417 research outputs found

    L'INCIDENTE PROBATORIO Un istituto in espansione, ma del tutto conforme alle garanzie del giusto processo?

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    L'incidente probatorio è un istituto disciplinato dal codice di procedura penale, attraverso il quale è possibile anticipare la formazione della prova rispetto alla fase dibattimentale, durante le indagini preliminari ovvero, in seguito alla sentenza n. 77/1994 della Corte Costituzionale, nell'udienza preliminare. Il pubblico ministero ovvero la persona sottoposta alle indagini, ove si presenti uno dei casi tassativamente indicati nell'art. 392 c.p.p., possono presentare la richiesta al giudice per le indagini preliminari ovvero dell'udienza preliminare, a seconda della fase in cui l'istanza viene presentata. La ratio dell'istituto è quella di assumere previamente rispetto al dibattimento un mezzo di prova, rilevante ai fini della decisione, nel caso in cui il ritardo nella sua assunzione potrebbe comportare, durante la fase del giudizio, un'impossibilità di acquisizione ovvero pregiudicare la genuinità della prova. L'istituto dell'incidente probatorio comporta quindi una deroga al sistema accusatorio introdotto dal legislatore del 1988, la cui caratteristica di base è quella secondo cui la prova si forma durante la fase del dibattimento

    Americanization now and then: the 'nation of immigrants' in the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries

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    In an analysis of contemporary attempts at US immigration reform in the context of its legal history (especially John F. Kennedy's 1964 Immigration and Nationality Act) this article explores a fundamental paradox in American political thought and practice as regards immigration. It examines the tension between the US's insistence, on one hand, upon immigrants' swift and wholesale integration into American life (as exemplified in the early 20th C Americanization programme, echoed in a 2007 call for a renewed Americanization initiative under President George W. Bush) and its self- definition as a proud 'nation of immigrants' on the other. In so doing, the essay critiques the 'nation of immigrants' shibboleth for its implicit racist bias and introduces the concept of 'ethnic shame,' prevalent for most of the 20th C, to complement today's much more familiar (but also much more recent) notion of Americans' ethnic pride in their immigrant roots. The article concludes that the ostensible paradox of a 'nation of immigrants' insisting on Americanization is best understood within the framework of what is theorised here for the first time as the 'gratitude paradigm,' which governs the granting and the possession of American citizenship to immigrants not just of the first, but of many generations thereafter

    The Tretter Project: Queer History

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    The Trettor Project: Queer History zine shares LGBTQIA+ history through the photography of selected items from the Jean Nickolaus-Tretter Archive of Queer History. The Tretter Archive is located at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The zine was provided with permission of the artist and publisher Laura Migliorino. An art exhibit of the photographs was exhibited in the Winona State University Darrell W. Krueger Library October 2023 through December 2023.https://openriver.winona.edu/universityartcollectionbooks/1002/thumbnail.jp


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    Italian Immigrants and Working-Class Movements in the United States: A Personal Reflection on Class and Ethnicity

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    The article argues that the locus of the most interesting and important work in the fields of immigration and labor history lies precisely at the intersection of class and ethnicity. In developing this thesis, particularly with respect to Italian immigrant working-class movements in the United States, the author draws on his experiences as a working-class ethnic and historian as well as his readings of the literature.In the course of his research on Italian immigrants in Chicago, the author stumbled upon the submerged, indeed suppressed, history of the Italian American left. Italian-American working-class history has since been the focus of his work. Since mainstream institutions had neglected the records of this history, the recovery of rich documentation on Italian American radicalism has been a source of particular satisfaction. These movements had also been "forgotten" by the Italian Americans themselves. Despite important work by a handful of American scholars, relatively few Italian American historians have given attention to this dimension of the Italian American experience. Curiously the topic has received more attention from scholars in Italy.Mass emigration as much as revolutionary movements was an expression of the social upheavals of turn-of-the-century Italy. As participants in those events, the immigrants brought more or less inchoate ideas of class and ethnicity to America with them. Here they developed class and ethnic identities as Italian-American workers. The construction of those identities has been a process in which the Italian immigrants have been protagonists, filtering cultural messages through the sieve of their own experiences, memories, and values. Historians of labor and immigration need to plumb the sources of class and ethnic identity more imaginatively and sensitively, recognizing that personal identity is a whole of which class and ethnicity are inseparable aspects. The author calls upon historians to salvage and restore the concepts of class and ethnicity as useful categories of analysis.Cet article avance que les questionnements les plus intéressants dans les domaines de I’histoire de l'immigration et de l'histoire ouvrière se situent précisément à l'intersection des problèmes de classe et d'ethnicité. Pour développer son propos, l’auteur met à profit son expérience, comme membre de la classe ouvrière et d'un group ethnique, de même que sa formation d'historien et sa lecture de littérature.C'est au cours de recherches sur les immigrants italiens de Chicago que l'auteur a trébuché sur l'histoire de la gauche italo-américaine, un tranche du passé étouffée, pour ne pas direr supprimée. Depuis lors, l'histoire de la classe ouvrière italo-américaine occupe le centre de son attention. Ces mouvements avaient disparu de la mémoire même des italo-américains et, malgré les importantes études de quelques professeurs américains, peu d'histoire italo-américains se sont penchés sur cette dimension de l'expérience de leur groupe. Le sujet, curieusement, a reçu davantage d'attention de la part auteurs italiens. Comme les sources de cette histoire avaient souffert d'un manque d'intérêt de la part des institutions importantes, la récupération d'une riche documentation sur le radicalisme italo-américain lui a procuré une source de satisfaction particulière.Pour l'Italie du tournant du siècle, autant que les mouvements révolutionnaires, l'émigration de masse a contitué l'expression de bouleversements. En tant que participants à ces événements, les immigrants ont glissé, dans leurs bagages pour l'Amérique, des idées plus ou moins cohérentes sur les classes et sur l'ethnicité. Arrivés ici, ils ont construit des identités de classe et d'ethnie le long d'un processus par lequel ils ont reçu les messages culturels à travers le filtre de leurs propres expériences, leurs souvenirs et leurs valeurs. Les historiens du travail et de l'immigration devraient mettre à profit les sources de l'identité de classe et d'ethnie de façon plus imaginative et sensible en reconnaissant que l'identité est un tout dont ces deux dimensions constituent des aspect inséparables. L'auteur en appelle à la réhabilitation des concepts de classe et d'ethnicité comme d'utiles et d'importantes catégories d'analyse


