17 research outputs found

    Booktrailer como um meio para formar a competência de design dos futuros professores

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    Article is devoted to a problem of forming design competence of future teacher. Its relevance is connected with change of specifics of the pedagogical activity demanding continuous search of new training technologies, interaction forms, and pedagogical maintenance and according to causing special requirements to design competence of the teacher. In this regard the problem of search of the most effective remedies of forming design competence of future teacher at a grade level at the higher vocational school is staticized. According to authors, considerable potential in this plan the innovative forms of design based on broad use of information technologies have. In this regard authors of article concentrated the attention on identification of potential opportunities of such modern form of pedagogical design, the main on use of electronic educational resources as booktrailer. In work the theoretical provisions concerning a concept design competence, a method of projects, design abilities are stated. Identification of potential of booktrailer for forming design competence of future teacher and also development of recommendations about the organization of design activities for creation of booktrailer in the course of studying of pedagogical discipline "History of pedagogics and education" was result of the conducted research. Application of the obtained data will help with a solution of the problem of creating favorable conditions for professional and personal development and self-development of students at a stage of high school training.El artículo está dedicado a un problema de formación de competencia de diseño del futuro maestro. Su relevancia está relacionada con el cambio de aspectos específicos de la actividad pedagógica que exige la búsqueda continua de nuevas tecnologías de capacitación, formas de interacción y mantenimiento pedagógico y, de acuerdo con los requisitos especiales para diseñar la competencia del maestro. En este sentido, el problema de la búsqueda de los remedios más efectivos para formar la competencia de diseño del futuro maestro a nivel de grado en la escuela vocacional superior está estático. Según los autores, existe un potencial considerable en este plan que tienen las formas innovadoras de diseño basadas en el uso generalizado de las tecnologías de la información. En este sentido, los autores del artículo concentraron la atención en la identificación de oportunidades potenciales de este tipo de diseño pedagógico moderno, principalmente en el uso de recursos educativos electrónicos como booktrailer. En el trabajo se establecen las disposiciones teóricas relativas a una competencia de diseño de conceptos, un método de proyectos, habilidades de diseño. El resultado de la investigación realizada fue la identificación del potencial de booktrailer para formar la competencia de diseño del futuro maestro y el desarrollo de recomendaciones sobre la organización de actividades de diseño para la creación de booktrailer en el curso del estudio de la disciplina pedagógica "Historia de la pedagogía y la educación". La aplicación de los datos obtenidos ayudará a resolver el problema de crear condiciones favorables para el desarrollo profesional y personal y el desarrollo personal de los estudiantes en una etapa de capacitación de la escuela secundaria.O artigo dedica-se a um problema de formar a competência de projeto do professor futuro. Sua relevância está ligada à mudança de especificidades da atividade pedagógica, exigindo a busca contínua de novas tecnologias de treinamento, formas de interação e manutenção pedagógica, e de acordo com a necessidade de requisitos especiais para projetar a competência do professor. Neste sentido o problema da pesquisa dos remédios mais eficazes da formação da competência de projeto do futuro professor a nível de grau na escola vocacional mais alta é estático. Segundo os autores, o potencial considerável neste plano as formas inovadoras de design com base no amplo uso de tecnologias da informação têm. Neste sentido os autores do artigo concentraram a atenção na identificação de oportunidades potenciais de tal forma moderna do desenho pedagógico, o principal no uso de recursos educativos eletrônicos como o booktrailer. No trabalho as provisões teóricas acerca de uma competência de desenho de conceito, um método de projetos, habilidades de desenho afirmam-se. A identificação do potencial de booktrailer para formar a competência de projeto do futuro professor e também o desenvolvimento de recomendações sobre a organização de atividades de desenho da criação do booktrailer no decorrer do estudar da disciplina pedagógica "História de pedagogia e educação" resultou da pesquisa conduzida. A aplicação dos dados obtidos ajudará na solução do problema de criar condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal e para o autodesenvolvimento dos estudantes em uma etapa do ensino médio


