283 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that influence the payment of dividends in banks operating in the Portuguese market. The study uses advanced financial data, in the period between 2005 and 2018. The model analyzed is tested using multiple regressions with data in the unbalanced panel. The results show that the payment of dividends is mainly driven by the historical distribution and the positive influence of performance. In addition, the size of the bank is significant, although with a sign opposite to that expected. Another valuable result is associated with the changes that occurred before, during and after the financial crisis. The study supports the hypothesis of the influence of the crisis on dividend policy. Evidence is presented that in the post-crisis period, dividends were conditioned by the policy of retention of results imposed by the authorities. The study presents limitations that must be taken into account as can represent restrictions on the results obtained. The size of the sample and the explicit policy of retention of results, imposed by authorities on some entities, stand out during part of the period under investigation

    Electrocortical Activity in Older Adults Is More Influenced by Cognitive Task Complexity Than Concurrent Walking

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    Human cognitive-motor performance largely depends on how brain resources are allocated during simultaneous tasks. Nonetheless, little is known regarding the age-related changes in electrocortical activity when dual-task during walking presents higher complexity levels. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether there are distinct changes in walking performance and electrocortical activation between young and older adults performing simple and complex upper limb response time tasks. Physically active young (23 ± 3 years, n = 21) and older adults (69 ± 5 years, n = 19) were asked to respond as fast as possible to a single stimuli or a double stimuli appearing on a touch screen during standing and walking. Response time, step frequency, step frequency variability and electroencephalographic (EEG) N200 and P300 amplitudes and latencies from frontal central and parietal brain regions were recorded. The results demonstrated that older adults were 23% slower to respond to double stimuli, whereas younger adults were only 12% slower (p 0.05). More importantly, the P300 amplitude was significantly reduced for older adults when responding to double stimuli regardless of standing or walking tasks (p < 0.05), with no changes in younger participants. Therefore, physically active older adults can attenuate potential walking deficits experienced during dual-task walking in simple cognitive tasks. However, cognitive tasks involving decision making influence electrocortical activation due to reduced cognitive resources to cope with the task demands

    Isolamento, caracterização e identificação de leveduras killer de caldo de cana de açúcar

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    <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 8pt;"> </span></p><p class="Pa7" style="margin-right: 28pt;"><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 8pt;">O etanol produzido a partir da fermentação do caldo de cana emergiu como um combustível renovável. O rendimento desta fermentação é afetado por micro-organismos indesejáveis e as leveduras killer se constituem uma alternativa promissora para combater essa contaminação. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo isolar, caracterizar e identificar leveduras killer de caldo de cana. As amostras foram inoculadas em meio de cultura contendo cloranfenicol e 140 colônias com diferentes características foram selecionadas. Esses isolados foram avaliados quanto à presença do fator killer e os isolados positivos caracterizados e identificados por métodos convencionais. Apenas dois isolados apresentaram atividade killer e foram identificados como <em>Pichia anomala </em>CE025 e <em>P. membranaefaciens </em>CE088. A 25°C as duas linhagens exibiram atividade killer em pH 4.0, 4.3 e 4.5, mas esta atividade foi inibida a pH 3.0, 3.5, 5.0 e 6.0. Para <em>P. membranaefaciens </em>CE088 o fenótipo killer foi inibido acima de 30°C, enquanto que a <em>P. anomala </em>CE025 exibiu essa característica acima deste valor. Ambas as linhagens foram capazes de crescer na presença de 12% de etanol, mas <em>P. anomala </em>CE025 foi mais tolerante do que <em>P. membranaefaciens </em>CE088. Estudos posteriores serão realizados para isolar, purificar e identificar as toxinas killer produzidas pelas espécies <em>Pichia anomala </em>e <em>Pichia membranaefaciens</em>. </span></p><p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 8pt;">. </span></p

    The Conservative Physiology of the Immune System. A Non-Metaphoric Approach to Immunological Activity

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    Historically, immunology emerged as a biomedical science, concerned with host defense and production of anti-infectious vaccines. In the late 50s, selective theories were proposed and from then on, immunology has been based in a close association with the neo-Darwinian principles, such as random generation of variants (lymphocyte clones), selection by extrinsic factors (antigens)—and, more generally, on genetic determinism and functionalism. This association has had major consequences: (1) immunological jargon is full of “cognitive” metaphors, founded in the idea of “foreignness”; (2) the immune system is described with a random clonal origin, coupled to selection by random encounters; and (3) physiological events are virtually absent from immunological descriptions. In the present manuscript, we apply systemic notions to bring forth an explanation including systemic mechanisms able to generate immunological phenomena. We replace “randomness plus selection” and the notion of foreignness by a history of structural changes which are determined by the coherences of the system internal architecture at any given moment. The importance of this systemic way of seeing is that it explicitly attends to the organization that defines the immune system, within which it is possible to describe the conservative physiology of the immune system. Understanding immune physiology in a systemic way of seeing also suggests mechanisms underlying the origin of immunopathogeny and therefore suggests new insights to therapeutic approaches. However, if seriously acknowledged, this systemic/historic approach to immunology goes along with a global conceptual change which modifies virtually everything in the domain of biology, as suggested by Maturana

