10,318 research outputs found
Method of crystallization
A method is described for refining or growing bulk single crystals in an environment substantially free of gravity. The base material is suspended, positioned, and shaped as a containerless melt by wetting forces. Because no crucible is required, high temperature refractory materials can be processed
Anderson-like Transition for a Class of Random Sparse Models in d >= 2 Dimensions
We show that the Kronecker sum of d >= 2 copies of a random one-dimensional
sparse model displays a spectral transition of the type predicted by Anderson,
from absolutely continuous around the center of the band to pure point around
the boundaries. Possible applications to physics and open problems are
discussed briefly.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. New version corrects misprints and adds
pertaining reference
Reply to the Comment of Muessel and Rieger on ``Aging Effects in a Lennard-Jones Glass''
This is a Reply to the Comment of Muessel and Rieger cond-mat/9804063 to out
paper on ``Aging Effects in a Lennerd-Jones Glass''. We show that the scaling
function proposed by Muessel and Rieger does not lead to a satisfactory scaling
of our aging data.Comment: 1 page of Revtex, 1 eps figur
A stacking method to study the gamma-ray emission of source samples based on the co-adding of Fermi LAT count maps
We present a stacking method that makes use of co-added maps of gamma-ray
counts produced from data taken with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Sources
with low integrated gamma-ray fluxes that are not detected individually may
become detectable when their corresponding count maps are added. The combined
data set is analyzed with a maximum likelihood method taking into account the
contribution from point-like and diffuse background sources. For both simulated
and real data, detection significance and integrated gamma-ray flux are
investigated for different numbers of stacked sources using the public Fermi
Science Tools for analysis and data preparation. The co-adding is done such
that potential source signals add constructively, in contrast to the signals
from background sources, which allows the stacked data to be described with
simply structured models. We show, for different scenarios, that the stacking
method can be used to increase the cumulative significance of a sample of
sources and to characterize the corresponding gamma-ray emission. The method
can, for instance, help to search for gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 10 pages, 12
Bulletin No. 286 - Some Trends in Utah\u27s Agriculture
During the last two decades agriculture has been subjected to many strains and stresses- social, economic, physical, and biological. Infestations of noxious weeds and insect pests have in some instances necessitated changes in crops grown and in farming practices. Changes in precipitation have induced alternate expansion and contraction of cultivated acreage in certain areas. Improved machinery has reduced the demand for farm labor, caused shifts in crops grown and in farm population. Changes in dietary habits have increased the demand for some farm commodities and decreased the demand for others, while wide fluctuations in farm prices have wrought rapid changes in the economic well-being of rural people. Relatively low precipitation in western United States during the early thirties reduced range forage growth and carrying capacity of ranges, which in tum, together with federal control changes, resulted in reduced numbers of range livestock
Perspectives on students’ emotions when coming to a foreign language school
Abstract. In this thesis the aim is to find perspectives to students’ emotions when they are coming to a foreign language school, where there might not even be a common language to communicate with. In the beginning was the attempt to define some concepts central to this literature re-view, but it was realized that defining concepts like emotion or second/foreign language is a sheer impossibility, due to their complexity. In the end it was clear that it is wiser to describe rather than to define these terms. Emotion cannot be seen purely as biological or cognitive or cultural or social, but rather as a phenomenon, where these aspects are interacting with each other. Also, a clear distinction of foreign and second language is not possible nor inclusive enough, to think of the diverse backgrounds one can have coming to a foreign language school.
The importance of researching emotions in a school setting/education is introduced by presenting study results on the impact of emotions in learning. The impact of the emotional state in the learning is clear. In for example younger students, exists a risk of seeing the constant evaluation and correcting measures of one’s mistakes in the learning process, as a failure, which can start a vicious cycle of negative emotions in the student. Living under fear of being corrected or evaluated must have an impact on the ability to concentrate or even try to speak during lessons. It can even from a neurological point of view have an impact on the memory or the ability to retrieve for example vocabulary from the memory. Positive emotions on the other hand are seen to enhance creativity, to improve thinking and problem-solving skills and even to broaden thought processes.
