaggrin, involucrin, TGK, and SPR-1. Expression of several of these markers continued to increase for several days after cells reached confluency. The total level of several PKC isoforms was not substantially altered in NHEK harvested at different cell densities, based on immunoblotting; however, subcellular fractionation revealed that PKCĪ± underwent a redistribution to the particulate fraction in confluent and postconfluent NHEK cultures, suggesting that this isozyme was activated under these conditions and may be involved in triggering the terminal differentiation program. Supporting this concept, inhibition of PKC function using bryostatin 1 or GF 109203X blocked the induction of keratinocyte differentiation markers at high cell densities. These data suggest that endogenous activation of PKC is responsible for cell density-mediated stimulation of NHEK differentiation, establishing a critical role for this pathway in regulating human as well as murine keratinocyte differentiation
Himpunan kabur hesitant adalah alat yang muncul dan berguna untuk berurusan dengan ketidakpastian dan ketidakjelasan. Menariknya, kita dapat menentukan operator baru dan sifat dari himpunan kabur hesitant ini, agar kajian tentang himpunan kabur hesitant lebih berkembang. Pada makalah ini dikaji enam operator-operator baru pada anggota himpunan kabur hesitant O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6 dan sifat-sifat nya.
Kata Kunci: himpunan kabur(FS), himpunan kabur hesitant(HFS), anggota himpunan kabur hesitant(HFE)
Augmented Reality (AR) merupakan objek virtual dalam bentuk 3D yang berada di integrasi kedalam lingkungan nyata 3D secara real time (Bhpuri, 2009). Augmented Reality juga merupakan suatu konsep perpaduan virtual reality dengan word reality yang dapat dipadukan dengan media pembelajaran (Mustika, Rampengan, Sanjaya, & Sofyan, 2015). Penelitian ini membahas mengenai āPenilaian User Experience Aplikasi Augmented Reality Makanan Tradisional Sunda (Ar-Ngeuna) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruanā difokuskan pada aspek usability dan user experience yang merupakan payung penelitian. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross-sectionaldengan metode penelitian yaitu kuantitatif deskriptif. Kegiatan utama dalam pengambilan data selain melakukan pengarahan mengenai aplikasi AR-Ngeuna yaitu dengan cara memberikan kuisioner yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi AR-Ngeuna. Adapun media elektronik yang digunakan yaitu berupa handphone yang dimiliki oleh para siswa SMK. Aplikasi AR-Ngeuna dinilai mudah digunakan dan recommended untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Adapun penilaian dari responden berdasarkan user experience pada aspek perceived ease of use, aspek perceived usefullness, aspek atitude toward using, aspek perceived behavioral dan aspek actual system usage yang menunjukkan penilaian baik terhadap Aplikasi AR-Ngeuna untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di SMK
Augmented Reality (AR) is a virtual object in 3D that is integrated into a real 3D environment in real time (Bhpuri, 2009). Augmented Reality is also a concept of combining virtual reality with word reality that can be combined with learning media (Mustika, Rampengan, Sanjaya, & Sofyan, 2015). This study discusses "User Experience Assessment of Traditional Sundanese Food Augmented Reality (Ar-Ngeuna) as a Learning Media for Vocational High School Students" focused on usability and user experience aspects which are the umbrella of the research. The research design used a cross-sectional research method, namely descriptive quantitative. The main activity in data retrieval in addition to conducting briefing on the AR-Ngeuna application is by providing questionnaires related to the AR-Ngeuna application. The electronic media used is in the form of cellphones owned by SMK students. The AR-Ngeuna application is considered easy to use and recommended for use as a learning medium. The assessment of respondents based on user experience on aspects of perceived ease of use, aspects of perceived usefullness, aspects of attitude toward using, aspects of perceived behavioral and aspects of actual system usage which shows a good assessment of the AR-Ngeuna application to be used as a learning medium in SMK
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