437 research outputs found

    Alimentación de Podocnemis Sextuberculata (Testudines: Podocnemididae) en la Reserva Mamirauá, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Feeding is one of the most important aspects in the life of animals. There has been very little published regarding the feeding of Podocnemis sextuberculata. This study presents results from research conducted in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve-RDSM regarding the food consumed by this species. There were analyzed 235 samples of stomach contents 117 males and 118 females. The stomach contents were obtained by stomach flushing with water or from dissections of digestive tracts. Plant material was the most prominent food item found in the stomachs of P. sextuberculata. There was no difference in the frequency of occurrence of seeds between the high and low water seasons. The total volume of the seeds consumed was high in all habitats. This species is adapted to areas with great seasonal changes, the flooded forest habitat is appropriate for this species because of the abundance of plants in the family Poaceae. The information obtained highlights the relevance of protecting vegetal species and habitat of P. sextuberculata in RDSM.La alimentación es uno de los aspectos más importantes en la vida de los organismos. En el grupo de los quelonios acuáticos amazónicos del género Podocnemis este aspecto es descuidado para P. sextuberculata. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la alimentación de esta especie en la Reserva de Desarrollo Sustentable Mamirauá-RDSM. Se analizaron 235 muestras de contenidos estomacales, 117 machos y 118 hembras. Para obtener muestras de contenido estomacal, se utilizó el método de lavado con agua. Los contenidos estomacales también fueron colectados por disecación de tracto digestivo. Materia vegetal fue el ítem predominante en la alimentación de P. sextuberculata. No hubo diferencia en la frecuencia de semillas en las temporadas de aguas bajas y altas de los ríos. En todos los hábitat el volumen total de las semillas fue muy alto. La especie está adaptada a los cambios de estación, siendo las áreas inundables el hábitat más apropiado, en relación a la abundancia de las especies de la familia Poaceae. La información obtenida destaca la importancia de proteger las especies vegetales y los hábitat usados por P. sextuberculata en la RDSM

    Diversidade de anfíbios e répteis squamata na região do baixo rio Purus, Amazônia Central, Brasil

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    The lower Purus River Basin, Central Amazonia - Brazil, represents an area of prominent interest for conservation of amphibians and reptiles. However, there is little available information about these groups for flooded and nonflooded forests, the major landscapes in this region. We sampled a representative area over two periods: 2004-2005 and 2009-2010. We used efficient and complementary techniques for sampling the herpetofauna in rainforests: time constrained audio-visual search (TAVS), pitfall traps with drift fence (PFDF) and double- ended funnel traps with drift fence (FTDF). We recorded a total of 160 species, including 75 amphibians (73 frogs and two caecilians) and 85 reptiles (34 lizards and 51 snakes). The occurrence of the anuran Dendropsophus allenorum represents the first record for Brazil. Comparing the efficiency of the sampling methods, the TAVS was the best method in sampling efficiency for the majority of the herpetofauna species; followed by the PFDF, efficient in sampling terrestrial frogs and litter lizards in the nonflooded forests. We did not use the PFDF in the flooded forests because the soil was water saturated. Despite its low efficiency in sampling terrestrial frogs and litter lizards, the FTDF, was efficient in snake capture and easily adaptable to the saturated soil in flooded forests. The greatest richness of species and groups was found in the nonflooded forests. Families of fossorial and litter species were mostly absent from the flooded forests. However, in the flooded forests we found a large number of arboreal frogs (Hylidae) and of larger heliothermic lizards (Teiidae). When we evaluated each sample period separately, we found a similar richness of the herpetofauna between the different types of forest landscapes, with a bias towards higher diversity in the nonflooded forests. In spite of similar species numbers, the nonflooded and flooded forests had different species assemblages. The total amphibian and Squamata reptilian diversity between the nonflooded and flooded forests (beta-β diversity), sites with more widespread landscapes, possibly represents the major contribution to the regional herpetofauna diversity in the lower Purus River Basin (Gama-γ diversity)

    Descrição de padrões comportamentais de Podocnemis erythrocephala (Spix, 1824) (Testudines: Podocnemididae) (Irapuca) em cativeiro, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil

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    The biology and ecology of South American turtles is still poorly known, particularly, for the Brazilian species. Laboratory studies are essential to understand the life cycles of aquatic turtles species and to help in formulating management plans for their conservation. As a contribution to the knowledge of Podocnemis erythrocephala species, we give a description of its species-typical behaviors, categorized as: maintenance, locomotion, feeding, agonistic and reproduction, based on captives observations of four pairs of turtles in an aquarium in Manaus, Brazil. Similarities and differences with the repertoires of other turtle species are discussed, concluding that turtles have much more complex adaptative strategies and social life than was believed


