31 research outputs found

    Relationships between seasonality, body characteristics and leptin at the beginning of puberty in Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus heifers in the Mexican tropics

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    El estudio analizó, en dos años, los efectos de raza [Brahman (BHM; n= 65); Suizo Europeo (SE; n= 56)], suplementación con Zilpaterol® (ZIL; tratadas o testigo), estación de nacimiento (primavera u otoño) y sus interacciones, sobre superficie corporal (SC), edad (EPB), peso corporal (PPB), condición corporal (CC), profundidad del músculo largo dorsal (MD), grosor de grasa dorsal (GD) y concentración sérica de leptina (LEP) a la pubertad (PB) de 121 vaquillas. A la PB, las BHM fueron más pesadas y tuvieron más edad que las SE (376.8 ± 7.4 vs 302.0 ± 6.6 kg; 588.1 ± 14.7 vs 445.5 ± 12.5 días). ZIL aumentó EPB, PPB, CC y MD, pero no afectó GD y LEP. Las BHM tuvieron 18 % más SC que las SE. Sin embargo, la diferencia en PPB/SC fue sólo de 6.4 %. Cuando se usó peso metabólico (PM) como proporción de la SC (PM/SC) en lugar de PPB, la diferencia entre BHM y SE desapareció (P>0.05). El GD fue 63.7 % mayor en BHM que en SE. Las nacidas en primavera iniciaron la PB con 24.4 % menos GD que las nacidas en otoño. La mayoría de las vaquillas BHM (73.8 %) inició la PB en los meses en que las horas luz iban en aumento (P0.05). The DF was 63.7 % higher in BHM than in BR. Those born in spring started PB with 24.4 % less DF than those born in autumn. Most of the BHM heifers (73.8 %) started PB in the months when light hours were increasing (P<0.05), while in BRs, the beginning of PB was uniformly distributed throughout the year, regardless of the length of light hours; this effect was present in the two years of study. It is concluded that the establishment of puberty is a multifactorial phenomenon; seasonality affects BHM and BR differently and, apparently, BS is an important factor, probably associated with efficiency in energy use. This paper reiterates the importance of dorsal fat and documents, for the first time, MW/BS and its association with the establishment of puberty

    Frecuencia de tratamientos contra nematodos gastroentéricos y su relación con la ganancia de peso en becerros cebú de trópico subhúmedo

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    EI presente estudio se realizó para determinar la frecuencia de tratamientos contra infecciones naturales de nematodos gastroentéricos de becerros cebú en pastoreo que favorezca a la ganancia de peso

    Kisspeptin in prepuberal heifers: 2. Response of LH, FSH and GH to different doses of kisspeptin-10 and its association with circulating IGF-I and leptin

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    En becerras prepúberes, la kisspeptina-10 (KISS-10) estimula la liberación de hormona luteinizante (LH) y hormona foliculoestimulante (FSH), pero su acción en la hormona del crecimiento (GH) es inconsistente. La hipótesis fue que en becerras prepúberes la magnitud de liberación de LH, FSH y GH en respuesta a KISS-10 es determinada por la dosis y las concentraciones endógenas de IGF-I y leptina. Se usaron 20 becerras prepúberes (100-232 kg de peso y 7-11 meses de edad), mismas que recibieron un bolo i.v. de 5 o 50 µg de  KISS-10/kg de peso. Ambas dosis de KISS-10 indujeron un incremento de LH y FSH, más no de GH. La dosis de 50 µg de KISS-10 indujo un área bajo la curva de LH y una duración del incremento de FSH mayores (P0.05). De la misma forma, las concentraciones de leptina no determinaron (P>0.05) la magnitud del incremento de LH y FSH ni las concentraciones de GH pos tratamiento. En conclusión, la GH no respondió a ninguna dosis, pero la FSH y la LH fueron sensibles al aumento de dosis de KISS-10. Además, la magnitud de respuesta de LH a KISS-10 fue determinada por las concentraciones endógenas de IGF-I, pero no de leptina.In prepubertal heifers, kisspeptin-10 (KISS-10) stimulates the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH) and the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) but the growth hormone (GH) response is inconsistent. The hypothesis of this study was that in prepubertal heifers, the release of LH, FSH and GH in response to KISS-10 is determined by dose and by endogenous levels of IGF-I and leptin. Twenty heifer calves (100-232 kg of body weight and 7-11 mo of age) received an i.v. injection of 5 or 50 µg of KISS-10/kg of body weight (low and high dose, respectively). The high dose of KISS-10 induced a greater (P0.05). The magnitude of FSH response as well as GH serum concentrations after KISS-10 were not altered by IGF-I levels (P>0.05). Similarly, leptin concentrations were not associated (P>0.05) with the magnitude of LH and FSH response or GH concentrations after KISS-10. In conclusion, GH did not respond to any dose of KISS-10 but FSH and LH were sensitive to an increment in the KISS-10 dose. Additionally, the magnitude of response of LH to KISS-10 was determined by endogenous levels of IGF-I but it was not associated with levels of leptin

