21 research outputs found


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    This paper provides an analysis on the effect of combustible content in coal ash refuse the efficiency towards combustion and heat thermal oil heater system in a coal furnace that had been studied. The study investigated the discrepancy of the actual performance of the heater compared to that as stated in the design specification. The study assumed that coal type and operational problem were the cause of deviation. Both affect combustion efficiency and the amount of reactive materials within coal ash refuse. Combustible content within the coal ash refuse was the used as the source data. Using indirect method, the amount of losses can be determined from the amount of combustibles in the coal ash refuse. The work involved measuring the temperature of oil and flue gas, analyzing the ash content and calculating the losses based on two sets of operational data. System efficiency and heat exchanger rating were calculated by reducing the amount of total losses from the full design capacity. If the reactive composition within the coal ash in combustible content, the amount of coal consumption is higher in order to attain the heat desired capacity for heating. Such a contition is caused by decreasing the energy capacity and reducing the furnace effectivenes

    Identification of side reactions and byproducts in process synthesis

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    This paper presents a computational analysis of fly ash erosion on superheater tubes of a coal furnace. The investigation was held based on a hypothesis that erosion by coal ash particles have caused an untimely fail- ure of a superheater tube during the initial running of a relatively new coal fired power plant. Material erosion is usually caused by several corresponding factors, therefore, it is necessary to examine the process taken by the coal ash to wear out superheater material before conclusions on the ash factor are drawn. This work applies a combination method of analysis using mathematical model and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. The mathematical model was used to calculate the amount of erosion by the fly ash particles and CFD simulation was employed to examine the velocity profile of combustion products around the superheater bank. The CFD simulation was based on the real scale and the design parameters of the power plant. The simulation shows that the velocity vector of the combustion products around superheater bank varies from 1 to 20 m/s magnitude with impacting angle varies from 0 to 90° relative to the vertical position of the superheater. Ash data were taken from the actual coal used during the operation and the design specified coal according to the equipment specification. Mathematical model was formulated for a single ash particle and for ash bulk. The results show that differences in the ash particle parameters result in different amount of material removal which means that ash particles affect the wear out of the material. As an overall, for each ash particle, the maximum erosion occurs at impacting angle of 17°. The impacting angle is used further in determining the amount of mass removal by varying the velocity and the abrasiveness of ash particles. At the maximum level of erosion, which is the maximum velocity calculated from the CFD simulation (20 m/s), every kilogram ash particles containing 46.54 % SiO2 with ash particle average diameter 500 micron is capable to remove about 0.0045 miligram alloy steel material. The maximum penetration of the ash particles into the superheater material is found at the maxi- mum velocity obtained from the CFD simulation that is 20 m/s. The maximum penetration is 0.049 mm which is about 1.53 % of the pipe thickness. The superheater pipe is made of alloy steel material type A213-T91 with the thickness of pipe wall 3.2 mm. The magnitude of mass removal is considered relatively trivial to cause the thinning of material in a short period. This proves that coal ash particles will undergo a timely process to wear out superheater material, it is predictable and does not immediately cause erosion or failure. A brief physical examination was carried out to compare the results of the analysis and the causes of failures. It was found out that the failed superheater pipe had undergone clogging which caused overheating followed by pipe burst

    Pengaruh Metode Glenn Doman (Tahap 1 dan 2) terhadap Perkembangan Komunikasi Anak Autisme

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the Glenn Doman methods stages 1 and 2 on the development of thinking communication in children with autism at the Bengkulu Autism Center. The research design used was quasi experiment, with the design used was two groups before after or pre-test and post test group design. The results showed that in the univariate analysis the majority of respondents aged 3-4 years with the majority of male sex with the ability to speak in the control group and the treatment group before being given glenn doman therapy stages 1 and 2 were quite capable. And the development of communication in the majority treatment group increased to be able. In bivariate analysis, it was known that the value of p v 0,000 <0.05. Conclusion, there is a significant influence of stage 1 and 2 glenn doman therapy on the development of communication of children with autism at Bengkulu Autis Center.   Keywords: Autism, Glenn Doma

