934 research outputs found

    The Theology of Frederick Henry Quitman as Illustrated Primarily by his Catechism and Hymbook

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    This research, therefore, was motivated by a desire to know more about the man who stood as a “Saul among the host of Israel determining the course of the New York Ministerium for twenty-one years, given an honorary S.T.D. by Harvard University, so revered by his congregation that when he could no longer walk he was carried into the pulpit to a chair, and yet summarily dismissed by many as a rationalist and a socinian

    Fabrication and analysis of co-diffused n-type silicon solar cells applying plasma-deposited diffusion sources

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    Public Doctrine in the Lutheran Church --Missouri Synod

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    The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod states its doctrinal position in the second article of its constitution : The synod, and every member of the Synod, accepts without reservation: 1. The Scriptures of .the Old and New Testament as the written word of God and the only role and norm of faith and of practice; 2. All the Symbolical Books of the evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God, to wit, the three Ecumenical creeds (the Apostles\u27 Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed), the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, the Large Catechism of Luther, the Small Catechism of Luther, and the Formula of Concord. This article has been a part of Missouri’s constitution since its inception. Theoretically, this article of the Synod\u27s constitution delineates Missouri’s doctrinal stand and determines who is admitted into Missouri’s fellowship, Missouri\u27s internal discipline, its relationship to other church bodies, and is a factor in the Synod’s course of action and its outlook toward issues of the day

    Trends in Young Adult Literature: A Quantitative Approach to Characterizing the New York Times Young Adult Bestsellers of 2020, 2021, and 2022

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    Understanding how a book becomes a bestseller is one of the biggest mysteries in the publishing industry. This research paper focuses on YA bestsellers and uses a quantitative methodology to try to solve the mystery. Its main objectives are to (1) review the current trends in YA literature and (2) find patterns and similarities in the text of YA bestsellers. By building a dataset and analyzing the 175 books featured in the “Young Adult Hardcover” bestseller list of the New York Times for 2020, 2021, and 2022, the study shows that YA bestsellers share characteristics and patterns, such as the page count or the point of view of the stories, and urges to expand on this research and continue exploring and understanding bestsellers

    Conflict Free Connectivity and the Conflict-Free-Connection Number of Graphs

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    We explore a relatively new concept in edge-colored graphs called conflict-free connectivity. A conflict-free path is a (edge-) colored path that has an edge with a color that appears only once. Conflict-free connectivity is the maximal number of internally disjoint conflict-free paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph. We also define the c-conflict-free-connection of a graph G. This is the maximum conflict-free connectivity of G over all c-colorings of the edges of G. In this paper we will briefly survey the works related to conflict-free connectivity. In addition, we will use the probabilistic method to achieve a bound on the c-conflict-free connection number of complete graphs

    A Register-Based Study of Interior Monologue in James Joyce’s Ulysses

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    While fictional orality (spoken language in fictional texts) has received some attention in the context of quantitative register studies at the interface of linguistics and literature, only a few attempts have been made so far to apply the quantitative methods of register studies to interior monologues (and other forms of inner speech or thought representation). This article presents a case study of the three main characters of James Joyce’s Ulysses whose thoughts are presented extensively in the novel, i.e., Leopold and Molly Bloom and Stephen Dedalus. Making use of quantitative, corpus-based methods, the thoughts of these characters are compared to fictional direct speech and (literary and non-literary) reference texts. We show that the interior monologues of Ulysses span a range of non-narrative registers with varying degrees of informational density and involvement. The thoughts of one character, Leopold Bloom, differ substantially from that character’s speech. The relative heterogeneity across characters is taken as an indication that interior monologue is used as a means of perspective taking and implicit characterization

    Single amino acid mutations interchange the reaction specificities of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase and the acarbose-modifying enzyme acarviosyl transferase

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    Acarviosyl transferase (ATase) from Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 is a bacterial enzyme that transfers the acarviosyl moiety of the diabetic drug acarbose to sugar acceptors. The enzyme exhibits 42% sequence identity with cyclodextrin glycosyltransferases (CGTase), and both enzymes are members of the α-amylase family, a large clan of enzymes acting on starch and related compounds. ATase is virtually inactive on starch, however. In contrast, ATase is the only known enzyme to efficiently use acarbose as substrate (2 µmol min-1 mg-1); acarbose is a strong inhibitor of CGTase and of most other α-amylase family enzymes. This distinct reaction specificity makes ATase an interesting enzyme to investigate the variation in reaction specificity of α-amylase family enzymes. Here we show that a G140H mutation in ATase, introducing the typical His of the conserved sequence region I of the α-amylase family, changed ATase into an enzyme with 4-α-glucanotransferase activity (3.4 µmol min-1 mg-1). Moreover, this mutation introduced cyclodextrin-forming activity into ATase, converting 2% of starch into cyclodextrins. The opposite experiment, removing this typical His side chain in CGTase (H140A), introduced acarviosyl transferase activity in CGTase (0.25 µmol min-1 mg-1).
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