652 research outputs found

    An integrated approach to supply chain risk analysis

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    Despite the increasing attention that supply chain risk management is receiving by both researchers and practitioners, companies still lack a risk culture. Moreover, risk management approaches are either too general or require pieces of information not regularly recorded by organisations. This work develops a risk identification and analysis methodology that integrates widely adopted supply chain and risk management tools. In particular, process analysis is performed by means of the standard framework provided by the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, the risk identification and analysis tasks are accomplished by applying the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk Breakdown Matrix, and the effects of risk occurrence on activities are assessed by indicators that are already measured by companies in order to monitor their performances. In such a way, the framework contributes to increase companies' awareness and communication about risk, which are essential components of the management of modern supply chains. A base case has been developed by applying the proposed approach to a hypothetical manufacturing supply chain. An in-depth validation will be carried out to improve the methodology and further demonstrate its benefits and limitations. Future research will extend the framework to include the understanding of the multiple effects of risky events on different processe

    Relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in US counties

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in the US. It develops an accessibility measure relevant for logistics companies based on a gravity model. This allows to analyze accessibility of US counties focusing on four dierent modes of transportation: road, rail, air, and maritime. Using a Partial Least Squares model, these four dierent freight accessibility measures are combined into two constructs, continental and intercontinental freight accessibility, and related to logistics employment, dierentiating counties inside metropolitan areas from those outside. Results show that highly accessible non-metropolitan counties attract more logistics employment than other non-metropolitan counties. In metropolitan counties, no signicant relationship was found between freight accessibility and logistics employment. This is primarily explained by the highly signicant relations of both freight accessibility and logistics employment with county population. Keywords: Accessibility, Freight transport, Logistics employmen

    Numerical Stability of Path-based Algorithms For Traffic Assignment

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    In this paper we study numerical stability of path-based algorithms for the traffic assignment problem. These algorithms are based on decomposition of the original problem into smaller sub-problems which are optimised sequentially. Previously, path-based algorithms were numerically tested only in the setting of moderate requirements to the level of solution precision. In this study we analyse convergence of these methods when the convergence measure approaches machine epsilon of IEEE double precision format. In particular, we demonstrate that the straightforward implementation of one of the algorithms of this group (projected gradient) suffers from loss of precision and is not able to converge to highly precise solution. We propose a way to solve this problem and test the proposed adjusted version of the algorithm on various benchmark instances

    Parallelisation and application of AD3 as a method for solving large scale combinatorial auctions

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    Auctions, and combinatorial auctions (CAs), have been successfully employed to solve coordination problems in a wide range of application domains. However, the scale of CAs that can be optimally solved is small because of the complexity of the winner determination problem (WDP), namely of finding the bids that maximise the auctioneer’s revenue. A way of approximating the solution of a WDP is to solve its linear programming relaxation. The recently proposed Alternate Direction Dual Decomposition algorithm (AD3) has been shown to ef- ficiently solve large-scale LP relaxations. Hence, in this paper we show how to encode the WDP so that it can be approximated by means of AD3. Moreover, we present PAR-AD3, the first parallel implementation of AD3. PAR-AD3 shows to be up to 12.4 times faster than CPLEX in a single-thread execution, and up to 23 times faster than parallel CPLEX in an 8-core architecture. Therefore PAR- AD3 becomes the algorithm of choice to solve large-scale WDP LP relaxations for hard instances. Furthermore, PAR-AD3 has potential when considering large- scale coordination problems that must be solved as optimisation problems.Research supported by MICINN projects TIN2011-28689-C02-01, TIN2013-45732-C4-4-P and TIN2012-38876-C02-01Peer reviewe

    Second best toll and capacity optimisation in network: solution algorithm and policy implications

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    This paper looks at the first and second-best jointly optimal toll and road capacity investment problems from both policy and technical oriented perspectives. On the technical side, the paper investigates the applicability of the constraint cutting algorithm for solving the second-best problem under elastic demand which is formulated as a bilevel programming problem. The approach is shown to perform well despite several problems encountered by our previous work in Shepherd and Sumalee (2004). The paper then applies the algorithm to a small sized network to investigate the policy implications of the first and second-best cases. This policy analysis demonstrates that the joint first best structure is to invest in the most direct routes while reducing capacities elsewhere. Whilst unrealistic this acts as a useful benchmark. The results also show that certain second best policies can achieve a high proportion of the first best benefits while in general generating a revenue surplus. We also show that unless costs of capacity are known to be low then second best tolls will be affected and so should be analysed in conjunction with investments in the network

