10 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini mengarah pada masalah penggunaan struktur pertuturan untuk menaganalisis Segmen 2 Saja Cukup dalam Waktu Indonesia Timur dengan kajian stilistika pragmatik. Struktur pertuturan adalah suatu ilmu pengetahuan yang mengkaji tentang pertuturan. Pertuturan ini tentunya mengacu pada bagaimana seseorang bertutur, dan menanggapi lawan tutur. Dalam Segmen 2 Saja Cukup berusaha untuk memahami dan mengetahui kapan kita memperoleh jeda, atau menyempatkan giliran seseorang dalam berbicara, mengetahui ketumpang tindihan, dan merespons penutur yang lain. Segmen 2 Saja Cukup ini adalah gaya bahasa sastra yang dianalisis dengan struktur pertuturan. Menyoal tentang hukum-hukum berpikir tentunya mempunyai garis besar dari terbentuknya suatu kajian linguistik dalam meneliti bahasa sastra. Sehingga dalam kaitan ini Segmen 2 Saja Cukup merupakan kajian stilistika pragmatik. Kata Kunci: Struktur Pertuturan, Segmen 2 Saja Cukup, Stilistika Pragmatis


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang difusi bahasa Osing melalui lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi. Pembahasan yang dipaparkan mengacu pada teori sosiolinguistik topik difusi bahasa karena data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan bahasa Osing yang telah berdifusi melalui eksistensi lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi. Adapun pemilihan objek berupa lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi karena lirik lagu dalam lagu tersebut berupa representasi tuturan masyarakat bahasa suku Osing yang dikemas dalam bentuk nada dan irama. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis proses penyebaran unsur bahasa Osing, mengidentifikasi pembaruan bahasa Osing, dan mendeskripsikan bentuk peminjaman bahasa dalam lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif dengan sumber data berupa lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi, narasumber, hasil kuesioner google-form, serta pustaka. Data yang digunakan terbagi atas data primer dan data sekunder. Adapun data primer berupa tuturan bahasa Osing yang telah berdifusi dalam lirik lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi serta keterangan narasumber dan responden kuesioner google-form. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa kosakata pada kamus dan pustaka yang relevan. Analisis data penelitian ini mengacu pada metode padan sub-jenis ketiga, yaitu alat penentu berupa bahasa lain atau langue lain dengan daya pilah translasional serta menggunakan teknik hubung banding menyamakan hal pokok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat fenomena kebahasaan dalam bahasa komunitas tutur suku Osing yang telah berdifusi melalui eksistensi lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi sehingga ditemukan proses penyebaran bahasa Osing, bentuk pembaruan bahasa Osing, dan peminjaman bahasa.  Kata Kunci: difusi bahasa Osing, penyebaran bahasa, pembaruan bahasa, peminjaman bahasa, lagu banyuwangian era digitalisasi &nbsp

    Function of Nonverbal Signs in Balia Rituals The Kaili ethnic in Palu, Indonesia

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    The purposes of this study are to find and describe the function of nonverbal signs in Balia ritual in Central Sulawesi, which are found in (1) equipment, (2) attribute, (3) instrument, (4) color, and (5) motion. The function of nonverbal sign on attribute is found in pajama (men's clothing), siga (men's headband), silu (women's headband), shawl, fan, babe (a type of machete used by men), which includes two functions of the sign, which are the symbol-sinsign and icon-sinsign. The function of nonverbal sign of the instrument are the kakula (a type of gamelan), gong, gimba (a type of drum), lalove (Kaili's flute) including three sign functions, namely icon-qualisign –inconicsinsign, qualisign-inconicsinsign, and symbol-inconicsinsign. The function of nonverbal sign on color is found in red, yellow, white, and black colors that include two sign functions, namely icon-symbol-qualisign and symbol-qualisign. The function of nonverbal sign on motion is found in meaju, motaro, raego, motaro, and salonde, including one sign function, namely the rhematic symbol-iconic sinsign.This research is a descriptive qualitative research with ethnographic and interdisciplinary approaches. The research data was in the formof photo documentation and recordings and facts at the research location. The data collection activities were carried out using observation techniques, field notes, in-depth interviews, and recording/documentation. The data analysis technique used objective hermeneutics which was divided into two procedures, namely (1) series analysis and (2) detailed analysis.For the validity of the data, triangulation was carried out at each stage of the research, research tools, and clarification of research findings to informants namely the balia ritual leader and followers of the balia ritual, focus group discussions, and external auditors who knows deeply about the balia ritual. The findings of this study are the function of nonverbal signs in the Kaili ethnic balia ritual in Palu-Indonesia which is found in (1) equipment, (2) attribute, (3) instrument, (4) color, and (5) motion. Theoretically, this study strengthens pragma-semiotics because the findings of this study indicate the function of nonverbal signs in balia rituals in the context of nonverbal language. In practical terms, these findings are useful for universities related to teaching pragmatics and semiotics that develop interdisciplinary science by integrating two theories, namely pragmatics and semiotics into pragma-semiotics. Keywords: function, nonverbal signs, balia ritual, pragma-semiotics DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-24-08 Publication date: December 31st 202

