36 research outputs found

    CS 231.01: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming I

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    Object-oriented design and implementation of Ecosystem Information System (EIS) using Java

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    Sintering ability of feldspars and their alternatives

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je porovnat slinovací aktivitu živců, které jsou nejčastěji používané tavivo v keramice, s jejich alternativami jako jsou lomové odprašky a kostní popel. Teoretická část popisuje proces slinování, slinovací aktivitu jednotlivých druhů používaných taviv a jejich využití při výrobě keramiky. Praktickou část tvoří popis a vyhodnocení pokusu, ve kterém jsou porovnávány slinovací aktivity jednotlivých taviv v keramickém střepu v závislosti na jejich procentuálním zastoupením v surovinové směsi.The main goal of this Bachelor’s thesis is to compare sintering ability of feldspars which are the most used flux in ceramics with their alternatives such as quarry dust and bone ash. Theoretic part describes process of sintering, sintering activities of used fluxes and their use in the manufacture of ceramics. Practical part is dedicated to description and evaluation of experiment in witch sintering activities of various fluxes ceramic product are compared in dependence on their percent proportion in raw material mix.

    Evaluation of the safety and quality of new therapeutics devices when entering a market

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    Zdravotnické prostředky musí splňovat jisté podmínky na bezpečnost, aby mohly být uvedeny na trh. Dále je u nich vyžadována určitá kvalita, aby se zdravotnický prostředek udržel na trhu v konkurenčním prostředí. Cílem diplomové práce je vytvoření metodiky pro hodnocení bezpečnosti a kvality nových terapeutických zdravotnických prostředků při vstupu na trh. Navrhovaná metodika je sestavena pro potřeby výrobce, který uvádí zdravotnický prostředek na trh. Dalším cílem diplomové práce je aplikace metod obsažených ve zmíněném konceptu na přístroj MRI-TULSA. Jedná se o novou metodu léčby karcinomu prostaty a v práci je porovnáván pomocí multikriteriální analýzy TOPSIS a nákladové analýzy CEA se zavedenými metodami léčby. Dále je provedena pro přístroj MRI-TULSA analýza rizik FMEA.Medical devices must meet certain safety requirements in order to be placed on the market. It also requires a level of quality to keep these medical devices on the market in a competitive environment. The aim of this Master´s thesis is to create a methodology for assessing the safety and quality of new therapeutical medical devices once they become accessible on the market. The proposed methodology is compiled based on the needs of manufacturers placing medical devices on the market. Another aim of the Master´s thesis is to apply the above mentioned methods on the MRI-TULSA device. This is a new method of prostate cancer treatment and is compared using a multiple criteria decision analysis TOPSIS and a cost effectiveness analysis with alternative treatment methods. Furthermore, a FMEA risk analysis is performed on the MRI-TULSA device

    Crime of fraud, credit and loan fraud pursuant to section 209, 210, 211 and 212 of the Criminal Code

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    VIII. Abstrakt Trestný čin podvodu, pojistného, úvěrového a dotačního podvodu podle § 209 až 211 trestního zakoníku Trestní zákoník, zákon č. 40/2009 Sb., obsahuje trestný čin podvodu (§ 209) a zvláštní případy pojistného (§ 210 TZ), úvěrového (§ 211TZ) a dotačního podvodu (§ 212) - tedy celkem čtyři samostatné trestné činy zabývající se podvodnou delikvencí. Autor se v diplomové práci zabývá charakteristikou podvodových skutkových podstat. Trestný čin Podvodu dle § 209 TZ je poruchovým trestným činem, zatímco jeho zvláštní formy vykazují znaky předčasně dokonaného trestného činu (přípravy). Trestní odpovědnost pachatele za zvláštní podvody je tedy širší, než trestní odpovědnost za podvod obecný. Součástí diplomové práce je i rozbor judikatury Nejvyššího soudu a Ústavního soudu České republiky. Analýzou sledované judikatury Nejvyššího soudu autor dochází k závěru, že trestní odpovědnost osoby, která podá pod smyšlenou záminkou žalobní návrh na zaplacení fingovaného dluhu, je pokusem trestného činu podvodu. Rozdíl mezi zvláštním druhem podvodu (pojistným, úvěrovým nebo dotačním dle § 210 až § 212 TZ) a obecným Podvodem dle § 209 TZ je patrný i v rovině dokazování. Zavinění u klasického podvodu musí zahrnovat úmysl ke způsobení škody, úmysl neoprávněně se obohatit a obsahovat i příčinnou souvislost mezi...Crime of fraud, credit and loan fraud pursuant to section 209,210, 211 and 212 of the Criminal Code Criminal code, No. 40/2009 Coll., contains the criminal offence of a fraud (Section 209) and it's special cases such as the insurance (Section 210), loan (Section 211) and subsidy fraud (Section 212), in total of four separate offences dealing with fraudulent deliquency. The author of the thesis deals with the characterization of facts of fraud. Property fraud (Section 209) is a damage crime, but the special forms of fraud have features of pre-accomplished crime (preparation of crime). Fraudster's criminal liability for insurance, loan or subsidy fraud is rather larger than criminal liability for general type of fraud. Analysis of the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Czech republic is one part of the diploma thesis. From the results of the analysis the author concludes that there is a personal criminal liability for fraud when the perpetrator sues for a fake debt. This kind of deceptive activity is an attempt of crime of the fraud. The difference between special type of fraud (insurance, loan or subsidy Sec. 210 - 212 Criminal code) and general fraud (Sec. 209 Criminal code) is evident also in the level of evidence. Culpability of fraud must comprise of the intent to...Department of Criminal LawKatedra trestního právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Using Cloud-Based Storage Technologies for Earth Science Data

