7 research outputs found


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    This research aims to find out how the marketing mixed strategy is done by CV. MYTRON and how far the effect of marketing mixed is on the sale volume in CV. Mytron in Pajang Surakarta area. The method employed was technique of collecting data through interview, observation, and literary study, with descriptive discussion method that is to describe the data obtained for obtaining a description of marketing mixed in CV. Mytron in Pajang Surakarta area and quantitative discussion method that is to use a simple linear regression method for finding out whether or not the marketing applied by the company has significant effect on the sale volume by considering the result of F- and Ttests with SPSS aid 17.0 series. The conclusions that can be drawn by the writer regarding the application of marketing mixed in CV. Mytron in Pajang Surakarta area are as follows: 1. The result of analysis on the effect of marketing mixed on the sale volume can be seen using SPSS aids 17.0 series. Using SPSS it can be concluded that the F-test shows the significance value less than 0.05 indicating that the four indicators can affect the sale volume. 2. From the result of T-test, it can be concluded that the four indicators with significant value result is distribution, so it can be said that distribution affects the sale volume. From the conclusions above, the writer can give the following recommendations: 1. CV.MYTRON should evaluate the marketing mix applied currently, that has significant effect on the television set sale volume in Surakarta area and surrounding. For example, the promotion activities done includes personal selling, the company can employ SPG officer as necessary so that the personal selling can proceed effectively. 2. Distribution has a significant effect on the television set sale volume in Surakarta area and surrounding but the vehicle used in distribution activity is only sedan and pick up. For that reason, CV. Mytron should increase the number of vehicles in the distribution activities. Keywords: Product, price, promotion & distribution with sale volume

    Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Changes in Nutritional Status and Physical Activities of School-Age Children: A Scoping Review

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    This study's objective is to review the consequence of the COVID-19 epidemic on physical activities, sedentary lifestyles, screen time, and changes in the nutritional status of school-age children. The outcomes of this study are intended to be applicable to obesity management in children. This study reviewed full-text articles and open-access publications on the sedentary lifestyle of children during the pandemic. and the data were analyzed using cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional designs. The results of reviewing 17 articles show that school-age children’s physical activities and nutritional status have decreased, but their sedentary lifestyle and screen time have increased due to social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Children’s decreased physical activities are caused by the absence of a comparable replacement mechanism as that before the pandemic. Meanwhile, the increasingly sedentary lifestyle highly influences children’s physical and mental health. Screen time has also increased and is unavoidable during the pandemic because children’s activities were limited and their learning systems are switched to online learning; as a result, their supporting sedentary lifestyle increases while physical activities decrease. These factors have changed the nutritional status of children during the pandemic. These results support the idea that the pandemic will impact the health of school-age children, especially their nutritional status. This review concludes that it is important to establish policies that prevent children’s further health effects, such as obesity, caused by COVID-19


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh komposisi kimia dan ketebalan coran terhadap struktur mikro besi cor pada kasus pembuatan besi cor vermicular. Besi cor vermicular menarik diteliti karena memiliki kekuatan dan keuletan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan besi cor kelabu, serta memiliki konduktivitas panas, sifat damping, ketahanan panas dan kekuatan fatik yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan besi cor nodular. Akan tetapi yang masih menjadi permasalahan adalah ketika proses pengecoran diperlukan komposisi kimia dan laju pendinginan yang tepat agar dihasilkan besi cor bergrafit vermicular. Terkait dengan hal itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan struktur mikro terhadap hasil coran dari sampel yang memiliki komposisi kimia dan ketebalan coran yang berbeda. Bahan besi cor dilebur menggunakan tungku induksi dan proses pemaduan Mg dilakukan di dalam ladel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jika komposisi kimia besi cor (% Mg minimal) mampu mendorong terbentuknya grafit nodular maka terdapat kecenderungan semakin tebal coran menyebabkan semakin besarnya kemungkinan terbentuknya grafit vermicular. Pada komposisi besi cor 2,63 %C; 2,41 %Si; 0,428 % %Mn; 0,006 %S; 0,07 %Mg; 0,015 %Ti; 0,067 %Cr; 0,019 %Mo; 0,043 %Ni; 0,009 %Al; 0,006 %Co; 0,12 %Cu; 0,007 %V; 0,024 %W dan ketebalan coran 40 mm mampu menghasilkan besi cor berstruktur vermicular

    “TABUR SEMPROT” (Tabung Biru Komposter Sampah Dapur Rumah Tangga)

