13,061 research outputs found

    New vortex solution in SU(3) gauge-Higgs theory

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    Following a brief review of known vortex solutions in SU(N) gauge-adjoint Higgs theories we show the existence of a new ``minimal'' vortex solution in SU(3) gauge theory with two adjoint Higgs bosons. At a critical coupling the vortex decouples into two abelian vortices, satisfying Bogomol'nyi type, first order, field equations. The exact value of the vortex energy (per unit length) is found in terms of the topological charge that equals to the N=2 supersymmetric charge, at the critical coupling. The critical coupling signals the increase of the underlying supersymmetry.Comment: 15 page

    Rotating black holes in three-dimensional Ho\v{r}ava gravity

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    We study black holes in the infrared sector of three-dimensional Ho\v{r}ava gravity. It is shown that black hole solutions with anti-de Sitter asymptotics are admissible only in the sector of the theory in which the scalar degree of freedom propagates infinitely fast. We derive the most general class of stationary, circularly symmetric, asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole solutions. We also show that the theory admits black hole solutions with de Sitter and flat asymptotics, unlike three-dimensional general relativity. For all these cases, universal horizons may or may not exist depending on the choice of parameters. Solutions with de Sitter asymptotics can have universal horizons that lie beyond the de Sitter horizon.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, final published versio

    Planetoid String Solutions in 3 + 1 Axisymmetric Spacetimes

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    The string propagation equations in axisymmetric spacetimes are exactly solved by quadratures for a planetoid Ansatz. This is a straight non-oscillating string, radially disposed, which rotates uniformly around the symmetry axis of the spacetime. In Schwarzschild black holes, the string stays outside the horizon pointing towards the origin. In de Sitter spacetime the planetoid rotates around its center. We quantize semiclassically these solutions and analyze the spin/(mass2^2) (Regge) relation for the planetoids, which turns out to be non-linear.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, two figures in .ps files available from the author

    Derivation of the physical parameters of the jet in S5 0836+710 from stability analysis

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    A number of extragalactic jets show periodic structures at different scales that can be associated with growing instabilities. The wavelengths of the developing instability modes and their ratios depend on the flow parameters, so the study of those structures can shed light on jet physics at the scales involved. In this work, we use the fits to the jet ridgeline obtained from different observations of S5 B0836++710 and apply stability analysis of relativistic, sheared flows to derive an estimate of the physical parameters of the jet. Based on the assumption that the observed structures are generated by growing Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability modes, we have run numerical calculations of stability of a relativistic, sheared jet over a range of different jet parameters. We have spanned several orders of magnitude in jet-to-ambient medium density ratio, and jet internal energy, and checked different values of the Lorentz factor and shear layer width. This represents an independent method to obtain estimates of the physical parameters of a jet. By comparing the fastest growing wavelengths of each relevant mode given by the calculations with the observed wavelengths reported in the literature, we have derived independent estimates of the jet Lorentz factor, specific internal energy, jet-to-ambient medium density ratio and Mach number. We obtain a jet Lorentz factor γ12\gamma \simeq 12, specific internal energy of ε102c2\varepsilon \simeq 10^{-2}\,c^2, jet-to-ambient medium density ratio of η103\eta\approx 10^{-3}, and an internal (classical) jet Mach number of Mj12M_\mathrm{j}\approx 12. We also find that the wavelength ratios are better recovered by a transversal structure with a width of 10%\simeq 10\,\% of the jet radius. This method represents a powerful tool to derive the jet parameters in all jets showing helical patterns with different wavelengths.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 15 pages, 12 figure

    Exact String Solutions in Nontrivial Backgrounds

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    We show how the classical string dynamics in DD-dimensional gravity background can be reduced to the dynamics of a massless particle constrained on a certain surface whenever there exists at least one Killing vector for the background metric. We obtain a number of sufficient conditions, which ensure the existence of exact solutions to the equations of motion and constraints. These results are extended to include the Kalb-Ramond background. The D1D1-brane dynamics is also analyzed and exact solutions are found. Finally, we illustrate our considerations with several examples in different dimensions. All this also applies to the tensionless strings.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, no figures; V2:Comments and references added; V3:Discussion on the properties of the obtained solutions extended, a reference and acknowledgment added; V4:The references renumbered, to appear in Phys Rev.

