35 research outputs found

    Perspectiveness of correction of accompanying diseases in patients with autism by course of interior use of naturally low mineralized water

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    The article reviews the pathogenesis and the course of autism. Authors define autism as a psychosomatic disorder. A distinctive feature of mineral waters, as natural therapeutic factors of weak intensity, is their pronounced biological activity, the absence of side effects and the possibility of long-term use in combination with medication therapy. The paper presents data substantiating the possibility of using mineral water with an increased content of organic substances for the correction of the somatic component of autism (problems of the gastrointestinal tract, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, neurosis)

    Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum

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    Nasibullin B. A., Gushcha S. G., Dekhtyar Yu. N., Volyanska V. S. Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2023;47(1):75-83. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2023.47.01.007 https://apcz.umk.pl/JEHS/article/view/46248 https://zenodo.org/record/8364684 The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 17.07.2023 No. 32318. Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences). Punkty Ministerialne z 2019 - aktualny rok 40 punktów. Załącznik do komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 17.07.2023 Lp. 32318. Posiada Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma: 201159. Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe: Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu). © The Authors 2023; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 29.07.2023. Revised:21.08.2023. Accepted: 28.08.2023. Published: 29.08.2023. Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum B. A. Nasibullin, S. G. Gushcha, Yu. N. Dekhtyar, V. S. Volyanska State Institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Resort Therapy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Odesa, Ukraine Boris Nasibullin: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3963-2374; e-mail: [email protected] Sergey Gushcha: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3097-5258; e-mail: [email protected] Veronika Volyanska: ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3019-7620; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The authors, in a study on 25 outbred Wistar white rats weighing 180-200 g, determined the effect of Lamidana (a product from sea brown algae) on the structural-functional continuum, that is, the correlation of the functional activity of the liver parenchyma and its structural characteristics. Methods. The detoxifying function of the liver was studied by the duration of sleep of animals due to the action of anesthesia - intraperitoneal administration of sodium thiopental (estimate the rate of metabolism of thiopental, carried out by the cytochrome-P-450-dependent monooxygenase system of hepatocytes). The structural and functional state of the liver parenchyma was assessed according to the study of histological preparations. The results of the studies showed that under the influence of the external application of "Lamidin" in the test rats, the liver1s detoxification function is enhanced (significantly significant decrease in the duration of sleep of animals). At the same time, structural signs of increased functional activity of hepatocytes are determined in the parenchyma. Conclusions. The authors believe that "Lamidan", due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, enhances the metabolic and functional activity of hepatocytes but does not damage the correlative relationships between the structure and function of hepatocytes. Keywords: product from brown algae; liver; structural-functional continuum

    Evaluation of the influence of Chloride Sodium rape on the external application on the structural and functional condition of red kidney on development

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    Much attention has been paid to the study of the numerous effects of chronic stress and the methods of their correction, but some questions remain unanswered. Goal. To investigate the effect of highly mineralized sodium chloride mineral water (brine) on the structural and functional state of rat kidneys with experimental distress. White female rats weighing 180 - 220 g were ranked into three groups: group I intact rats (control), group II rats with a distress model (duration 30 days); group III - rats with a model of distress, who from 15 to 30 day of experiment received a course of external procedures with rapes. In group II rats, the development of distress caused dystrophic changes in the kidneys, which led to inhibition of their urinary, ion-regulating and excretory functions. To correct the manifestations of distress rats received a course of external procedures with brine (5 procedures for 2 hours a day). Renal function restored: GFR exceeds group I data by 30%, resulting in complete recovery of the diuresis. Urea excretion is restored, and creatinine excretion exceeds the control level by 30% (p <0.001). The concentration of potassium ions is restored to the control level, their excretion is reduced by 20%, and the urinary excretion of sodium and chloride ions is increased by — 90% and 57%. Microscopically — the structure of nephrons and their components without visual changes, that is, does not differ from the first group of rats. Conclusions. Studies have shown that with transdermal administration of sodium chloride brine has a significant protective effect on the course of pathological changes in the function of the kidney of rats against the background of the development of distress

    Influence of mineral water on the structural and functional state of the rats kidneys with metabolic syndrome

