Semiotics in Tengger Mask Puppet Show on Bethara Kala’s Tale


Tengger puppet mask contains a lot of semiotics. Semiotics consists of icons, indexes and symbols. Icons consist of (1) typology icons, such as mountains, oxen, vegetable plants (2) diagrammatic icons, such as the Ruler of Sang Sang Hyang Pikulun Sas Sis, Sang Hyang Punggung, Sang Hyang Pongat, Sang Hyang Lesmana Dewa, Sang Hyang Manikmaya, (3) metaphorical icons, such as Sang Hyang Punggung’s sensing through the mediation of the jayengkaton story that the budama buddha is near Semeru Mountain. Index is a sign that indicates a natural relationship between signs and markers that are causal relationships, such as Sang Hyang Punggung’s sensing through mediation of jayengkaton stories. While symbols are signs that do not show any natural connection between markers and their markings and have broad meanings, such as white pigeon, Bethara Guru, Bethara Kala. Keywords: Semiotics, icons, indexes, symbols, Tengger mask puppets, Bethara Kala. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-14 Publication date:June 30th 201

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