133 research outputs found


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    Lettuce is a horticultural crop that has many enthusiasts and is widely cultivated using hydroponic systems. One important factor for plant growth is the need for sufficient light to support the process of photosynthesis. Efforts to overcome the lack of light is to use artificial light that comes from LED lights. This study aims to determine the effect of ultraviolet LED growth lamp power on the growth of lettuce plants. This study was divided into two groups: the control group without irradiating LED growth lamps and the experimental group using irradiation of LED growth lamps with a duration of irradiation of 4 hours at night. Parameters observed included plant height, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves and leaf color in the third week. Analysis of research data used a non-parametric statistical test, namely the Kruskal Wallis test with the help of SPSS 23. The results showed that the power treatment of LED growth lamps had a significant effect on plant height, leaf length, leaf width and number of leaves. However, the power treatment of LED growth lamps did not significantly affect leaf color. The results showed that the best treatment was obtained at 18 watts of power


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    This research was a classroom action research which using STAD and 3Danimation method. Aimed to improvement student activity during this observation andachievement. The subject research is student VIII F at Junior High School 4 Jember, consistof two cycle, which every cycle divided into four step: planning, implementation,observation and reflection. The result of student activity obtained through observationsheets. Achievement contain of cognitive process, cognitive product, and affective. Theresult of cognitive process obtained through evaluation test at the end of every cycle,meanwhile cognitive product, and affective obtained through observation sheets. The resultshowed an improvement, either the student activity or the achievement result. Thisachievement increase gradually on each cycle and get mastery at the end of the last cycle


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    Konsumsi energi listrik dan bahan bakar terus meningkat seiring dengan berkembangnya kehidupan manusia. Gaya hidup masyarakat pada era 5.0 telah banyak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan industri dan teknologi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya stok energi yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan industri tersebut. Minyak, sebagai sumber energi utama, stoknya mulai berkurang . Selain itu karena pemborosan sumber daya termasuk energy menyebabkan terjadinya kekurangan sumber daya dan oleh sebab itu, sangat penting untuk dapat menemukan suatu energi alternatif agar kehidupan tetap berlangsung. Salah satu teknologi energy alternatif yang berpotensi menjadi sumber energy alternatif adalah teknologi energi  surya fotovoltaik. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis potensi teknologi energi surya fotovoltaik untuk dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energy alternatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode literature review dengan melakukan studi literatur terhadap jurnal yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian, didapatkan hasil bahwa energi surya fotovoltaik memiliki potensi untuk menjadi sumber energi alternatif


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    The goals of this research were: (1) to know the activity of learn physics astudent during use the model of learning generative with demonstration method, (2) ) toanalyze the different of students’ achievement use the model of learning generative withdemonstration method and using conventional model. This study was a true-experimentresearch by using design control group pre-test and pot-test. Data collection method of thisresearch used observation, interview, test, and documentation. The students’ activities wereanalyze by using percentage, and the students’ achievement was analyzed by using SPSS16. The analysis result shows that (1) the students’ activities in experiment class were betterthan in control class, (2) there were different of students’ achievement by using the modelof learning generative with demonstration method and using conventional model


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    Structured inquiry require students to construct their own knowledge in his mindwhile the virtual-lab can make the students interested in learning. Structured inquiry andvirtual-lab media in addition to maximizing the learning process is also expected tomaximize the product that can be achieved by students in the form of learning outcomes.This research includes experiments in educational research that comparing control andexperimental class grade. The purpose of this study is reviewing the results of study ofphysics students that use structured inquiry model with virtual-lab media at the junior highschool and assess the significant differences between the study of physics students afterusing the structured inquiry model with a virtual-lab media and after using conventionalmodels in junior high school. Analysis of the result to physics students learning outcomes(cognitive, psychomotor and affective) obtained a percentage of 82.14% and can beexpressed completely in the classical style. Analysis of the data using t-test determinedifferences in students’s values obtained sig. 0.023 < 0.05 then there are significantdifferences between the study of physics students that use structured inquiry model ofvirtual-lab media with the use of conventional models to study physics at junior hightschool

