11 research outputs found


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    Peran guru didalam pembelajaran saat ini bukan lagi menjadi satu-satunya sumber belajar bagi siswa, melainkan berperan sebagai fasilitator. Masih ditemukan proses pembelajaran matematika yang hanya terfokus dalam menghafalkan rumus yang terdapat dalam materi matematika. Kesulitan siswa dalam memahami beberapa materi matematika masih menjadi kendala dalam proses pembelajaran matematika di sekolah.           Pengajaran matematika sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari atau budaya yang ada di daerahnya. Budaya dan matematika dapat dikombinasikan dalam pembelajaran matematika, yang biasa dikenal dengan sebutan etnomatematika. Tenun ikat merupakan salah satu  hasil kerajinan tangan  masyarakat di Sumba Timur. Tenun ikat Sumba Timur terkandung beberapa konsep matematika contohnya konsep geometri, simetri lipat dan transformasi geometri yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengkaji unsur matematis yang terdapat pada motif tenun ikat Sumba Timur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini  terdiri dari 40 orang pengrajin tenun ikat di 5 centra tenun. Penelitian ini berlangsung dari bulan Maret-September 2020. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, angket dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) eksplorasi tenun ikat Sumba Timur ditemukan beberapa motif yang sering ditenun yaitu motif kuda, manusia, patola kamba, patola ratu,  ayam, kupu-kupu, bunga, udang, mamuli dan singa,  (2) beberapa unsur matematis dalam tenun ikat Sumba Timur yang dapat diidentifikasi berdasarkan motif yang ditemui yaitu titik, garis, sudut, bangun datar seperti segitiga, jajargenjang, persegi panjang dan belah ketupat, serta transformasi geometri diantaranya ada rotasi, refleksi, dilatasi dan translasi


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    In the era of information technology, electronic media are broadcasted throughout the world by farreachingmultinational companies. In that way, various forms of entertainment have becomeinseparable from childrens daily lives. Due to their extensive presence, media may have considerableinfluence over childrens development and behaviour. Naturally, media are expected to provide notonly creative entertainments but also positive didactic messages for child viewers, including thoseunder five (5) years old. Early age education practitioners can make use of the movies to introducethe child viewers to certain values such as relevant gender sensitive messages. Frozen (2013) is amovie which depicts female independent characters that do not pursue romance as their only lifegoal; instead, they prefer to stay together and keep their mutual love as sisters after a long journeyfull of adventures.In this preliminary study, the visual and narrative elements of the movie are studiedin order to analyze the gender sensitive messages wrapped in entertaining styles. To some extent,themessages can also enhancefive different developmental domains of childrennamely social, physical,intellectual, creativity, and emotion development (in short, S.P.I.C.E.).Thus, watching the movie canbring benefits to child and adult viewers from the viewpoints of entertainment, education, and childdevelopment

    Pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional dan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Matematika SMP

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    The research objectives are to describe the training that has been held so far and its weaknesses and to develop PCK training modules in order to improve the pedagogical and professional competence of mathematics teachers. This type of research is research and development. The research subjects were the MGMP Coordinator and junior high school mathematics teacher. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation studies, and tests. Data analysis techniques use mixed methods. The PCK training module was developed using the Sugiyono model, taking 7 stages namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions, limited trials and product revisions. Module validation tests are carried out by module experts, PCK experts, and prospective users. Research results: 1) Training for junior high school mathematics teachers have been focused on the dissemination of the 2013 curriculum and PCK training has never been held; 2) The weakness of the training that has been held so far: material from the powerpoint print out presented by the speaker, when the training collided with teaching activities in the school, the training material was only about the 2013 curriculum; and 3) PCK training modules that have been developed are feasible to use

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Guided Discovery Learning dengan Laboratorium Virtual terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa

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    The low level of science process skills, lack of variety of learning models, and limited laboratory facilities are the problems that underlie this research. This research uses quantitative research with the pre-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest research design. The sampling technique used was a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling type with the sample used in this study was 32 students of class VIII C UPT SMP Negeri 22 Gresik in the 2021-2022 academic year. Data collection techniques through science process skills tests, student response questionnaires, and observation of learning implementation. The result showed that: 1) the paired sample t-test analysis obtained a significance of 0.000 < 0.05 and t count < -t table with (-64,266 < -2,0395), indicating that there were differences in students' science process skills before and after the application of the guided discovery learning model with a virtual laboratory on students' science process skills. 2) The test of students' science process skills after the application of the guided discovery learning model with a virtual laboratory was 71% in the high category. Based on these results, it can be conclution that there are differences in students' science process skills before and after the application of guided discovery learning with virtual laboratories


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    This study aims to describe critical thinking skills, identify factors that affect critical thinking skills and recommend follow-up plans to overcome students' low critical thinking ability to complete class VII set operations problems at Waingapu City Junior High School. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection uses tests, interviews and documentation studies. The subjects in the study were 30 students of class VII junior high school in Waingapu City. The results found that the average critical thinking ability of students was 37.29 and was in the low category. There are several factors that affect students' critical thinking skills, including lack of relearning of the material that has been obtained, mastery of mathematical concepts, learning interests and students' thoroughness in working on problems. The recommendations of actions taken by teachers are reviewing the basic concepts of mathematics, designing learning devices and training students to work on story problems and learning motivation

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Google Meet dan Google Classroom bagi Dosen Tidak Tetap Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba

