1,528 research outputs found

    Conductor's analysis: John Mackey's Wine-Dark Sea: symphony for band, A

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    2020 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis provides a study of the composer John Mackey and his music. In the last twelve years, Mackey has become internationally renowned and one of the most widely performed composers in the band world. Mackey has received numerous awards and honors for his musical contributions. His unique compositional style is distinguishable in his works regardless of the genre. Audiences, conductors, and performers alike continue to find enjoyment in his music due to his creative, rhythmic, and unique scoring for winds and percussion. This document includes biographical information on the composer, provides insight into his compositional style, and thoroughly analyzes the symphony for band, Wine-Dark Sea. Wine- Dark Sea was commissioned in 2014 by Jerry Junkin and the University of Texas Wind Ensemble, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music. The symphony is a programmatic piece that tells the story of Odysseus, Homer's hero from The Odyssey, through three exciting and dramatic movements. Distinctive characteristics of this piece include Mackey's unique use of meter changes, extended techniques in winds and percussion, and recurring programmatic themes. Wine-Dark Sea is Mackey's longest work to date, one of his most challenging works for performers and conductor, and is especially captivating for the audience

    Matemática,1º ano, 5ª edição, 1934.

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    O livro possui dimensões 220 mm X 160 mm, 394 páginas. O exemplar pertence ao acervo do GHEMAT na cidade de Osasco- SP. Doado pela professora Circe Dynnikov.O livro destina-se ao uso de professores e traz considerações teóricas e práticas de abordagens de conteúdos de matemática para o ensino primário. São temas tratados: numeração, adição subtração, multiplicação, divisão, potencia de número, múltiplo e divisor, números primos, frações, álgebra etc

    Building a COVID-19 Web Archive with Grant Funding

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    Recording available at: [LINK]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk3HM8lteGc[/LINK]Grant funding can be a mixed blessing for archivists, and as the economic effects of COVID-19 reduce budgets for libraries and archives nationwide, our profession will see even greater reliance on “soft” money. While there are issues with the damaging effect of grants on the future of the profession, a more pressing concern is the burden that ongoing maintenance costs from former grant projects place upon archival budgets. However, due to the Internet Archive’s forward-thinking subscription model, web archiving is one project that can be completed with a one-time grant, even a small one, with little ongoing cost to the hosting archives. This makes creating a web archive around a current event an attractive and practical project within the limitations of grant funding. This poster will show how we created a web archive documenting COVID-19 in Central Indiana, covering how to pitch web archiving to a grantmaker, how to make appraisal decisions when gathering URL seeds, how to manage crawling within a limited data budget, and tools and techniques for managing this work between several people working remotely. We will also discuss certain pitfalls that we encountered and what other archivists can do to avoid them in the future


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    transplants is a body of poetry that joys in migration and grafting; in change and self-destruction; in cycles of survival and death; in resurrection and reincarnation. In this collection, I write of saints and prophets as regular people, faulted and accessible, transposed into the landscapes I’ve inhabited: from the deserts of Las Vegas and Mesa Verde in the U.S. to the coasts and jungles of Belize and Costa Rica in Central America. Through their eyes, one may find the profound within things overlooked, and the vulnerability of our mortal condition. transplants draws on not only stolen and transformed identities, but also appropriated texts and foreign languages. Some of the poems seek to disrupt human authorities and communications, through heavy collages and loose translations of canonical works. Folktales and myths are woven together with modern narratives. Human systems are overturned. “Home” and “family” become alienating or alienated; other places and things become beloved. The physical body, too, is a site for metamorphosis. Speakers transform, growing parts, removing layers, shape-shifting, and moving through time and space. Decay and weathering play their role in the conversion of things from one state to another, yet death is not the end of all things

    Laparoskopische Myomenukleationen: prospektive Validierung eines Scores zur intraoperativen Klassifikation eines Uterus myomatosus und der Uterusre-konstruktion sowie Validierung des Fertilitätsoutcomes nach OP

