7 research outputs found

    Diarylheptanoids from Alpinia officinarum Cause Distinct but Overlapping Effects on the Translatome of B Lymphoblastoid Cells

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    Diarylheptanoids (AO-0001, AO-0002, and AO-0003) isolated from Alpinia officinarum inhibit proinflammatory mediators and exhibit cytotoxic and antiviral activity. However, the precise mechanisms of action of these diarylheptanoids are unknown as are their effects on expression of specific genes. Here, we used a translatome analysis to investigate the mechanisms and modes of action of these three diarylheptanoids. Polysome-associated messenger RNAs (mRNAs) were prepared from diarylheptanoids-treated and control cells from a human B lymphoblastoid cell line; these mRNA samples were then used for microarray analysis. Microarray Data Analysis Tool version 3.2 was used to analyze the microarray data analysis; this software uses pathway information of the WikiPathways for gene ontology analysis. Each of the diarylheptanoids caused upregulation or downregulation of the same 37 and 286 genes, respectively. Among the 37 upregulated genes, 16 were related to mRNA processing based on the WikiPathways analysis. Our findings provided new insights into the mode of action of diarylheptanoids from A. officinarum


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    本研究の目的は,描画のテーマとして妖怪を用いることの効果を検討し,妖怪をテーマとする描画法の具体的な方法について考察すること であった。描画のテーマを「妖怪」とする群(妖怪群)16名と,「家にあるもの」とする群(対照群)15名を対象に,15個の刺激図形の中か ら好きな図形を模写して描き足す方法での描画を求め,描画前後の気分調査と描画後に印象評定と描画体験についてのインタビューを実施 し,描画体験の取り組みやすさや描画体験による気分の変化の違いを検討した。その結果,描画前後の気分変化について両群に共通する変化 が見られ,描画体験自体が気分を落ち着かせる可能性が示唆された。描画体験についてのインタビューでは,妖怪群のほうが満足感を得た人 が多かった。また,妖怪群は1 週間後に再インタビューを行い,妖怪への言葉がけや印象の変化を検討した。その結果,時間を置くことで親 密度の深まりや自己洞察に関する語りが見られた。これらの結果から,妖怪をテーマとする描画は侵襲性が少ないことや洞察につながること が示唆された。This study examined the effects of drawing yōkai using mixed methods. There were 16 participants in the experimental group, drawing “yōkai,” and 15 participants in the control group drawing “things at home.” All participants chose and decorated their favorite images to draw from 15 stimulus figures. To examine the differences in difficulty levels of drawing experiences and associated changes in emotions, a mood survey was administered before and after the drawing activity. An impression rating about their pictures and interview about the experience were also conducted afterwards. The results showed similar changes in mood pre- and post-activity in both groups, suggesting that the drawing activity itself may be calming. Members of the experimental group reported satisfaction more frequently than those in the control group. The experimental group was re-interviewed one week later to assess changes in their impressions regarding and (imagined) dialogue with the yōkai. Their narratives indicated deeper intimacy and self-insight, suggesting that the yōkai drawing method is a less-invasive way to promote insight