3,020 research outputs found

    Mathematical models in Developmental Biology

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    We will introduce some of the mathematical modeling tools that have been introduced in the field of Developmental Biology, focusing in specific problems in embryogenesis. The use of multiscale models based on a combination of ordinary and partial differential equations is a well established research paradigm in this area by now. After reviewing some of the past and present contributions, we will discuss both their merits and shortcomings in the light of recent experimental results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech

    miR-218 targets survivin and regulates resistance to chemotherapeutics in breast cancer

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains one of the most significant obstacles in breast cancer treatment, and this process often involves dysregulation of a great number of microRNAs (miRNAs). Some miRNAs are indicators of drug resistance and confer resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, although our understanding of this complex process is still incomplete. We have used a combination of miRNA profiling and real-time PCR in two drug-resistant derivatives of MCF-7 and Cal51 cells. Experimental modulation of miR expression has been obtained by retroviral transfection. Taxol and doxorubicin IC50 values were obtained by short-term drug sensitivity assays. Apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry after annexin V staining, by caspase 3/7 and caspase 9 activity assays and the levels of apoptosis-related proteins bcl-2 and bax by real-time PCR and Western blot. miR target was studied using transient transfection of luciferase constructs with the 3 untranslated regions (UTR) of target mRNAs. Small interfering RNA-mediated genetic knock-down was performed in MDR cells and its modulatory effect on apoptosis examined. The effect of miRNA on tumorigenicity and tumor drug response was studied in mouse xenografts. miRNA profiling of two drug-resistant breast cancer cell models indicated that miR-218 was down-regulated in both MCF-7/A02 and CALDOX cells. Ectopic expression of miR-218 resensitized both drug-resistant cell lines to doxorubicin and taxol due to an increase in apoptosis. miR-218 binds survivin (BIRC5) mRNA 3-UTR and down-regulated reporter luciferase activity. Experimental down-regulation of survivin by RNA interference in drug-resistant cells did mimic the sensitization observed when miRNA-218 was up-regulated. In addition, resensitization to taxol was also observed in mouse tumor xenografts from cells over-expressing miR-218. miR-218 is involved in the development of MDR in breast cancer cells via targeting survivin and leading to evasion of apoptosis. Targeting miR-218 and survivin may thus provide a potential strategy for reversing drug resistance in breast cancer


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    This is an exploratory insight into the profile and prospects of growth and success attached to one category of firms, known as "New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs), the socalled high-tech and innovative new ventures. With this study we are willing to furnish a new methodological tool instrumental to position any firm characterised by being relatively recent and specialising in high-tech fields or at least, in activities with large scope for innovation. So, we intend to make a methodological contribution to theory in the entrepreneurship field, through an empirical exercise.Analysis of our empirically based data leads us to a new Matrix we call Market-Technology-Entrepreneurial Matrix, whose 8 three-dimensional quadrants serve to classify high- tech new ventures by performance. A Factorial Analysis coupled with a Discriminate Analysis are the statistical tools employed in obtaining the M-T-E Matrix and incorporating predictive capacity to it. El presente estudio, de carácter exploratorio, es una incursión en torno al perfil y perspectivas decrecimiento y éxito, asociados a una categoría de empresas conocidas como New TechnologyBased Firms (NTBFs), las cuales desarrollan actividades altamente innovadoras y habitualmentepertenecientes a sectores de tecnología avanzada. Nuestro propósito radica en desarrollar una nuevaherramienta metodológica que resulte útil para posicionar competitivamente, de manera aproximada,a cualquier compañía con el perfil NTBF: reciente, innovadora e intensiva en tecnologías avanzadas.Tras aplicar la técnica estadística del análisis factorial, hemos obtenido una Matriz que denominamosMatriz Mercado-Tecnología-Emprendedor, cuyos 8 cuadrantes tridimensionales posicionan lascompañías high-tech según sus fortalezas y debilidades y perspectivas de competitividad.Finalmente, mediante el empleo de la técnica estadística del análisis discriminante, hemos podidoincorporar capacidad predictiva a la Matriz.high tech, funcionamiento, matriz. high-tech, performance, matrix.

    A recent exploratory insight on the profile of the innovative entrepreneur: Conclusions from a cross-tabs analysis

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    Despite growing concern towards entrepreneurship, the number of studies directly targeting the profile of the entrepreneur involved in innovative and high-tech new ventures are still scarce. This study, based on the empirical analysis of 18 highly innovative new ventures is focused on this category of entrepreneurs. Through the application of the statistical method known as the Cross-Tabs over a list of 31 variables defining the entrepreneur´s behavior and the new venture prospects we come up with a final profile of the innovative entrepreneur more likely to succeed in high-tech and highly innovative fields. A pesar del creciente interés de los analistas hacia la figura del emprendedor, el número de estudios orientados a estudiar el perfil del emprendedor innovador o emprendedor “high-tech” es todavía escaso. El presente estudio, basado en un análisis empírico sobre 18 compañías altamente innovadoras y de reciente constitución ubicadas en la zona conocida como la Bahía de San Francisco, apunta directamente sobre la mencionada categoría de emprendedor. A través de la aplicación del método estadístico Cros-Tab sobre una lista de 31 variables definitorias del comportamiento del emprendedor y las perspectivas de las compañías innovadoras nacientes, obtenemos finalmente un perfil del emprendedor innovador óptimo, capaz de gestionar adecuadamente nuevas empresas innovadoras.Emprendedor, innovación, perfil Entrepreneur, innovation, high-tech, profile

