460 research outputs found

    Cognitive outcome and gamma noise power unrelated to neuregulin 1 and 3 variation in schizophrenia

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    This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.[Background]: Neuregulins are a family of signalling proteins that orchestrate a broad range of cellular responses. Four genes encoding Neuregulins 1-4 have been identified so far in vertebrates. Among them, Neuregulin 1 and Neuregulin 3 have been reported to contribute to an increased risk for developing schizophrenia. We hypothesized that three specific variants of these genes (rs6994992 and rs3924999 for Neuregulin 1 and rs10748842 for Neuregulin 3) that have been related to this illness may modify information processing capacity in the cortex, which would be reflected in electrophysiological parameters (P3b amplitude or gamma noise power) and/or cognitive performance. [Methods]: We obtained DNA from 31 patients with schizophrenia and 23 healthy controls and analyzed NRG1 rs6994992, NRG1 rs3924999 and NRG3 rs10748842 promoter polymorphisms by allelic discrimination with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We compared cognitive outcome, P300 amplitude parameters and an electroencephalographic measure of noise power in the gamma band between the groups dichotomized according to genotype. [Results]: Contrary to our hypothesis, we could not detect any significant influence of variation in Neuregulin 1/Neuregulin 3 polymorphisms on cognitive performance or electrophysiological parameters of patients with schizophrenia. [Conclusions]: Despite our findings, we cannot discard that other genetic variants and, more likely, interactions between those variants and with genetic variation related to different pathways may still influence cerebral processing in schizophrenia.Funding for this study was provided by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III Grants 080017 and 1102203 to VM, Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León GRS 249/A/08 and 613/A/11, a postdoctoral Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship within the 7th European Commission Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (330156-CODIP) to ÁD, a predoctoral research grant from the Consejería de Educación - Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund to ÁD (EDU/1486/2008) and CC (EDU/1064/2009), a predoctoral scholarship from the University of Salamanca and Santander Bank to VS, and the FIS Grant PI 1000219 to RG.Peer Reviewe

    Regulatory dispersion and the possibilities of electronic articulation of international private law with xml: The experience of the Team of Valladolid

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    El presente trabajo expone la funcionalidad del lenguaje XML en el tratamiento de documentos jurídicos y la experiencia del Grupo de Valladolid en dos proyectos de investigación relacionados con documentos del Derecho internacional privado de la Unión Europea. El trabajo, que se remonta al año 2003 y que llega hasta la actualidad, se materializó en varios prototipos de aplicaciones que permiten la gestión documental de un conjunto de normas europeas de Derecho Internacional Privado. El último capítulo se plantea la pregunta de si la tecnología digital puede ayudar a resolver los problemas actuales de dispersión normativa y de quiebra del sistema en el Derecho internacional privado español o si la tecnología no es capaz de resolver.The work presents the functionality of the XML language in the treatment of legal documents and the experience of the Team of Valladolid in two research projects dealing with documents of Private International Law of the European Union. The work, which started in 2003 and continues nowadays, has produced as result several applications that support the management of a set of International Private Law European rules. The paper concludes with the question of whether digital technology can help solve the current problems due to regulatory dispersion and the failure of the system in the Spanish Private International Law.Fil: Vicente Blanco, Dámaso Francisco Javier. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Martínez González, Mercedes. Universidad de Valladolid; España. Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique; FranciaFil: Alvite Díez, María Luisa. Universidad de León; EspañaFil: Dabove, Maria Isolina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The relationship between clinical placement duration and students' satisfaction with the quality of supervision and learning environment: A mediation analysis

