253 research outputs found
The Use of Cartoon Film to Teach Listening Narrative Texts to The Eighth Graders of SMPN 1 Menganti
As one of the language skills, listening is the basic skill in learning English a foreign language (EFL). Listening is a very important skill and the fundamental of language as stated by Brown (1980:43) that a small child listens and speaks and no one would dream of making him read or write. In other words, the natural order for the first and second language learning is listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Animation clips could make moving pictures and sound as well that chosen. They also would be more interesting than just listen an audio which only provides sound. Same as the report, teacher can use media like cassettes, tape recorder or MP3 player. Clark (2000; Rule & Ague, 2005) stated that focus of language materials is limited by number of circumstantial studies it is Difference with news, the pedagogical value of cartoons as reliable. In a circumstantial study conducted by Clark (2000), cartoons can involve the attention of the learners and present information in a pleasant atmosphere. Besides, encourage thinking processes and discussion skills is potential that cartoons have (Clark, 2000). Besides, encourage thinking processes and discussion skills is potential that cartoons have (Clark, 2000).
The researcher chooses short cartoon films as a media to teach listening narrative because he believes that cartoon could increase student’s motivation and attention to the material that will be given by the teacher. In his experience when he was doing practice teaching, he found that listening which audio sometimes could make them bored. The nice cartoons and films could engage student attention and seem to motivate the learners and good story lines makes them easy to learn the language input better and have a good significant effect to the language development.
Kata Kunci: : Listening, Short cartoon film, Narrative text.
Sebagai salah satu skill di dalam bahasa, listening adalah skli dasar dalam mempelajari Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (EFL). Listening adalah skill yang sangat penting dan menjadi dasar dari bahasa seperti yang di ungkapkan oleh Brown (1980:43) seorang anak kecil mendengar dan berbicara tidak ada seorang pun yang berfikir menyuruhnya membaca dan menulis. Dengan kata lain, Tatanan alami untuk pembelajaran bahasa pertama dan kedua adalah mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis
Klip animasi dipilih karena mereka memberikan gambar dan bisa bergerak. Itu juga lebih menarik daripada hanya mendengar suara saja. Sejalan dengan pernyataan, guru dapat menggunakan media seperti kaset CD, tape recorder, MP3, dll. Tidak seperti berita, nilai pedagogis kartun sebagai bahan bahasa asli telah menjadi fokus sejumlah kecil studi anekdot (Clark, 2000; Doring, 2002; Rule & Ague, 2005). Dalam sebuah studi anekdot yang dilakukan oleh Clark (2000), disoroti bahwa kartun dapat menarik perhatian pelajar dan menyajikan informasi dalam suasana yang tidak mengancam. Selain itu, kartun memiliki potensi untuk mendorong proses berpikir dan keterampilan diskusi (Clark, 2000). Studi lain dilakukan oleh Doring (2002) yang memusatkan perhatian pada efek paparan kartun pada pembelajaran bahasa.
Peneliti menggunakan film kartun pendek sebagai media mengajar listening pada naratif teks karena dia percaya film kartun dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan perhatian pada pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Pada pengalamnya menggunakan rekorder, dia menyadari bahawa listening yang hanya menggunakan audio, membuat siswa cepat bosan . film kartun dengan alur cerita yang bagus membuat siswa tertarik untuk mendengarkan, dan pembelajar menyerap bahasa lebih baik dan lebih memberi efek signifikan pada perkembangan bahasa.
Keywords: : Mendengarkan, film kartun pendek, teks narasi..