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    In white rats in the setting of development of metabolic syndrome inhibition of the urinary and excretory functions of the kidney, with impaired water-ion balance (the kidneys excrete slightly hyperosmotic urine in a small amount) on the background of structural signs of dystrophies. Daily diuresis is reduced by 37% due to a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by 22% and an increase in the percentage of tubular reabsorption (p <0.001), excretion of creatinine, urea and chloride decreased by 22%, 15% and 56%. The excretion of potassium and sodium ions increases by 14% and 38%, respectively. The daily urine is greatly delayed. Two-week internal course administration of lowmineralized sodium chloride water has a positive effect on impaired renal function: the volume of diuresis is increased by 15% by accelerating GFR by 20% and restoring the value of tubular reabsorption. Creatinine excretion is increased by 20% and urea by 32%. The excretion of potassium and sodium ions is increased by 50% and 166%, respectively. Excretion of chloride ions and urine pH is fully restored. Microscopically determined residual manifestations of dystrophic processes in the kidneys, which against the background of the recovery of processes of urination and stimulation of ion-regulating and excretory functions of the kidneys, indicates the ability of the applied sodium chloride MW to correct the structural and functional disorders of the metabolic syndrome

    The analysis of methylation of DNA promoter of SFRP2 gene in patients with hyperplastic processes of the endometrium

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    The hyperplastic processes of the endometrium can arise not only against the background of excessive influence of estrogen, but also against the background of epigenetic damages that affect apoptosis, cell proliferation, differentiation, and adhesion, and DNA reparation. The aim of our study was to investigate and analyze the status of methylation of the promoter of SFRP2 gene in patients with hyperplastic processes of the endometrium. Materials and Methods: The study groups were the following: I — patients with endometrial hyperplasia (EH, n = 9); II — patients with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN, n = 10), III — control groups: 1) with endometrial cancer (EC, n = 4), and 2) healthy women (n = 4). Determination of promoter methylation of SFRP2 gene was carried out by the semiquantitative method of methylation-specific PCR assay. Results: The maximum level of methylation of SFRP2 gene promoter had been revealed in patients with EC — 42.80 ± 3.55% (р < 0.05). The patients of the I group had the lowest values of methylation of SFRP2 gene promoter — 10.66 ± 0.85%, while in patients of the II group this indicator was higher — 20.60 ± 0.95% (р < 0.05). In healthy women of the control group, methylation of SFRP2 gene promoter was detected in none of the samples. Conclusion: The content of the methylated SFRP2 gene in endometrial tissue of patients with hyperplastic processes higher than 20–25% allows relate these women to the risk group of EC development and dictates the need of intensive observation of such patients

    Оценка эффективности применения метаболической терапии при угрозе преждевременных родов

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    Мета дослідження: оцінити ефективність застосування метаболічної терапії в акушерському статусі та стані недоношених новонароджених при комплексному лікуванні загрози передчасних пологів. Проведено дослідження за участю 100 вагітних із загрозою передчасних пологів: I група (n=50) отримувала стандартну комплексну базову терапію у поєднанні з метаболічною терапією у вигляді 300 мг Омега-3 ПНЖК на добу, II група (n=50) отримувала стандартну комплексну базову терапію. Показники стану недоношених новонароджених у групах дослідження показали достовірну різницю у дітей, матері яких отримували метаболічну терапію. Середня маса новонароджених I групи склала 2133±193 г і була достовірно більшою за цей показник у II групі (1761±158 г). Оцінки за шкалою Апгар також були вищими у дітей I групи (7,6±0,5 балів на 1-й хвилині і 8,0±0,5 балів на 5-й) у порівнянні з показниками дітей II групи (5, 9±0,8 балів на 1-й хвилині і 6,9±0,4 балів на 5-й).Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of metabolic therapy in obstetric status and the state of premature newborns in the complex treatment of the threat of preterm birth. A study was conducted with the participation of 100 pregnant women with the threat of preterm birth: I group (n=50) received standard complex basic therapy in combination with metabolic therapy in the form of 300 mg of omega-3 PUFA per day, II group (n=50) received standart complex basic therapy. Indicators of the status of premature infants in the study groups showed a significant difference in children whose mothers received metabolic therapy. The average weight on newborns of the I group was 2133±193 g and was significantly higher than this indicator on the II group (1761±158 g). Apgar scores were also higher at the children of the I group (7,6±0,5 points on the 1st minute and 8,0±0,5 points on the 5th) compared with children of the II group (5,9±0,8 points on the 1st minute and 6,9±0,4 points on the 5th).Цель исследования: оценить эффективность применения метаболической терапии в акушерском статусе и состоянии недоношенных новорожденных при комплексном лечении угрозы преждевременных родов. Проведено исследование с участием 100 беременных с угрозой преждевременных родов: I группа (n=50) получала стандартную комплексную базовую терапию в сочетании с метаболической терапией в виде 300 мг омега-3 ПНЖК в сутки, II группа (n=50) получала стандартнуюкомплексную базовую терапию. Показатели состояния недоношенных новорожденных в группах исследования показали достоверную разницу у детей, матери которых получали метаболическую терапию. Средняя масса новорожденных I группы составила 2133±193 г и была достоверно выше этого показателя во II группе (1761±158 г). Оценки по шкале Апгар также были более высокими у детей I группы (7,6 ± 0,5 баллов на 1- й минуте и 8,0±0,5 баллов на 5-й) по сравнению с показателями детей II группы (5,9±0,8 баллов на 1-й минуте и 6,9±0,4 баллов на 5-й)

