9 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada An.M Dengan Kejang Demama Di Ruang Mawar Rsud Banyudono

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    Background: Febrile seizure is a neurological disorder that is most commonly found in children, because of the rise of febrile seizures associated with age, level of temperature and speed of temperature increase, including hereditary factors also have a role in the rise of febrile seizures where the patient's family members have the opportunity to experience seizures more than the normal children. febrile seizures are seizures that occur due to the increase in body temperature (rectal temperature over than 38oC), due to a process extra cranium. Method: The author uses the method of description, while the sample is An M, the data obtained by ways: interview, examination, activities observation, obtaining records and diagnostic reports, cooperates with friends. Results: After the act of nursing for 3 days diagnoses that appeared three are: hyperthermia associated with the disease, impaired nutritional needs: less than body requirements related to the inadequate intake, the risk of recurrent seizures associated with hyperthermia. Conclusion: Cooperation between the health team and the patient or family is indispensable for the success of nursing care to patients so that the patients nursing problems regarding hyperthermia need nutrition: less than body requirements, the risk of recurrent seizures can be executed properly and the problem can be resolved in part. Keywords: Seizures Fever, hyperthermia, nutritional deficiencies

    Relationship of Religion and Culture

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    This research focuses on issues of religious, cultural and political conflicts and the integration of Ulama and Umara in Purwakarta which intersect with the political dimensions ahead of the Regional Head Election. The specific focus is on the evaluation of religion over culture and turns into a strategic issue played by interest groups. This research is a type of field research research using a qualitative dialectical phenomenological approach as the method. The collection of data and information was carried out by means of observation techniques. The findings of this study include the first, the religious and cultural relations in Purwakarta due to the perspective of the FPI, KUI and FUI mass organizations in assessing that the preservation of Sundanese culture in Purwakarta is contrary to Islamic teachings. second, the form of conflict between Ulama and Umara begins with the case of "the flute and the Koran, the making of puppet figures, the Hideung Bodas (Black and White) Festival of the Tumpeng Parade, the Bebegig Parade, to the confrontation of Sampurasun vs campurracun, and is closely related to political issues. and religious doctrine and understanding of Sundanese culture. But then it is processed into a religious issue and utilized by interest groups.Third, efforts to integrate ulama and Umara are carried out by holding a Cultural and Religious Workshop, establishing communication and compromising on the conflicts that occur

    Hubungan Karakteristik Personal Dengan Kecemasan Pada Ibu Postpartum Di Wilayah Kerjakerja Puskesmas Gatak Sukoharjo

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    Introduction: In the postpartum period, postpartum mothers will experience physiological, psychological and social adaptation adaptations. However, not all postpartum mothers can pass postpartum adaptation smoothly. The postpartum mother may experience psychological disorders of the puerperium, one of which is anxiety. Method of Research: This study aims to determine the relationship of personal characteristics with anxiety in postpartum mothers at GatakSukoharjo Health Center. This research is a descriptive correlative research with cross sectional approach. The study population is post partum mothers in puskesmasgatak area in the last 1 year 716 people. The sample of 36 postpartum mothers was determined using accidental sampling technique.Data collection of research using questionnaire which then analyzed by using rank spearman correlation analysis Conclusion: This study concludes that the characteristics of post partum mothers at GatakSukoharjo Public Health Center are mostly 21-35 years old, normal delivery type, childbirth as many as 2 children (multigravida), high school education, and have working status, postpartum mother's anxiety level mostly is medium anxiety, characteristic of respondent in the form of age, number of childbirth, and occupation have significant relation with post partum mother's anxiety level at GatakSukoharjo Health Center, while other mother characteristic that type of childbirth and education level have no significant relation with maternal anxiety level post partum at GatakSukoharjo Public Health Center

    Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized HIV/AIDS Patients

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    Background: Cutaneous adverse drug reaction (CADR) is the most common manifestation of drug hypersensitivity in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which presented as maculopapular rash. The incidence of CADR is found to be more common in untreated HIV patients, and the frequency is higher in severe immunodeficiency status. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment give better outcomes. Purpose: To evaluate the incidence and management of CADR in HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of HIV/AIDS patients with CADR who were hospitalized at Intermediate Care and Infectious Disease Centre Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital. Result: There were more CADR cases in 2017, accounted 2.35% of the total Intermediate Care and Infectious Disease Centre RSUD Dr. Soetomo General Academic Teaching Hospital ward patients. There were more male patients (62.5%), with the most commonly found at the age of 25-44 years (64.3%), and which mostly (89.3%) originated from Surabaya. The most common diagnosis was morbiliform eruption (60.7%), main complaint was red spots all over the body (45%), all of which are obscure erythematous macules. The most common causes were Duviral + Neviral antiretroviral (46%) and the most common treatment was dexamethasone injection. Conclusion: The incidence of CADR increased in 2017. The most frequent manifestation was morbilliform eruption due to Duviral+Neviral as the first line ARV treatment. Skin management varies widely in form of topical, oral, and intravenous injection drugs, mostly using steroid class, dexamethasone intravenous injection in particular