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    1 Zusammenfassung Einleitung: Myome des Uterus sind ein sehr häufiges Leiden der Frau und können vielerlei Symp-tome verursachen, welche die Lebensqualität stark beeinträchtigen können. Zudem können sie zu schwerwiegenden Komplikationen während Schwangerschaft und Geburt führen. Es wird also bei entsprechender Beschwerdesymptomatik und be-stehendem Kinderwunsch zu einer Myomenukleation geraten. Bisher gab es keinen Score, der einen Uterus myomatosus exakt klassifiziert. Zudem wurde die Uterusrekonstruktion nach Myomenukleation bisher durch keinen Score klassifiziert. In unserer Arbeitsgruppe wurden solche Scores entwickelt und bereits ret-rospektiv validiert. In dieser Arbeit sollen anhand eines Patientenkollektivs diese Scores prospektiv validiert und zudem das Fertilitätsoutcome nach Myomenukleation überprüft werden. Methodik: Zur prospektiven Validierung des Homburger Myomscores wurden die Daten von Pa-tientinnen, die im Zeitraum von November 2011 bis September 2013 eine Myomenuk-leation per Laparoskopie oder Laparotomie an der Klinik für Frauenheilkunde, Geburts-hilfe und Reproduktionsmedizin des Universitätsklinikums des Saarlandes erhalten ha-ben und zum Zeitpunkt der Operation in einem fertilen Alter, also höchstens 50 Jahre alt waren, ausgewertet. Zur Auswertung des Fertilitätsoutcomes nach einer Myomenukleation per Laparosko-pie oder Laparotomie wurde ein Fragebogen erstellt und mithilfe der Angaben von Pa-tientinnen, die im Zeitraum von Februar 2009 bis September 2013 eine Myomenukle-ation in der gleichen Klinik erhalten haben und zum Zeitpunkt der Operation unter 50 Jahre alt waren, ausgewertet. Die Auswertung erfolgte mithilfe von Excel und SPSS. Ergebnisse: In dieser Arbeit wurden n=104 Patientinnen prospektiv für den Zeitraum von November 2011 bis September 2013 betrachtet. N=101 Patientinnen erhielten hierbei eine Myomenukleation durch Laparoskopie, n=3 durch Laparotomie. Die Anzahl der Myome lag bei durchschnittlich 2,31 ± 1,88 (range 1-10), die durchschnittliche Myomgröße betrug 3,75 ± 2,52 cm (range 0,5-12 cm). Der durchschnittliche Hämoglobin-Verlust lag insgesamt bei 1,49 ± 1,18 g/dl, nach La-paroskopie bei 1,43 ± 1,18 g/dl, nach Laparotomie bei 3,37 ± 1,19 g/dl. Diese Unter-schiede bezüglich des Hämoglobin-Verlustes in Abhängigkeit vom Operationsverfah-ren sind signifikant (p = 0,006). Der durchschnittliche Myomscore bei einer Uterusrekonstruktion der Stufe 1 betrug 5, der Stufe 2 6,7, der Stufe 3 8,3 und der Stufe 4 10 Scorepunkte. Je höher also der Score, desto höher war die Stufe der Rekonstruktion. Eine Operation mit Rekonstruktion der Stufe 1 dauerte durchschnittlich 66,8 ± 58,35 min, der Stufe 2 97 ± 59,32 min, der Stufe 3 121,4 ± 58,15 min und der Stufe 4 148,1 ± 59,19 min. Diese Unterschiede bezüglich der Dauer der Operation in Abhän-gigkeit von der Stufe der Rekonstruktion zeigen eine Signifikanz (p < 0,001). Der Abfall des Hb-Werts bei Rekonstruktionen der Stufe 1 lag bei 0,81 ± 1,15 g/dl, der Stufe 2 bei 1,44 ± 1,18 g/dl, der Stufe 3 bei 1,55 ± 1,18 g/dl und der Stufe 4 bei 1,98 ± 1,19 g/dl. Auch diese Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Unterschiede (p = 0,044). N=136 Patientinnen, die im Zeitraum von Februar 2009 bis September 2013 eine My-omenukleation per Laparoskopie oder Laparotomie an der Klinik für Frauenheilkunde, Geburtshilfe und Reproduktionsmedizin des Universitätsklinikums des Saarlandes er-halten haben und zum Zeitpunkt der Operation unter 50 Jahre alt waren, nahmen an der Umfrage teil. Die Schwangerschaftsrate in einem Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von 32,1 ± 14,38 Monaten betrug 35,8%. Die präoperative Abortrate lag bei 36,7%, die postoperative bei 36,4%. Eine Uterusruptur während der Schwangerschaft konnte bei keiner der n=37 Schwangerschaften beobachtet werden. Schlussfolgerung: Wir konnten in dieser Arbeit einen eigens entwickelten Score, der Parameter wie die Anzahl der Myome, deren Größe und Lokalisation sowie deren intra- bzw. transmurale Ausdehnung und die Anzahl der notwendigen Uterusinzisionen exakt klassifiziert, erst-mals prospektiv validieren. Ebenso konnte die neue Klassifikation für Uterusrekon-struktionen erstmals prospektiv validiert werden. Die von unserer Arbeitsgruppe be-reits retrospektiv beschriebene Korrelation zwischen Myomscore und Uterusrekon-struktion konnte somit prospektiv bestätigt werden. Mithilfe dieser Scores können zukünftige Myomenukleationen hinsichtlich Blutverlust, Operationsdauer, Dauer der Hospitalisation sowie Art der Uterusrekonstruktion im Vo-raus besser eingeschätzt und geplant werden. Das Fertilitätsoutcome nach Myomenukleation ist in Bezug auf die Schwangerschafts-rate als gut einzustufen. Die Fehlgeburtenrate vor und nach der Operation war in un-serer Studie jedoch annähernd