466 research outputs found

    Techniques for improving reliability of computers

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    Modular design techniques improve methods of error detection, diagnosis, and recovery. Theoretical computer (MARCS (Modular Architecture for Reliable Computer Systems)) study deals with postulated and modeled technology indigenous to 1975-1980. Study developments are discussed

    Nielsen-Olesen Vortices in Noncommutative Abelian Higgs Model

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    We construct Nielsen-Olesen vortex solution in the noncommutative abelian Higgs model. We derive the quantized topological flux of the vortex solution. We find that the flux is integral by explicit computation in the large θ\theta limit as well as in the small θ\theta limit. In the context of a tachyon vortex on the brane-antibrane system we demonstrate that it is this topological charge that gives rise to the RR charge of the resulting BPS D-brane. We also consider the left-right-symmetric gauge theory which does not have a commutative limit and construct an exact vortex solution in it.Comment: 24 pages, (v2) clarifying comments added regarding topological index using coherent states; n-vortex solution added; version to appear in JHE

    Exact Solution of the One-Dimensional Non-Abelian Coulomb Gas at Large N

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    The problem of computing the thermodynamic properties of a one-dimensional gas of particles which transform in the adjoint representation of the gauge group and interact through non-Abelian electric fields is formulated and solved in the large NN limit. The explicit solution exhibits a first order confinement-deconfinement phase transition with computable properties and describes two dimensional adjoint QCD in the limit where matter field masses are large.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Nonperturbative effects and nonperturbative definitions in matrix models and topological strings

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    We develop techniques to compute multi-instanton corrections to the 1/N expansion in matrix models described by orthogonal polynomials. These techniques are based on finding trans-series solutions, i.e. formal solutions with exponentially small corrections, to the recursion relations characterizing the free energy. We illustrate this method in the Hermitian, quartic matrix model, and we provide a detailed description of the instanton corrections in the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) unitary matrix model. Moreover, we use Borel resummation techniques and results from the theory of resurgent functions to relate the formal multi-instanton series to the nonperturbative definition of the matrix model. We study this relation in the case of the GWW model and its double-scaling limit, providing in this way a nice illustration of various mechanisms connecting the resummation of perturbative series to nonperturbative results, like the cancellation of nonperturbative ambiguities. Finally, we argue that trans-series solutions are also relevant in the context of topological string theory. In particular, we point out that in topological string models with both a matrix model and a large N gauge theory description, the nonperturbative, holographic definition involves a sum over the multi-instanton sectors of the matrix modelComment: 50 pages, 12 figures, comments and references added, small correction

    Search for π0νμνˉμ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu} Decay in LSND

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    We observe a net beam-excess of 8.7±6.38.7 \pm 6.3 (stat) ±2.4\pm 2.4 (syst) events, above 160 MeV, resulting from the charged-current reaction of νμ\nu_{\mu} and/or νˉμ\bar\nu_{\mu} on C and H in the LSND detector. No beam related muon background is expected in this energy regime. Within an analysis framework of π0νμνˉμ\pi^0 \to \nu_{\mu}\bar\nu_{\mu}, we set a direct upper limit for this branching ratio of Γ(π0νμνˉμ)/Γ(π0all)<1.6×106\Gamma(\pi^0 \to \nu_\mu \bar\nu_\mu) / \Gamma(\pi^0 \to all) < 1.6 \times 10^{-6} at 90% confidence level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurements of Charged Current Reactions of νe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C

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    Charged Current reactions of νe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C have been studied using a μ+\mu^+ decay-at-rest νe\nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The cross section for the exclusive reaction 12C(νe,e)12Ng.s.^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N_{g.s.} was measured to be (8.9±0.3±0.9)×1042(8.9\pm0.3\pm0.9)\times10^{-42} cm2^2. The observed energy dependence of the cross section and angular distribution of the outgoing electron agree well with theoretical expectations. Measurements are also presented for inclusive transitions to 12N^{12}N excited states, 12C(νe,e)12N^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N^* and compared with theoretical expectations. The measured cross section, (4.3±0.4±0.6)×1042(4.3\pm0.4\pm0.6)\times10^{-42} cm2^2, is somewhat lower than previous measurements and than a continuum random phase approximation calculation. It is in better agreement with a recent shell model calculation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, accepted to PRC, replaced with the accepted on