    In Vitro Comparison of Antifungal Activity between Epigallocatechin Gallate EGCG) and Nystatin on Candida Sp. Stored Isolates in HIV/AIDS Patients with Oral Candidiasis

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    Background: Oral candidiasis is an oral infection caused by Candida albicans. It is one of the most common opportunistic infections found in patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Due to growing resistance and side effects to common antifungal drugs in recent years, there have been many studies on natural substances as antifungal agents. In this study, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) were examined for in vitro antifungal activity against Candida strains. Purpose: To compare the in vitro antifungal activity of EGCG and nystatin towards Candida sp. isolate in HIV/AIDS patients with oral candidiasis. Methods: This research was an experimental laboratory study conducted at the Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya. Forty isolates of Candida albicans and Candida non-albicans were included. The isolates were tested for antifungal activity using the well diffusion and microdilution method for nystatin 1000 IU and EGCG 1.25%. Result: Diffusion test results showed a greater inhibition zone for nystatin against all analyzed Candida strains with an average diameter for Candida albicans formed by EGCG of 2.15 mm and 7.4 mm for Candida non-albicans. Meanwhile, based on the microdilution test, EGCG was better than nystatin towards all analyzed Candida strains. This study showed EGCG Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) as high as 50% (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Nystatin antifungal activity was better than EGCG supported by a greater inhibition zone in the well diffusion method. However, the antifungal activity of EGCG was better than nystatin based on microdilution methods

    Manajemen HIV/AIDS Terkini, Komprehensif, dan Multidisiplin

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    Penyakit infeksi HIV/AIDS merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang terpenting di dunia termasuk di Indonesia pada khususnya. Perkembangan yang semakin pesat dalam pengetahuan dan riset mengenai penatalaksanaan HIV mengharuskan para tenaga medis maupun paramedis untuk mengikutinya. Majanemen infeksi HIV/AIDS yang terkini, komprehensif, dan multidisiplin penting untuk memperbaiki manajemen pasien dengan infeksi HIV/AIDS beserta masalah-masalah yang menyertainya. Atas dasar inilah, tim penyusun terdorong untuk menerbitkan buku ini

    Epigallocathecingallate (EGCG) Antifungal Properties for Candida Isolates from HIV/AIDS Patients with Oral Candidiasis in Compare with Fluconazole.

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    Abstract Background: Oral Candidiasis (OC) still mainly oportunistic infection problem in HIV/AIDS Patients. Due to increasing report of fluconazole resistant as common antifungal drugs nowadays, there have been many studies focusing on natural substances and its antifungal properties. In this study, a form of green tea extract, named Epigallocathechingallate (EGCG) 1,25% were examined for their in vitro antifungal activity against Candida sp in comparison to fluconazole (2 mg/ml) as standard antifungal agents.Objective: To evaluate the antifungal activity of EGCG in compare with fluconazole against Candida isolates taken from HIV / AIDS patients with OC. Methods: Fourty Candida sp. isolates taken from HIV / AIDS patients with OC in the Outpatient Unit and Inpatient Installation of the Infectious Disease Intermediate Care Unit (UPIPI) Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya. Antifungal activity were evaluated by using microdilution tests. Results: The microdilution test revealed the MIC of EGCG for all Candida sp. was 0.625%, while the MIC of fluconazole was 100% for all Candida sp. There was significant difference (p <0.05) between the MIC values for Candida sp. by fluconazole and EGCG. The MFC values of EGCG was 50%, while value of fluconazole MFC was 100%. Conclusion: Antifungal activity of EGCG with fungistatic and fungicidal effect is better than fluconazole

    Protective Effect of Methylprednisolone on Contralateral Testes of Wistar Rats Under Torsion-Detortion

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    Background: Testicular torsion is an emergency situation and requires immediate surgery. Testicular torsion accounts for 13-54% of cases of acute pediatric scrotal disease and occurs in 1 in 4,000 men aged &lt;25 years and 1 in 160 men over 25 years. Even though the intervention was carried out for less than 6 hours, post-detortion testicular tissue mortality was still high, due to reperfusion ischemic injury due to excessive production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). The contralateral testis is often affected after torsion-detortion due to the effects of ROS. The provision of additional therapy after detortion is an urgent need to be found because it can reduce the death of testicular tissue due to reperfusion ischemic injury. Methods: It is an experimental study with a randomized controlled study design with post test only control group design. The research sample was 18 Wistar rats divided into 3 groups. Torsion of the ipsilateral testis is performed, then detortion and intravenous therapy are administered. The apoptotic index (infertility) was observed on the Johnsen score variable, the number of seminiferous tubular cell layers, neutrophil adhesion and the number of necrotic cells in the Eosin Hematoxyline in the contralateral testis. Furthermore, statistical analysis is carried out, the results are presented in tables and figures. Results: There was a significant difference between the Methylprednisolone group and the Torsion Detortion group with p = 0.008 in the Johnsen score variable and the number of seminiferous tubular cell layers. Discussion: Methylprednisolone as an anti-inflammatory has been proven in its function to reduce ROS so that it can reduce reperfusion ischemic injuries. &nbsp