372 research outputs found


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    Virtual worlds, set-up on the Internet, occur as a highly complex form of visual media. They foreshadow future developments, not only in leisure settings, but also in health care and business environments. The interaction between real-life and virtual worlds, i.e., inter-reality, has recently moved to the center of scientific interest (Bainbridge 2007). Particularly, the empirical assessment of the value of virtual embodiment and its outcomes is needed (Schultze 2010). Here, this paper aims to make a contribution. Reviewing prior media theories and corresponding conceptualizations such as presence, immersion, media literacy and emotions, we argue that in inter-reality, individual differences in perceiving and dealing with one’s own and other’s emotions influence an individual\u27s performance. Providing construct operationalizations and model propositions, we suggest testing the theory in the context of competitive and socially interactive virtual worlds

    Förderung ausgewählter sozialer Aspekte des Sportkletterns bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter zwischen 8 und 16 Jahren

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    Titel der Arbeit: Förderung ausgewählter sozialer Aspekte des Sportkletterns bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen 8 und 16 Jahren. Wie der Titel bereits referiert, ist das Ziel meiner Arbeit herauszufinden inwieweit die sozialen Aspekte von Kindern und Jugendlichen beim Sportklettern gefördert werden. Außerdem wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob dieser Sport, im Vergleich zu anderen Sportarten, einen Einfluss auf das Sozialverhalten nimmt. Das Sportklettern ist ein sehr vielseitiger Sport, den jeder betreiben kann, ohne besondere Voraussetzungen mitbringen zu müssen. Neben den motorischen Fähigkeiten sowie Fertigkeiten werden beim Sportklettern auch die psychischen und sozialen Aspekte angesprochen. Dabei werden in Bereichen der Bewegungsvielfalt, der Verantwortung und des Vertrauens vielseitige Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen gesammelt, die dazu beitragen über die eigenen Grenzen hinaus zu wachsen. Daraus ergeben sich folgende Hypothesen. Zum einen, ob das Sportklettern die soziale Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen unbewusst fördert, und zum anderen die Hypothese, ob eine Unterstützung der sozialen Entwicklung durch eine bewusste Interaktion der Kletterlehrer und Kletterlehrerinnen stattfindet. Letztendlich kann es jedoch auch sein, dass kein Beitrag oder Effekt hinsichtlich sozialer Aspekte erfolgt. Anhand ausgewählter sozialer Aspekte gilt es herauszufinden, ob und wie der Klettersport diese Aspekte in Kletterkursen fördern kann. Für die Beantwortung der Fragestellung wurden vier erfahrene Kletterlehrer und Kletterlehrerinnen heran gezogen. Um die notwendigen Informationen zu erhalten wurde als Methode das leitfadenunterstützte Interview gewählt. Mittels der strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring konnte eine genaue Auswertung der Interviews erfolgen. Diese ergab, dass der Klettersport sehr wohl einen positiven Einfluss auf das Sozialverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen nimmt, jedoch diese nicht immer bewusst gefördert werden müssen, da sie durch diverse Kletterspiele, sowie Übungen automatisch und parallel mitlaufen.Subject of the thesis: Sport climbing and the promotion of a selected number of social aspects with regard to children and adolescent, aged between 8 and 16 years. As the title already implies, I want to find out what level of support is given by this sport in order to foster social aspects of children and youths. Furthermore, this work deals with the question, if there is an impact of sport climbing on the social behaviour in the childhood and the adolescence and if this differs from other sports? Overall, sport climbing is very versatile and is an exciting sport available to all ages and levels, because there are no special requirements. Apart from its motor abilities and accomplishments it also appeals to psychological and social aspects. Moreover, one is able to gain various experiences and collect a great number of adventures, for example in terms of the diversity of motion, also to accept responsibility, to have or cultivate confidence in material and partner and to grow beyond ones borders. Thus, one hypothesis is that children and teenagers acquire social competences unconsciously. Another assumption is that sport climbing fosters their social development through a conscious interaction with teachers and trainers. However, there might also be no effect at all. On the basis of a selected number of social aspects, with regard to sport climbing, it is important to determine if and how it is possible to promote these aspects in a climbing course. To answer this research question, four experienced male and four experienced female climbers were interviewed. A guideline-interview was used to collect necessary data. Finally the qualitative content analysis, a method according to Mayring, was applied to achieve a thorough assessment. In brief, results show that sport climbing has a positive effect on the social behaviour of children and adolescent. However, findings make clear that there is no need to promote these testified social aspects consciously, because various exercises and games train them automatically

