Performance of Broiler Chickens to Time Limited Feeding of Mash or Pellet Feed


The effect of feed form (FF) and time limited feeding on performance of broiler chickens was studied. 160 marshal strain of broiler were allocated in a 2 × 4 factorial experimental arrangement with two FF (mash and pellet) at four Time limited feeding  (TLF) (24, 6, 4, and 2 hours). Data collected were analysed using a completely randomized design. Significant differences were obtained on feed intake (FI), weight gained (WG), final weight (FW), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality (M). FI reduced (P<0.05) as TLF reduced. FI was influenced by FF, birds fed pellet diet having higher (P<0.05) FI compared to mash at each corresponding level of TLF. WG was lower (P<0.05) at all levels of TLF in broilers fed mash compared to ad libitum group. However, birds fed for 4 and 6 hours on pellet diet during feed limitation had similar (P>0.05) WG compared to their control group. FW at 8 weeks of age was lower in birds fed mash compared to pellet. FCR was influenced by FF and TLF with birds placed on pellet having a better FCR compared to those fed mash. Pellet fed birds recorded higher M compared to the mash fed birds particularly during the first week of life because the pellet size of 2mm was too big for their mouth size hence inability to feed properly, thereafter improvements were observed from week two. The study revealed a better performance and better benefit of feed limitation when birds are fed pellet diet compared to mash. Keywords: Broiler Chickens, Feed Forms, Growth Performance, Time Limited Feeding. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/12-18-04 Publication date:September 30th 202

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