    Ácido salicílico e cobertura de solo no cultivo de physalis

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    The objective of this work was to verify the influence of the application of different concentrations of salicylic acid and different soil coverings in the cultivation of physalis (Physalis peruviana L). The work was developed in the experimental area of ​​the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Laranjeiras do Sul-PR. Physalis seedlings produced in a greenhouse were used. The field was subjected to five concentrations of salicylic acid (0, 0,001, 0,002, 0,003, 0,004 Mol L-¹), and three soil coverings (grass straw, eucalyptus and control without straw). In the pre-harvest evaluations, the experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 3x5 factorial scheme. For post-harvest evaluations, the experimental design was 3x5x2, and the month of harvest was also considered. There was no interaction between the factors for the analyzed variables. For height and diameter increase and presence of insects, incidence and severity of leaf diseases, only the factor of salicylic acid influences. In the post-harvest period, only the month of harvest interfered in the factors, with the September harvest having the largest number and mass of fruits, but also the greatest attack by insects and diseases. It was concluded with this work that the application of salicylic acid influenced the development of physalis plants.O objetivo neste trabalho foi verificar a influência da aplicação de diferentes concentrações de ácido salicílico e distintas coberturas de solo no cultivo de physalis (Physalis peruviana L). O trabalho foi desenvolvido na área experimental da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Laranjeiras do Sul-PR. Foram utilizadas mudas de physalis produzidas em casa de vegetação. A campo foram submetidas a cinco concentrações de ácido salicílico (0, 0,001, 0,002, 0,003, 0,004 Mol L-¹), e três coberturas de solo (palhada de gramínea, eucalipto e testemunha sem palhada). Nas avaliações de pré-colheita, o delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x5. Para as avaliações pós-colheita o delineamento experimental foi 3x5x2, sendo considerado também o mês de colheita. Não houve interação entre os fatores para as variáveis analisadas. Para altura e diâmetro, presença de insetos, incidência e severidade de doenças foliares, somente o fator concentrações de ácido salicílico influenciou. Na pós-colheita somente o mês de colheita interferiu nos fatores, sendo a colheita de setembro com maior número e massa dos frutos, mas também o maior ataque de insetos e doenças. Concluiu-se com este trabalho que a aplicação de ácido salicílico influenciou no desenvolvimento de plantas de physalis

    Production of scientific knowledge about animal welfare

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    The paper seeks to think carefully about the ways in which sociological theory has been dealing with animal welfare, the relationship of consumption between human and nonhuman, as well as morality and civility in the growth of public uneasiness regarding the way of relating and conceiving taking as reference the main theoretician of Norbert Elias’ work, the Civilizing Process, which deals with the long-term transformation in social structures and personality structures, culminating in the development of a society of individuals subject to constant control of conduct and of emotions. The feeling of revulsion at the excess of extravagance at meal times and a more thoughtful and educated view, which since then has improved in what we now know by animal welfare. Aiming to draw the profile of scientific production on animal welfare in the last years, to show the relationship of these publications with Norbert Elias’ work, it was used the bibliometric research technique, quantitative in the analysis stage and selection of articles related to the theme of the study. And qualitative when compared to the evolution of the concern with the theme.Keywords: Animal welfare. Civilizing process. Norbert Elias. Sociological theory

    Various pfcrt and pfmdr1 Genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum Cocirculate with P. malariae, P. ovale spp., and P. vivax in Northern Angola