    Bilevel optimization approach to design of network of bike lanes

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    A bike lane is an effective way to improve cycling safety and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions with the promotion of cycling. Improvements include high-quality off-road facilities and on-road bike lanes. Whereas construction of off-road lanes is not always possible because of urban land constraints and construction costs, on-road lanes can be a cost-effective alternative. An optimization framework for the design of a network of bike lanes in an urban road network was proposed. This framework identified links on which a bike lane could be introduced. Allocation of a lane to cyclists would increase the use of cycling, although it could disadvantage auto traffic. The presented approach balances the effects of a bike lane for all stakeholders. A bilevel optimization was proposed to encompass the benefits of cyclists and car users at the upper level and a model for traffic and bike demand assignment at the lower level. The objective function was defined by a weighted sum of a measure for private car users (total travel time) versus a measure for bike users (total travel distance on bike lanes). A genetic algorithm was developed to solve the bilevel formulation, which included introduction of a special crossover technique and a mutation technique. The proposed optimization will help transport authorities at the planning stage to quantify the outcomes of various strategies for active transport

    A heuristic methodology to tackle the Braess Paradox detecting problem tailored for real road networks

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    Adding a new road to help traffic flow in a congested urban network may at first appear to be a good idea. The Braess Paradox (BP) says, adding new capacity may actually worsen traffic flow. BP does not only call for extra vigilance in expanding a network, it also highlights a question: Does BP exist in existing networks? Literature reveals that BP is rife in real world. This study proposes a methodology to find a set of roads in a real network, whose closure improve traffic flow. It is called the Braess Paradox Detection (BPD) problem. Literature proves that the BPD problem is highly intractable especially in real networks and no efficient method has been introduced. We developed a heuristic methodology based on a Genetic Algorithm to tackle BPD problem. First, a set of likely Braess-tainted roads is identified by simply testing their closure (one-by-one). Secondly, a seraph algorithm is devised to run over the Braess-tainted roads to find a combination whose closure improves traffic flow. In our methodology, the extent of road closure is limited to some certain level to preserve connectivity of the network. The efficiency and applicability of the methodology are demonstrated using the benchmark Hagstrom–Abrams network, and on a network of city of Winnipeg in Canada

    Computation of Equilibrium Distributions of Markov Traffic-Assignment Models

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    Markov traffic-assignment models explicitly represent the day-to-day evolving interaction between traffic congestion and drivers' information acquisition and choice processes. Such models can, in principle, be used to investigate traffic flows in stochastic equilibrium, yielding estimates of the equilibrium mean and covariance matrix of link or route traffic flows. However, in general these equilibrium moments cannot be written down in closed form. While Monte Carlo simulations of the assignment process may be used to produce “empirical” estimates, this approach can be extremely computationally expensive if reliable results (relatively free of Monte Carlo error) are to be obtained. In this paper an alternative method of computing the equilibrium distribution is proposed, applicable to the class of Markov models with linear exponential learning filters. Based on asymptotic results, this equilibrium distribution may be approximated by a Gaussian process, meaning that the problem reduces to determining the first two multivariate moments in equilibrium. The first of these moments, the mean flow vector, may be estimated by a conventional traffic-assignment model. The second, the flow covariance matrix, is estimated through various linear approximations, yielding an explicit expression. The proposed approximations are seen to operate well in a number of illustrative examples. The robustness of the approximations (in terms of network input data) is discussed, and shown to be connected with the “volatility” of the traffic assignment process

    Systemic Risk and the Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain

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    Supply chains are highly complex systems, and disruptions may ripple through these systems in unexpected ways, but they may also start in unexpected ways. We investigate the causes of ripple effect through the lens of systemic risk. We derive supply chain systemic risk from the finance discipline where sources of risk are found in systemic risk-taking, contagion, and amplification mechanisms. In a supply chain context, we identify three dimensions that influence systemic risk, the nature of a disruption, the structure, and dependency of the supply chain, and the decision-making. Within these three dimensions, there are several factors including correlation of risk, compounding effects, cyclical linkages, counterparty risk, herding behavior, and misaligned incentives. These factors are often invisible to decision makers, and they may operate in tandem to exacerbate ripple effect. We highlight these systemic risks, and we encourage further research to understand their nature and to mitigate their effect

    The value of nonlinear control theory in investigating the underlying dynamics and resilience of a grocery supply chain

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    In an empirical context, a method to use nonlinear control theory in the dynamic analysis of supply chain resilience is developed and tested. The method utilises block diagram development, transfer function formulation, describing function representation of nonlinearities and simulation. Using both ‘shock’ or step response and ‘filter’ or frequency response lenses, a system dynamics model is created to analyse the resilience performance of a distribution centre replenishment system at a large grocery retailer. Potential risks for the retailer’s resilience performance include the possibility of a mismatch between supply and demand, as well as serving the store inefficiently and causing on-shelf stock-outs. Thus, resilience is determined by investigating the dynamic behaviour of stock and shipment responses. The method allows insights into the nonlinear system control structures that would not be evident using simulation alone, including a better understanding of the influence of control parameters on dynamic behaviour, the identification of inventory offsets potentially leading to ‘drift’, the impact of nonlinearities on supply chain performance and the minimisation of simulation experiments