    The Meaning of Signs in Balia Spell of Kaili Ethnic in Palu

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    This research aimed to find the meaning of the signs in Balia spells of Kaili ethnic in Palu. It used metapragmasemiotik theory, which is a combination of metalinguistic, pragmatic, and semiotic theories. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. The source of the spell treatment is the text. The data collection is through recording, transcription, and transliteration. The data analysis technique used objective hermeneutics which is divided into two procedures namely (1) sequential analysis and (2) detailed analysis. The findings of this study are the sign meanings in Balia spells of  Kaili ethnic in Palu, namely (1) narrowed meaning, (2) broad meaning, (3) cognitive meaning, (4) emotive meaning, (5) referential meaning, (6) grammatical meaning, (7) idional meaning, and (8) idiomatic meaning. Theoretically, this study strengthens pragmatics and semiotics because the findings of this study indicate that the meaning of the sign in the Balia ritual spells is generated from verbal signs, namely speech. Practically, this finding is useful for universities related to the teaching of oral literature that develops interdisciplinary science by integrating three theories for one study namely metalinguistic, pragmatic, and semiotics. Keywords: meaning, signs, spells, Balia. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-6-08 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Semiotics in Tengger Mask Puppet Show on Bethara Kala’s Tale

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    Tengger puppet mask contains a lot of semiotics. Semiotics consists of icons, indexes and symbols. Icons consist of (1) typology icons, such as mountains, oxen, vegetable plants (2) diagrammatic icons, such as the Ruler of Sang Sang Hyang Pikulun Sas Sis, Sang Hyang Punggung, Sang Hyang Pongat, Sang Hyang Lesmana Dewa, Sang Hyang Manikmaya, (3) metaphorical icons, such as Sang Hyang Punggung’s sensing through the mediation of the jayengkaton story that the budama buddha is near Semeru Mountain. Index is a sign that indicates a natural relationship between signs and markers that are causal relationships, such as Sang Hyang Punggung’s sensing through mediation of jayengkaton stories. While symbols are signs that do not show any natural connection between markers and their markings and have broad meanings, such as white pigeon, Bethara Guru, Bethara Kala. Keywords: Semiotics, icons, indexes, symbols, Tengger mask puppets, Bethara Kala. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-14 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Modalitas Epistemik sebagai Wujud Lingual Tuturan Berpagar Mahasiswa Multikultural di Surabaya

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    The use of hedges in student speech varies greatly depending on the situation and conditions of use, both in casual situations and in formal situations, it is stated that the use of adequate hedges must take into account the context. The purpose of this study was to determine the epistemik modality as a form of lingual speech by multicultural students in Surabaya. Hedges are a group of words whose function is to communicate, the communication function of language cannot be used properly without context. One group of words in question is in the form of an epistemik modality. This study aims to describe the epistemik modality as a form of hedges in multicultural students. The approach used is qualitative. This approach is considered relevant because it emphasizes the natural role, uses descriptive data, and uses inductive means because it does not test hypotheses. The data in this study is the verbal speech of multicultural students. The data sources of this research are multicultural students from four universities in Surabaya. The data retrieval technique used is the listening, recording, engaging, proficient, and note-taking technique. Analysis of the data used is the technique of sorting, turning, and connecting. The results of this study indicate that the epistemik modalities used as a form of hedges by multicultural students are the modality of predictability, modality of possibility, and modality of necessity. AbstrakPenggunaan hedges dalam tuturan mahasiswa sangat bervariasi tergantung situasi dan kondisi penggunaannya, baik itu dalam situasi santai maupun dalam situasi resmi dinyatakan bahwa penggunaan hedges yang memadai harus mempertimbangkan konteks. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui modalitas epistemik sebagai wujud lingual tuturan berpagar mahasiswa multikultural di Surabaya. Hedges adalah sekelompok kata yang fungsinya untuk melakukan komunikasi, fungsi komunikasi bahasa tidak dapat digunakan dengan semestinya tanpa konteks. Sekelompok kata yang dimaksud salah satunya berupa modalitas epistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan modalitas epistemik sebagai wujud hedges pada mahasiswa multikultur. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Pendekatan ini dianggap relevan karena menonjolkan peran alami, menggunakan data deskriptif, dan menggunakan sarana induktif karena tidak menguji hipotesis. Data dalam penelitian adalah tuturan verbal mahasiswa multikultural. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa multikultural dari empat perguruan tinggi di Surabaya. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah teknik simak, rekam, libat, cakap, dan catat. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik pilah, balik, dan hubung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modalitas epistemik digunakan sebagai wujud hedges oleh mahasiswa multikultural adalah modalitas keteramalan, modalitas kemungkinan, dan modalitas keharusan