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    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Grant/Award Number: DOCM 19/02/2020; Grant for Stays in Other Universities and Research Centers co-financed by the European Regional Development 2014-2020, Grant/Award Number: 2014ES16RFOP010; Nurse Education Foundations (Sairaanhoitajien koulutussaatio) fundWe thank Mikko Saarikoski, Tony Warne, Unn-Britt Johansson, Evridiki Papastavrou, Erna Tichelaar, Marco Tomietto, Koen van den Bossche, and María Flores Vizcaya-Moreno for the permission of using the data. We thank the schools and students their enthusiastic participation in the study.Multiple factors that influence the learning experience of nursing students while they are in clinical training have been identified, such as the clinical learning environment, the supervision provided by supervisors, and the level of cooperation with the nurse teacher. The objective was to examine whether the relationship between the clinical placement duration and overall satisfaction with clinical training is mediated by the supervisory relationship and learning environment. A secondary analysis was conducted using the data from a cross-sectional study conducted in 17 higher educational institutions in nine European countries with the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale (n = 1903 pre-registration nursing students). Satisfaction with the supervisor and a good learning environment mediated the relationship between clinical placement duration and overall satisfaction as perceived by the students. Nursing students with longer clinical placement durations were more satisfied with clinical training as a result of both their satisfaction with their supervisor and their perceptions of good learning environment. The optimal duration a nursing student should remain in the different practice settings is approximately 7 weeks.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) DOCM 19/02/2020European Commission 2014ES16RFOP010Nurse Education Foundations (Sairaanhoitajien koulutussaatio) fun

    Descripción de diversos test para la valoración de la condición física en judo

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    En la literatura especializada no es fácil encontrar pruebas que aporten datos de judocas sobre la base de conductas motrices específicas de este deporte. Normalmente la condición física del judoca se evalúa a través de pruebas que provienen de otro tipo de deportes, particularmente de los deportes psicomotores, cuando el judo se incluye dentro de los deportes sociomotores (Parlebas, 2001). Al mismo tiempo, se emplean baterías como la batería EUROFIT (Conseil de L´Europe, 1989), para evaluar aspectos perceptivo-motrices. No obstante, durante los últimos años las investigaciones en el judo se han dirigido a desarrollar tests específicos para valorar parámetros fisiológicos, técnicos y/o perceptivo-motrices. En este sentido, en el presente artículo se describen algunas de las pruebas de valoración de la condición física que recoge la bibliografía occidental específica sobre esta materia. Una vez finalizado el análisis se concluye la necesidad de crear herramientas que recojan más variables de la realidad del enfrentamiento de competición y que puedan cumplir con los principios de fiabilidad, objetividad y reproductibilidad (López y cols. 2004) que todo test debe poseer, y que además sean sencillas y útiles para el entrenador

    A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the human p27(kip1 )gene (-838C>A) affects basal promoter activity and the risk of myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and leukocytes within the artery wall is a major event in the development of atherosclerosis. The growth suppressor p27(kip1 )associates with several cyclin-dependent kinase/cyclin complexes, thereby abrogating their capacity to induce progression through the cell cycle. Recent studies have implicated p27(kip1 )in the control of neointimal hyperplasia. For instance, p27(kip1 )ablation in apolipoprotein-E-null mice enhanced arterial cell proliferation and accelerated atherogenesis induced by dietary cholesterol. Therefore, p27(kip1 )is a candidate gene to modify the risk of developing atherosclerosis and associated ischaemic events (i.e., myocardial infarction and stroke). RESULTS: In this study we found three common single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human p27(kip1 )gene (+326T>G [V109G], -79C>T, and -838C>A). The frequency of -838A carriers was significantly increased in myocardial infarction patients compared to healthy controls (odds ratio [OR] = 1.73, 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.12–2.70). In addition, luciferase reporter constructs driven by the human p27(kip1 )gene promoter containing A at position -838 had decreased basal transcriptional activity when transiently transfected in Jurkat cells, compared with constructs bearing C in -838 (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that -838A is associated with reduced p27(kip1 )promoter activity and increased risk of myocardial infarction

    A Review of Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Using Osseointegrated Implants in Oncological Patients: Buttress Implant Concept

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    Cancer leaves important consequences in the shape, function and esthetics of the patient, especially when it is cancer of the oral cavity or upper aero-digestive tract. Although reconstruction with local and microvascular flaps is sometimes a viable option, maxillofacial rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants is a well-reported treatment alternative with a high success rate. The main advantages in this modality of rehabilitation are the decrease in biological and economic costs, simplifying the management of these defects by reducing surgical intervention, hospitalization time, postoperative morbidity and treatment time. There are several classification systems; however, there is no classification system that has accurately described the maxillofacial defect under a surgical, prosthetic and reconstructive approach with osseointegrated implants. The purpose of this study is to guide professionals in decision-making for maxillofacial rehabilitation using osseointegrated implants located in the anatomical buttresses of the maxillofacial region