    Sosialisasi Permainan Tradisional Dalam Upaya Mengembangkan Karakter Sosial Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    ABSTRAK  Proses pembelajaran berbasis daring selama pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan bagi anak dan keluarganya, khususnya siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD). Adanya pembatasan sosial menimbulkan rasa jenuh sehingga intensitas penggunaan handphone sebagai media bermain dan hiburan semakin meningkat. Dampak yang dikhawatirkan dari kondisi ini adalah perkembangan karakter sosial anak menjadi terhambat. Anak – anak cenderung bersikap individual, misalnya kurang peduli, kurang sportif, dan kurang bertanggungjawab. Dengan memperkenalkan permainan tradisional kepada anak usia sekolah dasar diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternative solusi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu mensosialisasikan permainan tradisional kepada para orang tua siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) dalam upaya mengembangkan karakter sosial bagi anak. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu memberikan penyuluhan dalam bentuk webinar yang diikuti oleh 54  orang tua siswa SD. Pada akhir kegiatan, memberikan kuesioner melalui google form yang berisi 12 pertanyaan atau pernyataan. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan bahwa 7,4 % siswa belum pernah bermain dengan permainan tradisional, 64,8% menyatakan pentingnya permainan tradisional untuk anak usia SD, 63% orang tua yakin bahwa permainan tradisional dapat mengembangkan karakter sosial anak. Terdapat  3 permainan tradisional yang pernah dimainkan oleh anak – anak adalah 1) petak umpet (44,4%), 2) layang – layang (27,8%), 3) lompat tali (20,3%). Kesimpulan: bahwa permainan tradisional masih di harapkan bagi orang tua siswa untuk bermain anak – anak yang diyakini mampu mengembangkan karakter sosial anak.Kata kunci: Respon orang tua, permainan tradisional, dan karakter sosialABSTRACT The online-based learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic caused various problems for children and their families, especially elementary school (SD) students. The existence of social restrictions creates a feeling of saturation so that the intensity of using cellphones as a medium for play and entertainment increases. The worrying impact of this condition is that the development of children's social character is hampered. Children tend to behave individually, for example less caring, less sporting, and less responsible. By introducing traditional games to elementary school age children, it is hoped that it will be an alternative solution. The purpose of this activity is to socialize traditional games to parents of elementary school (SD) students in an effort to develop social character for children. The method of the activity carried out was to provide counseling in the form of a webinar which was attended by 54 parents of elementary school students. At the end of the activity, give a questionnaire via google form which contains 12 questions or statements. The results of the questionnaire showed that 7.4% of students had never played traditional games, 64.8% stated the importance of traditional games for elementary school age children, 63% of parents believed that traditional games could develop children's social character. There are 3 traditional games that have been played by children, namely 1) hide and seek (44.4%), 2) kite (27.8%), 3) jump rope (20.3%). Conclusion: traditional games are still expected for parents to play with children who are believed to be able to develop children's social character.Keywords: Parental responses, traditional games, and social character

    Efektivitas Bank Sampah Sebagai Penanggulangan dan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kabupaten Jember

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    Abstract:  Waste bank is a method of collecting dry waste which is sorted or separated according to its type, and has a management similar to banking, but what is saved is not money but waste. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of waste banks as waste management and management in Jember district. This is because there are still many people who throw garbage directly into the river and dump it carelessly. This study uses a descriptive method, which aims to provide a description or explanation and provide a systematic, factual and accurate description of the facts contained in the field. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The result of this research is that the waste bank is one of the most effective ways of countermeasuresand managing waste in Jember Regency. However, in Jember district itself there are still not many waste banks, so they are still not effective in countermeasures and managing waste. In addition, there is low or lack of public awareness of the importance of sorting waste before disposal. Abstrak: Bank sampah merupakan suatu cara pengumpulan sampah kering yang dipilah atau dipisahkan sesuai denan jenisnya, serta mempunyai manajemen yang seperti halnya perbankan, akan tetapi yang ditabung bukanlah uang melainkan sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas bank sampah sebagai penanggulangan dan pengelolaan sampah di kabupaten Jember. Hal ini dikarena masih banyak masyarakat yang membuang sampah secara langsung ke suangi dan ditimbun secara sembarangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, yang dimana memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi atau penjeasan dan memeberikan gambaran secara sistematis faktual serta akurat mengenai fakta yang terdapat di lapangan. Untuk data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bank sampah  merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif dalam penanggulangan dan pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Jember. Akan tetapi, di kabupaten Jember sendiri masih belum banyak bank sampah, sehingga masih kurang efektif dalam penanggulangan dan pengelolaan sampahnya. Selain itu, kurang atau rendahnya kesadaran masyarakan akan pentingnya pemilahan sampah sebelum dibuang.         

