1,768 research outputs found

    WLN release POLARPACS to the polar information community (poster)

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    pp. 411-41

    Paul Rowe. The Silent Time.

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    Toward an ontology of identity-related constructs in addiction, with examples from nicotine and tobacco research

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    Background and aims We aimed to create a basic set of definitions and relationships for identity-related constructs, as part of the Addiction Ontology and E-Cigarette Ontology projects, that could be used by researchers with diverse theoretical positions and so facilitate evidence synthesis and interoperability. Methods We reviewed the use of identity-related constructs in psychological and social sciences and how these have been applied to addiction with a focus on nicotine and tobacco research. We, then, used an iterative process of adaptation and review to arrive at a basic set of identity-related classes with labels, definitions and relationships that could provide a common framework for research. Results We propose that ‘identity’ be used to refer to ‘a cognitive representation by a person or group of themselves’, with ‘self-identity’ referring to an individual's identity and ‘group identity’ referring to an identity held by a social group. Identities can then be classified at any level of granularity based on the content of the representations (e.g. ‘tobacco smoker identity’, ‘cigarette smoker identity’ and ‘vaper identity’). We propose distinguishing identity from ‘self-appraisal’ to capture the distinction between the representation of oneself (e.g. as an ‘ex-smoker’) and (i) the importance and (ii) the positive or negative evaluation that we attach to what is represented. We label an identity that is appraised as enduring as a ‘core identity’, related to ‘strong identity’ because of the appraisal as important. Identities that are appraised positively or negatively involve ‘positive self-appraisal’ and ‘negative self-appraisal’ respectively. This allows us to create ‘logically defined classes’ of identity by combining them (e.g. ‘positive core cigarette smoker identity’ to refer to a cigarette smoker self-identity that is both positive and important). We refer to the totality of self-identities of a person as a ‘composite self-identity’. Conclusions An ontology of identity constructs may assist in improving clarity when discussing theories and evidence relating to this construct in addiction research

    Toward an ontology of tobacco, nicotine and vaping products

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    Background and aims Ontologies are ways of representing information that improve clarity and the ability to connect different data sources. This paper proposes an initial version of an ontology of tobacco, nicotine and vaping products with the aim of reducing ambiguity and confusion in the field. Methods Terms related to tobacco, nicotine and vaping products were identified in the research literature and their usage characterised. Basic Formal Ontology was used as a unifying upper-level ontology to describe the domain, and classes with definitions and labels were developed linking them to this ontology. Labels, definitions and properties were reviewed and revised in an iterative manner until a coherent set of classes was agreed by the authors. Results Overlapping, but distinct classes were developed: ‘tobacco-containing product’, ‘nicotine-containing product’ and ‘vaping device’. Subclasses of tobacco-containing products are ‘combustible tobacco-containing product’, ‘heated tobacco product’ and ‘smokeless tobacco-containing product’. Subclasses of combustible tobacco-containing product include ‘cigar’, ‘cigarillo’, ‘bidi’ and ‘cigarette’ with further subclasses including ‘manufactured cigarette’. Manufactured cigarettes have properties that include ‘machine-smoked nicotine yield’ and ‘machine-smoked tar yield’. Subclasses of smokeless tobacco product include ‘nasal snuff’, ‘chewing tobacco product’, and ‘oral snuff’ with its subclass ‘snus’. Subclasses of nicotine-containing product include ‘nicotine lozenge’ and ‘nicotine transdermal patch’. Subclasses of vaping device included ‘electronic vaping device’ with a further subclass, ‘e-cigarette’. E-cigarettes have evolved with a complex range of properties including atomiser resistance, battery power, properties of consumables including e-liquid nicotine concentration and flavourings, and the ontology characterises classes of product accordingly. Conclusions Use of an ontology of tobacco, nicotine and vaping products should help reduce ambiguity and confusion in tobacco control research and practice

    Seeing red over black and white: popular and media representations of inter-racial relationships as precursors to racial violence

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    The recent murder in the UK of Anthony Walker attests to the lingering antipathy, indeed hostility, toward intimate inter-racial relationships, especially those involving black men and white women. Seventeen year-old Walker was brutally beaten then fatally assaulted with an axe to his head - the 'provocation' for the attack was this young black man’s relationship with his white girl friend. This paper assesses the historical and contemporary images and mythologies that continue to stigmatize inter-racial relationships. Specifically, we look at the representations disseminated through varied popular media forms. The paper suggests that these mediated constructs condition an environment that facilitates, if not encourages, violence against those in inter-racial relationships

    Association between cigarette smoking status and voting intentions:Cross sectional surveys in England 2015-2020

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    Background and aims: Cigarette smoking takes place within a cultural and social context. Political views and practices are an important part of that context. To gain a better understanding of smoking, it may be helpful to understand its association with voting patterns as an expression of the political views and practices of the population who smoke. This study aimed to assess the association between cigarette smoking and voting intentions and to examine how far any association can be explained by sociodemographic factors and alcohol use. Methods: Pooled monthly representative repeat cross-sectional household surveys of adults (16+) in England (N = 55,482) between 2015 and 2020 were used to assess the association between cigarette smoking status and voting intentions, and whether this was accounted for by age, occupational grade, gender, region and alcohol use. Voting intention was measured by asking ‘How would you vote if there were a General Election tomorrow?’ Respondents chose from a list of the major English political parties or indicated their intention not to vote. Results: In adjusted multinomial regression, compared with intending to vote Conservative (majority party of government during the period), being undecided (aOR1.22 [1.13-1.33] <0.001), intending to vote Labour (aOR1.27 [1.16-1.36] <0.001), to vote “Other” (aOR1.54 [1.37-1.72] <0.001), or not to vote (aOR1.93 [1.77-2.11] <0.001) was associated with higher odds of current relative to never smoking rates. Intending to vote for the Liberal Democrats was associated with a significant lower odds of current smoking prevalence (aOR0.80 [0.70-0.91] <0.001) compared with intending to vote Conservative. Conclusions: Controlling for a range of other factors, current as compared with never-smokers appear more likely to intend not to vote, to be undecided, to vote for Labour or a non-mainstream party, and less likely to vote for the Liberal Democrats, compared with the Conservative party

    Declaring a Patient Brain Dead on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): Are There Guidelines or Misconceptions

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    Objectives: To review the clinical practice variations and trends with declaring patients brain dead on ECMO To highlight the need for the development of consensus guidelines to assist clinicians in the accurate diagnosis of brain death in this specific patient populatio

    Addiction Ontology: Applying basic formal ontology in the addiction domain

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    Ontologies are being used in many areas of science to improve clarity and communication of research methods, findings and theories. Many of these ontologies use an upper level ontology called Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as their frame of reference. This article summarises Basic Formal Ontology and shows how it can provide a basis for development of an Addiction Ontology that encompasses all the things that addiction researchers, practitioners and policy makers want to refer to. BFO makes a fundamental distinction between what it calls continuants (e.g. objects and their characteristics) and occurrents (e.g. processes). Classifying addiction-related entities using this system enables important distinctions to be made that are frequently overlooked or confused in the literature due to inherent ambiguities in natural language expressions. The Addiction Ontology uses this framework to convey information about: people and populations and their characteristics (e.g. substance use disorder), products (e.g. heroin, tobacco-containing products), behaviours (e.g. cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption), interventions (e.g. detoxification, rehabilitation, legislation), research (e.g. measurement, theories, study designs), organisations (e.g. pharmaceutical industry, tobacco companies), and settings (e.g. hospital outpatient clinic, country)
