63 research outputs found

    Loss of TSC complex enhances gluconeogenesis via upregulation of Dlk1-Dio3 locus miRNAs

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    Loss of the tumor suppressor tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (Tsc1) in the liver promotes gluconeogenesis and glucose intolerance. We asked whether this could be attributed to aberrant expression of small RNAs. We performed small-RNA sequencing on liver of Tsc1-knockout mice, and found that miRNAs of the delta-like homolog 1 (Dlk1)-deiodinase iodothyronine type III (Dio3) locus are up-regulated in an mTORC1-dependent manner. Sustained mTORC1 signaling during development prevented CpG methylation and silencing of the Dlk1-Dio3 locus, thereby increasing miRNA transcription. Deletion of miRNAs encoded by the Dlk1-Dio3 locus reduced gluconeogenesis, glucose intolerance, and fasting blood glucose levels. Thus, miRNAs contribute to the metabolic effects observed upon loss of TSC1 and hyperactivation of mTORC1 in the liver. Furthermore, we show that miRNA is a downstream effector of hyperactive mTORC1 signaling

    Uspostavljanje programa selektivnog uzgoja kalifornijske pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) u Srbiji

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    Zahtev za sve većim količinama hrane za ljudsku upotrebu, efikasnost iskorišćavanja hraniva i prostora za gajenje domaćih životinja, kao i pojava mnogih bolesti doveli su do intenzivnog razvijanja selekcionih programa u svim granama poljoprivrede. Za razliku od ostalih gajenih životinja, programi selekcije u akvakulturi su se razvili nešto kasnije usled nedostatka potrebnih procena heritabilnosti, koeficijenata varijacija i korelacija za ekonomski bitne osobine. Trenutno se u akvakulturi samo 1-2% od ukupne proizvodnje zasniva na genetički unapređenim vrstama riba (Gjedrem, 1997). Korišćenjem selektovanih linija riba postiže se više korisnih stvari. Na prvom mestu, programi selekcije riba predstavljaju jedini način stalnog unapređenja ekonomski bitnih osobina kao sto su prirast, konverzija hrane, otpornost na bolesti, smanjenje masnoće u mesu riba. Ribe iz selektovanih linija efikasnije iskorišćavaju hraniva i na taj način smanjuju pritisak na divlje populacije riba koje se koriste za proizvodnju ribljeg brašna, kao glavnog izvora proteina u smešama za ishranu pastrmki. Ribe koje potiču iz divljine ne napreduju zadovoljavajućim brzinom, što znači da su konstantno pod stresom, za razliku od riba poreklom iz selekcionih programa koje pokazuju manji uticaj stresa usled gajenja u zarobljeništvu. Tako se na ovaj način korišćenjem selektovanih linija riba postiže efikasna i održiva proizvodnja uz vođenje računa o dobrobiti životinja. Drugi dobar razlog za uspostavljanje programa selekcije pastrmke u Srbiji je dobro dokumentovano postojanje interakcije genotip x okolina kod kalifornijske pastrmke, kao što su pokazala istraživanja (McKay et al., 1984; Hanke et al., 1989; Sylven et al., 1991; Winkelman and Peterson, 1994; Kettunen et al., 1999; Kause et al., 2003). Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važna je i kontrola bolesti kod kalifornijske pastrmke i mogućnost stvaranja otpornih linija pastrmki na neke bolesti putem selektivnog uzgoja (Henrion, 2005). Jedno od rešenja za ovaj ozbiljan problem, pored boljeg sistema kontrole pastrmske ikre poreklom iz uvoza, je i stvaranje lokalnih selektovanih matičnih jata sa proverenim poreklom i povećenom otpornošću na bolesti. Obzirom da za kalifornijsku pastrmku postoje pouzdani podaci o varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti proizvodnih osobina ovo pruža mogućnost efikasne selekcije, a samom tim i značajnog unapređenja proizvodnje uz smanjen ukupni mortalitet, putem odgovarajućeg programa selekcije u Srbiji

    Mutations in DSTYK and dominant urinary tract malformations.