    Terapi Kompres Hangat dengan Aroma Jasmine Essential Oil terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Post Sectio Caesarea

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of warm compress therapy with the aroma of jasmine essential oil on the decrease in pain intensity in post SC patients in the hospital. Bhayangkara Kindergarten III Bengkulu City. This type of research is quantitative research, with pre-experimental research methods, using the design of one group pre-test - post test design. Univariate analysis results obtained pain intensity of post SC patients before warm compresses performed with the aroma of jasmine essential oil are 15 people (100%) of respondents experienced moderate pain with a range of 4-6 scale. While the intensity of post SC patients' pain after warm compresses with jasmine essential oil were 12 people (80.0%) of respondents experienced mild pain with a scale range of 1-3, and 3 people (20.0%) of respondents with moderate pain intensity with a range scale 4-6. In conclusion, there is an effect of warm compress therapy with jasmine essential oil on the decrease in pain intensity in post SC patients in the hospital. Bhayangkara Bengkulu City.   Keywords: Pain Intensity, Jasmine Essential Oil, Sectio Caesari

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Dosis Ekstrak Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas) terhadap Jumlah Spermatozoa, Spermatozoa Motil, Berat Testis, dan Diameter Testis pada Mencit Jantan (Mus Musculus)

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    AbstrakIndonesia menghadapi persoalan kependudukan dan keluarga berencana yang cukup berat, salah satu penyebabnya dikarenakan rendahnya partisipasi pria dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi. Salah satu tanaman yang bersifat antifertilitas adalah jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan dosis ekstrak biji jarak pagar terhadap jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis dan diameter testis pada mencit jantan (Mus musculus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode post test only control group design terhadap mencit jantan dengan berat 20–30 gram. Sampel terdiri dari 24 ekor mencit dibagi dalam 3 kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 dengan memberikan ekstrak biji jarak pagar dengan 3 tingkatan dosis selama 36 hari. Hasil penelitian semakin tinggi dosis yang diberikan semakin rendah jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis dan diameter testis namun secara statistik tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna pada jumlah spermatozoa p=0,06 dan spermatozoa motil p=0,15 (p > 0,05) dan terdapat pengaruh bermakna pada berat testis p=0,00 dan diameter testis p= 0,00 (p 0.05 ), and there is a significant effect on testis weight p = 0.00 and p = 0.00 testis diameter (p <0.05). From the results of this study concluded that administration of Jatropha seed extract can reduce sperm count, motile of sperm, testis weight and diameter of the testis but statistically jatropha seed extract contained no significant effect on sperm count and motile of sperm and significant effect on testis weight and the diameter of the testes.Keywords: Jatropha seed extract, sperm numbers, motile of sperm, testis weight, testis diameter

    Pengaruh Terapi Kompres Hangat dengan Aroma Lavender terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Post Sectio Caesarea di RS. Detasemen Kesehatan Tentara (Dkt) Bengkulu

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    Sectio saecarea (SC)merupakan metode melahirkan janin melalui insisi pada dinding abdomen dan dinding uterus. Salah satu komplikasi SC adalah nyeri pada daerah insisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pada pasien post SC di RS. DKT Begkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode penelitian pre-eksperiment, menggunakan rancangan one group pre test - post test design. Sampel sebanyak 15 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil analisis univariat diperoleh intensitas nyeri pasien post SC sebelum dilakukan kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender yaitu 15 orang (100%) responden mengalami nyeri sedang dengan rentang skala 4-6. Sedangkan intensitas nyeri pasien post SC sesudah dilakukan kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender yaitu 12 orang (80,0%) responden mengalami nyeri ringan dengan rentang skala 1-3, dan 3 orang (20,0%) responden dengan intensitas nyeri sedang dengan rentang skala 4-6. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan ada pengaruh terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pada pasien post SC di RS. DKT Bengkulu dengan nilai p-value 0,01<0,05. Disarankan kepada RS.DKT Bengkulu untuk menerapkan terapi kompres hangat dengan aroma lavender dalam penatalaksanaan nyeri pada pasien post SC