A dedicated state space for power system modeling and frequency and unbalance estimation
International audienceOver the last decades, a great deal of research has been focused on power quality issues in electrical energy transportation. We present a state-space representation to model dynamical power systems like electrical distribution systems. The proposed model is able to take into account all the dynamic behavior of a multiphase power system. It has been applied to model a typical three-phase power system and its unbalance, i.e., an electrical grid which can be perturbed by nonlinear loads and distributed renewable energy generation which is a typical changing system. Associated with an extended Kalman filter, the state-space model is used to iteratively estimate power quality parameters. Indeed, the symmetrical components of the power system, i.e., their amplitude and phase angle values, and the fundamental frequency can be calculated at each iteration without any prior knowledge. The proposed estimation technique is an evolving and adaptive method able to handle the changing power system. Its effectiveness has been evaluated by several tests. Results have been compared to other methods. They show the efficiency and better performance of the proposed method. The fundamental frequency and the symmetrical components are precisely estimated even under disturbed and time-varying conditions. This state-space representation can therefore be used in active power filtering schemes and in load frequency control strategies
Penelitian ini mengangkat mengenai pengaruh ekosistem pendidikan terhadap motivasi berprestasi pada siswa SMAN Se-Kabupaten Buleleng di masa COVID-19, baik secara parsial maupun secara menyeluruh. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik sampling dimana sampel penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan 361 kuisioner kepada para siswa SMAN yang beragama Hindu yang bersekolah di kabupaten Buleleng, dengan analisis yang dilakukan dengan teknik analisis statistic deskripsi dan analisis linier berganda
A comparative study between a simplified fuzzy PI and classic PI input-output linearizing controller for the wind-turbine doubly fed induction generator
International audienceThe paper presents a comparative study of a linearizing control with classic PI and fuzzy PI controllers of the active and reactive stator power of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) applied to a wind-energy conversion systems (WECS). The paper discusses the operating principles of the power-generation scheme. Simulation results show that the preented input-output linearizing control provides a decoupled control, perfect tracking of the generated active and reactive power and robustness the active- and reactive-power variations. Keywords: Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), Input-Output linearization, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
Pengaruh Latihan Snake Jump Agility Ladder Drillterhadap Kelincahan pada Ssbu-15 PTPN V
The problem in the research that the agilityPTPN V SSB U-15 is still lacking, this from the various test and tournament and tesis one of the causes of the defeat.This type of research is a kind of research experiments to see the effects of this form of exercise that is given. The purpose of this research was to observe the effect of practice snake jump "agility ladder drill " of agility on SSB U-15 PTPN V Pekanbaru with respondents 16 people. Sampling Technique using total sampling, where the total population is sampled. Data Collection techniques derived from the pre-test and post test. Instrument in this research using illinois agility run test to see agility. Analyses were performed using t-test. Based on data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that there is significant effect from a exercises snake jump “agility ladderdrill”to agility in SSB U-15 PTPN V as evidance by Ttest4,66 and T Table 1.75. It means T test > T table at the level of α = 0.05
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) has become an important health problem in the world for a long time and up to this day it is still difficult to be controlled. Prevalence of TB in Indonesia is still very high in which this country positioned the fifth largest number of TB cases incident in the world (WHO, 2010) with one of the causes of non-compliance treatment of patients with TB that affect threat cases Multi Drug-Resistant TB (MDR-TB) and Extreme Drug-Resistance (XDR). This behavior can be caused by swallowing the drug ineffectiveness supervisory role (PMO) where most of appointment geared to family members rather than health workers. The purpose of this literature review is to explain the effectiveness of the supervisory role of taking medication to compliance DOTS program in lung tuberculosis patients. Method: The strategy for search research article is using the research article in Indonesian and English in accordance with the desired topic by using a data base that is easily accessible and recognized quality, among others: Proquest, Google Scholar, Ebsco, journals nurses, and portal Garuda. Literature review was limited from 2005 to 2015. The determination of the critical questions and keywords using techniques PICO framework Keywords used to find this article are Tuberculosis, adherence, DOTS, Treatment Observer Role of Family Members, family support, Prevention of TB, TB treatment. Results: Literature review took 17 journal articles between 2005 and 2015. Discussion: The conclusion of this literature review is the role of the supervisor to take medication is very effective in improving the compliance to run the DOTS program in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Implications in nursing practice that can be done is to increase the supervisory role of the family to take medication to improve treatment compliance of TB patients. Supervisory Role in Drinking Drugs derived from a family member needs special attention in setting health policy, particularly in the DOTS policy because family members have an understanding that is not always similar to health professionals. In order to improve the effectiveness of Supervisory Role in Drinking Drugs (PMO) the elections of PMO coming from a family member can not be determined in general, but must have certain criteria that could help health workers in selecting worthy PMO for TB before treatment OAT concerned. Information about the disease can also be given to support patient compliance in running therapy and improve the regulatory knowledge to take medication so it wiil be in line with the established policy.