    Las buenas familias de Barcelona

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    Reflexión y refracción de la literatura

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    Aspectos de la visión de América en los Ilustrados

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    1) La visión española de América se enriquece en el Siglo de las Luces para abarcar los aspectos de una realidad compleja y problemática. No por ello pierde el mundo americano su barniz exótico y ajeno, situándose así en una zona conflictiva de la conciencia española. La utilización literaria de tópicos como el del buen salvaje muestra esta nueva situación ideológica. 2) La monarquía borbónica inició una corriente reformista destinada a fortalecer y reorganizar la precaria y endeble situación colonial, tomando medidas como la liberalización del comercio. Los ilutrados compartieron las preocupaciones e incertidumbres de esta importante coyuntura en las relaciones entre España y América. 3) El interés de la corona por el control de la historiografía americana revela la importancia ideológica que se concedía al juicio de la labor española en el Nuevo Mundo, cuando se produce en Europa un rebrote de la "Leyenda Negra" antiespañola. Este ambiente defensivo y radicalizado miró con desconfianza la posición equilibrada de Juan Bautista Muñoz en su Historia del Nuevo Mundo, realizada por encargo del propio rey. 4) La riqueza de las Indias era un tópico desde los primeros tiempos del descubrimiento, y así siguió funcionando en la literatura del siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, la ideología social y económica atribuye los males de España a los metales preciosos americanos, interpretando que no producen ningún bien útil y que han detenido el desarrollo industrial del país.1) In the Age of Enlightenment, the Spanish view of America opens up to new aspects of a complex and problematic reality. The American world doesn't lose, though, its lustre of exotism and otherness, thus assuming a difficult and contradictory position in Spanish conscience. The literary yse of such clichés as the noble savage shows this new ideological situation. 2) The Bourbon Monarchy initiated a current of reform designed to strengthen and reorganize the precarious and vulnerable state of the colonies, taking such measures as the liberalization of trade. The Spanish intellectuals of the time shared the worry and uncertainty of this important juncture in the relations between Spain and America. 3)The fact that the Crown was concerned with controlling the historiography about America reveals the ideological importance given to the judgement of the Spanish action in the New World, just as Europe experiences a renewal of the anti-Spanish "Black Legend". In this atmosphere of defensive extremism, the balanced stand taken by Juan Bautista Munoz in his Historia del Nuevo Mundo, written as an assignment made by the King himself, was looked at with mistrust. 4) The riches of the Indies were a commonplace since the age of the discovery and kept this function in Eighteenth-Century literature. Nevertheless, the social and economic doctrine charges de American precious metals with the ills of the Spanish society, regarding them as essentially useless and accusing them of having held up the nation's industrial development.1) Au Siècle des Lumières, la comprehension espagnole de l'Amérique s'enrichit et s'élargit avec les plusieurs aspects d'une réalité qui apparaît de plus en plus complexe et problématique. Cependant, le monde américain ne perd pas ses qualités exotiques et étrangères, se plaçant donc dans une zone de conflit de la conscience espagnole. L'utilisation littéraire des clichés comme celui du bon sauvage montre cette nouvelle situation idéologique. 2) La monarchie des Bourbons commence un courant réformiste qui se propose de fortifier et réorganiser le précaire et faible état des colonies, prennant des mesures comme la liberalisation du commerce. Les hommes de lettres "éclairés" ont partagé les soucis et les incertitudes de cette importante conjoncture dans les relations entre l'Espagne et l'Amérique. 3) L'intérêt de la couronne pour contrôler l'historiographie américaine indique l'importance que l'on donnait au jugement sur l'ouvrage espagnol au Nouveau Monde, au moment même où repoussait en Europe la "Légende Noire" antiespagnole. Cette ambiance de radicalisme défensif a regardé avec méfiance l'attitude équillibré de Juan Bautista Munoz dans son Historia del Nuevo Mundo, faite à la demande directe du roi. 4) La richesse des Indes était un lieu commun depuis les premiers temps de la découverte, et la littérature du dix-huitième siècle a continué à l'exploiter de la même façon. Néanmoins, l'idéologie sociale et économique attribue les maux de l'Espagne aux métaux précieux américains, interprétant qu'ils manquent de toute utilité et qu'ils ont retardé le développement industriel du pays