    Dark Matter and Vector-like Leptons From Gauged Lepton Number

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    We investigate a simple model where Lepton number is promoted to a local U(1)LU(1)_L gauge symmetry which is then spontaneously broken, leading to a viable thermal DM candidate and vector-like leptons as a byproduct. The dark matter arises as part of the exotic lepton sector required by the need to satisfy anomaly cancellation and is a Dirac electroweak (mostly) singlet neutrino. It is stabilized by an accidental global symmetry of the renormalizable Lagrangian which is preserved even after the gauged lepton number is spontaneously broken and can annihilate efficiently to give the correct thermal relic abundance. We examine the ability of this model to give a viable DM candidate and discuss both direct and indirect detection implications. We also examine some of the LHC phenomenology of the associated exotic lepton sector and in particular its effects on Higgs decays.Comment: References and a few comments adde

    Impurity in a granular gas under nonlinear Couette flow

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    We study in this work the transport properties of an impurity immersed in a granular gas under stationary nonlinear Couette flow. The starting point is a kinetic model for low-density granular mixtures recently proposed by the authors [Vega Reyes F et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 061306]. Two routes have been considered. First, a hydrodynamic or normal solution is found by exploiting a formal mapping between the kinetic equations for the gas particles and for the impurity. We show that the transport properties of the impurity are characterized by the ratio between the temperatures of the impurity and gas particles and by five generalized transport coefficients: three related to the momentum flux (a nonlinear shear viscosity and two normal stress differences) and two related to the heat flux (a nonlinear thermal conductivity and a cross coefficient measuring a component of the heat flux orthogonal to the thermal gradient). Second, by means of a Monte Carlo simulation method we numerically solve the kinetic equations and show that our hydrodynamic solution is valid in the bulk of the fluid when realistic boundary conditions are used. Furthermore, the hydrodynamic solution applies to arbitrarily (inside the continuum regime) large values of the shear rate, of the inelasticity, and of the rest of parameters of the system. Preliminary simulation results of the true Boltzmann description show the reliability of the nonlinear hydrodynamic solution of the kinetic model. This shows again the validity of a hydrodynamic description for granular flows, even under extreme conditions, beyond the Navier-Stokes domain.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; v2: Preliminary DSMC results from the Boltzmann equation included, Fig. 11 is ne

    The mass of the dark matter particle from theory and observations

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    We combine observed properties of galaxies as the core density and radius with the theoretical linear evolution of density fluctuations computed from first principles since the end of inflation till today. The halo radius r_0 is computed in terms of cosmological parameters. The theoretical density profiles rho(r)/rho(0) have an universal shape as a function of r/r_0 which reproduces the observations. We show that the linear approximation to the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation is valid for very large galaxies and correctly provides universal quantities which are common to all galaxies, as the surface density and density profile. By matching the theoretically computed surface density to its observed value we obtain (i) the decreasing of the phase-space density during the MD era (ii) the mass of the dark matter particle which turns to be between 1 and 2 keV and the decoupling temperature T_d which turns to be above 100 GeV (iii) the core vs. cusp discrimination: keV dark matter particles produce cored density profiles while wimps (m \sim 100 GeV, T_d \sim 5 GeV) produce cusped profiles at scales about 0.003 pc. These results are independent of the particle model and vary very little with the statistics of the dark matter particle. Non-universal galaxy quantities (which need to include non-linear effects as mergers and baryons) are reproduced in the linear approximation up to a factor of order one for the halo radius r_0, galaxy mass M_{gal}, halo central density rho_{0} and velocity dispersion sqrt{{\bar {v^2}}_{halo}} in the limiting case of large galaxies (both r_0 and M_{gal} large). This shows the power of the linear approximation scheme: although it cannot capture the whole content of the structure formation, it correctly provides universal quantities which as well as the main non-universal galaxy properties.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, improved and expanded version to appear in New Astronom

    On the properties of the interstellar medium in extremely metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxies: GMOS-IFU spectroscopy and SDSS photometry of the double-knot galaxy HS 2236+1344

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    The main goal of this study is to carry out a spatially resolved investigation of the warm interstellar medium (ISM) in the extremely metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxy HS 2236+1344. Special emphasis is laid on the analysis of the spatial distribution of chemical abundances, emission-line ratios and kinematics of the ISM, and to the recent star-forming activity in this galaxy. This study is based on optical integral field unit spectroscopy data from Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph at the Gemini North telescope and archival Sloan Digital Sky Survey images. The data were obtained in two different positions across the galaxy, obtaining a total 4 arcsec X 8 arcsec field which encompasses most of its ISM. Emission-line maps and broad-band images obtained in this study indicate that HS 2236+1344 hosts three Giant HII regions. Our data also reveal some faint curved features in the BCD periphery that might be due to tidal perturbations or expanding ionized-gas shells. The ISM velocity field shows systematic gradients along the major axis of the BCD, with its south-eastern and north-western half differing by ~80 km/s in their recessional velocity. The Ha and Hb equivalent width distribution in the central part of HS 2236+1344 is consistent with a very young (~3 Myr) burst. Our surface photometry analysis indicates that the ongoing starburst provides ~50% of the total optical emission, similar to other BCDs. It also reveals an underlying lower-surface brightness component with moderately red colors, which suggest that the galaxy has undergone previous star formation. We derive an integrated oxygen abundance of 12+log(O/H)=7.53\pm0.06 and a nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio of log(N/O)=-1.57\pm0.19. Our results are consistent, within the uncertainties, with a homogeneous distribution of oxygen and nitrogen within the ISM of the galaxy. (abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&