66 research outputs found

    Komparasi Pendapatan USAhatani pada Beberapa Kombinasi Sistem Olah Tanah dan Pertanaman

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    This research was conducted in research station at Bogor Agricultural University from october 1992 to July 1993. It was aimed to compare income of farming system under various of land tillage and plant. Analysis of varian was applied to examine the influence of various tillage system the results showed that minimum tillage and conventional could decreser farmers income through in the second season monoculture and multicropping systems


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    Kegiatan budidaya lele dalam ember (Buledamber) merupakan kegiatan yang potensial untuk menyediakan sumber pangan bergizi bagi keluarga.  Buledamber dapat memasok sumber protein hewani dan vitamin yang terkandung dalam sayuran bagi keluarga.   Bukan hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan bagi keluarga, Buledamber juga dapat menjadi kegiatan produktif untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga.  Bahan, alat dan teknik Buledamber sangat sederhana, sehingga dapat dilakukan oleh para ibu rumahtangga atau Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) di Desa Sukasari.  Inisiasi usaha Buledamber diperlukan untuk mengembangkan potensi KWT.  Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2022 dengan metode penyuluhan dan balajar sambil mengerjakan (learning by doing).  Para peserta yakni anggota KWT Desa Sukasari diajak langsung melakukan praktek Buledamber  yang meliputi budidaya lele dan dikombinasikan dengan menanam kangkung dalam gelas-gelas plastik.  Para peserta mengikuti kegiatan dengan sangat antusias.  Semoga kegiatan ini dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi para anggota KWT untuk mengembangkan potensi diri dan dan sumberdaya yang dimiliki

    Analysis of Agricultural Sector Economic Potentials in Lebong Regency Bengkulu Province

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    Analysis of the Economic Potential of the Agricultural Sector in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential of the agricultural sector in Lebong Regency and identify the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in Lebong Regency. This study uses the LQ (Location Quotient) and Shift Share analysis methods to identify the agricultural sector in the development of the Lebong Regency. This study uses secondary data on the PDRB of the Lebong district and Bengkulu Province from 2017 to 2021. Based on the analysis of the food crops sub-sector and plantation crops sub-sector, these are the leading sub-sectors or the current base sub-sector. Analysis of the proportional growth component (KPP) shows that the estate crops sub-sector is the most advanced in Lebong Regency

    Analysis of Allocation of Fulfillment, Use, and Factors Influencing the Need for Cassava Farming Funds

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    There is a lot of uncertainty in farming, such as farming funds using the results of previous agriculture; if it is not sufficient, farmers will make loans or use their assets. The long cassava production process, one year, only produced once, so for business sustainability, this cassava farming needs to be studied further. This study will see how the use, fulfillment, and factors affect the need for funds in cassava farming in South Abung District. The research location was determined purposively, and 153 farmers were selected using purposive random sampling. The analysis used is descriptive and Multiple Linear Regression. This study indicates four sources of funding for cassava farming: sources from own funds, loans to relatives and friends, intermediaries, and KUR. The funds owned by cassava farmers are allocated to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, pay for labor, land taxes, and equipment depreciation. The factors that significantly influence the need for funds for cassava farming at the 95% confidence level are land area, seeds, fertilizers, and labor

    Analysis of Garlic Import Demand Trend in Indonesia

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    This research aims to find out the development patterns and trends in import demand for garlic in Indonesia. Observing the pattern and trend of garlic imports will provide invaluable information for program planning, program evaluation, and policy development activities for domestic garlic development in the future. The data used in this study is the annual demand for garlic imports in Indonesia from 1995-2019. Three trend methods are applied including linear, quadratic, and exponential methods. The best trend was determined by examining the MAD, MES, ME, and MAPE values. The best trend model for garlic import demand in Indonesia, according to this study, is an ascending exponential trend. The trend of garlic import demands in Indonesia increases along with the increase of garlic consumption and domestic garlic production in Indonesia


