44 research outputs found

    Distribution and Ecologic Aspects of Central Pacific Salpidae (Tunicata)

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    Volume: 12Start Page: 111End Page: 13

    Productivity of Florida Springs: final report to Biology Branch, Office of Naval Research progress from December 31, 1955 to May 31, 1956

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    CONTENTS: Factors that control species numbers in Silver Springs, by James L. Yount. Study of the biomass of parasites in the stumpknockers, by Wanda Hunter. Macrophytic communities in Florida inland waters, by Delle N. Swindale. Comment in retrospect, by Howard T. Odum. (15pp.

    Productivity of Florida Springs: Second annual report to Biology Branch, Office of Naval Research progress from January 1 to December 31, 1954

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    Production measurements at different times of the year indicate a linear relationship of light intensity and overall production at about 8% of the visible light energy reaching plant level. Measurements of a coral reef at Eniwetok indicate 6%. Further evidence of breeding at all seasons but with a quantitative pulse in the seasons of maximum light indicates that the seasonal fluctuation in primary production is routed through reproduction rather than through major changes in populations. The succession of plants and anmals of the aufwuchs has been shown with glass slides and counts from Sagittaria blades. Losss of oxygen bubbles during the day and emergence of aquatic insects at night have been measured with funnels. Bell jar measurements are reported for bacterial metabolism on mud surfaces. pH determined CO2 uptake agrees with titration determinations. A few rough estimates of herbivore production have been made from caged snails, aufwuchs succession, and fish tagging. Nitrate uptake a night by aufwuchs communities has been confirmed in a circulating microcosm experiment as well as in bell jars in the springs. Distributions of oxygen and organisms have been used to criticize the saprobe stream classification system. Theoretical consideration of maximum photosynthetic rates in teh literature data indicates logarithmic rate variation inversely with organismal size just as for respiratory metabolism. Extreme pyramid shapes are thus shown for communities in which organismal size decreases up the food chain and for other communities with the same energy influx but with organismal size increasing up the food chain. Literature data is used to further demonstrate the validity of the optimum efficiency-maximum power principle for photosynthesis. Work on plants by Dr. Delle Natelson indicates essential stability of aquatic plant communities after 3 years and about 10-20% reproducibility in previous biomass estimates by Davis. Work on an animal picture of the fishery characteristics by Caldwell, Barry, and Odum is half completed. The study of aquatic insects in relationship to spring gradients by W.C. Sloan has been completed an an M.S. thesis. J. Yount has begun a study of affect of total productivity on community composition using aufwuchs organisms on glass slides placed in different current and light conditions in Silver Springs. (49pp.

    Distribution of major anions and trace elements in the unsaturated zone at Franklin Lake Playa, California, USA

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    The composition of surficial salts formed near dry and drying saline lakes are partly the product of processes active in the unsaturated zone between the ground surface and the water table. These processes were investigated by determining the abundance of water-extractable solutes in sediment from the ground surface to the water table (~2.8 m) beneath Franklin Lake playa, California. Accumulation of solutes in the sediment is attributed to evaporation of aqueous solutions transported upward from the water table through the capillary fringe to an evaporation font that is currently 20-30 cm below the ground surface. Salts in the sediment from 0 to 20 cm depth are depleted in chloride and enriched in carbonate relative to deeper samples. Chloride depletion is most likely a product of selective dissolution by vertical recharge. The entire unsaturated zone contains greater amounts of carbonate than expected for evaporation of ground water and is best explained by preferential dissolution of more soluble salts in recharging precipitation but may also reflect the assimilation of CO2 as carbonate minerals precipitate. Variations in the concentrations of arsenic, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium in the water-soluble fraction of the sediment are complex and suggest unique geochemical controls on the abundance of each element. The distribution of these trace element abundances indicates the arsenic is the element most likely to accumulate in near-surface salts

    Dust emission at Franklin Lake Playa, Mojave Desert (USA): Response to meteorological and hydrologic changes 2005-2008

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    Playa type, size, and setting; playa hydrology; and surface-sediment characteristics are important controls on the type and amount of atmospheric dust emitted from playas. Soft, evaporite-rich sediment develops on the surfaces of some Mojave Desert (USA) playas (wet playas), where the water table is shallow (\u3c 4 m). These areas are sources of atmospheric dust because of continuous or episodic replenishment of wind-erodible salts and disruption of the ground surface during salt formation by evaporation of ground water. Dust emission at Franklin Lake playa was monitored between March 2005 and April 2008. The dust record, based on day-time remote digital camera images captured during high wind, and compared with a nearby precipitation record, shows that aridity suppresses dust emission. High frequency of dust generation appears to be associated with relatively wet periods, identified as either heavy precipitation events or sustained regional precipitation over a few months. Several factors may act separately or in combination to account for this relation. Dust emission may respond rapidly to heavy precipitation when the dissolution of hard, wind-resistant evaporite mineral crusts is followed by the development of soft surfaces with thin, newly formed crusts that are vulnerable to wind erosion and (or) the production of loose aggregates of evaporite minerals that are quickly removed by even moderate winds. Dust loading may also increase when relatively high regional precipitation leads to decreasing depth to the water table, thereby increasing rates of vapor discharge, development of evaporite minerals, and temporary softening of playa surfaces. The seasonality of wind strength was not a major factor in dust-storm frequency at the playa. The lack of major dust emissions related to flood-derived sediment at Franklin Lake playa contrasts with some dry-lake systems elsewhere that may produce large amounts of dust from flood sediments. Flood sediments do not commonly accumulate on the surface of Franklin Lake playa because through-going drainage prevents frequent inundation and deposition of widespread flood sediment