    Kisspeptina en becerras prepúberes: I. Influencia de la edad en la respuesta de LH, FSH y GH a kisspeptina-10 y su asociación con IGF-I, leptina y estradiol

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    To evaluate effects of age on the response of LH, FSH and GH to kisspeptin-10 (KISS) in prepubertal heifers and its association with circulating levels of IGF-I, estradiol (E2) and leptin, 21 heifer calves that were 4, 7 or 11 mo old, received an iv injection of KISS (5 μg/kg). LH, FSH and GH were quantified in blood serum taken every 15 min (4 h pre- and 4 h post-KISS-10). In three pre- and six post-KISS samples, IGF-I, leptin and E2 were determined. All heifers responded to KISS with an LH increment but the response magnitude differed among groups since maximum value was higher (P<0.05) in 11 mo (11.6+1.3 ng/ml) than in 7 mo (7.2±1.3 ng/ml) and 4 mo (6.1±1.3 ng/ml) old calves. Duration of response differed (P<0.05) among ages (11 mo=132.9+20 mina; 7 mo=92±20 mina,b; 4 mo=64.3±20 minb). For FSH, all and 11 mo calves responded to KISS but only 71.4 % of 4 mo did. In GH, 71.4 % of 4 mo and 85.7 % of 7 mo calves responded to KISS whereas 100 % of 11 mo animals responded. FSH and GH did not differ among age groups. The 11 mo heifers had the highest IGF-I and E2 but the lowest leptin levels. In conclusion, KISS evokes LH increments in all calves 4 to 11 mo old, but the response increases with age in association with high circulating IGF-I and E2 and low leptin. The response of FSH and GH to KISS is not influenced by age or variations in circulating IGF-I, E2 or leptin. El objetivo fue evaluar la respuesta de LH, FSH y GH a kisspeptina-10 (KISS) en becerras prepúberes de distintas edades, y su asociación con IGF-I, E2 y leptina circulantes. A 21 becerras de 4, 7 y 11 meses de edad se les aplicó una inyección i.v. de 5 µg de KISS/kg de peso. En suero obtenido de la yugular (cada 15 min, 4 h pre hasta 4 h post-KISS) se cuantificó LH, FSH y GH. En nueve muestras (tres pre y seis post-KISS) se determinó IGF-I, leptina y estradiol (E2). En todas las becerras aumentó la LH post-KISS, con un valor máximo (6.1±1.3a, 7.2±1.3a, 11.6+1.3b ng/ml) y duración de respuesta (64.3±20a, 92±20b, 132.9+20c min) que aumentó (P<0.05) con la edad. Para FSH, 71.4, 100 y 100 % de las becerras de 4, 7 y 11 meses respondieron a KISS-10; situación que para GH fue 71.4, 85.7 y 100 %, respectivamente. La magnitud de la respuesta de FSH y GH a KISS fue similar entre edades. Las becerras de 11 meses tuvieron las máximas concentraciones de IGF-I y E2 y las menores de leptina. Se concluye que KISS-10 evoca un aumento de LH en becerras de 4 a 11 meses, cuya magnitud de respuesta se asocia con la edad, con el incremento en sangre periférica de IGF-I y E2 y con la disminución de leptina sérica; en contraste, la respuesta de GH y FSH a KISS-10 no es afectada por la edad ni por las variaciones en IGF-I, E2 y leptina

    Medical versus surgical approach to initial treatment in septic arthritis: A single spanish center’s 8-year experience

