4 research outputs found


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    In the course of the study, the activity of Ukrainian enterprises was analyzed. It was revealed that the main aspects that require increased attention, regardless of the industry, are staff management and order management. The activity of any enterprise consists of fulfilling orders and, as a consequence, satisfying customers. It is proposed to develop an automated system that will enable to keep records of orders, namely: the time of order receipt, the number of products, the urgency, the necessary material and time resources, the priority of the order, the executor, the predicted and actual time of the order. This system will help to organize the work of staff, namely: to optimize the working hours of employees due to the dynamic scheduling of the task list; to introduce responsibility for an order that is tied to a specific employee, to keep records of shifts and working hours, automatically form a payroll with due account of worked shifts/hours. The work designed an automated system for managing orders and staff at middle-class enterprises. The requirements for this system are defined and two types of architecture are proposed. For a better understanding of the design phase of the automated system, a class diagram, activity diagram and interaction diagrams are presented. In the process of research, the end product was created with a user-friendly and intuitive user interface that maximally satisfies all the requirements that have been defined for this system. For today the system works in a test mode at the enterprise of Ukraine. The introduction of the system to the filter element manufacturing company allowed to improve the interaction with customers by 40 % due to faster fulfillment of orders; 80 % facilitate the work of managers to track and control the execution of orders; and also, by 20% increase the efficiency of the staff department. What on the whole positively affected the work of the enterprise as a whole

    Математичне моделювання процесу фільтрації рідини через багатошаровий фільтруючий елемент

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    The paper presents a mathematical model of the fluid filtration process in a porous medium. The mathematical model of fluid filtration in a porous medium is based on the equation of continuity and the Darcy law for a hollow porous cylinder. The porous cylinder consists of three materials having different mechanical and filtration properties, made of polypropylene fibers by extrusion, consisting of seven layers.Filtration is described by different types of research laws that establish the relationship between a velocity vector of the fluid filtration and the field of pressure. There are several ways to describe mathematically the process of filter colmatation. Present work considers a single-component model of the flow of suspension through a porous medium. An analysis of this model revealed that it can be implemented in the presence of empirical coefficients that take into account porosity of the sediment deposited on the walls of a porous space, linear functions that describe adsorption and desorption of precipitation on the pore walls, as well as functional dependences for the permeability of filter and the viscosity of suspension.An efficient technique to calculate complex models is to apply parallel programming methods, which make it possible to split calculations into streams performed on the basis of supercomputers, clusters, and other high-performance computing systems.The proposed method for organizing distributed calculations for a finite-element filter model could be used to construct a hydrodynamic model of the filtration process, as well as its program implementation, which is planned in the future.Рассматривается математическая модель процесса фильтрации жидкости в пористой среде. Математическая модель фильтрации жидкости в пористой среде базируется на уравнении неразрывности и законе Дарси для полого пористого цилиндра. Предложенный метод организации распределенных расчетов для конечно-элементной модели фильтрации может быть использован при построении гидродинамической модели процесса фильтрации, и ее программной реализации, что и планируется в будущем.Розглядається математична модель процесу фільтрації рідини в пористому середовищі. Математична модель фільтрації рідини в пористому середовищі базується на рівнянні нерозривності і законі Дарсі для полого пористого циліндра. Запропонований метод організації розподілених розрахунків для кінцево-елементної моделі фільтрації може бути використаний при побудові гідродинамічної моделі процесу фільтрації, та її програмній реалізації, що і планується в майбутньому

    Математичне моделювання процесу фільтрації рідини через багатошаровий фільтруючий елемент

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    The paper presents a mathematical model of the fluid filtration process in a porous medium. The mathematical model of fluid filtration in a porous medium is based on the equation of continuity and the Darcy law for a hollow porous cylinder. The porous cylinder consists of three materials having different mechanical and filtration properties, made of polypropylene fibers by extrusion, consisting of seven layers.Filtration is described by different types of research laws that establish the relationship between a velocity vector of the fluid filtration and the field of pressure. There are several ways to describe mathematically the process of filter colmatation. Present work considers a single-component model of the flow of suspension through a porous medium. An analysis of this model revealed that it can be implemented in the presence of empirical coefficients that take into account porosity of the sediment deposited on the walls of a porous space, linear functions that describe adsorption and desorption of precipitation on the pore walls, as well as functional dependences for the permeability of filter and the viscosity of suspension.An efficient technique to calculate complex models is to apply parallel programming methods, which make it possible to split calculations into streams performed on the basis of supercomputers, clusters, and other high-performance computing systems.The proposed method for organizing distributed calculations for a finite-element filter model could be used to construct a hydrodynamic model of the filtration process, as well as its program implementation, which is planned in the future.Рассматривается математическая модель процесса фильтрации жидкости в пористой среде. Математическая модель фильтрации жидкости в пористой среде базируется на уравнении неразрывности и законе Дарси для полого пористого цилиндра. Предложенный метод организации распределенных расчетов для конечно-элементной модели фильтрации может быть использован при построении гидродинамической модели процесса фильтрации, и ее программной реализации, что и планируется в будущем.Розглядається математична модель процесу фільтрації рідини в пористому середовищі. Математична модель фільтрації рідини в пористому середовищі базується на рівнянні нерозривності і законі Дарсі для полого пористого циліндра. Запропонований метод організації розподілених розрахунків для кінцево-елементної моделі фільтрації може бути використаний при побудові гідродинамічної моделі процесу фільтрації, та її програмній реалізації, що і планується в майбутньому