    Ретроспективный анализ, состояние и развитие эндоскопической и малоинвазивной хирургии в Одесском национальном медицинском университете (1975–2012)

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    Endoscopy is an exclusive tool of modern medicine and a priority direction of scientific and medical activity of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Odessa National Medical University, the leading recognized center of endoscopic surgery of Ukraine. The first endoscopic operations in Odessa gynecologic clinics were implemented at the end of 70th years last century, videoendoscopic — since 1992. Alongside with cryosurgical techniques, we have started operative endoscopy interventions using high-frequency currents, laser energy, and other newest mechanical tools and manipulations. We have analyzed more than 35-year period of formation and development of endoscopic gynecologic surgery at the Odessa National Medical University. We have studied more than 20,000 gynecologic endoscopic interventions, considering indications to operations, analyzed their types during a certain period, and specific complications of video-endoscopic interventions, that were executed in gynecologic clinics of Odessa. The retrospective analysis of endoscopic interventions of more than 35 years’ period shows stable dynamics of increase in number of endoscopic interventions, especially during last ten years. Substantially it is connected with improvement of endoscopic operational equipment, introduction of modern operative endoscopic techniques, improvement of qualification and accumulation of experience of gynecologic endoscopic surgeons. Complications rate during operative laparoscopy was near 1%. The gained experience in the field of endoscopic surgery in gynecology was the background for foundation of the Educating and Training Center since 2001, organization of conferences and master-classes, cooperation with the leading centers of endoscopic surgery, cooperation with the world leading centers of endoscopic surgery.Эндоскопия является приоритетным направлением научной и лечебной деятельности Одесского национального медицинского университета — ведущего центра эндоскопической хирургии Украины. Первые эндоскопические операции в Одессе были выполнены в гинекологической клинике в конце 70-х годов прошлого века, видеоэндоскопические — в 1992 г. За 35-летний период становления и развития эндоскопической гинекологической хирургии в Одесском национальном медицинском университете проанализировано более 20 000 гинекологических эндоскопических и малоинвазивных вмешательств. Увеличение количества операций и снижение числа осложнений связаны как с усовершенствованием оборудования, так и с повышением квалификации хирургов. Этому в значительной мере способствовали создание учебного и тренировочного центра эндоскопической и малоинвазивной хирургии в 2001 г., проведение конференций, мастер-классов, cотрудничество с ведущими эндоскопическими центрами мира

    Клиническая характеристика больных со спаечным процессом, ассоциируемым с внешним генитальным эндометриозом

