Are soft tissue therapies and Kinesio Taping useful for symptom management in palliative care? Three case reports.


Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–92Physiotherapy may improve the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present three cases of advanced cancer patients whose symptoms were successfully treated with various methods of physiotherapy, such as soft tissue therapy and Kinesio Taping. The authors show that a physiotherapist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, plays an important role in the care of patients with progressive diseases. Physiotherapy can minimize the complications and effects of a disease and optimize patients’ condition. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 3: 87–9

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