1,868 research outputs found

    Measuring the effect of immediacy on consumer engagement behaviours in social media settings

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    This thesis presents evidence of how immediacy affects consumer engagement behaviour in a social media setting. It answers the research question: Does immediacy influence consumer engagement behaviours with brands on Facebook? This research context is important and timely because of the rapidly increasing usage of social media by consumers and the resultant unexplored marketing challenges faced by brand managers. This thesis is informed by Social Impact Theory (SIT) (Latané, 1981), which proposes that immediacy is a determinant of influence in off-line environments. This study focuses upon three forms of immediacy, physical, social and temporal, that are identified within prior literature. This thesis measures the effect and develops SIT to account for immediacy as a social influence determinant of social media behaviour. The thesis follows a mixed method approach using focus groups and experimental design to measure the impact of each form of immediacy on four types of engagement behaviour: page liking, content liking, content sharing and content commenting. A series of three focus groups and three experimental studies were conducted with a total of 312 student participants who were presented with Facebook pages (created specifically for this study). Each Facebook page treatment was modified so that it contained either a high, low or neutral levels of each of the three types of immediacy identified in the literature and the subsequent change in participant engagement behaviour was measured. The results show that social immediacy significantly affects brand engagement intentions in terms of page liking, content liking and content sharing, whereas physical immediacy significantly affected page liking and content liking intentions. Temporal immediacy did not show any effects on the engagement intentions being measured in this thesis. This thesis presents three original contributions to knowledge. First, it makes a theoretical contribution by measuring the effects of three types of immediacy as social impact factors on engagement behaviours in social media. Second, it makes a contextual contribution by exploring how immediacy is perceived in the context of Fan pages, and by identifying other factors that can moderate the social impact of immediacy on consumer behaviour. Finally, this thesis measures the effects of product involvement, Facebook intensity usage and gender as moderators of social impact in social media settings

    Ranking de Portales Estatales de Transparencia 2015

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    La transparencia y rendición de cuentas han adquirido cada vez más importancia en México. No sólo por que ahora contamos con leyes y organismos encargados de observar el avance en la implementación de estas nuevas políticas, sino por que este año nuestro país encabeza el grupo internacional de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto. El ejemplo mexicano atraerá muchas miradas y colocará en el centro de la discusión sus nuevas prácticas y las decisiones políticas para impulsar proyectos de transparencia y gobierno abierto en la región

    Phylogeographic and morphometric studies on the Eurasian pygmy shrew Sorex minutus: insights into its evolutionary history and postglacial colonisation in Europe

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    Here, I investigate the phylogeography and morphology of the Eurasian pygmy shrew Sorex minutus, searching for significantly differentiated lineages, colonisation routes and demographic parameters that would explain the effects of the Quaternary glaciations on the current distribution of the species. I also explore the genetic and morphological diversity and origin of pygmy shrew populations in the British Isles, particularly focusing on Ireland and the Orkney islands. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers were used for the phylogeographic analyses, and a geometric morphometrics approach was implemented on mandible and skull samples. There was an evident phylogeographic structure across Eurasia consistent with occurrence of southern glacial refugia, and there were two distinct lineages in Northern-Central Europe and near the Pyrenees supporting the existence of northern glacial refugia through the characteristics of their distribution and population expansion. Haplotypes from Britain belonged to these two northern lineages, with the Pyrenean lineage forming a peripheral ‘Celtic fringe’. I show that it is most likely that pygmy shrews on both Ireland and Orkney were introduced by humans from mainland British Celtic fringe rather than further afield, even though there is a haplotype found in Northern Spain identical to one in Ireland. Mandible size increased noticeably with decreasing latitude, but skulls showed no evident trend in size variation. Shape variation was significant but modest when analysing the sample divided into phylogeographical groups. However, the samples from different islands within the British Isles show that island evolution played an important role in morphological diversity, with mandible and skull shape divergence on small islands and low genetic diversity. These results notably expanded previous findings and indicate that S. minutus is an excellent model for understanding the effects of climate change on biological diversity, colonisation and differentiation in refugia, and island evolution, useful for the conservation of genetic and morphological diversity

