363 research outputs found

    Rate of growth and dissipation of queue on freeways and its effect on crash likelihood

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    To improve traffic safety on freeways, many traffic researchers have used real time data to predict the likelihood of crashes, using number of crashes as the measure of safety. The parameters of speed, volume or density have been used extensively in previous research to calculate the crash likelihood. This research studied the combined effects of volume and density to predict crash likelihood using real time data a short time before crash occurrence. The volume-density relationship provided a measure of growth and dissipation of queue on the freeway, known as the shock wave speed. Using this shock wave speed and quantifying various types of shock waves, analysis was done to predict crash likelihood. The results of logistic regression analysis indicated that increasing the speed of forward shock wave decrease crash likelihood. Using a log-linear relationship and including exposure measures, it was found that diverging sections, normal weather conditions, low shock wave speeds and forward moving shock waves indicated increased likelihood of crashes. Finally, using an odds ratio to compare the combined effects of shock wave speed and shock wave type, it was determined that forward moving shock waves yield a greater likelihood of crash for both low and high shock wave speeds

    Current research on the use of plant-derived products in farmed fish

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    Over the years, aquaculture has shown increasing development in terms of production. However, due to intensive farming practices, infectious diseases represent the main problem in fish farms, causing heavy economic losses. The use of antibiotics for controlling diseases is widely criticized for its negative impact, including selection of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, immunosuppression, environmental pollution and accumulation of chemical residues in fish tissues. On the other hand, though vaccination is the most effective prophylactic method of preventing disease outbreaks, the development of effective formulations is often hindered by high production costs and the antigenic heterogeneity of the microbial strains. Recently, there has been increased interest in the possibility of using medicinal herbs as immunostimulants, capable of enhancing immune responses and disease resistance of cultured fish. Plant-derived products seem to represent a promising source of bioactive molecules, being at the same time readily available, inexpensive and biocompatible. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of recent research dealing with the use of medicinal plants in aquaculture. Special attention is given to the information about the effects of plant extracts/products on fish growth, haematological profiles, immune responses and resistance to infectious diseases

    Growth parameters, innate immune response and resistance to Listonella (Vibrio) anguillarum of Dicentrarchus labrax fed carvacrol supplemented diets

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    The research was aimed to assess the effect of dietary carvacrol (0.025% and 0.05%) on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) growth, immune response and resistance to Listonella anguillarum. Fish (69.2 ± 0.22 g) were fed the experimental diets for 9 weeks. Dietary carvacrol did not negatively affect fish survival, growth performance, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (P > 0.05) nor carcass yield and viscerosomatic, hepatosomatic and mesenteric fat index (P > 0.05). Serum and head kidney leucocytes were collected after 1, 4 and 8 weeks of feeding. Carvacrol significantly reduced serum proteins, immunoglobulins and lysozyme activity (P < 0.01) and moderately increased phagocytosis and pinocytosis of head kidney macrophages. The release of reactive oxygen species by leucocytes was reduced in carvacrol-fed fish, even if significantly (P < 0.05) only in those fed 0.05% carvacrol for 1 week. Dietary carvacrol did not significantly affect the aspecific immune response, although a potential antioxidant activity might be speculated. Moreover, feeding carvacrol provided an appreciable resistance to a challenge with L. anguillarum, when a bacterial dose lower than the Lethal Dose50 was used. Cumulative mortality in fish fed 0.025% carvacrol was significantly lower than that of untreated controls (75% Relative Per cent Survival)

    Governança pública : os limites da responsabilidade administrativa do advogado público e do gestor na interpretação das normas e na aplicação das políticas públicas

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2017.O presente trabalho se dedica a examinar o plano de responsabilização administrativa dos advogados públicos e dos gestores públicos no âmbito da União. Para facilitar essa análise, vamos usar como parâmetro o Tribunal de Contas da União e a Advocacia Geral da União adequando seus respectivos papeis institucionais diante do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O propósito de analisar a responsabilização desses agentes tem como finalidade verificar os aspectos legais e jurisprudenciais da possibilidade de punição dos gestores e advogados públicos diante do TCU.The paper is devoted to examining the plan of administrative accountability of public lawyers and public managers within the government. In order to facilitate this analysis, we will use as parameter the Court of Auditors of the Union and the General Law of the Union adjusting their respective institutional roles before the Brazilian legal system. The propose of these paper is to verify the legal and jurisprudential aspects of the possibility of punishment of the TCU before the public managers and lawyers