    The Patriarchal Bargain in a Context of Rapid Changes to Normative Gender Roles: Young Arab Women’s Role Conflict in Qatar

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    Social norms in patriarchal countries in the Middle East are changing at differing rates. In Qatar, expectations about education have shifted, and women’s participation in higher education is normative. However, women’s participation in the workforce remains relatively low, and women still are expected to perform all household and child-rearing activities. Interviews with 27 18–25 year-old Qatari women enrolled in college in Qatar are used to illustrate the conflict between norms about education, workforce, and family. Many young women resolve this normative conflict by giving preference to family over work and education. Other women hold conflicting norms and goals for their future without acknowledging the normative conflict. Overall, young women in this sample feared divorce, were uncertain about customary family safety nets, and thus desired financial independence so they would be able to support themselves if they were left alone later in life due to divorce, or the death of their husband. The Qatari government should revisit the appropriateness of continuing to emphasize the patriarchal family structure and socially conservative family norms, if they desire to advance women in their society

    Chemoproteomics reveals Toll-like receptor fatty acylation

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    Partial funding for Open Access provided by The Ohio State University Open Access Fund.Background: Palmitoylation is a 16-carbon lipid post-translational modification that increases protein hydrophobicity. This form of protein fatty acylation is emerging as a critical regulatory modification for multiple aspects of cellular interactions and signaling. Despite recent advances in the development of chemical tools for the rapid identification and visualization of palmitoylated proteins, the palmitoyl proteome has not been fully defined. Here we sought to identify and compare the palmitoylated proteins in murine fibroblasts and dendritic cells. Results: A total of 563 putative palmitoylation substrates were identified, more than 200 of which have not been previously suggested to be palmitoylated in past proteomic studies. Here we validate the palmitoylation of several new proteins including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 5 and 10, CD80, CD86, and NEDD4. Palmitoylation of TLR2, which was uniquely identified in dendritic cells, was mapped to a transmembrane domain-proximal cysteine. Inhibition of TLR2 S-palmitoylation pharmacologically or by cysteine mutagenesis led to decreased cell surface expression and a decreased inflammatory response to microbial ligands. Conclusions: This work identifies many fatty acylated proteins involved in fundamental cellular processes as well as cell type-specific functions, highlighting the value of examining the palmitoyl proteomes of multiple cell types. Spalmitoylation of TLR2 is a previously unknown immunoregulatory mechanism that represents an entirely novel avenue for modulation of TLR2 inflammatory activity.This work was supported by funding from the NIH/NIAID (grant R00AI095348 to J.S.Y.), the NIH/NIGMS (R01GM087544 to HCH), and the Ohio State University Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Diseases (PHPID) program. NMC is supported by the Ohio State University Systems and Integrative Biology Training Program (NIH/NIGMS grant T32GM068412). BWZ is a fellow of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (DGE-0937362)

    PACAP is a pathogen-inducible resident antimicrobial neuropeptide affording rapid and contextual molecular host defense of the brain

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    Defense of the central nervous system (CNS) against infection must be accomplished without generation of potentially injurious immune cell-mediated or off-target inflammation which could impair key functions. As the CNS is an immune-privileged compartment, inducible innate defense mechanisms endogenous to the CNS likely play an essential role in this regard. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide known to regulate neurodevelopment, emotion, and certain stress responses. While PACAP is known to interact with the immune system, its significance in direct defense of brain or other tissues is not established. Here, we show that our machine-learning classifier can screen for immune activity in neuropeptides, and correctly identified PACAP as an antimicrobial neuropeptide in agreement with previous experimental work. Furthermore, synchrotron X-ray scattering, antimicrobial assays, and mechanistic fingerprinting provided precise insights into how PACAP exerts antimicrobial activities vs. pathogens via multiple and synergistic mechanisms, including dysregulation of membrane integrity and energetics and activation of cell death pathways. Importantly, resident PACAP is selectively induced up to 50-fold in the brain in mouse models of Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albicans infection in vivo, without inducing immune cell infiltration. We show differential PACAP induction even in various tissues outside the CNS, and how these observed patterns of induction are consistent with the antimicrobial efficacy of PACAP measured in conditions simulating specific physiologic contexts of those tissues. Phylogenetic analysis of PACAP revealed close conservation of predicted antimicrobial properties spanning primitive invertebrates to modern mammals. Together, these findings substantiate our hypothesis that PACAP is an ancient neuro-endocrine-immune effector that defends the CNS against infection while minimizing potentially injurious neuroinflammation