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    Abstract.When communicating with others, people not only exchange information but also express theirattitude to it, which is indicated by the category of modality in the language. While speaking or writing, a person makes a proposal and formulates an idea that he wants to transmit to the addressee. He messages his personal vision of the world using various linguistic means in order to create a certain impact on the communicant. Therefore, in our opinion, the study of this language phenomenon should be a must in teaching EFL. In linguistics, there has not been found consensus on the determining of the concept of modality so far. However, the viewpoint that modality is a feature of the language that allows a speaker to express general intentions as well as the speaker's commitment to how believable,obligatory, desirable, or actual an expressed proposition is [1], is shared by both linguists and educators. Thorough study of this grammatical phenomenon is of great importance, for the comprehension of the nature of modality guarantees the perception of the speaker or writer’s message and provides a window to understanding the target language. The main purpose of our research was to develop new approaches to teaching modals in EFL class aimed at:- mastering the scientific concept of modality by students;- devising teaching tips with the use of creative techniques.The research enabled us to apply elaborated teaching techniques in the English language classroom. Thedevised teaching tips can be applied at any level of high school students’ proficiency in EFL class. The obtained results of the research can be recommended for English teachers of high schools.Keywords: category of modality, creative teaching technique, feature of the language, grammaticalphenomenon, linguistic means, teaching technique, teaching tip

    Teaching Idiomatic English in Esp. Class

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    More and more researches illustrate a great role of idioms in foreign language education. While a great deal of these researches focuses on the positive impact idioms play in learning foreign languages, there is a need for more empirical research aimed at teaching idiomatic language, which requires effective teaching techniques. The authors of this paper made an attempt to meet this challenge. In this study, the research objective defined by the authors is to prove that humorous stories (anecdotes) promote the acquisition of idioms easily and efficiently. The leading research method was a three-stage experiment. To successfully conduct the experiment, there was compiled a list of ninety frequently used English idioms. Twenty two MA students volunteered to participate in this experiment. The obtained results indicated that the linguistic phenomena are “well-digested”™ when they are presented in the appealing way in the classroom. The paper discusses issues and practices of the techniques implemented in this study for teaching idiomatic English in ESP class and offers general recommendations for foreign language educators

    Text Complexity: Periods of Study in Russian Linguistics

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    Linguistic studies dealing with the text analysis are up-to-date. The present article is a descriptive one aimed to give information on the periods of the text complexity studying in Russian linguistics. As the pre-survey showed unlike the foreign experience there is a lack of information on this topic in Russian studies. Text complexity is a subject of many foreign researches as well as there are many researches on what parameters should be considered as text complexity parameters. The fulfilled researcher allows to point out the three main periods. The first period that is the second half of the XX century is concentrated primarily on quantitative parameters of the text (text length, sentence length, word length etc) that is readability. The second period is the turn of the XX and XXI centuries tends to solve the problem of comprehensibility and the quantitative parameters are enlarged with some qualitative (words acquaintance, word abstractness etc.). The third period is the modern stage of text complexity studying which supposes the development of different computer programs to evaluate the text complexity automatically.

    Modifications of Bookish Idioms: Discourse Analysis

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    The article deals with the analysis of idioms. The analysis without context considerably narrows the possibilities of the researcher. In speech and text idioms undergo through various modifications. In the terms of bookish idioms, we had concerns about their ability to be easily modified as most of them belong to outdated vocabulary or have obsolete word in their structure. The article presents the study of main research papers as well as the achievements made by internationally well-known scholars in the field of linguistics, also the study presents a short literature review on the problem of modifications of idioms. Secondly, there is an analysis of the experiment provided among students of Kazan Federal University Russian native speakers majoring at English. The experiment aimed at estimating capability of bookish idioms of English and Russian to undergo modifications. The materials of the study may be useful worldwide by educators and researchers involved in professional linguistic research and training

