194 research outputs found

    Noncompliant responding:Comparing exclusion criteria in MTurk personality research to improve data quality

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    Studies on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) often include check questions in personality inventories to ensure data quality. However, a subset of MTurk workers may give only meaningful responses to these checks while giving noncompliant responses to the other questions. We demonstrate in an analysis of five MTurk datasets using the statistical approach of Lee and Ashton (2018) that this selectively responsive subset can be detected on the HEXACO personality inventory. Our lower bound estimate is that at least 2% in each sample did not get caught with the check questions while giving noncompliant responses on the personality inventory. Overall, researchers who strive to remove noise due to noncompliant responding may benefit from complementing check questions with a statistical approach

    The Main Dimensions of Sport Personality Traits: A Lexical Approach

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    To uncover the main dimensions of sport personality traits, a lexical study was conducted. In the first two phases, 321 adjectives denoting the way somebody practices sports were selected. In the third phase, 555 respondents self-rated the adjectives. Congruence analyses provided evidence of six factors, five of which are sport personality trait factors (friendly fairness, resilience, drive, perfectionism, and inventiveness) plus one physical individual difference factor (agility). Marker scales from the sport personality trait factors show convergent correlations with the generic HEXACO personality obtained years earlier. Furthermore, meaningful relations with the six most frequently practiced sport and leisure activities were observed. Contextualized sport personality trait factors can be useful in research on sport preferences, sport behaviors, and sport outcomes

    Development and validation of a HEXACO situational judgment test

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a construct-based situational judgment test of the HEXACO personality dimensions. In four studies, among applicants, employees, and Amazon Mechanical Turk participants (Ns = 72–305), we showed that it is possible to assess the six personality dimensions with a situational judgment test and that the criterion-related validity of the situational judgment test is comparable to the criterion-related validity of traditional self-reports but lower than the criterion-related validity of other-reports of personality. Test–retest coefficients (with a time interval of 2 weeks) varied between.55 and.74. Considering personality is the most commonly assessed construct in employee selection contexts (Ryan et al., 2015), this situational judgment test may provide human resources professionals with an alternative assessment tool

    Blauwdruk voor een grensoverschrijdende fiscale eenheid in de vennootschapsbelasting

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    Het huidige fiscale-eenheidsregime in de vennootschapsbelasting ligt onder “EU-spervuur”. Indien de bij het Hof van Justitie EU aanhangige zaken negatief uitpakken voor de Nederlandse staat, is er een gerede kans dat het fiscaleeenheidsregime zal worden afgeschaft en vervangen door een minder vergaande regeling, bijvoorbeeld een group reliefregeling die (louter) verliesoverdracht binnen een groep mogelijk maakt. Om veel redenen zou het te betreuren zijn indien het huidige fiscale-eenheidsregime wordt afgeschaft, want het biedt niet alleen de belastingplichtigen maar ook de fiscus belangrijke voordelen. Na een inventarisatie van deze voordelen wordt een lans gebroken voor de grensoverschrijdende fiscale eenheid. [...

    Manual Dutch HEXACO-PI-R

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    How do people think about interdependence? A multidimensional model of subjective outcome interdependence

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    Interdependence is a fundamental characteristic of social interactions. Interdependence Theory states that 6 dimensions describe differences between social situations. Here we examine if these 6 dimensions describe how people think about their interdependence with others in a situation. We find that people (in situ and ex situ) can reliably differentiate situations according to 5, but not 6, dimensions of interdependence: (a) mutual dependence, (b) power, (c) conflict, (d) future interdependence, and (e) information certainty. This model offers a unique framework for understanding how people think about social situations compared to another recent model of situation construal (DIAMONDS). Furthermore, we examine factors that are theorized to shape perceptions of interdependence, such as situational cues (e.g., nonverbal behavior) and personality (e.g., HEXACO and Social Value Orientation). We also study the implications of subjective interdependence for emotions and cooperative behavior during social interactions. This model of subjective interdependence explains substantial variation in the emotions people experience in situations (i.e., happiness, sadness, anger, and disgust), and explains 24% of the variance in cooperation, above and beyond the DIAMONDS model. Throughout these studies, we develop and validate a multidimensional measure of subjective outcome interdependence that can be used in diverse situations and relationships-the Situational Interdependence Scale (SIS). We discuss how this model of interdependence can be used to better understand how people think about social situations encountered in close relationships, organizations, and society

    Het Sferische model van beroepsinteresses en de volledige en verkorte Nederlandstalige Personal Globe Inventory = The Spherical model of vocational interests and the Dutch translation of the full and short Personal Globe Inventory

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    In the Netherlands and Flanders, vocational interest inventories are frequently used to address (study) career dilemmas. In contrast to their popularity in practice, in the Dutch language region, there is relatively little research looking at vocational interest(s) (inventories). This artide introduces the Spherical Model of Vocational Interests and the Dutch translation of the Personal Globe Inventory(PGI; Tracey, 2002), a measure for this model. The Spherical Model adds Prestige interests as a third dimension of vocational interests to the traditional two-dimensional circumplex. Additionally, the Spherical model splits the traditional circumplex in eight, rather than six, interest domains. The quality of the Dutch PGI was investigated with 12 samples. The psychometric qualities of the full Dutch PGI and its short version appeared to be acceptable to exemplary: the items of the scales largely fitted with the appropriate scales, the scales correlated according to the expected circumplex order, and the reliabilities were acceptable. The largest gender difference was found on the People-versus-Things dimension. Additionally, younger and more educated people scored higher on Prestige interests. Future research could further the understanding of the content of the Prestige dimension and how this dimension affects (study) career processes and outcomes

    Applicant reactions to algorithm- versus recruiter-based evaluations of an asynchronous video interview and a personality inventory

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    In two studies, we examined the effects of algorithm based (vs. recruiter-based) evaluations of an asynchronous video interview and a personality inventory on applicant reactions. In line with our expectations, we found several negative applicant reactions to the use of algorithms. Specifically, in Study 1 (N = 172), informing participants that an algorithm, rather than a recruiter, had analysed their interview and personality inventory increased feelings of emotional creepiness, and reduced fairness perceptions, perceived predictive validity and feedback acceptance. In Study 2 (N = 276), we were able to replicate these effects for fairness perceptions and perceived predictive validity. Furthermore, in both studies, algorithm based evaluations negatively affected feedback acceptance, organizational attraction and job acceptance intentions through fairness perceptions. However, in contrast with our expectations, selection decision favour ability did not influence the impact of evaluation source (recruiter vs. algorithm) on applicant reactions. In Study 2, we also found some tentative evidence that applicant reactions to algorithm based evaluations are not affected by the type of information source (i.e. verbal vs. nonverbal cues) on which the algorithm is based
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