139 research outputs found

    The interstellar gas-phase chemistry of HCN and HNC

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    We review the reactions involving HCN and HNC in dark molecular clouds to elucidate new chemical sources and sinks of these isomers. We find that the most important reactions for the HCN-HNC system are Dissociative Recombination (DR) reactions of HCNH+ (HCNH+ + e-), the ionic CN + H3+, HCN + C+, HCN and HNC reactions with H+/He+/H3+/H3O+/HCO+, the N + CH2 reaction and two new reactions: H + CCN and C + HNC. We test the effect of the new rate constants and branching ratios on the predictions of gas-grain chemical models for dark cloud conditions. The rapid C + HNC reaction keeps the HCN/HNC ratio significantly above one as long as the carbon atom abundance remains high. However, the reaction of HCN with H3+ followed by DR of HCNH+ acts to isomerize HCN into HNC when carbon atoms and CO are depleted leading to a HCN/HNC ratio close to or slightly greater than 1. This agrees well with observations in TMC-1 and L134N taking into consideration the overestimation of HNC abundances through the use of the same rotational excitation rate constants for HNC as for HCN in many radiative transfer models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    From Prestellar to Protostellar Cores II. Time Dependence and Deuterium Fractionation

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    We investigate the molecular evolution and D/H abundance ratios that develop as star formation proceeds from a dense-cloud core to a protostellar core, by solving a gas-grain reaction network applied to a 1-D radiative hydrodynamic model with infalling fluid parcels. Spatial distributions of gas and ice-mantle species are calculated at the first-core stage, and at times after the birth of a protostar. Gas-phase methanol and methane are more abundant than CO at radii r100r\lesssim 100 AU in the first-core stage, but gradually decrease with time, while abundances of larger organic species increase. The warm-up phase, when complex organic molecules are efficiently formed, is longer-lived for those fluid parcels in-falling at later stages. The formation of unsaturated carbon chains (warm carbon-chain chemistry) is also more effective in later stages; C+^+, which reacts with CH4_4 to form carbon chains, increases in abundance as the envelope density decreases. The large organic molecules and carbon chains are strongly deuterated, mainly due to high D/H ratios in the parent molecules, determined in the cold phase. We also extend our model to simulate simply the chemistry in circumstellar disks, by suspending the 1-D infall of a fluid parcel at constant disk radii. The species CH3_3OCH3_3 and HCOOCH3_3 increase in abundance in 10410510^4-10^5 yr at the fixed warm temperature; both also have high D/H ratios.Comment: accepted to ApJ. 55 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    The Deuterium Fractionation Timescale in Dense Cloud Cores: A Parameter Space Exploration

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    The deuterium fraction [N2_2D+^+]/[N2_2H+^+], may provide information about the ages of dense, cold gas structures, important to compare with dynamical models of cloud core formation and evolution. Here we introduce a complete chemical network with species containing up to three atoms, with the exception of the Oxygen chemistry, where reactions involving H3_3O+^+ and its deuterated forms have been added, significantly improving the consistency with comprehensive chemical networks. Deuterium chemistry and spin states of H2_2 and H3+_3^+ isotopologues are included in this primarily gas-phase chemical model. We investigate dependence of deuterium chemistry on model parameters: density (nHn_{\rm H}), temperature, cosmic ray ionization rate, and gas-phase depletion factor of heavy elements (fDf_{\rm D}). We also explore the effects of time-dependent freeze-out of gas-phase species and dynamical evolution of density at various rates relative to free-fall collapse. For a broad range of model parameters, the timescales to reach large values of DfracN2H+0.1D_{\rm frac}^{\rm N_2H^+} \gtrsim 0.1, observed in some low- and high-mass starless cores, are relatively long compared to the local free-fall timescale. These conclusions are unaffected by introducing time-dependent freeze-out and considering models with evolving density, unless the initial fDf_{\rm D} \gtrsim 10. For fiducial model parameters, achieving DfracN2H+0.1D_{\rm frac}^{\rm N_2H^+} \gtrsim 0.1 requires collapse to be proceeding at rates at least several times slower than that of free-fall collapse, perhaps indicating a dynamically important role for magnetic fields in the support of starless cores and thus the regulation of star formation.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted by Ap

