352 research outputs found


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    This paper reports the results of a study conducted to evaluate the chemical condition and heavy metal contents of MSW being used in soil fertility maintenance by local farmers in Zaria urban area. Samples of the wastes were collected from major dumpsites in six major areas of the town (namely Muchiya, Sabon Gari, Gaskiya, Samaru, Tudun Wada and Gyallesu). The wastes were sorted out to obtain the solid fractions which were digested and analysed for pH, N, P, C, Ca, Mg, K, Na, CEC, BS, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd, Ni and Pb using standard procedures. The results obtained indicate that pH values range between 5.60 and 9.50, N 0.39 to 0.70%, P 29.32 to 56.0 ppm, C 2.35 to 4.63 %, Ca 6.20 to 23.44 Cmol/kg, Mg 2.16 to 13.46 Cmol/kg, K 3.82 to 9.32 Cmol/kg, Na 1.22 to 7.57 Cmol/kg, CEC 22 to 58.56 Cmol/kg, % BS 82.25 to 90.02, Cu 0.84 to 7.50 mg/kg, Zn 10.20 to 25.00 mg/kg, Mn 32.0 258.0 mg/kg, Fe, 62.0 to 864 mg/kg, Cr 1.30 top 33.36 mg/kg, Cd 1.45 to 6.20, Ni 1.20 to 53.35 and Pb 1.50 to 13.35. The results obtained thus indicate that the fertility rating of the wastes in the various areas is high to very high, except that of sodium which is rated as low. While Zn, Fe, Cr and Pb exist in high proportions and the remaining heavy metals exist in comparatively lower proportions in the waste samples. The soil fertility maintenance and public health implications of these results are discussed in light of the long term implications of sodium and heavy metal accumulations in soils receiving urban wastes applications in the area

    In-Vitro Anthelmintic Efficacy Of Crude Aqueous Extracts Of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Leaf, Stem And Root On Nematode

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    The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous extracts o neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf and stem and root barks against the hatching of eggs and the survival of larvae of nematode parasites of small ruminants were studied. The results of the in vitro egg hatch assay showed that the aqueous extracts of the leaf and stem bark produced significant anthelmintic effect through reduction in nematode egg hatch. The reduction in egg hatch was concentration dependent being highest (51 % and 50 % for the leaf and stem bark extracts respectively) at the highest concentration (100 mg/ml) of the extracts but inferior to those produced by albendazoe (100 % at 40 mg/ml). Aqueous extracts of the leaf and root bark produced significant reduction in larval survival within 60 minutes at ambienttemperature (30 – 35 ºC). Larval death was similar in both extracts and concentration dependent, increasing with increasing concentration of the leaf and root bark extracts. The reduction in larval survival due to the extracts was similar to that produced by albendazole. In general, the aqueous extract of neem leaf was more efficacious in limiting nematode larvae survival and in-vitro egg hatch. The results confirm the folkloric claims that neem has anthelmintic effect and thus suggest its possible usefulness as an anthelmintic. Keywords: Anthelmintic efficacy, Aqueous extract, Leaf, Stem, Root, Bark, Azadirachta indicaAnimal Research International Vol. 3 (3) 2006 pp. 549-55

    Design and construction of 4.27M (LOA) rowing transport boat (punt) for inland water bodies

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    Flat bottom boat (Rowing Punt) 4.27M length overall (LOA) was designed and constructed using plywood and fiber glass materials. The boat posses features like easy construction stability and high capacity to carry load. Other features include least cost light weight, shallow draft of 9cm easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) is 96.6kg which is similar to local boat of same size. The capacity of the boat 544kg (8 person) and total cost of production was N41,150.00 which is not beyond the reach of an average fisherman. The Rowing Punt easily propelled by oaring which makes it adequate for fishing activities on shallow water bodies. Such easily maneuvered craft can also be used for recreation which include, sport fishing, and boating

    Bilateral perineal hernia with bladder retroflexion in a 13-year-old intact Jack-Russel Dog: Case report

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    A 13-year-old male Jack-Russel was presented to the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Sokoto because of a swollen perineum. Physical and laboratory examinations revealed normal parameters, however a bilateral protrusion was noticed at the perineum suggestive of a bilateral perineal hernia. Contrast radiography revealed a hernia sac with intestinal segments on the left, urinary bladder and prostate on the right. Standard obturator muscle transpositional herniorhaphy was successfully performed.Keywords: Bilateral Perineal Hernia, Bladder Retroflexion, Cystic Kidney, Canine

    Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Orange II by Chlorate Ion in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid

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    Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(2):165-170 Authors: B. Myek, S. O. Idris, A. D. Onu and M. K. Yakubu Received 05 March 2020/Accepted 03 May 2020 The kinetics of the oxidation of orange II (OR-) by ClO3-was studied in aqueous hydrochloric acid where the ionic strength and other parameters of the reaction mixture was, I = 0.50 mol dm-3 (NaCl), [H+] = 5.0 10-2 mol dm-3 (HCl) and T = 21 +/_ 1o C. The redox reaction displayed a stoichiometry of 1:2 and obeys the rate law given as,−????[????????−]/???????? = ????[????][????????][???????????? ]. The observed second order rate constant was found to increases with increase in hydrogen ion concentration. The rates of reaction displayed a zero salt effect and was inhibited by some added cations and anions. From the Michaelis-Menton Buck plot, there was no evidence for the formation of intermediate during the course of the reaction. Based on the results obtained, the outersphere mechanism was proposed for the reaction.&nbsp

    Volatile metabolites profiling to discriminate diseases of tomato fruits inoculated with three toxigenic fungal pathogens

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    The volatile metabolites of tomato fruits inoculated with three toxigenic fungi isolated from spoilt tomatoes were profiled using gas  chromatography/mass spectrometry. Differences in the number and  amount of volatile metabolites were observed. The study yielded a total of 52 different volatile metabolites. Healthy ripe tomato fruits yielded  twenty-eight metabolites predominated among them were oleic acid amide (10.89%), 9-octadecenoic acid (9.83%), methyl cis-9-octadecenoate (7.73%), and the least was 2, 3-Heptanedione (0.32%). Tomato fruits inoculated with A. niger yielded 11; A. flavus yielded 15 different volatile metabolites while that inoculated with F. oxysporum yielded 8 volatile  metabolites. Among them only 5 volatile metabolite occurred relatively consistent in fruits inoculated with A. niger and A. flavus while adogen 73  and 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z) occurred relatively consistently in fruits  inoculated with the three fungi. Hexadecanoic acid and 6-Methyl-2,4-di - tert - butyl – phenol was common in fruits inoculated with F. oxysporum and A. niger with that of A. niger having the highest value (9.67%) for Hexadecanoic acid while fruits inoculated with F. oxysporum had highest (2.66%) for 6-Methyl-2,4-di - tert - butyl – phenol. Ten metabolites were  unique to A. flavus while A. niger and F. oxysporum had 4 metabolites unique to each of them. This study suggests that these unique metabolites can be used as biomarkers to detect tomato diseases/pathogen or toxigenic fungi at an early stage of disease progression and to manage tomato diseases in storage and outbreak of food borne disease, after further validation under commercial conditions

    Reaction of some selected soy bean varieties (Glycine max (L)Merril)to root -knot nematode infection

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    Two-year screen-house studies to evaluate the reaction of five soybean varieties (TGX – 1987 – 34F, TGX -1987 – 38F, TGX – 1987 – 95F, TGX – 1986 -3F, TGX – 1985 – 8F) to root – knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, were conducted in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin. Forty experimental pots containing pasteurized soil were used. Twenty pots were inoculated each with approximately 3,000 eggs of M. incognita while the other twenty which did not receive any treatment served as control. The experimental set up was a completely randomized design having each treatment replicated four times. Results showed that all the varieties were susceptible to M. incognita at varying degrees. While plant height of nematode inoculated varieties were significantly (P=0.05) lower than the un-inoculated plants, among the same varieties, there were significant differences in the number of branches of inoculated and non inoculated plants between different and among the same varieties. There were varietal differences in terms of seed weight which represented actual yield. Generally, the un-innoculated plants gave significantly higher yield than inoculated ones. Root gall infestation rated the same level for all the five varieties. However, variety TGX-1985 – 8F exhibited superior characteristics over the other four varieties because it showed higher level of tolerance to nematode infestation judging from its performance and yield. From the study, it can be deduced that the use of nematode resistant/tolerant Soybean varieties be adopted in the management of root- knot nematode infestation. It is one of the cheapest and safest control methods that pose no form of hazard to man and the environment. In nematode endemic ecological zones, TGX-1985 – 8F is therefore recommended as it proved to contain some specialized genes that conferred a higher level of tolerance against root- knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Key Words: Glycine max, root – knot nematode, Dominant loci, Mi – 1.2, leucine zipper and R genes

    Evaluation of selected parameters of rat liver and kidney function following repeated administration of yohimbine.