    El estrago en la relación madre hija

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    ¿De qué se trata esta forma de relación entre madre e hija?, ¿Por qué la palabra que hable del deseo aparece tan desvastada y degradada, y cuales consecuencias tiene esto en las conductas de estas sujetos?, ¿Cómo pensar a la posición del analista en estos casos?. Esa posición nos lleva a plantear una serie de intervenciones posibles, sin que por esto se esté proponiendo la construcción de un recetario para estos casos, en todo caso tratar de encontrar una lógica para las mismas.Eje: PsicoanálisisFacultad de Psicologí

    Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental e o Agigantamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal

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    O artigo discute a evolução do controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil, com destaque para a análise da arguição de descumprimento de preceito fundamental. Analisa os fundamentos legais e constitucionais da ADPF. Enfrenta as principais críticas acerca de inconstitucionalidades em face da lei reguladora. Debate os efeitos previstos legalmente para a ADPF – erga omnes e vinculan- te –, contrapondo-a às ações direta de inconstitucionalidade e declaratória de constitucionalidade. Destaca a dificuldade que pode existir na escolha entre ADPF e outra ação direta. Observa aumento de poder do Supremo Tribunal Federal por meio da criação da ADPF. Ainda, enfatiza incremento da análise subjetiva pelo STF com inegáveis reflexos no país. Conclui que a ADPF é motivo eloquente para debate da escolha de ministros do STF.

    Amores hipermodernos (posmodernidad mediante)

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    El titulo permite ubicarnos en el eje de la investigación. Este eje, nace de la articulación de la noción de amor desde el Psicoanálisis en relación a estos tiempos hipermodernos (según Lipovetsky) o tiempos posmodernos (según Lyotard); nominaciones estas que intentan apresar el estado de la cultura hoy. Los dos términos suponen al término modernidad, y con esto ya dan pie al debate referido a si realmente hemos dejado "atrás" esta etapa de la cultura humana. Lo que si está fuertemente consensuado desde diferentes disciplinas, es que la alianza entre el avance científico generado por las luces de la razón dándose la mano con el bienestar de toda la humanidad, se ha quebrado (a esto se le viene llamando "la caída de los ideales").Eje temático: PsicoanálisisFacultad de Psicologí

    Amores hipermodernos (posmodernidad mediante)

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    El titulo permite ubicarnos en el eje de la investigación. Este eje, nace de la articulación de la noción de amor desde el Psicoanálisis en relación a estos tiempos hipermodernos (según Lipovetsky) o tiempos posmodernos (según Lyotard); nominaciones estas que intentan apresar el estado de la cultura hoy. Los dos términos suponen al término modernidad, y con esto ya dan pie al debate referido a si realmente hemos dejado "atrás" esta etapa de la cultura humana. Lo que si está fuertemente consensuado desde diferentes disciplinas, es que la alianza entre el avance científico generado por las luces de la razón dándose la mano con el bienestar de toda la humanidad, se ha quebrado (a esto se le viene llamando "la caída de los ideales").Eje temático: PsicoanálisisFacultad de Psicologí

    Acoustically efficient concrete: acoustic absorption coefficient of porous concrete with different aggregate size

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    Porous absorbers are the most widely used type of acoustically absorptive materials. The interest on their outdoor applications has put further attention on the use of porous concrete in the building industry. This work investigates the acoustic properties of porous concrete. The assessment of the sound absorbing performances has been conducted in the small-scale reverberation room of Politecnico di Torino (Italy), in agreement with the indication in the ISO 354:2003 Standard. For each concrete type, three panel thicknesses, i.e. 20 mm, 40 mm, 60 mm were tested. Moreover, different mounting methods were tested, considering the presence of an airgap between the panel and the backing, and considering the introduction of rockwool in the airgap itself. The result show weighted absorption coefficients (aw) in the range 0.30-0.75 depending on the thickness and mounting conditions. These encouraging values make these materials useful for practical applications in architecture and civil engineering

    Estragos posmodernos en la clínica

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    El presente escrito consiste en un breve desarrollo de la noción de estrago en la clínica psicoanalítica articulada en primera instancia a la noción de posmodernidad. A partir de esto entonces voy a subrayar algunas posibles articulaciones interrogando a la posición del analista con respecto a esto.Eje: Psicología clínica y psicopatologíaFacultad de Psicologí