    Formation of discursive competence in EFL class

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    The educational system of the present day in Russia puts forward new and new challenges: searching for novel ways of forming various competences of university students, with discursive competence dominating. In this paper, the authors make an attempt to prove that teaching students to write with argumentation in EFL class can become the basis for the formation of their discursive competence. Materials and instruments as well as teaching techniques of forming discursive competence in EFL class are investigated. The leading research method implemented in this study is an experiment conducted by the authors with the aim in view to assess the level of discursive competence that students can reach in EFL class. Drawing on methodical literature and personal teaching experience, the authors offer an authentic model of forming discursive competence in EFL class. The findings of the research can serve as general recommendations for university faculty and can be used in EFL class

    Fostering future music teachers' professional skills: developing a signature pedagogy using e-learning

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    IntroductionThe emergency crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused noticeable changes that stimulated the transition to the new normal based on the digitalization of our systems. In this regard, the revision of learning tools in higher education exposes new challenges and requires the development and implementation of digital technologies. Fostering future music teachers' professional skills needs designing of online resources that provide close student–teacher interaction, as well as the engagement of students and regulation of their professional music practice. Based on the theory of Shulman, the signature pedagogy in music education was developed and implemented in an e-learning environment by a small private online course. The aim of the research was stated: How and which students' music teacher professional skills are affected in the process of e-learning based on the signature approach? The research was conducted at Kazan Federal University. During the educational process students studied the professional practicum.MethodsTotally, 124 students from 1st to 4th academic level had taken part in the experimental work in the academic year 2021–2022. All of them studied bachelor programs for future music teacher as full- or part-time regime and studied the online course in MOODLE during the experiment. A combination of online tasks which cover all the types of the music teacher‘ professional activities was suggested. Considering the aim of the research, the multi-case study research methodology was chosen, using a mixed method approach, resourcing mainly to questionnaire, interview, documental analysis, and observation as data gathering methods, and descriptive statistical analysis, as data analysis techniques.ResultsThe main results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed online course that allowed to significantly foster students' music teacher professional skills.DiscussionThe investigation of the efficiency of using e-learning for training future music teachers' professional skills was carried out in this study. To improve future music teachers' skills according to the features of the professional field, a signature pedagogy approach was suggested. The contribution of the paper brings the detail characteristic of the signature pedagogy in music education, and the way of its implementation by the means of online tools

    Pedagogia da arte como meio para o desenvolvimento da motivação educacional dos estudantes – futuros professores