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    In the present work about Peltocephalus dumerilianus ("big-head" Amazon turtle), an aquatic chelonian inhabiting the Am-azon basin, the sex composition was analyzed by the capture-recapture method in two tributaries of the Rio Negro, and mor-phometric parameters were compared individually and by sex. By means of a mathematical model the populational abundance was calculated. Also, through telemetry, the occupied home range was calculated according to sex, and differences among populations were established

    Ovarian cycle and follicular hierarchy of Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Testudines: Podocnemididae)

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    Forty pairs of ovaries of mature female Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Schweigger 1812) were analyzed, to establish the morphologic monthly changes that take place during one year; we examined macroscopically the oviducts and the ovaries of specimens that the riverside inhabitants of the municipality of Barcelos, Amazons, Brazil, used for their consumption. We measured the diameter and recorded the number of enlarged ovarian follicles and corpora lutea. The results show the gradual enlargement of follicles in agreement with the reproductive period, observing that during the last third of the process; just before oviposition they become more evident. The positive relationship between the size of the female and the ovarian mass, is statistically significant (F (10.29)=3.655, p < 0.05). Follicullar sizes suggest that this species nests only once a year.Se analizaron cuarenta pares de ovarios de hembras adultas de Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Schweigger 1812), para establecer los cambios morfológicos mensuales producidos durante un año. Se llevaron a cabo exámenes macroscópicos de los oviductos y de los ovarios de especímenes que los habitantes ribereños del municipio de Barcelos, Amazonas, Brasil, utilizaron para su consumo, usando metodológicamente la medida del diámetro y conteo de los folículos ováricos y de los cuerpos lúteos. Los resultados muestran la presencia gradual de folículos acorde con la época reproductiva, resaltando que durante el último tercio del proceso, justo antes de la postura se hacen más evidentes; se analiza la relación existente entre el tamaño de la hembra y la masa ovárica, la cual es estadísticamente significativa (F (10,29)=3,655, p < 0,05). Se hace evidente la existencia de una jerarquía ovario folicular que demuestra que para esta especie solo es posible fisiológicamente una postura por año

    Alfabetização científica usando o tema dos quelônios amazônicos

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar de que forma o conhecimento adquirido sobre os quelônios amazônicos contribuiu para o processo de Alfabetização Cientifica em estudantes do 7° ano do Ensino Fundamental II. A pesquisa do tipo qualitativa foi realizada no Bosque da Ciência do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Foram aplicados questionários em quatro turmas de escolas públicas e privadas de Manaus. Os estudantes incorporaram conceitos científicos sobre a diversidade de espécies, diferenças morfológicas e dimorfismo sexual. Partindo do pressuposto de que só ocorre mudança diante do conhecimento, destacamos a influência do trabalho realizado não só na formação de estudantes cientificamente alfabetizados, mas também na preparação de cidadãos preocupados com o meio ambiente.Palavras-chave: Alfabetização Científica; Educação Não Formal; Quelônios amazônicos. Scientific literacy using amazonian turtles themeAbstract: The objective of this work was to analyze the how acquired understandings about Amazonian turtles contribute to the process of Scientific Literacy in 7th grade students attending Elementary school. This a qualitative research conducted at the Science Forest at National Institute of Amazonian Research. For data gathering we applied questionnaires in four different classes of both private and public schools, in Manaus. The students acquired scientific concepts about species diversity, morphological differences, and sexual dimorphism. From the presumption that changes only occur from obtaining knowledge, we emphasize the influence of this study made not only in the formation of science literate students, but also in the preparation of citizens concerned with the environment.Keywords: Scientific Literacy; Non-Formal Education; Amazonian turtles.


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    In this short communication we report the first record of Platemys platycephala melanonota (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae) for Brazil.Key words: Platemys platycephala melanonota; distribution; Amazon; BrazilPRIMEIRO REGISTRO DE Platemys platycephala melanonota ERNST 1984 (REPTILIA, TESTUDINES, CHELIDAE) PARA A AMAZÔNIA BRASILEIRA.RESUMONesta nota nós relatamos o primeiro registro de Platemys platycephala melanonota (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae) para o Brasil.Palavras-chave: Platemys platycephala melanonota, distribuição, Amazônia, Brasi