    Propuesta de representación del Tesauro Eurovoc en SKOS para su integración en Sistemas de Información jurídica

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    Los tesauros se han adaptado progresivamente a la edición en entornos digitales y se enfrentan en la actualidad al reto de demostrar su utilidad e integración en la Web semántica, haciendo uso de estándares como RDF y SKOS. El estudio justifica, en primer lugar, la selección del Tesauro Eurovoc para su integración en un sistema de información legal. Se analizan, igualmente, las dificultades para la representación de Eurovoc en SKOS, así como las herramientas disponibles para la adecuada manipulación de tesauros. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre el estado de la cuestión y se plantean líneas de trabajo futuras

    Behavioural activity of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) under semi-natural rearing systems: establishing a seasonal pattern

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    P. 263-270The activity of 2 populations of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, L. 1758), consisting of 14 adults (>9 mo of age) each (4 males and 10 females), was analysed over 2 consecutive years. Rabbits were captured in the wild and kept in 2 separate enclosures of 0.5 ha, with each enclosure divided into 2 zones: a smaller area where warrens were located (breeding area) and a larger area where food and water were provided (feeding area). Seven rabbits in each enclosure were individually tagged with a microchip (2 males and 5 females) and, after installing 2 detection devices, it was possible to identify which of the 2 areas they were located in and record the length of time spent in each. To regulate the size of the breeding population, young rabbits produced in the enclosures were captured and removed regularly. Considering the number of movements between areas and the time spent in the feeding area, a circadian activity pattern was found, reporting 2 maximum activity peaks coinciding with twilight (18.35% of the total movements, 6-8 a.m.) and daybreak (22.95%, 7-10 p.m.) while activity was dramatically decreased during the midday hours (1.86%, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.). Rabbits displayed a seasonal pattern throughout the year, with maximum activity levels during winter (45.76% of the total movements, January-March) and spring (42.91%, April-June), which could be related to higher reproductive activity at this time of the year as a higher breeding output was reported in June and September. The levels of activity exhibited by males (13.44% daily activity rate) were significantly higher than those displayed by females (9.80%). No significant differences were found regarding time spent on the feeding area in relation to season or gender. The average duration of each foray to the feeding area was higher during the summer, higher for females than males and higher during the middle of the night than the rest of the day.S

    Propuesta de representación del tesauro Eurovoc en SKOS para su integración en sistemas de información jurídica

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    P. 47-51Los tesauros se han adaptado progresivamente a la edición en entornos digitales y se enfrentan en la actualidad al reto de demostrar su utilidad e integración en la Web semántica, haciendo uso de estándares como RDF y SKOS. El estudio justifica, en primer lugar, la selección del Tesauro Eurovoc para su integración en un sistema de información legal. Se analizan, igualmente, las dificultades para la representación de Eurovoc en SKOS, así como las herramientas disponibles para la adecuada manipulación de tesauros. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre el estado de la cuestión y se plantean líneas de trabajo futurasS

    The Relationship between Clinical Placement Duration and Students’ Satisfaction with the Quality of Supervision and Learning Environment: A Mediation Analysis

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    Multiple factors that influence the learning experience of nursing students while they are in clinical training have been identified, such as the clinical learning environment, the supervision provided by supervisors, and the level of cooperation with the nurse teacher. The objective was to examine whether the relationship between the clinical placement duration and overall satisfaction with clinical training is mediated by the supervisory relationship and learning environment. A secondary analysis was conducted using the data from a cross-sectional study conducted in 17 higher educational institutions in nine European countries with the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale (n = 1903 pre-registration nursing students). Satisfaction with the supervisor and a good learning environment mediated the relationship between clinical placement duration and overall satisfaction as perceived by the students. Nursing students with longer clinical placement durations were more satisfied with clinical training as a result of both their satisfaction with their supervisor and their perceptions of good learning environment. The optimal duration a nursing student should remain in the different practice settings is approximately 7 weeks.</p