    Natural History in Mexican Trades Magazines, 1840-1855

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    La Historia natural fue una disciplina científica cuya vertiente divulgativa tuvo un espacio importante en varias revistas de México destinadas a los grupos de artesanos del país que se publicaron en los años 1840-1855. Los escritos de esta ciencia en las páginas de dichas publicaciones periódicas constituyó uno de los probables recursos que estos lectores tuvieron para instruirse informalmente en cuestiones científicas aplicadas a su vida laboral en términos botánicos, zoológicos y mineralógicos. La lectura de los escritos naturalistas tuvo entre uno de sus fines el aprovechamiento racional y pragmático de los recursos naturales del país con fines artesanales. El periodo de estudio se caracteriza por abarcar los años previos a la fundación de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios (1856) en la ciudad de México. Los escritos de las revistas para artesanos incidieron en que en dicho establecimiento educativo se impartieran formalmente y por primera vez las cátedras científicas y técnicas que requerían los jóvenes alumnos provenientes de los gremios de artesanos de varias regiones de la república.The educational aspect of Natural History, as a scientific discipline, occupied an important place in various Mexican magazines intended for artisan groups, published in the years 1840-1855. The scientific articles in these magazines were one of the available resources for these readers to educate themselves informally in sciences which could be applied to their work, such as Botany, Zoology and Mineralogy. The reading of the naturalists’ works had, among its aims, a rational and pragmatic use of the natural resources of the country for artisans’ needs. The study period covers the years before the founding of the Escuela de Artes y Oficios (1856) in Mexico City. The articles in these trades magazines had an impact on this educational institution, as the scientific and technical subjects needed by young students from the craftsmen’s guilds of the various regions of the republic, were taught formally for the first time

    El Diseño de Intermediarios Financieros Exitosos: Evidencia de Indonesia

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    The success (outreach and sustainability) of eight rural financial intermediation systems in Indonesia, in profitably reaching large numbers of small individual clients, is explained in terms of organizational design. Networks of semi-autonomous writs use local information and contract enforcement mechanisms to lower transaction costs. Reflecting basic concerns with institutional and financial viability, elements of mechanism design have included compatible incentives such as performance-based compensations (profit sharing, collection fees), efficiency wages (equivalent to quasi-equity), and system monitoring; managerial discretion over transactions conducted at market terms, policies to protect portfolio value, and no dependency creating subsidies are important. Interventions have been appropriate for the problem at hand

    The Design of Successful Rural Financial Intermediaries: Evidence from Indonesia

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    This paper examines the high degree of success of several systems of rural financial intermediaries in Indonesia, in terms both of self-sustainability and outreach. These systems have provided credit and deposit services, profitably and at low transaction costs, to large numbers of very small individual clients. This generalized success reflects both a hospitable environment for financial intermediation and, particularly, the elements of an effective organizational design, in reflection of an underlying concern with institutional viability. This design bas provided both the incentives and opportunities for successful behavior. The provision of financial services to marginal clientele depends on the solution of the paradox resulting from those agents with inexpensive access to information and monitoring mechanisms not having enough resources or being too risk averse to locally provide sufficient credit, while those with the resources have no access to the required information and contract enforcement tools. Regulatory constraints may make this situation worse. The design of Indonesian locally-operated financial institutions offers a solution to this paradox. Character-based lending that relies on local agents is comparatively inexpensive. With the recruitment of local agents for lending, however, the information/enforcement problem becomes an agency problem. In Indonesia, the solution has been a system of compatible incentives (performance-based remunerations and efficiency wages), coupled with the verification of profits. In practice, managers have been made co-owners. This requires that managers possess discretionary powers over performance-relevant variables. Thus, no loan targeting exists and financial policies, while not uniform, have been adequate to protect institutional viability. The one-time subsidies implicit in seed capital and start-up loans to these intermediaries have not created dependency on outside funds, while the extent of the interventions bas been proportional to the magnitude of the problems to be solved, rather than being massive undertakings with large fixed-cost structures. Gradual growth, by trial and error, bas been a good approach to institution building. These organizations have been credibly committed to collect loans, while borrowers have pledged their (valuable) reputation as collateral. Traditional hierarchical structures (village chief) have been used for contract enforcement. The chief may also be operating as an indigenous credit rating agency. The lessons learned in Indonesia shed light on successful institution building elsewhere