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the impact of art pedagogy on the development of educational motivation of students. Art pedagogy is an innovative direction, the purpose of which is to create a new cognitive methodology, to overcome psychological barriers of thinking, to build the interaction between a teacher and a student on the basis of reflection, educational and creative self-organization for intellectual and creative development. This technology is especially relevant in the capacity of an integration of art into the educational context for solving professional and pedagogical tasks of the modern educational practice. The purpose of the paper is to study the influence of art pedagogy techniques on the development of educational motivation of students - future teachers. The paper discusses the role and data of a comparative analysis of thematic planning for studying the course “History of Pedagogy and Education” in combination with the techniques of art pedagogy. It also describes the course and results of the experiment on the development of educational motivation of students using these techniques. The research methods were: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization, survey, and pedagogical experiment. The findings of the research can be recommended for university and college faculty in training students - future teachers.El artículo está dedicado al estudio del impacto de la pedagogía del arte en el desarrollo de la motivación educativa de los estudiantes. La pedagogía del arte es una dirección innovadora, cuyo propósito es crear una nueva metodología cognitiva, superar las barreras psicológicas del pensamiento, construir la interacción entre un docente y un alumno sobre la base de la reflexión, la autoorganización educativa y creativa para la intelectualidad. y desarrollo creativo. Esta tecnología es especialmente relevante en la capacidad de una integración del arte en el contexto educativo para resolver tareas profesionales y pedagógicas de la práctica educativa moderna. El propósito del artículo es estudiar la influencia de las técnicas de la pedagogía del arte en el desarrollo de la motivación educativa de los estudiantes - futuros profesores. El artículo discute el papel y los datos de un análisis comparativo de la planificación temática para el estudio de la asignatura “Historia de la Pedagogía y la Educación” en combinación con las técnicas de la pedagogía del arte. También describe el curso y los resultados del experimento sobre el desarrollo de la motivación educativa de los estudiantes utilizando estas técnicas. Los métodos de investigación fueron: análisis teórico de la literatura científica, generalización, encuesta y experimento pedagógico. Los resultados de la investigación se pueden recomendar a los profesores universitarios y universitarios en la formación de estudiantes, futuros profesores.O documento é dedicado ao estudo do impacto da pedagogia da arte no desenvolvimento da motivação educacional dos estudantes. A pedagogia da arte é uma direção inovadora, cujo objetivo é criar uma nova metodologia cognitiva, superar barreiras psicológicas do pensamento, construir a interação entre um professor e um estudante com base na reflexão, auto-organização educacional e criativa para o desenvolvimento intelectual e criativo. Esta tecnologia é especialmente relevante na capacidade de integração da arte no contexto educacional para a resolução de tarefas profissionais e pedagógicas da prática educacional moderna. O objetivo do trabalho é estudar a influência das técnicas de pedagogia da arte no desenvolvimento da motivação educacional dos estudantes - futuros professores. O trabalho discute o papel e os dados de uma análise comparativa do planejamento temático para estudar o curso "História da Pedagogia e da Educação" em combinação com as técnicas da pedagogia da arte. Também descreve o curso e os resultados da experiência sobre o desenvolvimento da motivação educacional dos estudantes que utilizam estas técnicas. Os métodos de pesquisa foram: análise teórica da literatura científica, generalização, pesquisa e experimento pedagógico. Os resultados da pesquisa podem ser recomendados para professores universitários e universitários na formação de estudantes - futuros professores

    Local Lore: Does It Work in FL Class?

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    This study is the continuation of the authors’ investigation of the topic raised in the article "Teaching Local Lore in EFL Class: New Approaches" by Yarmakeev, Pimenova, & Zamaletdinova (2016). Why again "local lore"? According to Safonova (2014), local lore in FL class pictures the "national map of the world", breeds love for homeland’s culture and history, and fosters a well-educated person. In this paper, it is explained, first, how pragmatic knowledge can help students understand the national character and self-identity and, second, how to get younger learners assimilate local lore knowledge in L2. The following hypothesis was suggested: in FL class, teaching local lore can contribute to forming school students’ understanding of their homeland’s history and culture. Acting out and pantomime were chosen to be key teaching activities in FL class, for as Kolkova (2011) claims, students enthusiastically and purposefully fulfill the task if they see the practical and/ or theoretical significance of the anticipated results. Thus, in this study it is shown how there can be incorporated research into a lesson with the usage of teaching techniques in an appealing way, that help school students assimilate local lore knowledge in FL class. The paper mostly discusses practices of the studied topic and offers teaching tips for foreign language teachers

    Fluctuations of text complexity: the case of Basic State Examination in English

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    Text complexity as a research problem is equally relevant in linguistics and education since its solution provides an algorithm to match readers of certain categories to texts. Numerous studies have been conducted to identify quantitative and qualitative parameters that affect text complexity in ESOL. However, text complexity range within one proficiency level remains a research niche. The current study is aimed at identifying the range of text complexity fluctuations within one proficiency level and their appropriateness for readers. We conduct a multi-factor analysis and contrast 66 English texts for Basic State Examination (OGE) in readability, average sentence length, word length, number of verbs and nouns, cohesion and lexical diversity. The text features computed with the two online services, Text Inspector and Coh-Metrix, provide slightly different quantitative results though consistent in qualifying the range of text complexity fluctuations as high. The research findings refute the hypothesis of a linear nature of text complexity growth in the textbooks designed to increase students’ proficiency and confirm the lack of correlation between the revealed and claimed complexity of texts. The algorithm suggested by the authors can be useful for textbook writers and test developers selecting reading material for any proficiency level