5 research outputs found

    Envejecimiento del adulto mayor en reclusión del establecimiento penitenciario de mediana seguridad y carcelario EPMSC – Pamplona

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    En esta investigación cualitativa se identifican las percepciones que tienen los adultos mayores en condiciones de reclusión penitenciaria del EPMSC Pamplona, acerca de su proceso de envejecimiento, observando la evitación de la enfermedad e invalidez, el funcionamiento físico y cognitivo, el compromiso con la vida y percepciones de las condiciones penitenciarias, por medio de entrevista semi-estructurada, historia de vida y ficha sociodemográfica. Se encontraron en los participantes elementos que destacan un proceso de envejecimiento exitoso a partir de su compromiso y motivación con el mejoramiento de sus condiciones de vida y salud, la prevención de enfermedades y el aprendizaje de nuevos conocimientos y experiencias que favorecen su proyecto de vida a futuro, n obstante se encontraron situaciones de discriminación por edad y temores a la invalidez, dependencia y pérdida funcional. Palabras Clave: Envejecimiento; Reclusión Penitenciaria; Adultez Mayor; Calidad de VidaThis qualitative research identifies the perceptions of older adults in conditions of penitentiary detention of EPMSC Pamplona, about their aging process, observing the avoidance of illness and disability, physical and cognitive functioning, commitment to life and perceptions of prison conditions, through semi-structured interview, life history and sociodemographic record. The results exposes that participants have a successful aging in order to elements that highlight a commitment and motivation with the improvement of their living and health conditions, the prevention of diseases and the learning of new knowledge and experiences that favor their future life project; however results exposes that participants have fears of disability, dependence and functional loss. Key Words: Aging; Penitentiary Detention; Older Adulthood; Quality of Lif

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part three

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    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part three

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    Treatment patterns in anticoagulant therapy in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in Belgium: results from the GARFIELD-AF registry

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    Background: AF, anticoagulation, NOACs, changing patterns of prescription. Methods: We describe baseline data and treatment patterns of patients recruited in Belgium in the Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF). Recruitment began when novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) were introduced and provides a unique picture of changing treatment patterns over time. 1713 patients with a new (= 2), anticoagulants were used in 84.3%, leaving 15.7% unprotected. In low risk patients (CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc 0-1) anticoagulants were overused (58.7%). Factor Xa inhibitors were used more frequently than direct thrombin inhibitors. Conclusion: Guideline adherence on stroke prevention was higher in Belgium than in the rest of Europe, and increased over time. NOAC use in Belgium was the highest of Europe at the study start, with many countries catching up later. Possible reasons are discussed