gleich. Uterusrupturen nach Myomenukleation sind seltene Komplikationen. Dies konnten wir mit unserer Studie bestätigen.Summary Introduction: Uterine fibroids are a very common occurrence in women and may cause many differ-ent symptoms which are impairing the women’s quality of life significantly. Furthermore, they may lead to severe complications during pregnancy and childbirth. This is the reason why a myoma enucleation is recommended if the symptoms persist and if the woman wants to have children someday. To date, there has been no score to classify an enlarged uterus exactly. Moreover, a uterine reconstruction after myoma enucleation has not been classified so far by a score. Our work group has developed such scores which have been already validated retrospectively. Based on a patient population, these scores are to be validated pro-spectively and, in addition, the fertility outcome after myoma enucleation is to be checked in this thesis. Methodology: To prospectively validate the Homburg myoma score, the data of patients has been evaluated who had to undergo laparoscopic or laparotomic myoma enucleation at the Clinic for gynaecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine of the Saarland University Hospital in the period from November 2011 to September 2013 and who, at the time of surgery, were in a fertile age, thus not more than 50 years old. For the analysis of fertility outcomes after laparoscopic or laparotomic myoma enucle-ation, a questionnaire was devised and evaluated based on information from patients who were undergoing myoma enucleation in the period from February 2009 to Sep-tember 2013 at the same clinic and who were under 50 years old at the time of surgery. The evaluation was done using Excel and SPSS. Results: In this thesis, n=104 patients were looked at prospectively in the period from November 2011 to September 2013. N=101 had undergone a laparoscopic myoma enucleation while n=3 had undergone a laparotomic myoma enucleation. The average number of myoma was n=2.31 ± 1.88 (range 1-10), the average myoma size was 3.75 ± 2.52 cm (range 0.5-12 cm). The average loss of hemoglobin was 1.49 ± 1.18 g/dl, after laparoscopy it was 1.43 ± 1.18 g/dl, after laparotomy it was 3.37 ± 1.19 g/dl. These differences regarding the loss of hemoglobin depending on the surgical procedure are significant (p = 0.006). The average myoma score for a stage 1 uterine reconstruction was 5, for stage 2 it was 6.7, for stage 3 it was 8.3 and for stage 4 it was 10 score points. The higher the score, the higher the stage of reconstruction. A stage 1 reconstruction surgery lasted 66.8 ± 58.35 minutes on average, a stage 2 97 ± 59.32 minutes, a stage 3 121.4 ± 58.15 minutes and a stage 4 148.1 ± 59.19 minutes. These differences in terms of the duration of the surgery depending on the stage of reconstruction are significant (p < 0.001). The decrease of the hemoglobin value during stage 1 reconstructions was 0.81 ± 1.15 g/dl, during stage 2 it was 1.44 ± 1.18 g/dl, during stage 3 it was 1.55 ± 1.18 g/dl and during stage 4 it was 1.98 ± 1.19 g/dl. These results also show significant differences (p = 0.044). N=136 patients took part in the survey which had undergone laparoscopic or lapa-rotomic myoma enucleation at the Clinic for gynaecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine of the Saarland University Hospital in the period from February 2009 to Sep-tember 2013 and who, at the time of surgery, were not older than 50 years. The preg-nancy rate was 35.8% during the follow-up period of 32.1 ± 14.38 months. The pre-operative rate of miscarriage was at 36.7%, the post-operative rate of miscarriage was at 36.4%. A uterine rupture during pregnancy was not observed in any of the n=37 pregnancies. Conclusion: In this thesis, for the first time ever we could prospectively validate a score which has been specially developed and which exactly classifies the parameters such as the number of myomas, their size and localisation as well as their intramural and transmu-ral extension and the number of necessary uterine incisions. Also the new classification for uterine reconstructions could be validated prospectively for the first time. The cor-relation between the myoma score and the uterine reconstruction - retrospectively de-scribed by our work group - could be prospectively verified. Based on these scores, myoma enucleations can be better assessed and planned in advance concerning the loss of blood, the duration of surgery and hospitalisation as well as the type of uterine reconstruction. The fertility outcome after myoma enucleation can be considered as positive in terms of the pregnancy rate. However, the pre- and post-operative rate of miscarriage was approximately equal in our study. Uterine ruptures after myoma enucleation are rare complications. This was confirmed in our study

    Kollaboration blinder Menschen in Informationsplattformen

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    Comparative spectrophotometric study of the color stability of three dental porcelains after repeated fi rings

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade de cor de três marcas comerciais de porcelanas dentais aluminizadas durante seu processo de queima. Essas porcelanas são utilizadas para a conconfecção de dentes de prótese fixa. Para o experimento foram confeccionados 30 corpos-de-prova em forma de disco com 2 mm de espessura e 10 mm de circunferência, sendo 10 da marca AllCeram, 10 da marca Noritake Cerabien CZR e 10 da marca Vita VM7. As amostras foram queimadas 10 vezes. As leituras de cor foram feitas em espectrofotômetro de reflexão nos seguintes intervalos: após a 1a queima, após a 3a queima, após a 5a queima e após a 10a queima. As curvas de reflexão foram convertidas em valores LAB e a diferença de cor foi medida por meio do método CIELAB (ΔE). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que existe variação de cor e que essa variação depende do número de queimas realizadas e da marca comercial utilizada.The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the color differences in CIE ΔE units produced by multiple fi rings of three all-ceramic systems used in the fabrication of prosthodontic teeth. Thirty samples of the following brands were fabricated: AllCeram, Noritake Cerabien CZR and Vita VM7. A spectrophotometer was used for refl ectance measurement of color after 1 fi ring, 3 fi rings, 5 fi rings and 10 fi rings. The results were converted into CIELAB units. Color differences (ΔE) were calculated in the CIE color space. The color differences resulting from multiple fi rings proved to be dependent on the number of fi rings and on the porcelain brand tested

    Horizon obstruction computed from a digital elevation model

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a exatidão do cálculo da obstrução do horizonte, a partir de um modelo digital de elevação (MDE), em diferentes situações topográficas. O material utilizado incluiu um MDE disponível para a região da Serra Gaúcha, RS, receptores GPS, câmera digital, lente grande‑angular e os programas Idrisi, Arcview/ArcGIS e Solar Analyst. Foram adquiridas fotografias hemisféricas, e coletadas as coordenadas de 16 locais na área de estudo. As coordenadas e o MDE foram utilizados para calcular a obstrução do horizonte com uso do algoritmo Solar Analyst. Foram comparadas a fração aberta do céu calculada e a obtida pelas fotografias hemisféricas. O coeficiente de determinação foi de 0,8428, tendo-se observado superestimativa média de 5,53% da fração aberta do céu. Os erros são atribuídos principalmente à obstrução pela vegetação, que não pode ser identificada pelo MDE. A obstrução do horizonte, causada pelo relevo na Serra Gaúcha, pode ser calculada satisfatoriamente pelo Solar Analyst, a partir de um MDE interpolado de cartas topográficas na escala 1:50.000.The objective of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of the horizon obstruction calculation, from a digital elevation model (DEM), at different topographic situations. The material used included an available DEM for the Serra Gaúcha region, RS, Brazil, GPS receivers, a digital camera, wide angle lens, and Idrisi, Arcview/ArcGIS and Solar Analyst softwares. For 16 locations in the study area, hemispherical photographs were acquired and coordinates were collected. Coordinates and DEM were used to calculate the horizon obstruction using the Solar Analyst algorithm. The open sky fraction computed from the DEM and obtained by hemispherical photograph were compared. Determination coefficient was 0.8428, and an average overestimation of 5.53% of the open sky fraction was observed. Errors are mainly attributed to obstruction caused by vegetation, which cannot be identified by the DEM. The horizon obstruction caused by relief in Serra Gaúcha can be computed satisfactorily by the Solar Analyst, from a DEM interpolated from topographical charts at 1:50,000 scale