Due to the growing number of immigrants, it is recommended in the end of this thesis to do further research on the emotional states of also younger students when coming to a foreign language school. The focus in these studies should not only be in the negative emotions nor in learning a language but have a broader aspect of the environmental change in the student’s life.Näkökulmia oppilaiden tunteisiin tullessa vieraskieliseen kouluun. Tiivistelmä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä pyritään löytämään näkökulmia oppilaiden tunteisiin, kun he tulevat vieraskieliseen kouluun, jossa heillä ei välttämättä ole edes yhteistä kieltä, jolla kommunikoida. Aluksi pyrin määrittelemään joitakin tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen kannalta keskeisiä käsitteitä, mutta tutkimuksen kuluessa kävi ilmi, että tunteiden tai toisen/vieraan kielen kaltaisten käsitteiden määritteleminen on niiden monimutkaisuuden vuoksi lähes mahdotonta. Määrittelyn sijaan pyrinkin tutkimuksessani kuvaamaan näiden käsitteiden moniulotteisuutta. Tunteita ei voida nähdä puhtaasti biologisina, kognitiivisina, kulttuurisina tai sosiaalisina, vaan pikemminkin ilmiönä, jossa nämä näkökohdat ovat vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Vieraan ja toisen kielen selkeä erottelu ei myöskään ole mahdollista eikä riittävän inklusiivinen, kun ajatellaan, miten erilaisista lähtökohdista vieraskieliseen kouluun voi tulla.
Tunteiden tutkimisen tärkeyttä kouluympäristössä/opetuksessa esitellään erilaisten tutkimustulosten kautta, jotka käsittelevät tunteiden vaikutusta oppimiseen. Tunnetilan vaikutus oppimiseen on selvä, esimerkiksi nuoremmilla oppilailla on vaara, että he pitävät oppimisprosessin aikana tapahtuvaa jatkuvaa virheiden arviointia ja korjaamista epäonnistumisena, mikä voi käynnistää oppilaan negatiivisten tunteiden noidankehän. Korjaamisen tai arvioinnin pelossa eläminen vaikuttaa varmasti kykyyn keskittyä tai edes yrittää puhua oppituntien aikana. Se voi jopa neurologisesta näkökulmasta vaikuttaa muistiin tai kykyyn hakea esimerkiksi sanastoa muistista. Positiivisten emootioiden taas katsotaan lisäävän luovuutta, parantavan ajattelu- ja ongelmanratkaisutaitoja ja jopa laajentavan ajatusprosesseja.
Maahanmuuttajien kasvavan määrän vuoksi tämän opinnäytetyön lopussa suositellaan jatkotutkimusta myös nuorempien oppilaiden tunnetiloista heidän tullessaan vieraskieliseen kouluun. Näissä tutkimuksissa ei tulisi keskittyä vain negatiivisiin tunteisiin eikä myöskään puhtaasti kielen oppimiseen, vaan niissä tulisi olla laajempi näkökulma ympäristön muutokseen oppilaan elämässä
Alien Registration- Davis, Walter U. (Bath, Sagadahoc County)
An ellipsometer with variable angle of incidence for studies in ultrahigh vacuum
The windows for the vacuum chamber are incorporated into the optical bench system by means of flexible bellows which allow measurements to be made over a large range of angle of incidence, one of which is chosen so that maximum sensitivity is obtained. The principal angle of incidence was determined, and straightforward corrections for strain birefringence of vacuum chamber windows were made. Atomically clean surfaces of sodium chloride and lithium fluoride were investigated to verify the performance of the system. Submonolayer and monolayer coverage of water on these surfaces could be detected. On cleavage planes of NaCl, a first monolayer of adsorbed water is complete at about one torr only
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