Keywords: tuberculosis, DOTS, supervisory role in drinking drug
A comprehensive assessment of MPPT algorithms to optimal power extraction of a PV panel
The electrical energy produced by photovoltaic (PV) process is inexhaustible, developable everywhere and clean. Whatever the conditions, it is desirable to extract the biggest amount of power from the solar panel. This is achieved with the use of a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm. Fluctuations in weather conditions (irradiation and temperature) strongly degrade the performance of the photovoltaic module's energy conversion and therefore all the power cannot be transferred to the load. The objective is to study and compare different approaches of MPPT algorithms to evaluate the power extracted under the standard test conditions and varying weather conditions. Results of the performance with all these algorithms are compared under different operating conditions. The results show that the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is the fastest in terms of stabilization and is followed respectively by Fractional Short-Circuit Current (FSCC), Fractional Open-Circuit Voltage (FOCV), Perturb and Observe (P&O), Incremental Conductance (INC) and Hill Climbing (HC) algorithms. The FLC also gives the best results in extracting, followed by P&O INC, HC, FSCC and FOCV algorithms
Nonlinear optimal control for the synchronization of biological neurons under time-delays
The article proposes a nonlinear optimal control method for synchronization of neurons that exhibit nonlinear dynamics and are subject to time-delays. The model of the Hindmarsh–Rose (HR) neurons is used as a case study. The dynamic model of the coupled HR neurons undergoes approximate linearization around a temporary operating point which is recomputed at each iteration of the control method. The linearization procedure relies on Taylor series expansion of the model and on computation of the associated Jacobian matrices. For the approximately linearized model of the coupled HR neurons an H-infinity controller is designed. For the selection of the controller’s feedback gain an algebraic Riccati equation is repetitively solved at each time-step of the control algorithm. The stability properties of the control loop are proven through Lyapunov analysis. First, it is shown that the H-infinity tracking performance criterion is satisfied. Moreover, it is proven that the control loop is globally asymptotically stable. © 2018, Springer Nature B.V.Funding was provided by Unit of Industrial Automation/Industrial Systems Institute (Grant No. Ref 5805 - Advances in applied nonlinear optimal control)
Making of Smart Education and Investment System 4.0 for Halal Industry (SEISHI) Application-Based
Indonesia,, with its large Muslim population, is an important market for and stakeholder in the development of the halal food industry. However, the halal industry in Indonesia has not grown optimally. One of the causes is that halal industry players currently only use Islamic banking, so they are less in touch with the wider community. This study aims to offer a solution to improve Islamic financing outside of Islamic banking, using an Islamic financing application called SEISHI (Smart Education and Investment System 4.0 for Halal Industries). SEISHI is offers an innovative fintech alternative for funding and investment for halal institutions in Indonesia. This research was designed at a regional scale in Malang and involved expert validation, material validation and 20 sample respondents to determine the acceptability of SEISHI applications. The descriptive qualitative method was used. The results of the study indicate that the application of SEISHI can bring together important elements in the halal industry cycle, namely halal industry players, Islamic banking, investors and the government regulators, and so strengthen Islamic funding and investment for halal industry players on an ongoing basis.
Keywords: SEISHI, Sharia Funding, Sharia Investment, Halal Industr
Juridical Analysis of Legal Protection of Personal Data in terms of Legal Certainty
Personal data is individual data that is stored, cared for, and kept true and also protected by confidentiality. There are various kinds of rules governing personal data in Indonesia but there is no one rule that specifically regulates personal data itself. The purpose of this study is to analyze the protection of personal data in terms of legal certainty. The problem in this research is how the legal protection of personal data is viewed from the Legal Certainty Principle, as well as the ius constituendum for personal data regulation in Indonesia. This study uses normative legal research using statutory and case approaches. Collection of legal materials through the method of literature study, with primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The conclusion from the results of this study shows that the current regulations still do not really provide concrete protection because personal data itself does not have laws that specifically regulate and bind it. The suggestion from this study is that there are efforts to optimize agencies or institutions that have authorization in terms of enforcing data protection laws in Indonesia.
Data pribadi adalah data perseorangan yang disimpan, dirawat, dan dijaga kebenarannya dan juga dilindungi kerahasiaanya. Terdapat berbagai macam aturan yang mengatur data pribadi tersebut di Indonesia tetapi belum ada satu aturan yang mengatur secara khusus tentang data pribadi itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa tentang perlindungan data pribadi ditinjau dari aspek kepastian hukum. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap data pribadi ditinjau dari Asas Kepastian Hukum, serta ius constituendum terhadap pengaturan data pibadi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Pengumpulan bahan hukum melalui metode studi literatur, dengan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, maupun tersier. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, aturan- aturan yang berlaku saat ini masih belum terlalu memberikan perlindungan yang konkrit karena data pribadi ini sendiri belum memiliki undang-undang yang khusus mengatur dan mengikat didalamnya. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah ada upaya optimalisasi terhadap instansi atau lembaga yang memiliki otorisasi dalam hal penegakan hukum perlindungan data di Indonesia
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