    Terapi Massage Ekstremitas Bawah dengan Jasmine Aromatherapy dalam Menurunkan Skala Nyeri Persalinan

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    Pain in labor is a natural process. If it is not handled properly it will cause other problems, namely, due to the knowledge and inexperience of the mother when facing childbirth so that hormone production increases and results in vasocontraction which causes blood flow to the mother will decrease. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of lower extremity massage with jasmine aromatherapy to reduce pain scale in latent phase in labor. The research method was pre-experimental design, the study used a one group pre-test-post-test design, which revealed a causal relationship by involving one group of subjects. The subject group was observed before the intervention, it was observed again after the intervention was carried out. The results of statistical analysis obtained p value: 0.001. The conclusion of this study is that lower extremity massage therapy with jasmine aromatherapy reduces pain scale in latent phase of labor


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    Indonesia menghadapi persoalan kependudukan dan keluarga berencana yang cukup berat, salah satu penyebabnya dikarenakan rendahnya partisipasi pria dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi. Salah satu tanaman yang bersifat antifertilitas dan banyak ditemukan di Indonesia adalah jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan dosis ekstrak biji jarak pagar terhadap jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis dan diameter testis pada mencit jantan (Mus musculus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan post test only control group design terhadap mencit jantan dengan berat 20 – 30 gram. Sampel terdiri dari 24 ekor mencit yang dibagi dalam 3 kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 dengan memberikan ekstrak biji jarak pagar dengan 3 tingkatan dosis selama 36 hari. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pengaruh ekstrak biji jarak pagar terhadap jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis, dan diameter testis antara kelompok P1, P2 dan P3. Semakin tinggi dosis yang diberikan, semakin rendah jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis dan diameter testis, namun secara statistik tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna pada jumlah spermatozoa p=0,06 dan spermatozoa motil p=0,15 (p > 0,05),dan terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna pada berat testis p=0,00 dan diameter testis p= 0,00 (p< 0,05). Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak biji jarak pagar dapat menurunkan jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis dan diameter testis namun secara statistik ekstrak biji jarak pagar tidak terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap jumlah spermatozoa dan spermatozoa motil dan terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap berat testis dan diameter testis. Disarankan perlunya edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang pengaruh ekstrak biji jarak pagar dan kemungkinan efek toksiknya serta perlu dipertimbangkan jarak pagar sebagai kontrasepsi pria pada manusia. Kata kunci : Ekstrak biji jarak pagar, jumlah spermatozoa, spermatozoa motil, berat testis, diameter testi

    Pemaknaan Aksi Super Damai 212 dan Gerakan Kebangkitan Ekonomi Umat Islam di Indonesia

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    Aksi Bela Islam Super Damai 212 diselenggarakan di Monumen Nasional, Jakarta diikuti oleh umat muslim dari berbagai wilayah Indonesia. Peristiwa ini menimbulkan semangat persatuan umat Islam Indonesia. Prakarsa kemandirian ekonomi diawali dengan mendirikan Koperasi Syariah 212. Metoda fenomenologi digunakan untuk meneliti kondisi pasca aksi 212 dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan motif, pengalaman serta makna yang dirasakan oleh para peserta dan simpatisan Aksi 212. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, serta telaah dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat teori fenomenologi dan teori interaksionalisme simbolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan para peserta dan simpatisan Aksi 212 memaknai aksi tersebut sebagai wadah pemersatu umat Islam sehingga melahirkan gerakan ekonomi yaitu berdirinya 212 mart. Produk UMKM mendapatkan pasar yang lebih luas. Para simpatisan berpartisipasi dalam proses kebangkitan ekonomi umat dengan menjadi anggota koperasi Syariah 212 dan menjadi konsumen yang loyal dengan melakukan belanja dan pembelian produk di 212 Mart