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    The effects of administration of yohimbine, an aphrodisiac on some functional parameters of rat liver and kidney were investigated. White male albino rats weighing between 200-250g were grouped into two such that one group was orally administered with 14mg/kg body weight on daily basis for 15days while the control received an appropriate volume of sterile distilled water on daily basis for the same period. Bilirubin concentration in the test showed a significant decrease (P<0.01) when compared with the control, with an interruption of a significant increase only on day 5 of administration (P<0.01). Sodium ion concentration showed significant increase only on the first and the last days when compared with the control (P<0.01). The serum albumin content and K+ displayed significant increase throughout the experimental period (P<0.01) while serum content of urea and creatinine decreased significantly throughout the period of administration (P<0.01). The results suggest that yohimbine administration has adverse affect on the functional capacities of the liver and the kidney.Key words: Functional parameters, Kidney, Liver, Yohimbin

    Performance of Broiler Chickens to Time Limited Feeding of Mash or Pellet Feed

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    The effect of feed form (FF) and time limited feeding on performance of broiler chickens was studied. 160 marshal strain of broiler were allocated in a 2 × 4 factorial experimental arrangement with two FF (mash and pellet) at four Time limited feeding  (TLF) (24, 6, 4, and 2 hours). Data collected were analysed using a completely randomized design. Significant differences were obtained on feed intake (FI), weight gained (WG), final weight (FW), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality (M). FI reduced (P<0.05) as TLF reduced. FI was influenced by FF, birds fed pellet diet having higher (P<0.05) FI compared to mash at each corresponding level of TLF. WG was lower (P<0.05) at all levels of TLF in broilers fed mash compared to ad libitum group. However, birds fed for 4 and 6 hours on pellet diet during feed limitation had similar (P>0.05) WG compared to their control group. FW at 8 weeks of age was lower in birds fed mash compared to pellet. FCR was influenced by FF and TLF with birds placed on pellet having a better FCR compared to those fed mash. Pellet fed birds recorded higher M compared to the mash fed birds particularly during the first week of life because the pellet size of 2mm was too big for their mouth size hence inability to feed properly, thereafter improvements were observed from week two. The study revealed a better performance and better benefit of feed limitation when birds are fed pellet diet compared to mash. Keywords: Broiler Chickens, Feed Forms, Growth Performance, Time Limited Feeding. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/12-18-04 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Improved corrosion resistance, mechanical and wear behaviors of particulate composite coating of steel pipeline for marine environment

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    The use of agricultural wastes, which are cost-effective and environmental-friendly materials as composites coating, is growing fast in various engineering fields. This research investigates the possibility of improving corrosion resistance, mechanical, and wear behaviors of particulate composite coating of steel pipeline with zinc alloys reinforced with groundnut shell ash (GSA) for the marine environment. Different weight percentages of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 wt.% GSA of particle size 75 μm were used for the coatings. The groundnut shell ash was characterized by X-ray fluorescent (XRF). The morphology of the steel pipeline before and after coatings was studied using scanning electron microscope/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The XRF results revealed that calcium oxides (CaO), silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), and iron oxide (Fe2O3) being the major oxides present. The results showed that average coating thickness and hardness value were 45.50, 98.50, 99.67 μm, and 80.45, 108.60, 118.60 HBV for Zn-10ZnO/0, 20, and 25 wt. % GSA respectively. Their corresponding current corrosion (icorr) were 38.52, 10.56, and 2.98 mA/cm2. The morphologies revealed that reinforcement with GSA protected the surface of the system analyzed. The corrosion rate of the steel pipeline of 38.52 mA/cm2 values decreased to 10.56 mA/cm2 and 1.98 mA/cm2 for 0, 20, and 25 wt. % GSA with the protection efficiency of 72.59% and 81.25%, respectively. The wear rate improvement between 0-25 wt. % GSA was 49.75%. The work established Zn-10ZnO/GSA composite coating on steel pipeline can improve the corrosion resistance, hardness, and wear rate of the studied steel pipeline coated
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