    Large-N Collective Fields and Holography

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    We propose that the euclidean bilocal collective field theory of critical large-N vector models provides a complete definition of the proposed dual theory of higher spin fields in anti de-Sitter spaces. We show how this bilocal field can be decomposed into an infinite number of even spin fields in one more dimension. The collective field has a nontrivial classical solution which leads to a O(N) thermodynamic entropy characteristic of the lower dimensional theory, as required by general considerations of holography. A subtle cancellation of the entropy coming from the bulk fields in one higher dimension with O(1) contributions from the classical solution ensures that the subleading terms in thermodynamic quantities are of the expected form. While the spin components of the collective field transform properly under dilatational, translational and rotational isometries of AdSAdS, special conformal transformations mix fields of different spins indicating a need for a nonlocal map between the two sets of fields. We discuss the nature of the propagating degrees of freedom through a hamiltonian form of collective field theory and argue that nonsinglet states which are present in an euclidean version are related to nontrivial backgrounds.Comment: 27 pages, harvmac. v2: references adde

    Weak coupling large-N transitions at finite baryon density

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    We study thermodynamics of free SU(N) gauge theory with a large number of colours and flavours on a three-sphere, in the presence of a baryon number chemical potential. Reducing the system to a holomorphic large-N matrix integral, paying specific attention to theories with scalar flavours (squarks), we identify novel third-order deconfining phase transitions as a function of the chemical potential. These transitions in the complex large-N saddle point configurations are interpreted as "melting" of baryons into (s)quarks. They are triggered by the exponentially large (~ exp(N)) degeneracy of light baryon-like states, which include ordinary baryons, adjoint-baryons and baryons made from different spherical harmonics of flavour fields on the three-sphere. The phase diagram of theories with scalar flavours terminates at a phase boundary where baryon number diverges, representing the onset of Bose condensation of squarks.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure

    Measurement of electron-neutrino electron elastic scattering

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    The cross section for the elastic scattering reaction nu_e+e- -> nu_e+e- was measured by the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector using a mu+ decay-at-rest nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The standard model of electroweak physics predicts a large destructive interference between the charge current and neutral current channels for this reaction. The measured cross section, sigma_{nu_e e-}=[10.1 +- 1.1(stat.) +- 1.0(syst.)]x E_{nu_e} (MeV) x 10^{-45} cm^2, agrees well with standard model expectations. The measured value of the interference parameter, I=-1.01 +- 0.13(stat.) +- 0.12(syst.), is in good agreement with the standard model expectation of I^{SM}=-1.09. Limits are placed on neutrino flavor-changing neutral currents. An upper limit on the muon-neutrino magnetic moment of 6.8 x 10^{-10} mu_{Bohr} is obtained using the nu_mu and \bar{nu}_mu fluxes from pi+ and mu+ decay.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Evidence for Neutrino Oscillations from Muon Decay at Rest

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    A search for nu_bar_mu to nu_bar_e oscillations has been conducted at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility using nu_bar_mu from mu+ decay at rest. The nu_bar_e are detected via the reaction (nu_bar_e,p) -> (e+,n), correlated with the 2.2 MeV gamma from (n,p) -> (d,gamma). The use of tight cuts to identify e+ events with correlated gamma rays yields 22 events with e+ energy between 36 and 60 MeV and only 4.6 (+/- 0.6) background events. The probability that this excess is due entirely to a statistical fluctuation is 4.1E-08. A chi^2 fit to the entire e+ sample results in a total excess of 51.8 (+18.7) (-16.9) (+/- 8.0) events with e+ energy between 20 and 60 MeV. If attributed to nu_bar_mu -> nu_bar_e oscillations, this corresponds to an oscillation probability (averaged over the experimental energy and spatial acceptance) of 0.0031 (+0.0011) (-0.0010) (+/- 0.0005).Comment: 57 pages, 34 figures, revtex, additional information available at http://nu1.lampf.lanl.gov/~lsnd