    The gas-phase chemistry of carbon chains in dark cloud chemical models

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    We review the reactions between carbon chain molecules and radicals, namely Cn, CnH, CnH2, C2n+1O, CnN, HC2n+1N, with C, N and O atoms. Rate constants and branching ratios for these processes have been re-evaluated using experimental and theoretical literature data. In total 8 new species have been introduced, 41 new reactions have been proposed and 122 rate coefficients from kida.uva.2011 (Wakelam et al. 2012) have been modified. We test the effect of the new rate constants and branching ratios on the predictions of gas-grain chemical models for dark cloud conditions using two different C/O elemental ratios. We show that the new rate constants produce large differences in the predicted abundances of carbon chains since the formation of long chains is less effective. The general agreement between the model predictions and observed abundances in the dark cloud TMC-1 (CP) is improved by the new network and we find that C/O ratios of 0.7 and 0.95 both produce a similar agreement for different times. The general agreement for L134N (N) is not significantly changed. The current work specifically highlights the importance of O + CnH and N + CnH reactions. As there are very few experimental or theoretical data for the rate constants of these reactions we highlight the need for experimental studies of the O + CnH and N + CnH reactions, particularly at low temperature.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase Reaction between Atomic Carbon and Acetone. Low Temperature Rate Constants and Hydrogen Atom Product Yields

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    The reactions of ground state atomic carbon, C(3P), are likely to be important in astrochemistry due to the high abundance levels of these atoms in the dense interstellar medium. Here we present a study of the gas-phase reaction between C(3P) and acetone, CH3COCH3. Experimentally, rate constants were measured for this process over the 50 to 296 K range using a continuous-flow supersonic reactor, while secondary measurements of H(2S) atom formation were also performed over the 75 to 296 K range to elucidate the preferred product channels. C(3P) atoms were generated by In-situ pulsed photolysis of carbon tetrabromide, while both C(3P) and H(2S) atoms were detected by pulsed laser induced fluorescence. Theoretically, quantum chemical calculations were performed to obtain the various complexes, adducts and transition states involved in the C(3P) + CH3COCH3 reaction over the 3A'' potential energy surface, allowing us to better understand the reaction pathways and help to interpret the experimental results. The derived rate constants are large, (2-3) x 10-10 cm3 s-1 , displaying only weak temperature variations; a result that is consistent with the barrierless nature of the reaction. As this reaction is not present in current astrochemical networks, its influence on simulated interstellar acetone abundances is tested using a gas-grain dense interstellar cloud model. For interstellar modelling purposes, the use of a temperature independent value for the rate constant, k(C+CH3COCH3 )= 2.2 x 10-10 cm3 s-1, is recommended. The C(3P) + CH3COCH3 reaction decreases gas-phase CH3COCH3 abundances by as much as two orders of magnitude at early and intermediate cloud ages.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 55 pages including S

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des premières phases de formation des disques protoplanétaires

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    Les étoiles de type solaire se forment par l'effondrement d'un nuage moléculaire, durant lequel la matière s'organise autour de l'étoile en formation sous la forme d'un disque, appelé disque protoplanétaire. Dans ce disque se forment les planètes, comètes et autres objets du système stellaire. La nature de ces objets peut donc avoir un lien avec l'histoire de la matière du disque.J'ai étudié l'évolution chimique et physique de cette matière, du nuage au disque, à l'aide du code de chimie gaz-grain Nautilus.Une étude de sensibilité à divers paramètres du modèle (comme les abondances élémentaires et les paramètres de chimie de surface) a été réalisée. Notamment, la mise à jour des constantes de vitesse et des rapports de branchement des réactions de notre réseau chimique s'est avérée influente sur de nombreux points, comme les abondances de certaines espèces chimiques, et la sensibilité du modèle à ses autres paramètres.Plusieurs modèles physiques d'effondrement ont également été considérés. L'approche la plus complexe et la plus consistante a été d'interfacer notre code de chimie avec le code radiatif magnétohydrodynamique de formation stellaire RAMSES, pour modéliser en trois dimensions l'évolution physique et chimique de la formation d'un jeune disque. Notre étude a démontré que le disque garde une trace de l'histoire passée de la matière, et sa composition chimique est donc sensible aux conditions initiales.Low mass stars, like our Sun, are born from the collapse of a molecular cloud. The matter falls in the center of the cloud, creating a protoplanetary disk surrounding a protostar. Planets and other solar system bodies will be formed in the disk.The chemical composition of the interstellar matter and its evolution during the formation of the disk are important to better understand the formation process of these objects.I studied the chemical and physical evolution of this matter, from the cloud to the disk, using the chemical gas-grain code Nautilus.A sensitivity study to some parameters of the code (such as elemental abundances and parameters of grain surface chemistry) has been done. More particularly, the updates of rate coefficients and branching ratios of the reactions of our chemical network showed their importance, such as on the abundances of some chemical species, and on the code sensitivity to others parameters.Several physical models of collapsing dense core have also been considered. The more complex and solid approach has been to interface our chemical code with the radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic model of stellar formation RAMSES, in order to model in three dimensions the physical and chemical evolution of a young disk formation. Our study showed that the disk keeps imprints of the past history of the matter, and so its chemical composition is sensitive to the initial conditions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocBORDEAUX1-Observatoire (331672201) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The C(3P) + NH3 reaction in interstellar chemistry: II. Low temperature rate constants and modeling of NH, NH2 and NH3 abundances in dense interstellar clouds