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    Проведен ретроспективный анализ 1449 историй болезни и протоколов операций пациенток со спаечным процессом. Установлено, что наиболее значимым фактором риска спайкообразования является эндометриоз — 41,88 % (95 % ДИ 38,98–45,01). Определена значимость клинических особенностей спаечного процесса органов малого таза и проведен анализ поиска ассоциативных правил между спаечным процессом и наружным генитальным эндометриозом разных стадий, бесплодием и наличием тазовой боли с использованием современных методик статистического анализа. Доказано, что наружный генитальный эндометриоз I стадии коррелирует с бесплодием и сильной тазовой болью. Для внешнего генитального эндометриоза III стадии не являются характерными спаечный процесс и тазовая боль. В свою очередь, спаечный процесс, ассоциируемый с внешним генитальным эндометриозом IV стадии, увеличивает вероятность бесплодия с достоверностью 96,77 %, но коэффициентом корреляции 98,37 %.A retrospective analysis of 1449 case histories and patient records of the adhesive process was performed and the most significant risk factor for adhesion was endometriosis — 41.88% (95% CI 38.98–45.01). The significance of the clinical features of the adhesive process of the pelvic organs is determined and analysis of associative rules between the adhesion process and the external genital endometriosis of different stages, infertility and the presence of pelvic pain is performed using modern methods of statistical analysis. It is proved that the external genital endometriosis of stage I correlates with infertility and severe pelvic pain. For the external genital endometriosis of the third stage, the adhesive process and pelvic pains are not characteristic. Adhesive process associated with an external genital endometriosis of the IV stage increases probability of infertility with 96.77% confidence and a correlation coefficient of 98.37%

    Сравнительный анализ влияния сульфата бария и талька на интенсивность спаечного процесса у самок белых крыс

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    В результате исследований установлено, что внутрибрюшинное введение крысам суспензии сульфат бария или талька приводит к явной стимуляции процесса спайкообразования, что доказано как результатами анализа макропрепаратов матки и вновь образованных соединительнотканных образований между париетальной и висцеральной брюшиной, так и данными гистохимического анализа. Установлено, что тальк вызывает более выраженную акселерацию признаков, характерных для патогенеза спайкообразования: усиления процесса воспаления, неоангиогенеза и фиброза. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать экспериментальную модель образования спаечного процесса, индуцированного тальком, к дальнейшему использованию в качестве базовой экспериментальной модели для исследования роли взаимодействия процессов воспаления, неоангиогенеза и фиброза в патогенезе посттравматического спайкообразования.Approbation of experimental models of adhesions’ forming in rats showed their availability by mean of intra-peritoneal introduction of barium sulfate or talc to study co-operative interprocess of inflammation, angiogenesis and fibrous degeneration in pathogenesis of postsurgical adhesions in women. It is settled that talc administration causes the acceleration of signs, typical for pathogenesis of adhesions: amplification of inflammation, angiogenesis and fibrous degeneration. The data suggest that the experimental model of talc-induced adhesive process may be recommended for further use as a basal experimental model for studying pathogenesis of postsurgical adhesions for women

    Investigation of the influence of mineral water with increased content of organic on the development of metabolic syndrome in the experiment

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    Background: The World Health Organization describes the metabolic syndrome (MS) as a "21st Century Pandemic." The pathogenesis of MS is complex and completely not studied, which justifies the importance of conducting research in this field, including experimental ones. Recently, in order to treat MS and its complications, along with drug therapy, non-pharmacological agents are used - natural therapeutic resources, which include mineral water (MW). MW are widely used in medical practice, due to the possibility of prolonged use, the combination of general non-specific effects on the processes of body sanogenesis in general and local pathogenetic mechanisms. Objective: To investigate the effect of MW with increased content of organic substances on its internal application to the metabolic rate of experimental animals with the MS. Materials and Methods: In the experiment, 40 white male rats weighing 230.0 – 250.0 g were used. For reproduction of the MS model, the animals were kept for 60 days in a standard diet, while the rats additionally received 30 grams of white bread crumbs per animal and consumed only 10% fructose solution in distilled water (as a drinking liquid). MW was injected into the esophagus of animals with a soft probe with olive, once a day for 12 consecutive days, at a dose of 1% of the body weight of the animal. Results: At day 60 of the experiment in rats with MS, blood glucose levels were increased by 3 mmol/l (p < 0,01), cholesterol and triglycerides by 32 and 154% (p < 0.01). Weight of animals increased by 14% (p < 0,01), and the use of a solution of fructose by 100%. Under the influence of MW, the weight of animals decreased by 8% (p < 0.01), the use of a solution of fructose by 50% (р < 0,01). The level of glucose decreased by 2 mmol/l, the cholesterol content was completely restored (p > 0,5), and the content of triglycerides remained elevated (p < 0,001). Conclusion: MS is a serious and long-lasting pathology, its development causes serious rearrangements in the body. Established corrective effect of MW with increased content of organic substances on separate parts of pathogenesis of MS, although not carried out in full, but is of a stable nature