398 research outputs found

    Waterfronts, public spaces and tourist potential

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    Contemporary cities also known as postindustrial cities are created by dynamic urban development. One of the most significant processes is related to waterfront areas and their new public spaces. What does it mean for the identity of a city, for its potential on the “tourist market”? How deeply can new urban structures change the image of a city? The author would like to describe this topic exemplified by two Polish cities: Gdańsk and Kraków.Peer Reviewe

    Waterfronts, public spaces and tourist potential

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    Contemporary cities also known as postindustrial cities are created by dynamic urban development. One of the most significant processes is related to waterfront areas and their new public spaces. What does it mean for the identity of a city, for its potential on the “tourist market”? How deeply can new urban structures change the image of a city? The author would like to describe this topic exemplified by two Polish cities: Gdańsk and Kraków.Peer Reviewe

    Financial innovations and new tools in finance

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    A benefit in and of itself is not what makes innovation so valuable. In order to make the company ‘more innovative,’ you might hear someone advise a certain course of action. Additionally, a company’s ability to innovate successfully can serve as a magnet for the best and brightest in the industry. They become steadfast employees who appreciate the opportunity to be part of the company’s innovation efforts. Managing innovation is a systematic strategy to implement changes that aim to improve a company’s products, processes, or overall position. There must be an increase in sales or customer satisfaction, a stronger working relationship between the company’s many divisions, or a better working environment for employees as a result of the changes. Financing innovation refers to the development of new financial products, services, or procedures. Throughout the years, innovations in financial instruments and payment methods have fuelled financial innovation. Bank performance depends on financial innovation because it has the potential to boost the industry’s efficiency and profitability. Banks utilise financial and organisational innovation to save money and improve the sector. Using a cash dispensing machine provides users with an ability to withdraw money whenever and wherever they want. With a single click, you can receive or pay cash via mobile banking. This is a great choice for people who do not feel comfortable going to typical bank offices. With negligible transaction costs, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to evaluate financial services

    Coexistence, cooperation, and competition between banks and non-banking entities

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    Financial stability is essential for the functioning of the economy, and competition between banks is seen as an essential factor for their stability. Reframing the conflict and each party’s goals in such a way that they are mutually dependent increases a party’s chances of reaching an agreement. This study investigates the relationship between bank size and the institution’s stability. Government regulators and anyone else’s ability to keep an eye on the entire financial system is jeopardized when large portions of it are left largely unregulated. Price competition (marginal-cost pricing) reduces the market power of a single firm as the number of firms in an industry grows. Since the 1990s, the banking industry, according to previous studies, has been experiencing concentration and competition. Some argue that the lack of technology in small banks may put them at an advantage in terms of customer satisfaction, but this is not necessarily the case

    The memory of a city. Barcelona – a city on the edge

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    Cities live in an inseparable relationship with the natural landscape – they form each other. A particularly interesting case is the relation between a city and its edges connected with watercourses and basins. In the process of historical development, one can follow the logically continued formation of a system of urban public spaces based upon gradually incorporated waterfronts. Barcelona – whose waterfront location has always been the driving force behind urban growth – makes a curious example of a city which creatively develops its system of public spaces in relation to the edges

    Nieruchomość mieszkaniowa jako instrument inwestycyjny

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    The idea of an article is to verify hypothesis that residential real estate is the investment instrument with characteristics as follows: stable and high return and quite low investment risk. Residential real estate is an instrument that acts like long-term bond because of its ability to generate regular in-flows from rent (direct investment) or from dividend (REIT). According to previous research (Allen) the non-specific risk of this kind of instrument is quite low, and specific risks decreased in last years, inter alia as result of legal changes. Moreover, the profitability of this instrument is higher than profitability of instruments with comparable level of non-specific risk. The residential real estate is also effective instrument of protection of capital, as its ability to create residual value increases.Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie hipotezy wskazującej, że nieruchomość mieszkaniowa jest instrumentem inwestycyjnym charakteryzującym się stabilną i stosunkowo wysoką stopą zwrotu oraz stosunkowo niskim ryzykiem. W tym celu dokonano porównania nieruchomości mieszkaniowej z wybranymi alternatywami inwestycyjnymi, analizy katalogu czynników ryzyka specyficznego oraz badania zdolności nieruchomości mieszkaniowej do utrzymywania niepomniejszonej wartości rezydualnej. Zaprezentowano też mechanizm realizacji inwestycji w nieruchomości mieszkaniowe, zarówno w sposób bezpośredni, jak i z wykorzystaniem kanału instytucji pośredniczącej (REIT)

    Are soft tissue therapies and Kinesio Taping useful for symptom management in palliative care? Three case reports.

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    Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–92Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–9

    Sustainable Development in The Academic Community as an Opportunity to Develop The Awareness of Urban and Rural Residents

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    The purpose of the article is to present the activities carried out by the Warsaw School of Economics, including the Department of Economics and Finance of the Local Government, aimed at both activities aimed at the diversified development of the broader sense - the activities of the Universities in this respect and in the strict sense, i.e. the activities of one of the departments, i.e. the Department of Economics and Finance of the Local Government within research and development at the local government level. The activities in the area of sustainable development include the membership to the Sustainable Development Goals Accord, the seat of the Polish branch of OIKOS International . On the other hand, activities in the field of sustainable development strictly mean activities in the field of research and development as well as conducting lectures and postgraduate studies in the field of sustainable development in the broad sense of the word. These activities are carried out by the mentioned department. The activities are therefore implemented on a large scale in order to increase the promotion of the idea of sustainable development in order to support the idea of sustainable development at every possible level, from national to local

    Feliks Jasieński — mecenas polskich artystek

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    Feliks Manggha-Jasieński (1861–1929), a donator to the National Museum in Kraków, since the beginning of his career has supported the budding Polish avant-garde. Many works of the most renowned creators of the period, both male and female, the ones recognized by the public and those whose work was appreciated years later. Together with the works of Olga Boznańska Jadwiga Mehofferowa and Aneri (Irena Weissowa), the collection was supplemented by works by debuting artists Zofia Stryjeńska and Olga Niewska—the collector’s “pupils.” One of the main problems the young female art disciples met with was the limited access to education. Aware of that fact Jasieński supported private art schools in Kraków, conducting private history of art lessons illustrated with works of art. He was committed to the restoration Polish craftsmanship and supported the Kraków Workshops, especially the Studio Batik. In 1921 he funded a prize for young Polish graphic artists, painters and musicians at the Academy of Learning.Feliks Manggha-Jasieński (1861–1929), a donator to the National Museum in Kraków, since the beginning of his career has supported the budding Polish avant-garde. Many works of the most renowned creators of the period, both male and female, the ones recognized by the public and those whose work was appreciated years later. Together with the works of Olga Boznańska Jadwiga Mehofferowa and Aneri (Irena Weissowa), the collection was supplemented by works by debuting artists Zofia Stryjeńska and Olga Niewska—the collector’s “pupils.” One of the main problems the young female art disciples met with was the limited access to education. Aware of that fact Jasieński supported private art schools in Kraków, conducting private history of art lessons illustrated with works of art. He was committed to the restoration Polish craftsmanship and supported the Kraków Workshops, especially the Studio Batik. In 1921 he funded a prize for young Polish graphic artists, painters and musicians at the Academy of Learning