471 research outputs found

    Liposomes as delivery systems in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

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    Research on the potential application of liposomes in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases has focussed on improvement of the therapeutic index of antimicrobial drugs and immunomodulators and on stimulation of the immune response to otherwise weak antigens in vaccines composed of purified micro-organism subunits. In this review current approaches in this field are outlined. The improved therapeutic index of antimicrobial drugs after encapsulation in liposomes is a result of enhanced drug delivery to infected tissue or infected cells and/or a reduction of drug toxicity of potentially toxic antibiotics. Liposomal encapsulation of immunomodulators that activate macrophages aims at reducing the toxicity of these agents and targeting them to the cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system in order to increase the nonspecific resistance of the host against infections. Studies on the immunogenicity of liposomal antigens have demonstrated that liposomes can potentiate the humoral and cell mediated immunity to a variety of antigens

    The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Children’s Dietary Behaviors

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    Over the past years vlogs rapidly have become an attractive platform for food industries, sponsoring social media influencers to promote their products. As with more traditional media, social media influencers predominantly promote unhealthy drinks and foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt – consumption of which may increase the risk of overweight, obesity, and non-communicable diseases. The aim of the current Brief Research Report is to examine the impact of vlogs on children’s unhealthy dietary behaviors. Drawing on longitudinal survey data from 453 8- to 12-year-old children, we analyzed the longitudinal relations between children’s frequency of watching vlogs and their consumption of unhealthy beverages and snacks. Structural path modeling analyses of three waves of data with 1-year intervals showed that children’s self-reported frequency of watching vlogs influenced consumption of unhealthy beverages 2 years later. The analyses did not yield significant relat

    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    There is a need to stimulate physical activity among adolescents, but unfortunately, they are hard to reach with traditional mass media interventions. A promising alternative is to carry out social network interventions. In social network interventions, a small group of individuals (influence agents) is selected to promote health-related behaviors within their social network. This study investigates whether a social network intervention is more effective to promote physical activity, compared to a mass media intervention and no intervention. Ad

    Особливості перебігу та корекції артеріальної гіпертензії у хворих з супутньою вегетативною дисфункцією на курорті Трускавець

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    Частота синдрома вегетативной дисфункции у больных гипертонией составляет 60-70%, что существенно усложняет течение заболевания и ухудшает качество жизни пациентов. Больным гипертонией с признаками симпатикотонии целесообразно назначать бета-блокатор Корвазан и биологически активную воду Нафтуся, так так они существенно снижают частоту вегето-сосудистых кризов. Билогически активная вода Нафтуся содействует уменьшению количеству автономных нарушений и более быстрому достижению целевых уровней артериального давления

    Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України

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    7 квітня 2009 року на базі Чернігівського центру євроатлантичної інтеграції відбувся інтерактивний семінар на тему: «Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України». Захід провів Інститут трансформації суспільства (Київ, директор - Олег Соскін) спільно із Чернігівським державним педагогічним університетом їм. Т.Г. Шевченка за підтримки Посольства Словацької Республіки в Україні.

    Taxonomie van plant-pathogene schimmels als basis voor identificatie en detectie: resultaten van het Uitvoeringsconsortium Schimmels

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    Plant-pathogene schimmels worden traditioneel geïdentificeerd op basis van morfologische karakteristieken. Dit is over het algemeen tijdrovend, veel expertise en leidt vaak tot misidentificatie. Het doel van het werk uitgevoerd door het Uitvoeringsconsortium Schimmels was dan ook gericht op de verbetering van detectie- en identificatietechnieken van plant pathogene schimmels met de nadruk op quarantaineorganismen. Op grond van het economische, wetenschappelijke, en ecologische belang, de aanwezigheid van Q-organismen, en de wetenschappelijke startpositie binnen Nederland is in eerste instantie de keuze gevallen op de geslachten Colletotrichum, Phoma, en Phytophthora. De gegenereerde dat zijn opgenomen in de Q-bank