    Pengaruh Paparan Medan Magnet Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Terhadap Derajat Keasaman (pH) Susu Sapi Segar

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    Susu sapi merupakan sumber protein hewani dengan kandungan gizi yang sangat tinggi dan memiliki masa simpan yang relatif singkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh paparan medan magnet Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) intensitas 300 õTà dan 500 õT selama 60, 90, dan 120 menit terhadap pH susu sapi segar. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancang Acak Lengkap (RAL). Sampel yang digunakan adalah susu sapi segar sebanyak 110 botol dengan masing-masing botol bervolume 50 ml yang dibagi menjadi satu kelompok kontrol dan tiga kelompok eksperimen dengan perlakuan berupa paparan medan magnet ELF intensitas 300 üT dan 500 üT selama 60, 90, dan 120 menit. Variabel yang diukur adalah nilai pH sebagai indikator kadaluarsa susu sapi segar yang diukur pada jam ke-5, 10, dan 15 setelah pemaparan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode analisis statistik deskriptif menggunakan uji Independen Sampel T Test ââ¬â uji Mann Whitney dan uji Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa medan magnet ELF mampu menghambat perkembangan bakteri pembentuk asam laktat sehingga akan mempengaruhi pH susu sapi segar dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa paparan medan magnet ELF intensitas 500 üT selama 60 menit memiliki potensi dalam mempertahankan nilai pH susu sapi segar

    Analisis Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu dengan Turbin Angin Sumbu Vertikal di Kecamatan Sangkapura Kabupaten Gresik

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    Gresik Regency's coastal Bawean Island is where Sangkapura District is situated. In 2020, there were 117,112 power consumers in the Sangkapura District. On the same island, there have been some regions without electricity daily. This demonstrates that there is still a need for electrical energy, which is growing along with the population. Additionally, growing global oil prices are a sign of the need for electrical energy. Fossil energy, which is non-renewable and can produce emissions, is the energy source that is most frequently used today. An energy crisis can be brought on by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels. The suggested remedy is to employ new renewable energy (EBT) as a source of electrical energy, taking into account that EBT is more environmentally friendly. Therefore, more study is required to determine the local potential of wind as a wind power plant (PLTB) using vertical axis wind turbines, taking into account the benefits and drawbacks of each type of turbine. The analysis of published works and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency's online database is the research techniques used. According to the analysis, an average wind speed of 1.5 m/s and wind power of 10.47 watts were measured. Dim LED lights can be turned on with this amount of energy. Sangkapura District has a poor potential for wind power plants because this number is lower compared to numerous pertinent research and employs a home size. Therefore, we require a different strategy that can utilize low wind speeds to generate electricity


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    Sampah ialah bahan bekas baik dari hewan, manusia, maupun tumbuhan yang tidak digunakan  lagi dan dilepaskan ke alam dalam bentuk padat, cair, maupun gas yang selalu ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan, sehingga masyarakat harus menjaga lingkungannya, karena merupakan tanggung jawab yang harus dilakukan guna menciptakan lingkungan hijau. Setelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai Perkembangan Pemanfaatan Sampah Untuk Membangun Lingkungan Hijau Sebagai Inovasi Ramah Lingkungan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana perkembangan pemanfaatan sampah di lingkungan guna menciptakan kehidupan hijau. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur dimana dengan mengumpulkan sejumlah informasi mengenai perkembangan pemanfaatan sampah yang bersumber dari jurnal-jurnal nasional maupun internasional. Berdasarkan sumber data yang telah didapat sampah di Indonesia semakin hari makin bertambah. Dengan demikian upaya dapat yang dilakukan paling sederhana dengan memilah, mengumpulkan, mendaur ulang, dan dikonversi sehingga muncul inovasi baru untuk mengurangi pemakaian sampah
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