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    Rationality Symbol on the Story of Surga Sungsang by Triwikromo (Critical Semiotics Study)

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    A symbol is a tool used by the author in conveying his messages to the reader. Symbols are also an aesthetic tool for authors. This study aims to reveal the symbolic rationality in the collection of Heaven Sungsang stories by Triyanto Triwikromo. In this study, the authors use a new theory study, namely Critical Semiotics. The Critical semiotics theory has its roots in the merging of Northrop Frye's semiotic and Jurgen Habermas's Critical Theory. The emphasis point on the theory of Critical Semiotics is critical, namely the rationality (understanding) of the communication of symbols of literary works in society. The purpose of this research is 1) to describe the honesty of the monad symbol in the collection of the Surga Sungsang, a story by Triyanto Triwikromo and 2) the truth of the archetypal symbol in the collection of the Surga Sungsang, a story by Triyanto Triwikromo


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    SEXIST LANGUAGE IN THE SPEECH OF MOSLEM FEMALE PREACHERS(CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS)Abstract: This study aims to find sexist language in the speech of female preachers through representation, interpretation, and forms of discrimination in the text. This study used a qualitative phenomenological research method and used critical discourse analysis by Faircloughn as supporting the data. The data shows that females speak more sexist if they talk to the same gender than a different gender. From this phenomenon, the impact on the use of vocabularies that license gender identity by using the terms marked, unmarked, and semantic derogation. There are other relationships with grammar using declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentence types in intentionality modalities; epistemic; deontic; dynamic. This relationship also discussed the uses of mentioning text in a text structures by convection of relationships, structuring, and ordering a text.Keywords: Sexist language, Gender discrimination, Representation, Gender identity, Prejudice BAHASA SEKSIS PADA PEREMPUAN PENCERAMAH AGAMA ISLAM(ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS)Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bahasa seksis pada tuturan perempuan penceramah melalui representasi, intepretasi, dan bentuk diskriminasi dalam analisis teks. Temuan tersebut diproses dari metode analisis wacana kritis Fairclough dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif fenomenologis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan penceramah bertutur seksis terhadap perempuan dibandingkan laki-laki, meskipun keduanya juga sama-sama terseksiskan. Representasi tuturanya mengarah pada hubungan budaya di antara peranan suami, istri, dan mertua.Sedangkan, intepretasi keseksisannya ada pada pelemahan identitas gender baik laki-laki maupun perempuan.  Hal ini berdampak pada penggunaan kosakata yang melemahkan identitas gender dengan menggunakan istilah bertanda, tidak bertanda, dan derograsi semantik. Adapun hubungan lainnya terdapat pada tata bahasa dengan menggunakan jenis kalimat deklaratif, imperatif, dan introgatif dalam modalitas intensionalitas; epistemik; deontik; dinamik. Hubungan ini juga disertai penggunaan penyebutan pronominal di struktur teks dengan konveksi interaksi, penataan, dan pengurutan teks.Kata kunci: Bahasa seksis, Diskriminasi gender, Representasi, Identitas gender, Prasangk

    Stimulating critical awareness of Javanese language in elementary schools: Exploring mother language teaching practices in Indonesia

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    AbstractThis study reports on self-reported language teaching practices by Javanese language teachers in primary schools aimed at stimulating students’ critical language awareness. This study investigates the extent to which critical Javanese language awareness raising practices are applied in elementary schools in Indonesia, starting from the characteristics of critical language awareness practices, and how critical language awareness raising practices can be developed and further integrated in Javanese language learning. A total of 10 teachers were involved in semi-structured interviews, by modeling teaching practices to stimulate critical awareness of the Javanese language. A total of 50 Javanese teaching practices have been collected. An analysis of teachers’ teaching practices revealed that about half of all reported practices included increasing critical awareness of the Javanese language. these practices are integrated in several materials. At the same time, many practices are reported as practices that do not meet some critical awareness of the Javanese language and there are also some practices that do not at all fall into the efforts to raise awareness of the Javanese language. Nevertheless, these practices provide interesting clues to opportunities for raising critical awareness of the Javanese language. In short, an analysis of Javanese teaching practice presents a valuable opportunity for teachers to discuss their ideas about better practice. In addition, this analysis can support teachers in adapting Javanese teaching practices