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    Objective The aim of this study was to compare the functional results of 2 different procedure types, medical or surgical used in treating native joint septic arthritis. Methods In this cohort study, we reviewed the clinical registries of patients admitted to a single third-level hospital with the diagnosis of septic arthritis during the period of January 1, 2008, to January 31, 2016. Results A total of 63 cases of septic arthritis were identified in which the initial approach for 49 patients was medical (arthrocentesis), whereas the initial approach for 14 patients was surgical (arthroscopy or arthrotomy). Of the 49 patients who received initial medical treatment (IMT), 15 patients (30%) later required surgical treatment because of poor progress. The median age of the patients was 60 (SD, 18) years. The group who received IMT were older than those who received initial surgical treatment (median, 64 years [interquartile range {IQR}, 54–76 years], vs. 48 years [IQR, 30–60 years]). There was a larger percentage of male patients in the surgical group (78% vs. 42% [p = 0.018]). Thirty percent of the medical group had been receiving corticosteroid treatment (p = 0.018). Results of complete recovery of joint functionality showed no significant differences after 1 year (68% with MT vs. 67% with ST, p = 0.91). Both groups had similar symptom duration until diagnosis, duration of antibiotic therapy (median, 30 days [IQR, 28–49 days], vs. 29.5 days [IQR, 27–49] days), and mortality rate (3 in the medical group). Conclusions The results of the study show that initial surgical treatment in patients with native joint septic arthritis is not superior to IMT. However, half of the patients with shoulder and hip infections treated with IMT eventually required surgical intervention, suggesting that perhaps this should be the preferred initial approach in these cases

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 18 No. 39 Diciembre 2000

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    En la presente edición, la número 39 de la Revista Temas Socio-Jurídicos, colocamos a disposición de nuestros lectores los ensayos elaborados por los profesores y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, durante el segundo semestre del presente año 2000. La crisis institucional de la nación inquieta de especial manera a la comunidad académica que se expresa en propuestas, análisis o a veces con simples manifestaciones de perplejidad, que son las que se postulan por los distintos voceros de esta, nuestra escuela jurídica, que este medio escrito las acoge, recopila y divulga para incentivar el debate. Reiteramos la convocatoria a los profesores, estudiantes y egresados a vincularse con sus escritos al desarrollo y proyección de este instrumento de comunicación entre la academia y la comunidad, que sin reticencias ni reparos censurantes deja al criterio del lector el lacerante estímulo de la crítica, en procura de generar a través de la controversia dialéctica un ámbito propicio para el desarrollo intelectual de quienes despliegan el placer de escribir.In this edition, number 39 of the Socio-Legal Issues Magazine, we place at the disposal of our readers the essays prepared by the professors and students of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, during the second semester of the current year 2000 The institutional crisis of the nation is particularly worrying way to the academic community that expresses itself in proposals, analyzes or sometimes with simple expressions of perplexity, which are the ones that are postulated by the different spokesmen of this, our legal school, that this written medium welcomes, compiles and disseminates to encourage the debate. We reiterate the call to professors, students and graduates to link with their writings to the development and projection of this instrument of communication between the academy and the community, which without reluctance or censorious objections leaves to the reader's discretion the lacerating stimulus of criticism, in seeks to generate through dialectical controversy a favorable environment for the intellectual development of those who display the pleasure of writing

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network

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    Gravitational lensing by massive objects along the line of sight to the source causes distortions of gravitational wave-signals; such distortions may reveal information about fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have extended the search for lensing signatures to all binary black hole events from the third observing run of the LIGO--Virgo network. We search for repeated signals from strong lensing by 1) performing targeted searches for subthreshold signals, 2) calculating the degree of overlap amongst the intrinsic parameters and sky location of pairs of signals, 3) comparing the similarities of the spectrograms amongst pairs of signals, and 4) performing dual-signal Bayesian analysis that takes into account selection effects and astrophysical knowledge. We also search for distortions to the gravitational waveform caused by 1) frequency-independent phase shifts in strongly lensed images, and 2) frequency-dependent modulation of the amplitude and phase due to point masses. None of these searches yields significant evidence for lensing. Finally, we use the non-detection of gravitational-wave lensing to constrain the lensing rate based on the latest merger-rate estimates and the fraction of dark matter composed of compact objects