    Zeno and anti-Zeno effects for quantum Brownian motion

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    In this paper we investigate the occurrence of the Zeno and anti-Zeno effects for quantum Brownian motion. We single out the parameters of both the system and the reservoir governing the crossover between Zeno and anti-Zeno dynamics. We demonstrate that, for high reservoir temperatures, the short time behaviour of environment induced decoherence is the ultimate responsible for the occurrence of either the Zeno or the anti-Zeno effect. Finally we suggest a way to manipulate the decay rate of the system and to observe a controlled continuous passage from decay suppression to decay acceleration using engineered reservoirs in the trapped ion context .Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. v2: Replaced with the published version. Minor modifications in the text and titl

    Análise da implementação da gestão estratégica de custos na percepção dos gestores e colaboradores em uma emporesa estatal de energia elétrica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Florianópolis, 2010O presente trabalho objetivou investigar o nível de aderência do modelo de Gestão Estratégica de Custos - GEC praticado em uma estatal de energia elétrica ao modelo proposto por Shank e Govindarajan, sob a ótica dos empregados e gestores da organização. Foram considerados dez fatores, internos e externos à organização, fundamentados no modelo proposto por Shank e Govindarajan (1997) para implementação da GEC, composto da combinação de três temas: análise da cadeia de valor, análise do posicionamento estratégico e análise dos direcionadores de custos. Focalizou-se na caracterização da gestão estratégica de custos praticada atualmente, identificou-se a percepção dos três níveis hierárquicos de acordo com os fatores intervenientes identificados e realizou-se a confrontação das percepções dos entrevistados para os diversos fatores intervenientes. A metodologia adotada é caracterizada como descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, estudo de caso e coleta de dados com utilização de entrevistas semi estruturadas. O estudo foi realizado na Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A., com as áreas de gestão envolvidas com o processo de GEC. A amostra é não probabilística intencional. Para análise e interpretação dos dados, foi realizada a análise de conteúdo das informações levantadas nos documentos formais e comparadas com o efetivamente praticado e compartilhado, identificado na entrevista. Concluiu-se que o modelo de GEC já foi implementado parcialmente na Empresa e existe certo consenso entre os entrevistados dos três níveis hierárquicos de que análise da cadeia de valor concentra fatores que facilitam e que dificultam a implementação do modelo, a análise do posicionamento estratégico concentra os fatores que estão mais estruturados na Empresa e a análise dos direcionadores de custos concentra os fatores que mais dificultam.This study aimed to investigate the level of adherence of the Strategic Cost Management (SCM) model practiced in a state-owned electricity company to the model proposed by Shank and Govindarajan, from the perspective of employees and managers of the organization. Ten externals and interns factors to the organization had been considered, based on the model for implementation of the CSM, composed by the combination of three subjects: analysis of the value chain, analysis of the strategic position, and analysis of the costs drivers. The paper has focused in the characterization of the strategic cost management currently practiced; it has recognized the perception of the three hierarchic levels about the identified intervening factors; and made the confrontation of the interviewed perceptions on the diverse intervening factors. Concerning the methodology, the study was characterized as descriptive of qualitative nature, using the case study method and collects of data with half structuralized interviews. The study has been made in Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A., at the management areas involved with the CSM process. The sample is not probabilistic intentional. For data analysis and interpretation, it was made the analysis of information raised in legal documents and it was compared with the normal practice noticed in the interviews. One concluded that the CSM model was already partially implemented in the Company and that exist certain consensus among the interviewed ones of the three hierarchic levels of the Company that the analysis of the value chain concentrates factors that facilitate and, at the same time, make more difficult the implementation of the model; that the analysis of the strategic position concentrates the factors that are more structuralized in the Company; and that the analysis of the costs drivers concentrates the factors that make it difficult

    Personality structure in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).

