11 research outputs found

    Вложенное преобразование с сохранением семантики исходных данных

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    In the modern world, the data used to describe objects is often presented as sparse vectors with a large number of features. Working with them can be computationally inefficient, and often leads to overfitting; therefore, the data dimension reduction algorithms are used, one of which is auto encoders. In this article, we propose a new approach for evaluating the properties of the obtained vectors of lower dimension, as well as a loss function based on this approach. The idea of the suggested loss function is to evaluate the quality of preserving the semantic structure in the embedding space, and to add that metric to loss function to save object relations in the embedding space and thus save more useful information about objects. The results obtained show that using a combination of the mean squared loss function together with the suggested one allows to improve the quality of the embeddings.В современном мире данные, используемые для описания объектов, часто представлены в виде разряженных векторов с большим количеством признаков. Работа с такими данными является вычислительно неэффективной, что зачастую приводит к переобучению при моделировании. Поэтому используются алгоритмы понижения размерности данных, одними из которых являются автокодировщики. В статье предложен новый подход для оценки свойств полученных векторов меньшей размерности, а также основанная на этом подходе функция потерь. Идея предложенной функции потерь состоит в вычислении качества сохранения семантической структуры в пространстве вложений и добавлении этой метрики в функцию потерь, что позволяет сохранить отношения объектов в пространстве вложений и таким образом сохранить больше полезной информации об объектах. Полученные результаты показывают, что использование комбинации среднеквадратичной функции потерь вместе с предложенной позволяет улучшить качество полученных вложений

    Embedding With Preservation of Semantics of the Original Data

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    В современном мире данные, используемые для описания объектов, часто представлены в виде разряженных векторов с большим количеством признаков. Работа с такими данными является вычислительно неэффективной, что зачастую приводит к переобучению при моделировании. Поэтому используются алгоритмы понижения размерности данных, одними из которых являются автокодировщики. В статье предложен новый подход для оценки свойств полученных векторов меньшей размерности, а также основанная на этом подходе функция потерь. Идея предложенной функции потерь состоит в вычислении качества сохранения семантической структуры в пространстве вложений и добавлении этой метрики в функцию потерь, что позволяет сохранить отношения объектов в пространстве вложений и таким образом сохранить больше полезной информации об объектах. Полученные результаты показывают, что использование комбинации среднеквадратичной функции потерь вместе с предложенной позволяет улучшить качество полученных вложений.In the modern world, the data used to describe objects is often presented as sparse vectors with a large number of features. Working with them can be computationally inefficient, and often leads to overfitting; therefore, the data dimension reduction algorithms are used, one of which is auto encoders. In this article, we propose a new approach for evaluating the properties of the obtained vectors of lower dimension, as well as a loss function based on this approach. The idea of the suggested loss function is to evaluate the quality of preserving the semantic structure in the embedding space, and to add that metric to loss function to save object relations in the embedding space and thus save more useful information about objects. The results obtained show that using a combination of the mean squared loss function together with the suggested one allows to improve the quality of the embeddings

    Electron and Proton Transfers Modulate DNA Binding by the Transcription Regulator RsrR

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    The [Fe2S2]-RsrR gene transcription regulator senses the redox status in bacteria by modulating DNA binding, while its cluster cycles between +1 and +2 states-only the latter binds DNA. We have previously shown that RsrR can undergo remarkable conformational changes involving a 100° rotation of tryptophan 9 between exposed (Out) and buried (In) states. Here, we have used the chemical modification of Trp9, site-directed mutagenesis, and crystallographic and computational chemical studies to show that (i) the Out and In states correspond to oxidized and reduced RsrR, respectively, (ii) His33 is protonated in the In state due to a change in its pKa caused by cluster reduction, and (iii) Trp9 rotation is conditioned by the response of its dipole moment to environmental electrostatic changes. Our findings illustrate a novel function of protonation resulting from electron transfer

