147 research outputs found

    The Managing Cash Flow in Industrial Company

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    Import 22/07/2015Práce se zabývá řízením cash flow ve stavební společnosti VOKD, a.s. Součástí práce je stručná charakteristika společnosti, její historie, současnost a finanční situace. V teoretické části je pozornost věnována základním pojmům jako podstata řízení cash flow podniku, řízení likvidity, cash flow, jeho struktura a význam pro podnik či řízení pracovního kapitálu. Praktická část je zaměřena na zpracování cash flow ve společnosti VOKD, a.s.. v letech 2012 až 2014, návrh plánu cash flow společnosti na období 2015 až 2016 a v závěru práce je vyhodnoceno a navrženo doporučení. Cílem mé diplomové práce je řízení cash flow v závislosti na výrobním a prodejním plánu stavební společnosti VOKD, a.s.The thesis deals with the management of cash flow in the construction company VOKD, a.s. An integral part of this chapter is brief characteristic of the company, its history, present and financial situation. The theoretical part focuses on basic concepts such as the nature of cash flow management, liquidity management and factors affecting liquidity, cash flow, its structure and meaning to the enterprise and working capital management. The practical part is focused on the processing of cash flow in the company VOKD, a.s. for the years 2012 - 2014, suggested plan cash flow for the period 2015 to 2016 and offers the suggested recommendations in the final part. The target of my thesis is to control cash flow depending on the production and sales plan for construction companies VOKD, a.s634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivýborn

    Website Design

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá možností propagace Svazku obcí Moravia, se zaměřením na soustředěnou propagaci pomocí společných webových stránek. Svazek obcí Moravia (dále mikroregion Moravia) slučuje 7 obcí: Výrovice, Višňové, Horní Dunajovice, Tvořihráz, Žerotice, Trstěnice a Džbánice. Teoretická část bakalářské práce popisuje pojmy a publikované poznatky vztahující se k tématu. Praktická část představuje konkrétní zpracování návrhu internetových stránek. Je zde popsán současný stav. Následně je navrženo řešení a jeho realizace.This bachelor deals with the possibility of promotion “Svazek obcí Moravia”, with a focus on the promotion of concentrated using a common website. The Svazek obcí Moravia (microregion Moravia) consists of seven villages: Výrovice, Višňové, Horní Dunajovice, Tvořihráz, Žerotice, Trstěnice and Džbánice. The theoretical part of this thesis describes relevant terms and published facts relating to the topic. The practical part presents the specific processing of web pages. There is described the current situation. Subsequently, the proposed solution and its implementation.

    Effective ecological and cheap heating of dwelling spaces

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    The sustainability of human civilization depends largely on green energy management. This work represents one way to achieve this goal. The work is devoted to converting microwave radiation to heat. The article analyses different ways of heating residential and utility areas. Materials suitable for converting microwave radiation to heat from ceramic composites, concretes, fire clays, and bauxite with water glass are enclosed. For all materials we have measured DTA/TG (Differential Thermal Analysis/Thermogravimetric Analysis) curves, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) patterns, chemical composition of samples, the specific heat capacity c(p) [J/kg.K], thermal conductivity k [W/m.K] and diffusivity alpha [m(2)/s(-1)]. The cooling curves of these materials after microwave heating are characterized in detail. The paper also presents a description and construction of a microwave reactor together with the parameters of the living space heating.Web of Science121art. no. 5

    Effect of Biochar Application Rate on Physical and Hydro-physical Properties of A Dystric Cambisol