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    Comparative studies can help identify selective pressures that contributed to species differences in the number and composition of personality domains. Despite being adapted to an aquatic lifestyle and last sharing a common ancestor with primates some 95 million years ago, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) resemble nonhuman primate species in several behavioral and cognitive traits. For example, like chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), dolphins live in fission-fusion societies, use tools, and have relatively large brains. To determine the extent to which these and other factors contribute to the evolution of personality structure, we examined personality structure in 134 bottlenose dolphins. Personality was measured in 49 dolphins using a 42-item questionnaire, and in 85 dolphins using a version of the questionnaire that included 7 additional items. We found four domains. Three—openness, sociability, and disagreeableness—resembled personality domains found in nonhuman primates and other species. The fourth, directedness, was a blend of high conscientiousness and low neuroticism, and was unique to dolphins. Unlike other species, dolphins did not appear to have a strong dominance domain. The overlap in personality structure between dolphins and other species suggests that selective pressures, such as those related to group structure, terrestrial lifestyles, morphology, and social learning or tool use are not necessary for particular domains to evolve within a species

    Prediction of the Spatial Origin of Puumala Virus Infections Using L Segment Sequences Derived from a Generic Screening PCR

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    To screen diagnostic specimens for the presence of hantavirus genomes or to identify new hantaviruses in nature, the pan-hanta L-PCR assay, a broadly reactive nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay targeting the L segment, is highly preferred over other assays because of its universality and high sensitivity. In contrast, the geographic allocation of Puumala virus strains to defined outbreak regions in Germany was previously done based on S segment sequences. We show that the routinely generated partial L segment sequences resulting from the pan-hanta L-PCR assay provide sufficient phylogenetic signal to inform the molecular epidemiology of the Puumala virus. Consequently, an additional S segment analysis seems no longer necessary for the identification of the spatial origin of a virus strain

    Driven harmonic oscillator as a quantum simulator for open systems

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    We show theoretically how a driven harmonic oscillator can be used as a quantum simulator for non-Markovian damped harmonic oscillator. In the general framework, the results demonstrate the possibility to use a closed system as a simulator for open quantum systems. The quantum simulator is based on sets of controlled drives of the closed harmonic oscillator with appropriately tailored electric field pulses. The non-Markovian dynamics of the damped harmonic oscillator is obtained by using the information about the spectral density of the open system when averaging over the drives of the closed oscillator. We consider single trapped ions as a specific physical implementation of the simulator, and we show how the simulator approach reveals new physical insight into the open system dynamics, e.g. the characteristic quantum mechanical non-Markovian oscillatory behavior of the energy of the damped oscillator, usually obtained by the non-Lindblad-type master equation, can have a simple semiclassical interpretation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. V2: Minor modifications and added 2 appendixes for more details about calculation

    A novel Coltivirus-related virus isolated from free-tailed bats from Côte d’Ivoire is able to infect human cells in vitro

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    Background: Zoonotic transmission events play a major role in the emergence of novel diseases. While such events are virtually impossible to predict, wildlife screening for potential emerging pathogens can be a first step. Driven by recent disease epidemics like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and Ebola, bats have gained special interest as reservoirs of emerging viruses. Methods: As part of a bigger study investigating pathogens in African bats we screened animals for the presence of known and unknown viruses. Results: We isolated and characterised a novel reovirus from blood of free-tailed bats (Chaereophon aloysiisabaudiae) captured in 2006 in Côte d’Ivoire. The virus showed closest relationship with two human pathogenic viruses, Colorado tick fever virus and Eyach virus, and was able to infect various human cell lines in vitro. Conclusion: The study shows the presence of a coltivirus-related virus in bats from Sub-Sahara Africa. Serological studies could help to assess its impact on humans or wildlife health