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    Kegiatan ini didasari oleh rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga menjadi lebih bermanfaat. Kurangnya kepedulian terhadap pengelolaan sampah tadi berimbas kepada terus meningkatnya penumpukan timbunan sampah di berbagai TPA, yang disebabkan sulitnya memisahkan limbah-limbah organik dengan limbah yang dapat didaur ulang. Penumpukan akan limbah-limbah tadi sejatinya dapat diminimalisir apabila terdapat kesadaran pada masyarakat secara luas akan pentingnya pengelolaan terhadap limbah organik/dapur yang secara umum mudah dilakukan oleh individu masyarakat, sehingga proses pemisahan sampah yang masih dapat didaur ulang menjadi lebih efisien dan efektif oleh pihak yang berperan didalamnya. Pengkomposan menjadi salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah yang bersumber dari limbah dapur yang sejatinya masih dapat diolah menjadi lebih bermanfaat. Kompos sendiri selain digunakan sebagai media tanam, dapat juga dipakai sebagai pupuk yang dapat memperbaiki sifat-sifat tanah/media tanam agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan tumbuh tanaman. Akan tetapi mindset masyarakat yang masih menganggap teknik pengkomposan cenderung sulit menjadikan rendahnya minat masyarakat untuk mengolah sampah dapur menjadi kompos. Hal ini membuat peluang pemasaran komposter sederhana ini terbuka lebar. TABUR SEMPROT sebagai salah satu komposter sederhana yang menggunakan tabung sebagai tempat pengomposan yang didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga proses pengomposan bisa berjalan baik. Tabung Biru Komposter Sampah Dapur Rumah Tangga (TABUR SEMPROT) adalah sebuah tabung yang didesain untuk pembuatan kompos. Tabung ini dapat mengolah sampah dapur rumah tangga berupa sayur, buah, dan daun menjadi kompos dengan bantuan bioaktivator yang disemprotkan pada sampah tersebut setiap dimasukkan ke tabung komposter. Bioaktivator yang digunakan dapat dibuat sendiri (molase) atau dapat membeli di toko saprodi (EM4). Waktu yang dibutuhkan sampah dapur untuk menjadi kompos sekitar 1 bulan. Selain menghasilkan kompos, tabung ini juga dapat menghasilkan pupuk organik cair yang tersaring kebawah melalui lubang pada asbes plastik bergelombang yang dijadikan sekat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini selain mendapat keuntungan berupa materi dan pengalaman juga untuk mengubah pola perilaku masyarakat terhadap sampah. Meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah agar lebih bermanfaat, salah satunya dengan menghasilkan kompos. Target khusus dari kegiatan ini adalah memasarkan tabung komposter sebagai salah satu alat pengelolaan sampah sederhana yang dapat diaplikasikan pada skala rumah tangga. Ada lima metode yang dilakukan, mulai dari persiapan lokasi, pengadaan alat dan bahan, pembuatan produk, promosi, dan pemasaran produk


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    PENGARUH STRUKTUR MIKRO DAN BEBAN NORMAL TERHADAP SIFAT TRIBOLOGI BESI COR Nugroho Fajar Wicaksono Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sebelas Maret Email: [email protected] ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pengaruh beban pengujian terhadap sifat tribologi besi cor dengan variasi struktur mikro yang berbeda yakni besi cor dengan bentuk grafit serpih, vermicular dan nodular. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan alat uji keausan tribometer tipe pin-on-disc. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini dimaksudkan sebagai pembanding bahan besi cor jenis yang mana yang paling baik digunakan sabagai bahan dasar blok rem kereta api. Penelitian menggunakan variasi beban pengujian 0,5 MPa, 1 MPa, dan 1,5 MPa. Sifat tribologi yang diselidiki yaitu koefisien gesekan (µ) dan besarnya keausan yang terjadi dalam satuan volume. Suhu kerja selama pengujian keausan juga diamati yakni pada tekanan 1,5 Mpa untuk setiap variasi struktur mikro. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Semakin tinggi tekanan (beban) yang diberikan, koefisien gesek besi cor akan semakin menurun. Nilai koefisien gesek koefisien gesek berturut-turut serpih 0,445; vermicular 0,431, dan nodular 0,415. (2) Semakin besar tekanan yang diberikan pada pengujian besi cor semakin besar pula volume keausan yang dialami. Volume keausan paling tinggi dimiliki oleh besi cor bergrafit serpih, paling rendah dimiliki oleh besi cor nodular sedangkan besi cor vermicular berada di tengah-tengahnnya. (3) Suhu yang dialami besi cor selama pengujian gesek berturut-turut dari yang paling rendah yaitu besi cor bergrafit serpih, kemudian vermicular dan paling tinggi dialami besi cor bergrafit nodular. Kata kunci: tribologi, keausan, besi cor, grafit, serpih, vermicular, nodula

    Obstetric anesthesia services profile in cesarean section in Indonesian population: A prospective, observational, multicenter study

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    Background: All obstetrics or pregnant patients potentially require anesthesia during their delivery, both planned and emergency. The rate of cesarean deliveries in Indonesia has also increased from 9.8% to 17.6%. This study was conducted to provide a profile of anesthesia services in obstetric patients in Indonesian population. Materials and Methods: This observational prospective multicenter study was conducted from March to June 2022 in 67 hospitals in Indonesia. A total of 1731 subjects were enrolled. The study population consisted of patients who received obstetric anesthesia services during cesarean section. Data collection was conducted via the REDCap application. Results: A total of 1731 subjects were included in this study. Most cases were emergency surgeries (66.44%), with an American Society of Anesthesiologists classification of ASA II with emergency situation (53.96%). Spinal anesthesia was the most frequent technique (96.42%), although 1.16% of subjects had a conversion of anesthesia technique. The most common complication during the surgery, in the recovery room, and in the ward was hypotension (8.55%, 1.50%, and 0.58%, respectively), and the maternal mortality rate was 0.29%, with some identified causes being prolonged shock. A total of 120 (6.93%) subjects experienced postoperative care in the intensive care unit, whereas the remaining 1511 (93.17%) subjects did not. Conclusion: Anesthesia services in this study showed proper and representative results for obstetrics services in Indonesia. Our study demonstrated that single shot spinal anesthesia is the most commonly preferred mode of anesthesia for both elective and emergency cesarean delivery cases. However, there is still room for improvement in the anesthesia field, which should be continuously evaluated

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has “Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.  Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme: Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms: ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi