128 research outputs found

    Predicting Thrombosis and Bleeding

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    Primary Prostatic Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: a Case Report and Literature Review

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    Introduction: Primary lymphomas of the prostate are globally rare representing less than 0.1% of all prostatic neoplasms. In this paper we present a case of an early stage diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the prostate managed with six cycles of rituximab-based chemotherapy, and review the related literature. Case description: A 32-year-old man presented to our clinic with complaints of difficult urination and perineal pain. An enlarged, hard and nodular prostate was palpable on digital rectal examination. Needle biopsy of the prostate was performed, which revealed diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by immunohistochemical studies. CT scan showed large pelvic mass arising from prostate encasing ureters with bilateral hydronephroureter.  No abnormal finding was seen on abdominal CT and bone marrow histology. Therefore, the disease was classified into the clinical stage IAXE according to Ann Arbor's criteria. The patient achieved complete response (CR) to six cycles of rituximab based combination chemotherapy, R-CHOP with CNS prophylaxis. He remained disease free, until now, 36 months after the end of chemotherapy. Practical Implications: According to the literature, the treatment and prognosis of primary lymphoma of the prostate is the same as that of other nodal lymphomas. Rituximab-based regimen should be considered in the management of prostatic diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

    Women's experiences of mistreatment during childbirth: A comparative view of home- and facility-based births in Pakistan.

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    INTRODUCTION: Respectful and dignified healthcare is a fundamental right for every woman. However, many women seeking childbirth services, especially those in low-income countries such as Pakistan, are mistreated by their birth attendants. The aim of this epidemiological study was to estimate the prevalence of mistreatment and types of mistreatment among women giving birth in facility- and home-based settings in Pakistan in order to address the lack of empirical evidence on this topic. The study also examined the association between demographics (socio-demographic, reproductive history and empowerment status) and mistreatment, both in general and according to birth setting (whether home- or facility-based). MATERIAL AND METHODS: In phase one, we identified 24 mistreatment indicators through an extensive literature review. We then pre-tested these indicators and classified them into seven behavioural types. During phase two, the survey was conducted (April-May 2013) in 14 districts across Pakistan. A total of 1,334 women who had given birth at home or in a healthcare facility over the past 12 months were interviewed. Linear regression analysis was employed for the full data set, and for facility- and home-based births separately, using Stata version 14.1. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in manifestations of mistreatment between facility- and home-based childbirths. Approximately 97% of women reported experiencing at least one disrespectful and abusive behaviour. Experiences of mistreatment by type were as follows: non-consented care (81%); right to information (72%); non-confidential care (69%); verbal abuse (35%); abandonment of care (32%); discriminatory care (15%); and physical abuse (15%). In overall analysis, experience of mistreatment was lower among women who were unemployed (β = -1.17, 95% CI -1.81, -0.53); and higher among less empowered women (β = 0.11, 95% CI 0.06, 0.16); and those assisted by a traditional birth attendant as opposed to a general physician (β = 0.94, 95% CI 0.13, 1.75). Sub-group analyses for home-based births identified the same significant associations with mistreatment, with ethnicity included. In facility-based births, there was a significant relationship between women's employment and empowerment status and mistreatment. Women with prior education on birth preparedness were less likely to experience mistreatment compared to those who had received no previous birth preparedness education. CONCLUSION: In order to promote care that is woman-centred and provided in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner, service providers should be cognisant of the current situation and ensure provision of quality antenatal care. At the community level, women should seek antenatal care for improved birth preparedness, while at the interpersonal level strategies should be devised to leverage women's ability to participate in key household decisions

    Impact of public debt on growth in Belt & Road countries –Pre and Post Analysis of Financial Crisis 2007-2008

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    The study seeks to investigate the role of external debt on the growth performance of Belt & Road countries for the pre & post financial crisis period. Using panel data methodologies like fixed effect model and GMM, the study finds a significant negative relationship between external debt and economic growth. Similarly, various specifications are estimated for robustness check like dividing the period into sub-periods, dividing the countries according to continent basis, and applying the generalized method of moment’s techniques. The robustness checks confirm the negative relationship between debt and economic growth. Keywords: External debt, BRI, growth JEL Classification: C33; H63; O43 DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-18-18 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Are underprivileged and less empowered women deprived of respectful maternity care: Inequities in childbirth experiences in public health facilities in Pakistan

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    Background: Attainment of healthcare in respectful and dignified manner is a fundamental right for every woman regardless of the individual status. However, social exclusion, poor psychosocial support, and demeaning care during childbirth at health facilities are common worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. We concurrently examined how women with varying socio-demographic characteristics are treated during childbirth, the effect of women\u27s empowerment on mistreatment, and health services factors that contribute to mistreatment in secondary-level public health facilities in Pakistan.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted during August-November 2016 among 783 women who gave birth in six secondary-care public health facilities across four contiguous districts of southern Sindh. Women were recruited in health facilities and later interviewed at home within 42 days of postpartum using a WHO\u27s framework-guided 43-item structured questionnaire. Means, standard deviation, and average were used to describe characteristics of the participants. Multivariable linear regression was applied using Stata 15.1.Results: Women experiencing at least one violation of their right to care by hospital staff during intrapartum care included: ineffective communication (100%); lack of supportive care (99.7%); loss of autonomy (97.5%); failure of meeting professional clinical standards (84.4%); lack of resources (76.3%); verbal abuse (15.2%); physical abuse (14.8%); and discrimination (3.2%). Risk factors of all three dimensions showed significant association with mistreatment: socio-demographic: primigravida and poorer were more mistreated; health services: lesser-education on birth preparedness and postnatal care leads to higher mistreatment; and in terms of women\u27s empowerment: women who were emotionally and physically abused by family, and those with lack of social support and lesser involvement in joint household decision making with husbands are more likely to be mistreated as compared to their counterparts. The magnitude of relationship between all significant risk factors and mistreatment, in the form of β coefficients, ranged from 0.2 to 5.5 with p-values less than 0.05.Conclusion: There are glaring inequalities in terms of the way women are treated during childbirth in public health facilities. Measures of socio-demographic, health services, and women\u27s empowerment showed a significant independent association with mistreatment during childbirth. At the health system level, there is a need for urgent solutions for more inclusive care to ensure that all women are treated with compassion and dignity, complemented by psychosocial support for those who are emotionally disturbed and lack social support

    Determining the factors associated with Unmet need for family planning: A cross-sectional survey in 49 districts of Pakistan

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    Introduction & Background: Around 137 million women in the developing world who would like to avoid childbearing are unable to do so, despite a huge increase in contraceptive access and use globally. Ironically, the prevalence of unmet need in Pakistan is among the highest in the world despite being one of the first countries in South Asia to launch national family planning program. The aim of this paper is to estimate the prevalence of unmet need for contraception and to indentify the factors associated with it.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in forty nine districts of Pakistan across all four provinces from September 2008 to March 2009. Using an adapted version of PDHS questionnaire, interviews were conducted with approximately 10,000 married women of reproductive age in each district. Sample was later weighted according to district population at the time of analysis to control over and under representation. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between risk factors and unmet need.Results: The total unmet need for contraception was 23.5%. Multivariable analysis showed that unmet need was found significantly higher in Balochistan and Sindh province compare to Punjab. The unmet need was quite prevalent among the specific groups that include older age women, low or uneducated women, those who have higher number of living children, had no history of miscarriage or abortion, those who are not exposed to mass media once a week, and among the women in lowest wealth quintiles.Conclusion: Despite all the efforts made to increase in uptake of contraceptive method the contraceptive prevalence rate has hardly changed over the last decade. However, several groups of women continue to have high unmet need for family planning. Thus, the family planning programmes may need to shift their focus from increasing uptake of contraceptives to satisfying unmet need for contraception with special focus on those underserved marginalized groups and areas with highest levels of unmet need

    The logistics of voucher management: The underreported component in family planning voucher discussions

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    Background: The purpose of health care vouchers or coupons is to receive a health service in exchange which is fully or partially subsidized, such as any treatment offered for communicable disease; for immunization; antenatal care-/postnatal care-related maternal health services; a family planning (FP) service; or to get a health commodity like a medicine. Vouchers are targeted for a group of people who can benefit the most such as on the basis of poverty ranking, marginalized or living in rural areas. According to the World Health Organization, voucher schemes in the area of sexual and reproductive health are considered of high value if they are implemented to address the issues of contraceptive commodity or service unavailability or to address the barriers to access such services through contracting out health services, for example, through social franchising (SF). FP vouchers can substantially expand contraceptive access and choice and empower the underserved populations. Literature cites voucher\u27s effectiveness in better targeting, increasing use, and improving program outcomes in FP programs; however, there is little research or explanation of how voucher management is done in practice.Discussion: The paper attempts to describe various components of voucher management system and its functioning using example of a voucher program in Pakistan. There are challenges such as high upfront cost, targeting the appropriate clients, validation of vouchers, and quality assurance, but these can be managed with better preparation at the planning and design stage. Strong monitoring and evaluation are integral to successful implementation of the voucher program. Also, voucher interventions that are targeted and adopt a pro-poor strategy have been found to improve access to care within poor and marginalized populations. Such programs have the capacity to bridge health inequities in developing nations. Targeted voucher schemes such as those which are designed as pro-poor or pro-rural are known to reduce barriers to access for those living with poverty or for the ones considered as marginalized population. Hence, such interventions have the capacity to fulfill the gaps in health inequities, especially, in low- and/or middle-income countries.Conclusion: Voucher programs should report the voucher logistics and management to build a larger evidence base of best practices. All voucher schemes must be designed, implemented, and evaluated on the basis of set objectives through addressing the local context. But any voucher implementing organization also conducting the in-house voucher management simultaneously may be considered as a weakness in program design, in turn providing rationale for either failure or success of that particular voucher intervention. Therefore, separating implementation and management of a voucher initiative can lead to enhanced transparency, improved accountability, allow for independent validation of services, and facilitate compliance for payments

    A study protocol : using demand-side financing to meet the birth spacing needs of the underserved in Punjab Province in Pakistan

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    Background: High fertility rates, unwanted pregnancies, low modern contraceptive prevalence and a huge unmet need for contraception adversely affect women's health in Pakistan and this problem is compounded by limited access to reliable information and quality services regarding birth spacing especially in rural and underserved areas. This paper presents a study protocol that describes an evaluation of a demand-side financing (DSF) voucher approach which aims to increase the uptake of modern contraception among women of the lowest two wealth quintiles in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Methods/Design: This study will use quasi-experimental design with control arm and be implemented in: six government clinics from the Population Welfare Department; 24 social franchise facilities branded as `Suraj' (Sun), led by Marie Stopes Society (a local non-governmental organization); and 12 private sector clinics in Chakwal, Mianwali and Bhakkar districts. The study respondents will be interviewed at baseline and endline subject to voluntary acceptance and medical eligibility. In addition, health service data will record each client visit during the study period. Discussion: The study will examine the impact of vouchers in terms of increasing the uptake of modern contraception by engaging private and public sector service providers (mid-level and medical doctors). If found effective, this approach can be a viable solution to satisfying the current demand and meeting the unmet need for contraception, particularly among the poorest socio-economic group

    On Individual, Sex and Age Differentiation of Indian House Crow (\u3cem\u3eCorvus splendens\u3c/em\u3e) Call: A Preliminary Study in Potohar, Pakistan

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    Considering importance of acoustics studies in population biology, 500 calls of the Indian House Crow (Corvus splendens) were recorded in morning - mid-afternoon hours (January-February, 2009) from 23 sites of urban areas of Potahar (Punjab, Pakistan). Calls were recorded using Sony CFS 1030 S sound records (sampling rate = 48 KHz) and edited using Sound Analysis Pro (Version 1.02). software using FFT method rate 50%, data window 9.27 ms, advanced window 1.36 ms. Through editing of calls, we selected 60 (37 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀, 6 Juvenile ♂♂) good quality spectrograms for detailed analysis. Spectrograms were characterized by rapid frequency modulations using 6 (call pitch, mean pitch goodness, mean frequency of the calls, frequency of modulations, mean amplitude modulation, mean wiener entropy) acoustic parameters. Significance of difference was analysed using Multivariate and Discriminate Function Analysis. Calls could be assigned to correct individual in 10.8% males, 21.0% females, and 42.9% juveniles, which was significantly higher than percentage of correct classification per chance. Calls could be attributes to correct sex in 88.5% and to correct age group in 80.6% of cases

    Post-abortion care family planning use in Pakistan

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    Introduction: The stagnated CPR and high unmet need for contraception lead to approximately 890,000 induced abortions every year in Pakistan. A fairly recent study from Pakistan also revealed that around 40% of abortions are performed by unskilled workers in backstreet clinics. Considering these grave statistics, it should not come as surprise that unwanted pregnancies are the leading cause of induced abortions in Pakistan. Despite country\u27s inferior situation, there is no data available in Pakistan that unveils the much needed information pertaining to post-abortion care family planning (PAC) use. Thus, this paper attempts to document socio-demographic profile seeking post-abortion care clients; estimate proportion of post-abortion contraception uptake and determine its associated factors.Methods: Medical records of 17,262 women seeking PAC as a result of incomplete abortion and treatment for complications arising from unsafe abortions were analyzed. The associations between risk factors and post-abortion family planning uptake were assessed by applying univariate and multivariable logistic regression.Results: High post abortion contraceptive use (72.9%) was observed amongst the women who had sought for PAC services. where, 66% of the women opted to use short-term methods. The rest (33.5) considered long-term reversible IUD and implant as their method of choice and only 0.4% had undergone voluntary sterilization. Multiple logistic model identified province, women education, women occupation status, monthly family income, first time visitors to the centre, previous contraceptive use, and type of PAC treatment provided, women\u27s health condition after post-abortion treatment had significant associations with the uptake of contraception.Conclusion: The present study highlights the importance of strengthening post-abortion family planning services in the country which will not only contribute in increasing the overall contraceptive use in the country but will also prevent high unintended pregnancies that may ultimately lead to induced abortions
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