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    The field trial evaluating the effect of biochar on physical and hydro-physical properties of a Dystric Cambisol was carried out at the Research Grassland Station Vatín. The observed variants of the biochar experiment were as follows: 1) the control without biochar, 2) the biochar rate of 15 t/ha applied to the topsoil, 3) the biochar rate of 30 t/ha applied to the topsoil and 4) the biochar rate of 45 t/ha applied to the topsoil. It was found out that even the highest rate of biochar 45 t/ha did not affect saturated hydraulic conductivity of the topsoil at the depth of 0.05-0.20 m. When monitoring bulk density, it was confirmed that the biochar rate of 45 t/ha significantly reduced bulk density from 1218 kg/m3 to 1169 kg/m3. In the crop rotation without manure and clover growing the application of biochar at the rate of 45 t/ha resulted in the relevant decline in the average value of bulk density from 1197 kg/m3 to 1138 kg/m3. In the Norfolk crop rotation there were the inconclusive differences in bulk density. The rate of 45 t/ha had a highly noticeable impact on porosity. It increased from 53.75% (0 t/ha) to 55.60%. The biochar doses did not affect the value of field capacity. The application of biochar at the rate of 45 t/ha caused the significant increase in the average value of aeration from 31.90% to 34.45%.O

    Global transcriptome analysis of the C57BL/6J mouse testis by SAGE: evidence for nonrandom gene order

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    BACKGROUND: We generated the gene expression profile of the total testis from the adult C57BL/6J male mice using serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE). Two high-quality SAGE libraries containing a total of 76 854 tags were constructed. An extensive bioinformatic analysis and comparison of SAGE transcriptomes of the total testis, testicular somatic cells and other mouse tissues was performed and the theory of male-biased gene accumulation on the X chromosome was tested. RESULTS: We sorted out 829 genes predominantly expressed from the germinal part and 944 genes from the somatic part of the testis. The genes preferentially and specifically expressed in total testis and testicular somatic cells were identified by comparing the testis SAGE transcriptomes to the available transcriptomes of seven non-testis tissues. We uncovered chromosomal clusters of adjacent genes with preferential expression in total testis and testicular somatic cells by a genome-wide search and found that the clusters encompassed a significantly higher number of genes than expected by chance. We observed a significant 3.2-fold enrichment of the proportion of X-linked genes specific for testicular somatic cells, while the proportions of X-linked genes specific for total testis and for other tissues were comparable. In contrast to the tissue-specific genes, an under-representation of X-linked genes in the total testis transcriptome but not in the transcriptomes of testicular somatic cells and other tissues was detected. CONCLUSION: Our results provide new evidence in favor of the theory of male-biased genes accumulation on the X chromosome in testicular somatic cells and indicate the opposite action of the meiotic X-inactivation in testicular germ cells

    Present status of the Horizon 2020 IVMR PROJECT (in vessel melt retention inside the rpv for the VVER 1000)

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    Jaderná energetika má za sebou tři těžké havárie, které se opakují s pravidelností téměř každých deset let. Je proto velmi důležité podpořit výzkumný projekt, jehož cílem je prokázat udržet roztavené Corium uvnitř tlakové nádoby reaktoru i pro reaktory s vyšším výkonem. Evropský projekt HORIZON 2020 IVMR má tento cíl. ÚJV Řež a.s. tento projekt iniciovalo a v současné době se projektu účastní 13 států EU a přibývají organizace mimo EU. ÚJV Řež a.s. vede Task č. 4. jehož cílem je postavit velkorozměrný experiment prokazující uchladitelnost vnějšího povrchu TNR VVER 1000. V prezentaci uvedeme základní cíle celého projektu a současný stav velkorozměrného experimentu v ÚJV Řež a.s.Nuclear energy allready experience three severe accidents which are repeating almost every ten years. Therefore it is very important to support research project with key goal to confirm the ability to keep the melted Corium inside the RPV even for reactors with higher power. The European project HORIZON 2020 IVMR has this goal. The UJV Rez a.s. initiated this project and at present 13 EU countries are participating and also new countries outside the EU are joining the project. The UJV Rez a.s. is leading TASK 4 with goal to build the large scale experiment which will prove ability to cool the outside surface of the VVER 1000 RPV. In our paper key goals of the whole project will be described and also present status of the large scale experimental facility to be build at UJV Rez a.s