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    ABSTRACT Introduction Congenital abnormalities of the kidney of the urinary tract are the most common cause of pediatric kidney failure. These disorders are highly heterogeneous, and their etiology is poorly understood. Methods We performed genome-wide linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing in a family with autosomal dominant congenital abnormalities of the kidney of the urinary tract (7 affected family members). We also performed sequence analysis in 311 unrelated patients, as well as histologic and functional studies. Results Linkage analysis identified five regions of the genome that were shared among all affected family members. Exome sequencing identified a single rare deleterious variant within these linkage intervals, a heterozygous splice-site mutation in dual serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinase (DSTYK). This variant, which resulted in aberrant gene product splicing, was present in all affected family members. Additional independent DSTYK mutations, including nonsense and splice-site mutations, were detected among 7/311 unrelated patients. DSTYK is highly expressed in the maturing epithelia of all major organs, localizing to cell membranes. Knockdown in zebrafish resulted in multi-organ developmental defects, resembling loss of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling. Consistent with this finding, DSTYK colocalizes with FGF receptors in the ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme. Finally, DSTYK knockdown in human embryonic kidney cells inhibited FGF-stimulated ERK-phosphorylation, the principal signal downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases. Conclusions We detected DSTYK mutations in 2.2% of patients with congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract whom we studied, suggesting that DSTYK is a major determinant of human urinary tract development, downstream of FGF signaling

    Distinct roles of the RasGAP family proteins in C. elegans associative learning and memory

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    The Ras GTPase activating proteins (RasGAPs) are regulators of the conserved Ras/MAPK pathway. Various roles of some of the RasGAPs in learning and memory have been reported in different model systems, yet, there is no comprehensive study to characterize all gap genes in any organism. Here, using reverse genetics and neurobehavioural tests, we studied the role of all known genes of the rasgap family in C. elegans in associative learning and memory. We demonstrated that their proteins are implicated in different parts of the learning and memory processes. We show that gap-1 contribute redundantly with gap-3 to the chemosensation of volatile compounds, gap-1 plays a major role in associative learning, while gap-2 and gap-3 are predominantly required for short- and long-term associative memory. Our results also suggest that the C. elegans Ras orthologue let-60 is involved in multiple processes during learning and memory. Thus, we show that the different classes of RasGAP proteins are all involved in cognitive function and their complex interplay ensures the proper formation and storage of novel information in C. elegans

    Guidance on Noncorticosteroid Systemic Immunomodulatory Therapy in Noninfectious Uveitis: Fundamentals Of Care for UveitiS (FOCUS) Initiative

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    Topic: An international, expert-led consensus initiative to develop systematic, evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of noninfectious uveitis in the era of biologics. Clinical Relevance: The availability of biologic agents for the treatment of human eye disease has altered practice patterns for the management of noninfectious uveitis. Current guidelines are insufficient to assure optimal use of noncorticosteroid systemic immunomodulatory agents. Methods: An international expert steering committee comprising 9 uveitis specialists (including both ophthalmologists and rheumatologists) identified clinical questions and, together with 6 bibliographic fellows trained in uveitis, conducted a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol systematic review of the literature (English language studies from January 1996 through June 2016; Medline [OVID], the Central Cochrane library, EMBASE, CINAHL, SCOPUS, BIOSIS, and Web of Science). Publications included randomized controlled trials, prospective and retrospective studies with sufficient follow-up, case series with 15 cases or more, peer-reviewed articles, and hand-searched conference abstracts from key conferences. The proposed statements were circulated among 130 international uveitis experts for review. A total of 44 globally representative group members met in late 2016 to refine these guidelines using a modified Delphi technique and assigned Oxford levels of evidence. Results: In total, 10 questions were addressed resulting in 21 evidence-based guidance statements covering the following topics: when to start noncorticosteroid immunomodulatory therapy, including both biologic and nonbiologic agents; what data to collect before treatment; when to modify or withdraw treatment; how to select agents based on individual efficacy and safety profiles; and evidence in specific uveitic conditions. Shared decision-making, communication among providers and safety monitoring also were addressed as part of the recommendations. Pharmacoeconomic considerations were not addressed. Conclusions: Consensus guidelines were developed based on published literature, expert opinion, and practical experience to bridge the gap between clinical needs and medical evidence to support the treatment of patients with noninfectious uveitis with noncorticosteroid immunomodulatory agents

