129 research outputs found

    Studi Laboratorium:Respon Penempelan Larva Planula Ubur-Ubur terhadap Cahaya dan Grafitasi

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    Respon larva ubur-ubur Aurelia aurila terhadap cahaya dan grafitasi dilakukan dengan mengamati penempelan larva pada cawan Petri yang sebagian diberi warua dan direndam dalam air. Dengan cara ini larva dapat memilih daerah terang atau bayang, dan bagian atas atau bawah cawan sebagai tempat penempelannya. Larva yang menempel bersifat fotonegatif, danjumlah penempelan di daerah gelap/bayang dan terang memberikan hasil yang berbeda (Wilcoxon Signed RankTest; P<O,05). Larva juga bersifat geotaktis negatif, yaitu larva cenderung menempel di bagian atas (tutup cawan Petri) dibandingkan di bag ian bawah cawan (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test; P<O,05). Pengaruh grafitasi lebih kuat dibandingkan pengaruh cahaya terhadap penempelan larva sepanjang larva masih bisa mentolerir cahaya ..Kata

    Studi Laboratorium:Respon Penempelan Larva Planula Ubur-Ubur Terhadap Cahaya dan Grafitasi

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    Respon larva ubur-ubur Aurelia aurila terhadap cahaya dan grafitasi dilakukan dengan mengamati penempelan larva pada cawan Petri yang sebagian diberi warua dan direndam dalam air. Dengan cara ini larva dapat memilih daerah terang atau bayang, dan bagian atas atau bawah cawan sebagai  tempat penempelannya. Larva yang menempel bersifat fotonegatif, danjumlah penempelan di daerah gelap/bayang dan terang memberikan hasil yang berbeda (Wilcoxon Signed RankTest; P<O,05). Larva juga bersifat geotaktis negatif, yaitu larva cenderung menempel di bagian atas (tutup cawan Petri) dibandingkan di bag ian bawah cawan (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test; P<O,05). Pengaruh grafitasi lebih kuat dibandingkan pengaruh cahaya terhadap penempelan larva sepanjang larva masih bisa mentolerir cahaya ..Kata-kata kunci : ubur-ubur, Aurelia aurila, cahaya dan grafitas

    Aquatic environmental characteristic of Singkil Swamp Wildlife Reserve in Aceh Singkil Regency

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     Singkil Swamp Wildlife Reserve is a peat swamp ecosystem located in Aceh Singkil Regency, Aceh Province. Peat swamp ecosystem has an important function in protecting and balancing water systems, carbon stocks and biodiversity conservation. However, information on the characteristics of the waters of this ecosystem is still not widely known, especially in the area of utilization that is influenced by community activities. This study aims to determine the aquatic environmental characteristics of the Singkil Swamp Wildlife Reserve utilization area covering the physical and chemical parameters of the water and the relationship among those parameters. Sampling was carried out through field observations both in-situ and ex-situ at 5 stations for 3 months (April-June 2021). Observations were made on water quality parameters namely temperature, transparency, depth, current, colour, salinity, water smell, pH, DO, TDS, TSS, conductivity, phosphate and nitrate. Analysis of the data was conducted, namely correlation analysis, PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and CA (Cluster Analysis). The water color was black and the pH was acidic, that is a characteristic of the swamp waters. The results of the measurement of water quality parameters indicate that TDS (13-44 mg/l), TSS (9-236 mg/l), total phosphate (0.01-2.14 mg/l), and nitrate (0.5-25.7 mg/l) were suitable for freshwater aquaculture to support fishery reserve. Based on the clustering of those stations, 5 observation stations were grouped into two different groups, namely cluster 1 with the number of observation stations of 2 stations (Stations 1 and 2) and cluster 2 with the number of observation stations of 3 stations (3, 4 and 5). The parameter values of total phosphate, pH, DO, and nitrate in cluster 1 tend were higher than in cluster 2.Keywords:Peat swampFreshwaterWater qualit

    Analysis of Ecobiology of Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and its Threatening factors in Citirem and Hujungan Coasts, Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, Sukabumi, Indonesia