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    Abstrak: Masa pandemi yang diakibatkan oleh keberadaan virus Covid-19 memberikan dampak ekonomi yang cukup signifikan terutama dibidang perdagangan. Wilayah Kota Bengkulu menjadi salah satu sasaran utama penerima dampak dikarenakan sebagian besar masyarakat menggantungkan hidupanya dalam dunia perdagangan. Penurunan pendapatan rumah tangga dari kegiatan berdagang mengakibatkan adanya penurunan angka belanja, sehingga sulit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Program pangan mandiri berupa pengadaan kebutuhan pangan keluarga melalui kegiatan menanam menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi keterbatasan memenuhi kebutuhan utama rumah tangga. Namun, minimnya lahan untuk kegiatan tanam menjadi alasan masyarakat Kota Bengkulu untuk tidak bisa menciptakan pangan mandiri. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan edukasi dan pelatihan penanaman melalui media piramida tumbuh menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tanaman sayuran dan TOGA dipilih menjadi tanaman yang akan dibudidayakan pada media piramida tumbuh karena sebagai salah satu upaya pengadaan salah satu pangan (sayuran) yang dibutuhkan dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi TOGA untuk mencegah terjangkit Virus Covid-19. Metode kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi terkait manfaat program pangan mandiri dan media piramida tumbuh melalui poster. Selanjutnya, pembagian alat dan bahan untuk kegiatan penanaman di media piramida. Tahapan terakhir berupa kontroling secara virtual yang dilakukan selama proses perawatan hingga panen. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di lokasi rumah masing-masing mitra, dengan alasan menghindari kerumunan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, mitra dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sayuran keluarga melalui hasil panen sayur dan TOGA, serta mitra mendapat tambahan pendapatan melalui kegiatan penjualan hasil panen yang tidak dikonsumsi. Kesimpulannya, kegiatan pengabdian ini mampu memberikan solusi kepada masyarakat Kota Bengkulu dalam mengatasi masalah berupa penurunan pendapatan yang berdampak pada kemampuan memenuhi kebutuhan utama rumah tangga. Selain itu, adanya kegiatan penanaman ulang oleh mitra setelah panen menjadi bukti adanya dampak positif yang diberikan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini.Abstract:  The pandemic period caused by the presence of the Covid-19 virus had significant economic impact, especially in the trade sector. City of Bengkulu is one of the main targets for impact recipients because most people depend on trade sector. The decline in household income from trading activities resulted in a decrease in spending, , making it difficult to meet their daily needs. The independent food program in the form of supplying family food needs through planting activities is one of the solutions in overcoming the limitations of meeting the main needs of the household. However, the lack of land for planting activities is the reason for the people of Bengkulu City not to be able to create independent food. Therefore, planting education and training activities through growing pyramid media are a solution in overcoming this problem. Vegetable plants and TOGA were chosen as plants to be cultivated on growing pyramid media because as an effort to procure one of the foods (vegetables) needed and increase body immunity by consuming TOGA to prevent contracting the Covid-19 Virus. The activity method begins with socialization related to the benefits of the independent food program and growing pyramid media through posters. Next, the distribution of tools and materials for planting activities in pyramid media. The final stage is in the form of virtual control, which is carried out during the treatment process until harvesting. This activity was carried out at the location of each partner's house, with the excuse of avoiding crowds. As a result of this activity, partners can meet the family's vegetable needs through vegetable crops and TOGA, and partners can get additional income through selling un-consumed crops. In conclusion, this service activity is able to provide solutions to the people of Bengkulu City in overcoming problems in the form of decreased income which has an impact on the ability to meet the main needs of the household. In addition, the existence of replanting activities by partners after harvest is evidence of the positive impact of this service activity

    Financial Feasibility and Sensitivity of Arabica Coffee Farming In Simalungun District, Sumatra Utara Province

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    Arabica coffee productivity in Simalungun Regency has the highest value, namely 1.25 tons/ha, among other arabica coffee producing districts in Sumatra Utara Province. However, the level of feasibility of return on investment made by farmers of arabica coffee has not been measured. The research method used to determine the feasibility and sensitivity of arabica coffee farming is Net B/C ratio, Gross B/C ratio, Profitability Ratio, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the research show that arabica coffee farming is financially feasible based on the criteria of Net B/C Ratio (2.33), Gross B/C Ratio (1.38), Profitability Ratio (2.31), NPV (Rp. 23,194,329), and IRR (25.06%). The sensitivity of arabica coffee farming occurs if fertilizer and labor costs increase by 55% and production prices fall, then arabica coffee farming is not worth pursuing. Arabica coffee farming in Raya Huluan Village is financially feasible but farmers have not been able to independently cultivate arabica coffee properly. Therefore, farmers are given assistance on how to cultivate arabica coffee farming, types of fertilizer and dosage of fertilizer, timing of fertilizer application so that the economic life of arabica coffee is more than 10 years


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    The women members of the PKK in the Lokasi Baru Village, Air Periukan Subdistrict, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province have productive and useful activities, namely processing used newsprint into items such as baskets and flower vases and having knitting skills. Items resulting from knitting activities include bags, tablecloths, mask connectors, and others. However, these activities face several problems, namely the lack of variety of models of processed paper and knitted goods produced. This activity aims to provide additional knowledge to PKK members on how to make alternative products other than the products produced so far, namely making recycled paper and making knitted bags with a combination of yarn and plastic bag waste. The method used in this activity is counseling and direct practice (learning by doing). PKK members participated in the activity enthusiastically. It is hoped that after this training, PKK mothers will gain additional insight into the goods that can be produced from waste utilization activities. In addition to helping save the environment, this activity can generate additional income for households

    Produktivitas Buruh Tani Penyadap Karet Rakyat dan Struktur Pendapatan Rumah Tangganya (Desa Air Sekamanak Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara)

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    The research was conducted in the Air Sekamanak village ketahun in North Bengkulu. The research location is determined purposively with consideration the village population moyority are farming rubber 75%. The purpose of this study to: 1) Estimate the level of productivity of rubber tappers, 2) Investigate the structure of rubber tappers household income. The object of research is the variables that relate to activities that tap-time employment, production, costs and revenues. The results of this study with the conclusions 1) Average labor productivity of agricultural workers in the rubber tappers of the Air Sekamanak village 3,822 Kg/wacth. 2) The average income of households in the Air Sekamanak village Rp 1.9466.490,476/month. The average income derived from farm laborers for the rubber tappers Rp 1.720.740,476/farming/month its contribution to household income by 88,402%. While the average income derived from activities outside of tapping rubber laborers Rp 225.750/month. This means that contribution to household income is about 11,598%

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Nilai Tukar Petani Karet Rakyat di Desa Air Sekamanak Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    This research was aimed to estimate income from rubber farming folk and envistige rubber farmer buying power through term of trade indicators. This research is conducted at Village Air Sekamanak District Ketahun North Bengkulu. Eighty nine labourfarmers were selected using Stratified Random Sampling method. The result of this research found that the farmers terms of trade is 1.43 in May and 1.45 in June. These results indicate that in the month May and June of rubber farmers in the study area during the month were categorized into levels of prosperity.Average farm income of smallholder rubber farmers in the study area is Rp 1,945,690.37 Ut in May, while the average income in June amounted to Rp 1,945,117.34 Ut
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