    Genetic drivers of kidney defects in the digeorge syndrome

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    BACKGROUND The DiGeorge syndrome, the most common of the microdeletion syndromes, affects multiple organs, including the heart, the nervous system, and the kidney. It is caused by deletions on chromosome 22q11.2; the genetic driver of the kidney defects is unknown. METHODS We conducted a genomewide search for structural variants in two cohorts: 2080 patients with congenital kidney and urinary tract anomalies and 22,094 controls. We performed exome and targeted resequencing in samples obtained from 586 additional patients with congenital kidney anomalies. We also carried out functional studies using zebrafish and mice. RESULTS We identified heterozygous deletions of 22q11.2 in 1.1% of the patients with congenital kidney anomalies and in 0.01% of population controls (odds ratio, 81.5; P = 4.5×1014). We localized the main drivers of renal disease in the DiGeorge syndrome to a 370-kb region containing nine genes. In zebrafish embryos, an induced loss of function in snap29, aifm3, and crkl resulted in renal defects; the loss of crkl alone was sufficient to induce defects. Five of 586 patients with congenital urinary anomalies had newly identified, heterozygous protein-Altering variants, including a premature termination codon, in CRKL. The inactivation of Crkl in the mouse model induced developmental defects similar to those observed in patients with congenital urinary anomalies. CONCLUSIONS We identified a recurrent 370-kb deletion at the 22q11.2 locus as a driver of kidney defects in the DiGeorge syndrome and in sporadic congenital kidney and urinary tract anomalies. Of the nine genes at this locus, SNAP29, AIFM3, and CRKL appear to be critical to the phenotype, with haploinsufficiency of CRKL emerging as the main genetic driver

    Preschool hyperactivity specifically elevates long-term mental health risks more strongly in males than females: a prospective longitudinal study through to young adulthood

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    Evidence of continuities between preschool hyperactivity and adult mental health problems highlight the potential value of targeting early identification and intervention strategies. However, specific risk factors are currently unclear. This large-scale prospective longitudinal study aimed to identify which hyperactive preschoolers are at greatest long-term risk of poor mental health. One hundred and seventy children (89 females) rated as hyperactive by their parents and 88 non-hyperactive controls (48 females) were identified from a community sample of 4,215 3 year-olds. Baseline data relating to behavioral/emotional problems and background characteristics were collected. Follow-up mental health and functional impairment outcomes were collected between 14 and 25 years of age. At age 3 years, males and females in the hyperactive group had similarly raised levels of hyperactivity and other behavior problems. In adolescence/young adulthood, these individuals showed elevated symptoms of ADHD, conduct disorder, mood disorder, anxiety and autism, as well as functional impairment. Preschool hyperactivity was strongly predictive of poor adolescent/adult outcomes for males across domains with effects being specifically driven by hyperactivity. For females, the effects of preschool hyperactivity were smaller and dropped to non-significant levels when other preschool problems were taken into account. Environmental risk factors also differed between the sexes, although these may also have been mediated by genetic risk. In conclusion, these results demonstrate marked sex differences in preschool predictors of later adolescent/adult mental health problems. Future research should include a measure of preschool inattention as well hyperactivity. The findings highlight the potential value of tailored approaches to early identification strategies

    An improved synthesis for obtaining 2-deoxy-2-iodo-D-mannopyranose derivatives

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    The aim of this work was to synthesize 2-deoxy-2-iodo-manno sugars and 2-deoxy-2-iodo manno esters of a satisfactory purity in the highest possible yield. For this put-pose, the iodination reaction of D-glucal triacetate (1), 3,4-di-O-acetyl-6-O-to-syl-D-glucal (2) and 3,4-di-O-acetyl-6-S-acetyl-6-thio-D-glucal (3) were investigated using a mixture of NaIO4-NaI at pH 6 (acetate buffer) and pH 7 (phosphate buffer) in a tert-butanol-water solvent system. Depending on the buffer system used, a mixture of the 2-deoxy-2-iodo-manno esters 4, 6 or 8 together with corresponding 2-deoxy-2-iodo sugars 5, 7, or 9 were obtained, or separately