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    Penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) adalah spesies yang terancam, termasuk dalam daftar IUCN dengan kategori spesies yang terancam punah, dan termasuk dalam Appendix I dalam CITES yang berarti dilarang diperdagangkan secara internasional. Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, adalah salah satu tempat konservasi di mana penyu hijau seringkali bertelur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan data dasar yang berguna tentang ekobiologi penyu hijau dan memeriksa faktor-faktor lebih lanjut yang mengancam populasi mereka. Pengamatan temporal dilakukan setiap tahun sejak 2014 hingga 2018 dengan mengukur kondisi fisik pantai dan kondisi morfologi penyu hijau. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengamatan di setiap tahun menunjukkan perbedaan dalam total penyu bersarang di kedua pantai. Pada tahun 2014, rasio penyu yang mendarat baik di Citirem - Hujungan diperoleh sebanyak 15:1 (111,5 ± 1,64: 117 CCL / 97 ± 0,36: 101CCW) , sedangkan pada 2018 adalah 4:0 (103.75 ± 2.32: - CL / 93.75 ± 3.92: - CCW). Pantai Citirem ditumbuhi banyak jenis tanaman pantai seperti Pandanaceae, sedangkan di pantai Hujungan, tanaman ini tidak tumbuh luas. Faktor-faktor pengancam penyu hijau yang berada di Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh sebagian besar adalah aktivitas antropogenik dan factor predasi. Ini perlu menjadi sorotan penting bahwa konservasi penyu perlu dilakukan oleh para pemangku kepentingan yang terintegrasi untuk membentuk manajemen yang baik.Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is threatened species, included in the IUCN list with the endangered species category, and included in Appendix I in CITES which means that they are prohibited from being traded internationally. Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve located in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, is one of the conservation places where green sea turtles oftentimes lay their eggs. The objective of this study was providing useful baseline data of green sea turtle ecobiology and examine further factors that threaten their population. Serial observations were conducted annually since 2014 until 2018 by measuring the physical condition of coast and the morphological condition of green sea turtles. Results obtained from observations in each year showed the differences in total turtle nesting on both coast. In 2014, the nesting turtle ratio either in Citirem - Hujungan obtained as much as 15:1(111.5±1.64: 117 CCL / 97±0.36: 101CCW), while in 2018 is 4:0 (103.75±2.32:- CL / 93.75±3.92:- CCW). Citirem coast is overgrown with many kinds of beach crops such as Pandanaceae, while at Hujungan coast, this plant does not grow widely. The threatened factors of green sea turtle occurring in Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve is mostly anthropogenic activities and predation. This needs to be an important highlight that turtle conservation needs to be carried out by integrated stakeholders that to form good management


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    Lingkungan pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Utara relatif baik terutama untuk pengembangan tambak, kecuali parameter logam berat yang sudah melebihi baku mutu untuk biota laut. Lahan pesisir yang sesuai untuk pengembangan tambak adalah 9 675.09 hektar dengan daya dukung kawasan sebesar 7 764.54 hektar. Luas lahan tambak yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Utara saat ini sekitar 10 063.7 hektar. Sehingga pemanfaatan lahan pesisir sebagai kawasan tambak di Kabupaten Aceh Utara sudah melampaui daya dukung kawasan sekitar 22.8% atau 2 299.16 hektar.Kata kunci: Tambak, kesesuaian, daya dukung Regardless heavy metal contents, coastal waters of North Aceh Region meet the standard requirement for living organism, therefore much utilization is used for brackishwater pond development. Coastal area that suit for brackishwater pond development cover 9 675.09 hectare with carrying capacity of area of 7 764.54 hectare. The existing brackishwater pond in North Aceh is 10 063.7 hectare. Therefore utilization of coastal area as brackishwater pond in North Aceh has exceeded is carrying capacity limit about 22.8% or 2 299.16 hectare.Key words: Brackishwater pond, suitability, carrying capacit

    Biologi Kelautan

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    Pengembangan Wisata Bahari di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Pulo Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Pulo Aceh is an island district in Aceh Besar District, which is located at the western tip of the island of Sumatra. Pulo Aceh District has marine tourism potential that has not been fully developed. The main objective of this research is to plan the development of coastal areas based on the concept of marine tourism in order to formulate directions for the development of marine tourism in the coastal area of Pulo Aceh District. The method used is the survey method and descriptive analysis to analyze the suitability of marine tourism, the carrying capacity of the area and the level of community willingness, by collecting data through spatial approaches and interviews. The results of the analysis show that there are 6 villages that can be developed as snorkeling and diving tourism destinations in the coastal area of Pulo Aceh District with a high level of community willingness. Development is based on descriptive analysis, with the following priority directions: (1) maximizing the development of potential, carrying capacity and community participation to make marine tourism management sustainable; (2) formulate and implement policies for spatial use regulations based on resource potential by involving local communities in monitoring marine tourism activities; (3) improve facilities and infrastructure as well as supporting facilities for the development of marine tourism


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    ABSTRACTGiant clams that protected by CITES Appendix II is important marine organism as a stock in and also has potential as a marine tourism. This study aims to analyze the potential of clams which are part of the coral reef ecosystem as an alternative ecotourism management of diving and snorkeling in Morella and analyzing appropriate management strategies for the development of tourism areas in Morella. The method used for the analysis of clams is 1) the density of clams Di = ni / A; 2) diversity index H '= - (∑ni (ln (ni / N)); 3) dominance index D = ∑ [Ni / N] 2, and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. There are five types of clams such as Tridacna maxima, T. squamosa, T. gigas, T. crocea and Hippopus hippopus. The widest distribuiton was T. maxima, which was found at each research areas and the lowest was H. Hippopus. The population of clams was found at Lettang Beach with the most species being T. squamosa. The highest percentage of coral reef cover was found at Lubang Buaya Beach at 81.10% and the lowest at station I at 55.53%. The highest number of species of reef fish is found at Lettang Beach, which is 197 types. The management strategy that needs to be prioritized is integrated management, which takes into account all aspects of ecological, economic, social and institutional aspects. 