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    A continuous supersonic flow reactor has been used to measure rate constants for the C + NH3 reaction over the temperature range 50 to 296 K. C atoms were created by the pulsed laser photolysis of CBr4. The kinetics of the title reaction were followed directly by vacuum ultra-violet laser induced fluorescence (VUV LIF) of C loss and through H formation. The experiments show unambiguously that the reaction is rapid at 296 K, becoming faster at lower temperatures, reaching a value of 1.8 10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 50 K. As this reaction is not currently included in astrochemical networks, its influence on interstellar nitrogen hydride abundances is tested through a dense cloud model including gas-grain interactions. In particular, the effect of the ortho-to-para ratio of H2 which plays a crucial role in interstellar NH3 synthesis is examined

    Investigating the hot molecular core, G10.47+0.03: A pit of nitrogen-bearing complex organic molecules

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    Recent observations have shown that Nitrogen-bearing complex organic species are present in large quantities in star-forming regions. Thus, investigating the N-bearing species in a hot molecular core, such as G10.47+0.03, is crucial to understanding the molecular complexity in star-forming regions. They also allow us to investigate the chemical and physical processes that determine the many phases during the structural and chemical evolution of the source in star-forming regions. The aim of this study is to investigate the spatial distribution and the chemical evolution states of N-bearing complex organic molecules in the hot core G10.47+0.03. We used the ALMA archival data of the hot molecular core G10.47+0.03. The extracted spectra were analyzed assuming LTE. Furthermore, robust methods such as MCMC and rotational diagram methods are implemented for molecules for which multiple transitions were identified to constrain the temperature and column density. Finally, we used the Nautilus gas-grain code to simulate the nitrogen chemistry in the hot molecular core. We carried out both 0D and 1D simulations of the source and compared with observational results. We report various transitions of nitrogen-bearing species (NH2CN, HC3N, HC5N, C2H3CN, C2H5CN, and H2NCH2CN) together with some of their isotopologues and isomers. Besides this, we also report the identification of CH3CCH and one of its isotopologues. The emissions originating from vinyl cyanide, ethyl cyanide, cyanoacetylene, and cyanamide are compact, which could be explained by our astrochemical modeling. Our 0D model shows that the chemistry of certain N-bearing molecules can be very sensitive to initial local conditions such as density or dust temperature. In our 1D model, simulated higher abundances of species such as HCN, HC3N, and HC5N toward the inner shells of the source confirm the observational findings.Comment: 40 pages, 30 figure

    The Si + SO2 collision and an extended network of neutral–neutral reactions between silicon and sulphur bearing species

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    International audienceThe Si + SO2 reaction is investigated to verify its impact on the abundances of molecules with astrochemical interest, such as SiS, SiO, SO, and others. According to our results Si(3P) and SO2 react barrierlessly yielding only the monoxides SO and SiO as products. No favourable pathway has been found leading to other products, and this reaction should not contribute to SiS abundance. Furthermore, it is predicted that SiS is stable in collisions with O2, and that S(3P) + SiO2 and O(3P)+OSiS will also produce SO + SiO. Using these results and gathering further experimental and computational data from the literature, we provide an extended network of neutral-neutral reactions involving Si- and S-bearing molecules. The effects of these reactions were examined in a protostellar shock model, using the NAUTILUS gas-grain code. This consisted in simulating the physicochemical conditions of a shocked gas evolving from (i) primeval cold core, (ii) the shock region itself, (iii) and finally the gas bulk conditions after the passage of the shock. Emphasizing on the cloud ages and including systematically these chemical reactions, we found that [SiS/H2] can be of the order of ~10-8 in shocks that evolves from clouds of t = 1 × 106 yr, whose values are mostly affected by the SiS + O \longrightarrowSiO + S reaction. Perspectives on further models along with observations are discussed in the context of sources harbouring molecular outflows