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    Cloud based infrastructure may offer several key benefits of scalability, built in redundancy and reduced total cost of ownership as compared with a traditional data center approach. However, most of the tools and software systems developed for NASA data repositories were not developed with a cloud based infrastructure in mind and do not fully take advantage of commonly available cloud-based technologies. Object storage services are provided through all the leading public (Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc.) and private (Open Stack) clouds, and may provide a more cost-effective means of storing large data collections online. We describe a system that utilizes object storage rather than traditional file system based storage to vend earth science data. The system described is not only cost effective, but shows superior performance for running many different analytics tasks in the cloud. To enable compatibility with existing tools and applications, we outline client libraries that are API compatible with existing libraries for HDF5 and NetCDF4. Performance of the system is demonstrated using clouds services running on Amazon Web Services

    An Agent-Based Interface to Terrestrial Ecological Forecasting

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    The latest generation of NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites has brought a new dimension to continuous monitoring of the living part of the Earth System, the biosphere. EOS data can now provide weekly global measures of vegetation productivity and ocean chlorophyll, and many related biophysical factors such as land cover changes or snowmelt rates. However, the highest economic value would come from forecasting impending conditions of the biosphere, to allow decision makers to mitigate dangers or exploit positive trends. NASA's strategic plan for the Earth Science Enterprise i d e n a s ecological forecasting as a focus for research. Ecological forecasting predicts the effects of changes in the physical, chemical and biological environment on ecosystem activity. Possible applications of such a system include predicting shortfalls or bumper crops of agricultural production, populations of threatened or invasive species or wildfire danger in time to allow improves preparation and logistical efficiency. Petabytes of remote sensing data are now available to help measure, understand and forecast changes in the Earth system, but using these data effectively can be surprisingly hard. The volume and variety of data files and formats are daunting. Simple data management activities, such as locating and transferring files, changing file formats, gridding point data, and scaling and reprojecting gridded data, can consume far more personnel time and resources than the actual data analysis. Some scientists commit to a particular data source or resolution just because using anything different would be more effort that it's worth. Better tools can help, but most of the tools developed to date are little more than shell scripts; they lack the flexibility to meet the diverse needs of users and are difficult to extend to handle changes in available data sources

    Biospheric Monitoring and Ecological Forecasting

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    The latest generation of NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites has brought a new dimension to monitoring the living part of the Earth system - the biosphere. EOS data can now measure weekly global productivity of plants and ocean chlorophyll and of related biophysical factors, such as changes to land cover and to the rate of snowmelt. However, the greatest economic impact would be realized by forecasting biosphere conditions. This predictive ability would be an advanced decision-making tool used to mitigate dangers or to exploit positive trends

    Continental Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis with Linear Spectral Mixture Model Using FOSS

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    This work demonstrates the development and implementation of a Fully Constrained Least Squares (FCLS) unmixing model developed in C++ programming language with OpenCV package and boost C++ libraries in the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX). Visualization of the results is supported by GRASS GIS and statistical analysis is carried in R in a Linux system environment. FCLS was first tested on computer simulated data with Gaussian noise of various signal-to-noise ratio, and Landsat data of an agricultural scenario and an urban environment using a set of global end members of substrate (soils, sediments, rocks, and non-photosynthetic vegetation), vegetation that includes green photosynthetic plants and dark objects which encompasses absorptive substrate materials, clear water, deep shadows, etc. For the agricultural scenario, a spectrally diverse collection of 11 scenes of Level 1 terrain corrected, cloud free Landsat-5 TM data of Fresno, California, USA were unmixed and the results were validated with the corresponding ground data. To study an urbanized landscape, a clear sky Landsat-5 TM data were unmixed and validated with coincident World View-2 abundance maps (of 2 m spatial resolution) for an area of San Francisco, California, USA. The results were evaluated using descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, RMSE, probability of success, boxplot and bivariate distribution function. Finally, FCLS was used for sub-pixel land cover analysis of the monthly WELD (Wen-enabled Landsat data) repository from 2008 to 2011 of North America. The abundance maps in conjunction with DMSP-OLS nighttime lights data were used to extract the urban land cover features and analyze their spatial-temporal growth