141 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Motivasi, Dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Dinas Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral Kabupaten Donggala

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    The purpose of this are: (1) to define the simultaneous influence of Competency, Motivation, and Physical Work Environment on the performance of Officials in the Departement of Energy and mineral Resources, Donggala Regency (2) to define the partial influence of Competency on the performance of Officials in the Departement of Energy and mineral Resources, Donggala Regency, (3) to define the partial influence of Motivation on the performance of Officials in the Departement of Energy and mineral Resources, Donggala Regency, (4) ) to define the partial influence of Physical Work Environment on the performance of Officials in the Departement of Energy and mineral Resources, Donggala Regency, Method of analysis used is multiple linear regressions with 51 samples that are selected throught census technique. Based on the tests, the study find that: 1) Competency, Motivation, and Physical Work Environment simultaneous have positive and significant influence on officials performance; 2) competency has positive and significant influence of officials performance; 3) motivation has positive and significant influence of officials performance; 4) Physical Work Environment has positive and significant influence of officials performance

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keluarga untuk Memberikan Dukungan Kepada Klien Diabetes Mellitus dalam Menjalani Diet

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that influence family for giving support to clients with diabetes mellitus in diet therapy. Methodology of this research was a descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. The number of sample is 106 respondents who have diabetes mellitus at areas of Puskesmas Harapan Raya. The sample were taken proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The measurement tool of this research is questionnaires which consist of 32 quesionnaire of family support. This research used chi squre test as bivariate analysis and logistic regresision for multivariate analysis. The results of this research show there were relationship between the level of family knowledge (p value = 0,000 ), family practice (p value = 0,000), socio economic status (p value = 0,006) and compliance of diet therapy. The results also shows there are no relationship between the stage of family development (p value = 1,000), family emotion (p value = 1,000), spiritual (p value =0,302), socio cultural (p value = 0,621) and compliance of diet therapy. The result of test shows the highest factors to influence family to give support to client with diabetes mellitus in diet therapy is family knowledge with Exp(B) 65,985. It is suggested to health care providers of Puskesmas to involve family in nursing threatment of client with diabetes mellitus. Keywords : Diabetes mellitus, Diet, Famil

    Evaluating the Fitting Performance of AGARCH(1,1), NAGARCH(1,1), and VGARCH(1,1) Models

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    This study compares the performance of the GARCH(1,1), AGARCH(1,1), NAGARCH(1,1), and VGARCH(1,1) models fitted to real data. The observed real data are the USD exchange rate against IDR in the daily period from January 2010 to December 2017. To identify the superiority and evaluate the performance of those models in capturing the heavy-tailed and skewed character in exchange rate distribution, the return error is assumed to be the Normal, Skew Normal (SN), Skew Curved Normal (SCN), and Student-t distributions. The model's parameters are estimated using the GRG Non-Linear method in Excel Solver and the ARWM method in the MCMC scheme implemented in the Scilab program. Estimation results using Excel's Solver have similar values to the estimates obtained using MCMC, concluding that Excel's Solver has a good ability in estimating the model's parameters. Based on AIC values, this study concludes that the NAGARCH(1,1) model under Student-t distribution performs the best

    Penurunan Kadar Cod Dan Tss Pada Limbah Tekstil Dengan Metode Ozonasi

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    Pengolahan limbah cair industri tekstil secara kimia dengan metode Ozonasi merupakan pengolahan limbah cair ramah lingkungan yang memanfaatkan radikal hidroksil untuk menyisihkan senyawa-senyawa organik yang ada di dalam air limbah. Metode Ozonasi mampu mengoksidasi materi polutan dalam air limbah sehingga dapat menyisihkan kadar COD dan TSS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi penyisihan kadar COD dan TSS dengan menggunakan Metode Ozonasi. Dosis ozon dihasilkan dari sumber gas berupa oksigen yang diinjeksikan kedalam generator ozon. Proses ozonasi pada limbah cair tekstil dilakukan selama 3 jam dengan variasi dosis ozon yang digunakan yaitu 24 ppm dan 32 ppm. Sampel air limbah yang di proses sebanyak 2 liter dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 15 menit sebanyak 100 ml. Proses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif dilakukan setelah proses ozonasi berlangsung dengan tujuan membantu proses absorpsi mikro polutan hasil oksidasi dari system ozonasi. Sampel yang diuji sebanyak 26 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar COD dan TSS berturut-turut sebesar 90,5 % dan 97,2% terjadi pada penggunaan dosis ozon 32 ppm dan waktu pengolahan 180 menit dengan proses adsorpsi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar dosis ozon dan waktu pengolahan yang digunakan maka penyisihan kadar COD dan TSS akan semakin besa

    Alcohol and tobacco consumption, personality, and cybervictimization among adolescents

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    Cyberbullying has emerged as a public health problem. Personality may play an important role in substance use and cybervictimization. The aim of this study was to examine whether tobacco and alcohol consumption and personality traits are associated with cybervictimization in Spanish adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 765 secondary students (aged 14–16) from 16 secondary schools in Spain. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing sociodemographic characteristics; tobacco and alcohol consumption; cybervictimization (Garaigordobil Scale); and personality traits (Big Five Questionnaire). A logistic regression model controlling for sex, age, parental education and personality traits was used to determine the independent associations and interactions between tobacco and alcohol consumption and cybervictimization. The results indicate that a total of 305 adolescents (39.9%) reported that they were cyberbullied in the past year. Girls were more likely to be cyberbullied than boys. Cybervictims had a significantly greater monthly alcohol consumption (OR = 1.51; 95% CI = 1.05–2.15), higher scores for extraversion (OR = 1.31; 95% CI = 1.06–1.63) and emotional instability (OR = 1.53; 95% CI = 1.27–1.83); as well as lower scores for conscientiousness (OR = 0.78; 95% CI = 0.63–0.95). These results suggest that personality traits and alcohol consumption are independently associated with cybervictimization. Our study suggests the existence of underlying common personality factors for cybervictimization and alcohol and tobacco use.Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PI12/0181

    Cybervictimization among secondary students: social networking time, personality traits and parental education

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    Background: Cyberbullying among children and adolescents is a major public health concern. However, research has not yet definitively identified the risk factors associated with cybervictimization. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of cybervictimization with use of social networks, personality traits and parental education in secondary students. Methods: The study population consisted of 765 secondary students (56.5% girls) from Majorca (Spain) who were aged 15.99 years (grade 4). The data were from the 16 secondary school centers that participated in the ITACA Project, a multi-center, cluster randomized controlled trial. Cybervictimization was measured by the Garaigordobil Cybervictimization Scale, and the Big Five Questionnaire for Children was used to assess personality traits. Results: Results showed that 39.9% of the students were cybervictims. Univariate analysis indicated that more girls than boys were cybervictimized (43.1% vs 35.7%). Cybervictims spent more time in social networking sites than non-victims (6 h 30 min vs. 5 h 16 min) and had greater emotional instability (0.16 vs. -0.23) and extraversion (0.11 vs. -0.09) and were less conscientious (− 0.001 vs. 0.20). Multivariable analysis indicated that social networking time was not significantly associated with cybervictimization after controlling for personality traits, but the same personality traits remained significantly associated. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that cyberbullying is a frequent and relevant problem in adolescents. Big Five personality traits are related with cybervictimization. Possible ways to design interventions include promoting social leisure activities, encourage responsible attitudes and provide stress coping toolsInstituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PI12/0181
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