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    Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba is one of the universities that organizes online learning. This happened as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation requires all lecturers to be able to conduct online learning by utilizing the available facilities, namely Google Classroom and Google Meet, both permanent and adjunct lecturers. Permanent lecturers have used the application since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, while adjunct lecturers who held lessons this semester have never used the Google Classroom and Google Meet applications. If this is allowed, then learning will not be held properly. Therefore, this training is carried out in several stages, namely analyzing the needs of non-permanent lecturers, implementing activities, and following up. This training makes the online learning by adjunct lecturers can be carried out properly. Based on the results of the follow-up, the participants proposed further training on the use of Google Classroom, especially in making assignment assessment rubrics and quizzes

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Google Classroom dan Google Meet bagi Tenaga Pendidik SMP di Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    The implementation of this Community Service activity is motivated by the problems experienced by partners at SMP Kristen Payeti. The teachers in that school have not been able to take advantage of online learning applications such as Google Classroom and Google Meet. Therefore, to overcome the partner's problems, training was carried out by the PkM Team of Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba, which aims to educate the teachers so that they can increase their knowledge and skills related to the use of the two applications. The training activities were carried out using lectures, demonstrations, and simulations using Google Classroom and Google Meet. While the stages of implementation include the preparation of training modules, preparation of training rooms, and implementation of training. The results of this service activity indicate that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of teachers as trainees in using the two applications. Thus it can be concluded that the purpose of this service activity has been achieved. The follow-up carried out was to monitor the use of these two applications by teachers in the implementation of online learning

    Pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Pedagogical Content Knowedge dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional dan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Matematika SMP di Kecamatan Sidorejo Kota Salatiga

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan pelatihan yang selama ini diselenggarakan dan kelemahannya, serta mengembangkan modul pelatihan PCK dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru matematika. Adapun subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu Koordinator MGMP dan enam guru mapel matematika dari 3 SMP yang berbeda-beda. Modul pelatihan PCK dikembangkan menggunakan model Sugiyono, dengan mengambil 6 tahapan yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain dan uji coba terbatas. Uji validasi modul di lakukan oleh ahli pengembangan modul, ahli dalam PCK dan calon pengguna. Hasil penilaian dari ahli dalam pengembangan modul dan ahli dalam PCK sama, yaitu sebesar 68% dengan kategori cukup baik. Sedangkan, hasil penilaian calon pengguna sebesar 88 % dengan kategori sangat baik. Dalam implementasi modul pelatihan PCK, rata-rata pre-test peserta pelatihan adalah 62,7 dimana 2 dari 6 orang peserta pelatihan tuntas dengan persentase 33,4%. Rata-rata post-test peserta pelatihan adalah 72,7 dimana 1 dari 6 orang peserta pelatihan tidak tuntas dengan persentase 83,4%. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1). Pelatihan yang selama ini diselenggarakan bagi guru matematika SMP berfokus pada sosialisasi Kurikulum 2013, sehingga pelatihan terkait PCK belum pernah diselenggarakan; 2). Kelemahan pelatihan yang selama ini diselenggarakan berkaitan dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan guru yang berbeda-beda, materi yang diberikan kepada peserta pelatihan berupa print out power point, waktu pelatihan bertabrakan dengan agenda atau kegiatan sekolah, serta materi yang berfokus pada Kurikulum 2013; dan 3). Produk yang telah dikembangkan berupa modul pelatihan PCK layak untuk digunakan.The purpose of this study is to describe the training that has been held so far and its weaknesses, and develop PCK training modules in order to improve pedagogical competencies and professional competencies of mathematics teachers. The subjects in this study were the MGMP Coordinator and six mathematics subject teachers from 3 different junior high schools. The PCK training module was developed using the Sugiyono model, taking 6 stages namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions and limited trials. Module validation tests are carried out by module development experts, experts in PCK and prospective users. The assessment results from experts in module development and experts in PCK were the same, namely 68% with a fairly good category. Meanwhile, the results of the assessment of prospective users is 88% with a very good category. In implementing the PCK training module, the training participants' pre-test average was 62.7 where 2 of the 6 training participants completed with a percentage of 33.4%. The average post-test of the training participants was 72.7 where 1 of the 6 training participants did not complete with a percentage of 83.4%. The results of this study are: 1). The training that has been held for junior high school mathematics teachers has focused on 2013 Curriculum socialization, so that training related to PCK has never been held; 2). The weakness of the training that has been held so far relates to the needs and demands of different teachers, the material given to trainees is in the form of print out power points, when training collides with school agendas or activities, and materials focused on Curriculum 2013; and 3). Products that have been developed in the form of PCK training modules are feasible to use

    Gender Sensitive Messages Delivered In the Disney Movie FROZEN

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    Analisis Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Matematika SMP di Kota Waingapu

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    Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan kegiatan belajar. Namun, pada kenyataannya penggunaan media pembelajaan belum maksimal. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penelitian terkait penggunaan media pembelajaran agar dapat mengetahui penggunaan media pembelajaran matematika, sikap siswa, frekuensi penggunaan media dan manfaat penggunaan media pembelajaran matematika SMP di Kota Waingapu.berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa: 1) Penggunaan media pembelajaran SMP di Kota Waingapu yaitu 66,14% dengan kategori baik artinya guru-guru menggunakan media pembelajaran matematika; 2) Sikap siswa terhadap media pembelajaran matematika yaitu 76,33% dengan kategori baik artinya siswa setuju bahwa media mempengaruhi semangat belajar siswa; 3) Frekuensi penggunaan&nbsp; media&nbsp; pembelajaran SMP di Kota Waingapu yaitu 60,48% dengan kategori cukup artinya guru sudah menggunakan media dalam mengajar namun belum maksimal; dan 4) Manfaat dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran SMP di Kota Waingapu yaitu 84, 59% dengan kategori baik sekali artinya siswa setuju bahwa ada manfaat penggunaan media pembelajaran matematika