    β-diversity scaling patterns are consistent across metrics and taxa

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    We thank the University of St Andrews Bioinformatics Unit (Wellcome Trust ISSF grant 105621/Z/14/Z). L.H.A.was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (POPH/FSE SFRH/BD/90469/2012), A.E.M. by the ERC BioTIME (250189) and BioCHANGE (727440), and B.J.M. by USDA Hatch grant to MAFES #1011538 and NSF ABI grant #1660000. The BioTIME database was funded by ERC AdG BioTIME (250189) and ERC PoC BioCHANGE (727440).β‐diversity (variation in community composition) is a fundamental component of biodiversity, with implications for macroecology, community ecology and conservation. However, its scaling properties are poorly understood. Here, we systematically assessed the spatial scaling of β‐diversity using 12 empirical large‐scale datasets including different taxonomic groups, by examining two conceptual types of β‐diversity and explicitly considering the turnover and nestedness components. We found highly consistent patterns across datasets. Multiple‐site β‐diversity (i.e. variation across multiple sites) scaling curves were remarkably consistent, with β‐diversity decreasing with sampled area according to a power law. For pairwise dissimilarities, the rates of increase of dissimilarity with geographic distance remained largely constant across scales, while grain size (or scale level) had a stronger effect on overall dissimilarity. In both analyses, turnover was the main contributor to β‐diversity, following total β‐diversity patterns closely, while the nestedness component was largely insensitive to scale changes. Our results highlight the importance of integrating both inter‐ and intraspecific aggregation patterns across spatial scales, which underpin substantial differences in community structure from local to regional scales.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Improved efficacy of ciprofloxacin administered in polyethylene glycol-coated liposomes for treatment of Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia in rats.

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    Animal and clinical data show that high ratios of the area under the concentration-time curve and the peak concentration in blood to the MIC of fluoroquinolones for a given pathogen are associated with a favorable outcome. The present study investigated whether improvement of the therapeutic potential of ciprofloxacin could be achieved by encapsulation in polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated long-circulating sustained-release liposomes. In a rat model of unilateral Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia (MIC = 0.1 microg/ml), antibiotic was administered at 12- or 24-h intervals at twofold-increasing doses. A treatment period of 3 days was started 24 h after inoculation of the left lung, when the bacterial count had increased 1,000-fold and some rats had positive blood cultures. The infection was fatal within 5 days in untreated rats. Administration of ciprofloxacin in the liposomal form resulted in delayed ciprofloxacin clearance and increased and prolonged ciprofloxacin concentrations in blood and tissues. The ED(50) (dosage that results in 50% survival) of liposomal ciprofloxacin was 3.3 mg/kg of body weight/day given once daily, and that of free ciprofloxacin was 18.9 mg/kg/day once daily or 5.1 mg/kg/day twice daily. The ED(90) of liposomal ciprofloxacin was 15.0 mg/kg/day once daily compared with 36.0 mg/kg/day twice daily for free ciprofloxacin; 90% survival could not be achieved with free ciprofloxacin given once daily. In summary, the therapeutic efficacy of liposomal ciprofloxacin was superior to that of ciprofloxacin in the free form. PEG-coated liposomal ciprofloxacin was well tolerated in relatively high doses, permitting once daily administration with relatively low ciprofloxacin clearance and without compromising therapeutic efficacy

    Dynamics of interferon-gamma release assay and cytokine profiles in blood and respiratory tract specimens from mice with tuberculosis and the effect of therapy

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    There are limitations on diagnostic methods to differentiate between active and latent tuberculosis (TB), and the prediction of latent progression to TB disease is yet complex. Traditionally, tuberculosis-specific host immune response was visualized using the tuberculin skin test. Nowadays, IFN-γ release assays (IGRA) provide a more specific and sensitive tool, by which exposure to Mtb could be determined. However, the merit of IGRA aids in diagnosing active TB is yet unclear. We adapted IGRA for use in mice, and quantifying bead-based flow cytometry techniques were used to assess cytokine profiles during the course of untreated infection and to investigate the value of IGRA and cytokines as biomarkers for therapy response. High variability of IGRA results during progression of active TB infection related to various phases of infection was obtained. However, a significant decrease in IGRA results and in levels of IFN-γ, IL-17, IP-10 or MIG was observed and appeared to be associated with successful therapy. This outcome does not support the value of IGRA to accurately diagnose active TB or to monitor infection progression. However, IGRA proved to be a useful biomarker to monitor therapy success. In addition, different cytokines might serve as biomarkers