    Measurement the thermal profile of steelmaking ladle with subsequent evaluation the reasons of lining damage

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    Based on the operational measurement, of which content was to determine ladle thermal profile, there were analysed causes of possible damage of lining in steel ladles by steel breakout through the ladle shell. There exists connection between thermal state of ladle lining during the operation and its lifetime. There were reached to the conclusion that the cause of failure in the lining of ladle is except for high temperature of bath, also wide interval of temperature change during the tap operation, in consequence with possible insufficient pre-heating of ladle, discontinuous operation of aggregate and damage of insulating lining layer, respectively deformation of ladles shell.Web of Science61128227

    Experimental investigation of two test setups on straw bales used as load-bearing elements of buildings

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    The importance of green and sustainable materials in civil engineering is undeniable. Alongside modern practices that improve the properties of standard building materials, there are ways to revive forgotten techniques, including straw bale buildings. Straw bales are load-bearing structures, which are applied based on handed-down experience and lack standard approaches in testing, design, and application. Therefore, a goal ahead is to describe every aspect of the process in technical detail. The objective of this paper is to highlight practical ideas for testing straw bales on a hydraulic press machine and to provide a basic statistical investigation of the results obtained. Two basic series were prepared, one without a side barrier and the other with a side barrier. The reason for this was to delineate the limits of the real behaviour of the straw bale on the load bearing wall of the house. Due to the assumed slight embedment of adjacent bales, the real result were within these limits. The experimental plan, basic results, simplified correlations, and statistical evaluation are presented. Recommendations for a further testing and evaluation are provided. As expected, the results with and without the lateral barrier differ by almost 18% for the true strain.Web of Science1111art. no. 53

    The Pilot Verification Of The Test Battery MOBAK As A Part Of Sport Oriented Educational Content Of Elementary School Curriculum

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    Současné vzdělávání žáků na základní škole se odvíjí od kurikula RVP ZV. V rámci jednotlivých předmětů jsou určeny kompetence a cíle, kterých má žák dosáhnout za určitý časový úsek. Aby bylo možné zaznamenat dosažené kompetence a cíle také v tělesné výchově, je nezbytné vytvářet nástroje hodnocení, které jsou prakticky použitelné pro školní tělesnou výchovu a odpovídají obsahu výuky sportovních her na 1. stupni základní školy. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je představení mezinárodní spolupráce založené na ověřování testové baterie MOBAK jako jedné z možností využití testů pohybových dovedností ve školní tělesné výchově u dětí mladšího školního věku v České republice a představení výsledků pilotního měření na vybraných základních školách vJihomoravském kraji pomocí popisné statistiky vyhodnocení. Na základě prvotního měření jsme zjistili (n357), že výsledky podle věku jsou podobné jako v ostatních evropských zemích. Také na základě zpětné vazby zúčastněných učitelů můžeme konstatovat, že se testová baterie pohybových dovedností MOBAK 1 setkala s kladnou odezvou v praxi. Domníváme se, že je potřeba ověřit možnosti této baterie na větším počtu testovaných, a proto se snažíme o navázání hlubší spolupráce.Current elementary school education is based on the Framework education programmes for elementary education. Each educational area contains the characteristics of the educational area, the objectives of the educational area and its educational content. To evaluate the competencies and achieved goals also in physical education we need to create assessment tools which are applicable for physical education classes. Also, with regard the sport games educational content of elementary school curricula. The goal of the presented paper is to introduce an international network based on the MOBAK testing battery research. The battery presents one of the options on how to test physical skills in elementary school physical education. In the paper we present some results of a pilot examination of the chosen elementary schools in the South-Moravian district of the Czech Republic. Based on the preliminary measurements (n357) we can conclude that our results are similar to the other network countries. We were also able to observe positive attitudes towards using the MOBAK 1 testing battery by the participating teachers. As it is important to verify the battery on a larger number of respondents, we are working on intensifying international cooperation