    Takayasu arteritis presenting as cerebral aneurysms in an 18 month old: A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Central nervous system involvement occurs in as many as twenty percent of Takayasu arteritis cases. When central nervous system disease is present, it typically manifests as cerebral ischemia or stroke. There are rare reports of intracranial aneurysms in adults with Takayasu arteritis, but none in children.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a case of Takayasu arteritis in an 18 month old girl who presented with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. Full body magnetic resonance angiography revealed bilateral iliac, pelvic and intragluteal aneurysms, irregular terminal aorta, and stenotic renal arteries. Iliac vessel biopsy showed a lymphocytic infiltrate and giant cells localized to the internal elastica.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case highlights cerebral aneurysm as a highly unusual initial manifestation of Takayasu arteritis and demonstrates the challenges of diagnosis, treatment, and assessment of response to therapy in TA in children.</p

    Supplementary dydrogesterone is beneficial as luteal phase support in artificial frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles compared to micronized progesterone alone.

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    INTRODUCTION The number of frozen embryo transfers increased substantially in recent years. To increase the chances of implantation, endometrial receptivity and embryo competency must be synchronized. Maturation of the endometrium is facilitated by sequential administration of estrogens, followed by administration of progesterone prior to embryo transfer. The use of progesterone is crucial for pregnancy outcomes. This study compares the reproductive outcomes and tolerability of five different regimens of hormonal luteal phase support in artificial frozen embryo transfer cycles, with the objective of determining the best progesterone luteal phase support in this context. DESIGN This is a single-center retrospective cohort study of all women undergoing frozen embryo transfers between 2013 and 2019. After sufficient endometrial thickness was achieved by estradiol, luteal phase support was initiated. The following five different progesterone applications were compared: 1) oral dydrogesterone (30 mg/day), 2) vaginal micronized progesterone gel (90 mg/day), 3) dydrogesterone (20 mg/day) plus micronized progesterone gel (90 mg/day) (dydrogesterone + micronized progesterone gel), 4) micronized progesterone capsules (600 mg/day), and (5) subcutaneous injection of progesterone 25 mg/day (subcutan-P4). The vaginal micronized progesterone gel application served as the reference group. Ultrasound was performed after 12-15 days of oral estrogen (≥4 mg/day) administration. If the endometrial thickness was ≥7 mm, luteal phase support was started, up to six days before frozen embryo transfer, depending on the development of the frozen embryo. The primary outcome was the clinical pregnancy rate. Secondary outcomes included live birth rate, ongoing pregnancy, and miscarriage and biochemical pregnancy rate. RESULTS In total, 391 cycles were included in the study (median age of study participants 35 years; IQR 32-38 years, range 26-46 years). The proportions of blastocysts and single transferred embryos were lower in the micronized progesterone gel group. Differences among the five groups in other baseline characteristics were not significant. Multiple logistic regression analysis, adjusting for pre-defined covariates, showed that the clinical pregnancy rates were higher in the oral dydrogesterone only group (OR = 2.87, 95% CI 1.38-6.00, p=0.005) and in the dydrogesterone + micronized progesterone gel group (OR = 5.19, 95% CI 1.76-15.36, p = 0.003) compared to micronized progesterone gel alone. The live birth rate was higher in the oral dydrogesterone-only group (OR = 2.58; 95% CI 1.11-6.00; p=0.028) and showed no difference in the smaller dydrogesterone + micronized progesterone gel group (OR = 2.49; 95% CI 0.74-8.38; p=0.14) compared with the reference group. CONCLUSION The application of dydrogesterone in addition to micronized progesterone gel was associated with higher clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate and then the use of micronized progesterone gel alone. DYD should be evaluated as a promising LPS option in FET Cycles