    European large deployable antenna:Development status and applications

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    De ontwikkeling en de laatste (2006) resultaten van de kwalificatie aktiviteiten van de 12 meter ontvouwbare reflector antenne worden beschreven. Het betreft een ontwikkeling door de prime contractor Thales Alenis Space samen ket verscheidene partners onder een ESA contract. This paper presents the development and the ultimate results of the qualification activities of the 12m unfurlable Reflector Assembly of the Large Deployable Antenna (LDA), jointly developed by the Prime Contractor: Alcatel Alenia Space Italia and several Partners, under an ESA contract. The qualification campaign will be finalized within September 2006, opening near term opportunities for space applications relying on a European technology. The paper also dedicates a section to a Flight Experiment (FE), which is a follow on activity of the LDA qualification, for the in orbit verification of the LDA performance. The final section of the paper provides an overview of\u3cbr/\u3ethe LDA possible applications at System level

    European large deployable antenna (12 meter):development status and applications

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    De ontwikkeling-status en de laatste resultaten van kwalificatie testen van het 12 meter ontvouwbare reflector systeem van de grote ontvouwbare antenne worden gepresenteerd This paper presents the development and the ultimate results of the qualification activities of the 12 m unfurlable reflector assembly of the large deployable antenna (LDA), jointly developed by the Prime Contractor: g on a European technology. The paper also dedicates a section to a flight experiment (FE), which is a follow on activity of the LDA qualification, for the in orbit verification of the LDA performance. The final section of the paper provides an overview of the LDA possible applications at system level

    Biochemical and Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Agriculturally Useful Association of a Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium and Nodule Sinorhizobium with Medicago sativa L.

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    Seed inoculation with bacterial consortium was found to increase legume yield, providing a higher growth than the standard nitrogen treatment methods. Alfalfa plants were inoculated by mono- and binary compositions of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. Their physiological and biochemical properties were estimated. Inoculation by microbial consortium of Sinorhizobium meliloti T17 together with a new cyanobacterial isolate Nostoc PTV was more efficient than the single-rhizobium strain inoculation. This treatment provides an intensification of the processes of biological nitrogen fixation by rhizobia bacteria in the root nodules and an intensification of plant photosynthesis. Inoculation by bacterial consortium stimulates growth of plant mass and rhizogenesis and leads to increased productivity of alfalfa and to improving the amino acid composition of plant leaves. The full nucleotide sequence of the rRNA gene cluster and partial sequence of the dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) gene of Nostoc PTV were deposited to GenBank (JQ259185.1, JQ259186.1). Comparison of these gene sequences of Nostoc PTV with all sequences present at the GenBank shows that this cyanobacterial strain does not have 100% identity with any organisms investigated previously. Phylogenetic analysis showed that this cyanobacterium clustered with high credibility values with Nostoc muscorum

    Biochemical and Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Agriculturally Useful Association of a Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium and Nodule Sinorhizobium with Medicago sativa L.

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    Seed inoculation with bacterial consortium was found to increase legume yield, providing a higher growth than the standard nitrogen treatment methods. Alfalfa plants were inoculated by mono- and binary compositions of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. Their physiological and biochemical properties were estimated. Inoculation by microbial consortium of Sinorhizobium meliloti T17 together with a new cyanobacterial isolate Nostoc PTV was more efficient than the single-rhizobium strain inoculation. This treatment provides an intensification of the processes of biological nitrogen fixation by rhizobia bacteria in the root nodules and an intensification of plant photosynthesis. Inoculation by bacterial consortium stimulates growth of plant mass and rhizogenesis and leads to increased productivity of alfalfa and to improving the amino acid composition of plant leaves. The full nucleotide sequence of the rRNA gene cluster and partial sequence of the dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) gene of Nostoc PTV were deposited to GenBank (JQ259185.1, JQ259186.1). Comparison of these gene sequences of Nostoc PTV with all sequences present at the GenBank shows that this cyanobacterial strain does not have 100% identity with any organisms investigated previously. Phylogenetic analysis showed that this cyanobacterium clustered with high credibility values with Nostoc muscorum