147 research outputs found

    Theory of enhancement of thermoelectric properties of materials with nanoinclusions

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    Based on the concept of band bending at metal/semiconductor interfaces as an energy filter for electrons, we present a theory for the enhancement of the thermoelectric properties of semiconductor materials with metallic nanoinclusions. We show that the Seebeck coefficient can be significantly increased due to a strongly energy-dependent electronic scattering time. By including phonon scattering, we find that the enhancement of ZT due to electron scattering is important for high doping, while at low doping it is primarily due to a decrease in the phonon thermal conductivity


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    The study of regularities and variant anatomy in the structure of organs and parts of the human body is one of the fundamental problems of morphology having an applied orientation. The main method of studying a person's aesthetics is a morphometric examination of the head. It includes the study of its size, size and shape of the face and its individual parts, as well as the relationship between the size and shape of the skull and dental arches. The main linear parameters of the skull and their interrelations with the parameters of the width of the dental arches of the upper jaw are studied on the skull of male of mature age with physiological occlusion of teeth. The study was carried out taking into account the type of skull. It was revealed that the index of the width of the dental arch from the vestibular side is lesser then the index of the upper face and the intergnatic part in the frontal part, and in the distal part - to the contrary. Indicators of the width of the dental arch from the palatal side were less in their values to the parameters of the skull at all levels of measurement in all craniotypes. Obtained data on the width of the dental arch of the upper jaw, linear parameters of the skull and their interrelations expand and deepen the information available in the literature on the dimensional characteristics of the craniofacial complex

    Power expansions for solution of the fourth-order analog to the first Painlev\'{e} equation

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    One of the fourth-order analog to the first Painlev\'{e} equation is studied. All power expansions for solutions of this equation near points z=0z=0 and z=z=\infty are found by means of the power geometry method. The exponential additions to the expansion of solution near z=z=\infty are computed. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that the fourth-order analog of the first Painlev\'{e} equation determines new transcendental functions.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Professional competence of graduates as employment guarantee

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    In the article the basic problems of employment of graduates and their solutions in the current market conditionsРассмотрены основные проблемы трудоустройства выпускников вузов и пути их решения в современных рыночных условия


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    The relevance of the study of the educational activities of fathers of school-age children of different nationalities is determined, the structure of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational activities of fathers of school-age children of different nationalities is presented, and the results of the implementation of the support program are described.Определена актуальность исследования воспитательной деятельности отцов детей школьного возраста разной национальности, представлена структура психолого-педагогического сопровождения воспитательной деятельности отцов детей школьного возраста разной национальности, описаны результаты реализации программы сопровождения

    Early physiological response of potato plants to entomopathogenic fungi under hydroponic conditions

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    Endophytic entomopathogenic fungi are promising agents for the promotion of plant growth, the activation of immunity, and protection against phytopathogens. However, physiological changes in plants after treatment with fungi are insufficiently studied. We investigated the effect of potato inoculation with conidia from Metarhizium robertsii and Beauveria bassiana on the growth (fresh and dry weight, length of shoots and roots, counts of stolons and leaves, and total surface area of leaves) and physiological parameters (pigment contents, free proline and malondialdehyde content, and activity of antioxidant enzymes) at the initial stage of the plant–fungus interaction (seven days) under hydroponic conditions. The results showed that the fungi could act as an immune-modulating factor for plants based on the increase in malondialdehyde and proline contents. At the same time, we observed growth retardation and a decrease in the content of photosynthetic pigments, which may be caused by a tradeoff between plant growth and the immune response

    Определение возможных микроРНК-маркеров злоупотребления препаратами кобальта методом ПЦР в реальном времени с использованием панелей сигнального пути гипоксии

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    Objectives. Cobalt mimics the state of hypoxia to prevent degradation of the alpha subunit of hypoxia-inducible factor, resulting in an increase in blood oxygen capacity and endurance. Athletes can use this property to gain competitive advantage. Nowadays, direct methods of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry are used to determine total cobalt levels in the body. However, the World Anti-Doping Agency is yet to establish a maximum allowable threshold concentration of this element in biofluids. The lack of clear identification criteria complicates the interpretation of the obtained results for the purposes of doping control. In this regard, the present work proposes a new approach for the indirect determination of possible cobalt abuse based on changes in the expression levels of miRNAs involved in the regulation of hypoxia signaling pathways. Here, the aim is to identify possible microRNA markers whose expression does not depend on exercise-induced hypoxia, but changes markedly when taking cobalt preparations.Methods. MicroRNA isolation was performed from blood plasma samples using the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on CFX96 Bio-Rad (USA) analyzer using miScript® SYBR® Green PCR Kits and panels for studying the expression profiles of mature microRNAs of the hypoxia signaling pathway miScript® miRNA PCR Array.Results. Based on the statistical analysis of the data, it was found that the expression of hsa-miR-15b-5p in the blood plasma of the subjects does not depend on physical activity, but increases when taking cobalt preparations.Conclusions. The difference in expression levels during anaerobic exercise-induced hypoxia and cobalt-induced hypoxia makes hsa-miR-15b-5p a potential candidate to be a marker of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent abuse.Цели. Кобальт имитирует состояние гипоксии, препятствуя деградации альфасубъединицы гипоксия-индуцируемого фактора, что приводит к увеличению кислородной емкости крови и может использоваться спортсменами в качестве допинга для получения конкурентных преимуществ. На сегодняшний момент для определения общего кобальта в организме используют прямые методы масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой, жидкостной хроматографиитандемной масс-спектрометрии, однако Всемирным антидопинговым агентством не установлена максимально допустимая пороговая концентрация этого элемента в биожидкостях. Отсутствие четких критериев идентификации осложняет интерпретацию полученных результатов. В связи с этим, в данной статье впервые предлагается подход по косвенному определению возможных злоупотреблений кобальтом для целей допинг-контроля, основанный на изменении уровней экспрессии микроРНК, задействованных в регуляции сигнального пути гипоксии. Цель исследования заключалась в поиске возможных микроРНК-маркеров, экспрессия которых не зависит от гипоксии, вызванной физическими нагрузками, но заметно изменяется при приеме препаратов кобальта.Методы. Выделение микроРНК из образцов плазмы крови проводили при помощи набора PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit. Количественную полимеразную цепную реакцию в реальном времени проводили на амплификаторе CFX96 Bio-Rad (США) с помощью наборов miScript® SYBR® Green PCR Kit и панелей для исследования профилей экспрессии зрелых микроРНК сигнального пути гипоксии Hypoxia Signaling Pathway miScript® miRNA PCR Array.Результаты. На основании статистического анализа данных было установлено, что экспрессия hsa-miR-15b-5p в плазме крови испытуемых не зависит от физической нагрузки, но возрастает при приеме препаратов кобальта.Выводы. Разница в уровнях экспрессии при гипоксии, вызванной анаэробной физической нагрузкой, и имитацией гипоксии за счет применения кобальта делает hsa-miR-15b-5p потенциальным претендентом на роль маркера злоупотребления данным эритропоэзстимулирующим агентом