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    Abstract. Operational monitoring of complex vegetation communities, such as the ones growing in coastal and wetland areas, can be effectively supported by satellite remote sensing, providing quantitative spatialized information on vegetation parameters, as well as on their temporal evolution. With this work, we explored and evaluated the potential of Sentinel-2 data for assessing the status and evolution of coastal vegetation as the primary indicator of ecosystem conditions, by mapping the different plant communities of Venice lagoon (Northeast Italy) via a rule-based classification approach exploiting synoptic seasonal features of spectral indices and multispectral reflectance. The results demonstrated that coastal and wetland vegetation community type maps derived for two different years scored a good overall accuracy around 80%, with some misclassification in the coastal areas and overestimation of salt marsh communities coverage, and that virtual collaborative environments can facilitate the use of Sentinel-2 data and products to multidisciplinary users

    Speciation and Quantification of Thiols by Reversed-Phase Chromatography Coupled with On-Line Chemical Vapor Generation and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometric Detection: Method Validation and Preliminary Application for Glutathione Measurements in Human Whole Blood

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    AbstractBackground: We developed a sensitive, specific method for the low–molecular-mass thiols cysteine, cysteinylglycine, glutathione, and homocysteine and validated the method for measurement of glutathione in blood.Methods: The technique was based on reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) coupled on line with cold vapor generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVGAFS). Thiols were derivatized before introduction on the column by use of a p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (PHMB) mercurial probe and separated as thiol-PHMB complexes on a Vydac C4 column. Postcolumn on-line reaction of derivatized thiols with bromine allowed rapid conversion of the thiol-PHMB complexes to inorganic mercury with recovery of 100 (2)% of the sample. HgII was selectively detected by atomic fluorescence spectrometry in an Ar/H2 miniaturized flame after sodium borohydride reduction to Hg0.Results: The relationship between thiol-PHMB complex concentration and peak area (CVGAFS signal) was linear over the concentration range 0.01–1400 μmol/L (injected). The detection limits were 1, 1, 0.6, and 0.8 nmol/L for cysteine, cysteinylglycine, homocysteine, and glutathione in the injected sample, respectively. The CVs for thiols were 1.5%–2.2% for calibrator solutions and 2.1% and 3.0% for real samples. The RPC-CVGAFS method allowed speciation of glutathione (reduced and oxidized) in human whole blood from healthy donors and from the coronary sinus of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy during and after chronotropic stress.Conclusion: The RPC-CVGAFS method could be used to measure reduced and oxidized glutathione in human whole blood as disease biomarkers

    The palaeobiogeographical spread of the acritarch Veryhachium in the Early and Middle Ordovician and its impact on biostratigraphical applications

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    The genus Veryhachium Deunff, 1954, is one of the most frequently documented acritarch genera, being recorded from the Early Ordovician to the Neogene. Detailed investigations show that Veryhachium species first appeared near the South Pole in the earliest part of the Tremadocian (Early Ordovician). The genus was present at high palaeolatitudes (generally>60° S) on the Gondwanan margin during the Tremadocian before spreading to lower palaeolatitudes on the Gondwanan margin and other palaeocontinents (Avalonia and Baltica) during the Floian. It became cosmopolitan in the Middle and Late Ordovician. Although useful for distinguishing Ordovician from Cambrian strata, the diachronous first appearance data of Veryhachium morphotypes mean that they should be used with caution for long-distance correlation

    A kinetic study of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)-mediated S-nitrosoglutathione catabolism.

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    S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) is a nitric oxide (NO) donor compound which has been postulated to be involved in transport of NO in vivo. It is known that c-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is one of the enzymes involved in the enzyme-mediated decomposition of GSNO, but no kinetics studies of the reaction GSNO-GGT are reported in literature. In this study we directly investigated the kinetics of GGT with respect to GSNO as a substrate and glycyl- glycine (GG) as acceptor co-substrate by spectrophotometry at 334 nm. GGT hydrolyses the c-glutamyl moiety of GSNO to give S-nitroso-cysteinylglycine (CGNO) and c-glutamyl-GG. However, as both the substrate GSNO and the first product CGNO absorb at 334 nm, we optimized an ancillary reaction coupled to the enzymatic reaction, based on the copper-mediated decomposition of CGNO yielding oxidized cysteinyl-glycine and NO. The ancillary reaction allowed us to study directly the GSNO/GGT kinetics by following the decrease of the characteristic absorbance of nitrosothiols at 334 nm. A Km of GGT for GSNO of 0.398 ± 31 mM was thus found, comparable with Km values reported for other c-glutamyl substrates of GGT