2,914 research outputs found

    Extended range guitars : cultural impact, specifications, and the context of a mix

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    This article addresses the cultural and historical significance of the modern interpretation of extended range guitars while also discussing specifications of the instruments and the context of a mix. The extended range guitar refers to the added strings on a traditional six string guitar by adding a seventh, eight, and even ninth string to the electric guitar. First, this article explores how artists such as Steve Vai, Korn, Meshuggah, and Animals As Leaders have impacted and shaped the commercial creation, success, and cultural effects on the musical community with these extended range guitars, specifically within heavy metal. Secondly, it examines the specifications of the extended range guitars, such as scale length, string gauges, hardware, wood, and price in relation to seventh, eighth, and ninth strings. Lastly, it discusses how to approach a mix with extended range instruments, considering that these guitars are now interfering with low frequencies in relation to a drum kit and bass guitar

    Localization transition in one dimension using Wegner flow equations

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    The flow equation method was proposed by Wegner as a technique for studying interacting systems in one dimension. Here, we apply this method to a disordered one dimensional model with power-law decaying hoppings. This model presents a transition as function of the decaying exponent α\alpha. We derive the flow equations, and the evolution of single-particle operators. The flow equation reveals the delocalized nature of the states for α<1/2\alpha<1/2. Additionally, in the regime, α>1/2\alpha>1/2, we present a strong-bond renormalization group structure based on iterating the three-site clusters, where we solve the flow equations perturbatively. This renormalization group approach allows us to probe the critical point (α=1)\left(\alpha=1\right). This method correctly reproduces the critical level-spacing statistics, and the fractal dimensionality of the eigenfunctions.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figure

    Simulation of smart homes controlled with intelligent plugs

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    This is a research project in the field of Smart Homes with the aim to develop a Smart Home Environment using Multi-Agent system negotiation and Rule-Based protocols. Thesimulation will be developed using the program Netbeans (Java) and Prolog. It will permit to control the status of the devices via Intelligent Plugs and display alerts. An Intelligent Plug is an appliance that goes between the plug and the socket, and the user can switch on and off using Wi-Fi connection. The objective is to reduce the power consumption of household appliances using intelligent-adaptive algorithms, to develop a user-friendly interface and also to gain a better command over them. The developed application will permit the interaction of the user with it, enhancing the user’s comfort at its finest. Once the expert system has been implemented, a Multi-Agent environment will be developed involving five different houses. It will have two different negotiation protocols: one to control the heat of the five houses and the other to control the total energy consumption of the neighbourhood

    Word Level Approach for Tweets Classification based on its Content

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    Twitter has become the largest microblogging platform where users can interact between each other expressing opinions, thoughts and feelings related to any topic or source of news in a compressed 280 character message, called tweet. Hashtags are popular keywords used to label these tweets according to its content. This work tries to nd out if the usage of hashtags to label tweets with similar content is accurate enough. To do so, tweets from di erent popular hashtags have been retrieved and processed in order to have a dataset with a content as close to reality as possible. Several embedding methods and learning algorithms have been studied to classify tweets from di erent hashtags based on the content. Results showed that the best performance is achieved when using the Tf-idf embedding method and support vectors machine. The learning algorithm obtained a precision around 90% for classi cation on 10 classes and above 70% when dealing with 100 classes trained on datasets of only 13680 and 143067 samples respectively. The results also indicated that BoW and Tf-idf methods outperformed other state of the art methods for other natural language processing tasks, such as GloVe or Word2Vec.Outgoin

    Dissipation-driven quantum phase transition in superconductor-graphene systems

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    We show that a system of Josephson junctions coupled via low-resistance tunneling contacts to graphene substrate(s) may effectively operate as a current switching device. The effect is based on the dissipation-driven superconductor-to-insulator quantum phase transition, which happens due to the interplay of the Josephson effect and Coulomb blockade. Coupling to a graphene substrate with gapless excitations further enhances charge fluctuations favoring superconductivity. The effect is shown to scale exponentially with the Fermi energy in graphene, which can be controlled by the gate voltage. We develop a theory, which quantitatively describes the quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional Josephson junction array, but it is expected to provide a reliable qualitative description for one-dimensional systems as well. We argue that the local effect of dissipation-induced enhancement of superconductivity is very robust and a similar sharp crossover should be present in finite Josephson junction chains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Enhancing backbone sampling in Monte Carlo simulations using Internal Coordinates Normal Mode Analysis

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    Normal mode methods are becoming a popular alternative to sample the conformational landscape of proteins. In this study, we describe the implementation of an internal coordinate normal mode analysis method and its application in exploring protein flexibility by using the Monte Carlo method PELE. This new method alternates two different stages, a perturbation of the backbone through the application of torsional normal modes, and a resampling of the side chains. We have evaluated the new approach using two test systems, ubiquitin and c-Src kinase, and the differences to the original ANM method are assessed by comparing both results to reference molecular dynamics simulations. The results suggest that the sampled phase space in the internal coordinate approach is closer to the molecular dynamics phase space than the one coming from a Cartesian coordinate anisotropic network model. In addition, the new method shows a great speedup (∼∼5-7x), making it a good candidate for future normal mode implementations in Monte Carlo methods.The authors thank D. E. Shaw Research lab. for providing the kinase MD coordinates and Dr. López Blanco for sharing the code developed in his thesis and for providing useful comments. This work was supported by the CTQ-48287-R projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the grant SEV-2011-00067 of Severo Ochoa Program, awarded by the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multinuclear NMR study of the complexes of 6-phospho-D-gluconic acid with W(VI) and Mo(VI)

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    Three and six complexes have been identified with tungstate and molybdate, respectively, in aqueous solution, depending on pH and concentration; the structure of an important species formed with Mo(VI) is shown.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TFF-4CYWMWH-1/1/064ccb9bfba9c9434e0b22290129fed

    Evanescent Modes and Step-like Acoustic Black Holes

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    We consider a model of an acoustic black hole formed by a quasi-one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with a step-like horizon. This system is analyzed by solving the corresponding Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation with an appropriate matching condition at the jump. When the step is between a subsonic and supersonic flow, a sonic horizon develops and in addition to the scattering coefficients we compute the distribution of the accompanying analogue Hawking radiation. Additionally, in response to the abrupt variation in flow and non-linear Bogoliubov dispersion relation, evanescent solutions of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation also appear and decay out from the horizon. We bound this decay length and show that these modes produce a modulation of observables outside the event horizon by their interference with outgoing Hawking flux. We go further and find specific superpositions of ingoing eigenmodes which exhibit coherent cancellation of the Hawking flux outside the horizon but nevertheless have evanescent support outside the black hole. We conclude by speculating that when quasiparticle interactions are included, evanescent modes may yield a leakage of information across the event horizon via interactions between the real outgoing Hawking flux and the virtual evanescent modes, and that we may expect this as a generic feature of models which break Lorentz invariance at the UV (Planck) scale.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures (including Appendices) Expanded upon and reformatte

    Dynamical many-body localization in an integrable model

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    We investigate dynamical many-body localization and delocalization in an integrable system of periodically-kicked, interacting linear rotors. The linear-in-momentum Hamiltonian makes the Floquet evolution operator analytically tractable for arbitrary interactions. One of the hallmarks of this model is that depending on certain parameters, it manifests both localization and delocalization in momentum space. We present a set of “emergent” integrals of motion, which can serve as a fundamental diagnostic of dynamical localization in the interacting case. We also propose an experimental scheme, involving voltage-biased Josephson junctions, to realize such many-body kicked models