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    Artemisinin-based combination therapy for malaria has become widely available across Africa. Populations of Plasmodium falciparum that were previously dominated by chloroquine (CQ)-resistant genotypes are now under different drug selection pressures. P. malariae, P. ovale curtisi, and P. ovale wallikeri are sympatric with P. falciparum across the continent and are frequently present as coinfections. The prevalence of human Plasmodium species was determined by PCR using DNA from blood spots collected during a cross-sectional survey in northern Angola. P. falciparum was genotyped at resistance-associated loci in pfcrt and pfmdr1 by real-time PCR or by direct sequencing of amplicons. Of the 3,316 samples collected, 541 (16.3%) contained Plasmodium species infections; 477 (88.2%) of these were P. falciparum alone, 6.5% were P. falciparum and P. malariae together, and 1.1% were P. vivax alone. The majority of the remainder (3.7%) harbored P. ovale curtisi or P. ovale wallikeri alone or in combination with other species. Of 430 P. falciparum isolates genotyped for pfcrt, 61.6% carried the wild-type allele CVMNK at codons 72 to 76, either alone or in combination with the resistant allele CVIET. No other pfcrt allele was found. Wild-type alleles dominated at codons 86, 184, 1034, 1042, and 1246 of the pfmdr1 locus among the sequenced isolates. In contrast to previous studies, P. falciparum in the study area comprises an approximately equal mix of genotypes associated with CQ sensitivity and with CQ resistance, suggesting either lower drug pressure due to poor access to treatment in rural areas or a rapid impact of the policy change away from the use of standard monotherapies

    Distúrbios de saúde relacionados ao aprendizado de solda: avaliação de abordagem para comunicação de risco

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    OBJETIVO: evaluar la identificación de disturbios de salud auto-referidos por aprendices de soldadura y analizar la intensidad de la relación entre edad y tiempo de experiencia con los disturbios de salud auto-referidos por los aprendices antes y después de la intervención socioambiental de enfermería. MÉTODO: se trata de estudio casi experimental, no aleatorio, del tipo antes y después, realizado con 86 aprendices de soldadura de una entidad privada. RESULTADOS: los resultados muestran diferencia significativa para la diferencia de los promedios pre y post-prueba y aumento del promedio post-prueba para el sistema cardiovascular, respiratorio y tegumentario. También, hubo correlación negativa de la edad de los aprendices de soldadura con la identificación de disturbios de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: la intervención socioambiental de enfermería proporcionó informaciones de salud sobre los disturbios de salud relacionados con la actividad de soldadura. Esas informaciones posibilitaron a los aprendices evaluar las informaciones y mediante estas, auto-referir disturbios de salud.OBJETIVO: avaliar a identificação de distúrbios de saúde autorreferidos por aprendizes de solda e analisar a intensidade da relação entre idade e tempo de experiência com os distúrbios de saúde autorreferidos pelos aprendizes, antes e depois da intervenção socioambiental de enfermagem. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo quase-experimental, não randomizado, do tipo antes e depois, realizado com 86 aprendizes de solda de entidade privada. RESULTADOS: os resultados mostram diferença significativa para a diferença das médias pré e pós-teste e aumento da média pós-teste para o sistema cardiovascular, respiratório e tegumentar. Ainda, houve correlação negativa da idade dos aprendizes de solda com a identificação de distúrbios de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: a intervenção socioambiental de enfermagem propiciou informações de saúde sobre os distúrbios de saúde relacionados à atividade de solda. Tais informações possibilitaram aos aprendizes avaliar as informações e, mediante essas, autorreferir distúrbios de saúde.OBJECTIVE: to assess the identification of health disorders as self-reported by apprentices of welding and to analyze the strength of the relationship between age and time of experience with self-reported health disorders before and after a socio-environmental nursing intervention. METHOD: this quasi-experimental, non-randomized, before-and-after study was conducted with 86 welding apprentices from a private entity. RESULTS: the results show a significant difference for the pre- and post-test means and an increase in the post-test mean score for the cardiovascular, respiratory and cutaneous systems. There was also a negative correlation between the apprentices' ages and the identification of health disorders. CONCLUSION: the socio-environmental nursing intervention enabled obtaining information on health disorders related to welding. In turn, such information enabled the apprentices to assess information and self-report health disorders


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados de duas pesquisas que tiveram como foco investigar as perspectivas de docentes e de estudantes das licenciaturas, de uma Universidade Federal mineira, em relação ao uso do vídeo como recurso didático na formação docente. As pesquisas em questão são de natureza qualitativa. Em relação à produção de dados, Castro (2018) se baseou na realização de entrevistas com docentes das licenciaturas, na observação de aulas em que alguns desses docentes utilizaram o vídeo como recurso didático e em entrevistas com grupos de estudantes destas aulas. Vaz (2017), por sua vez, aplicou questionário e entrevistou estudantes de Pedagogia no contexto de uma oficina sobre produção e edição de vídeo, na qual foram feitas observações participantes. Como resultado, fruto do entrelaçamento dos dados de ambas as pesquisas, obtivemos que os sujeitos entendem que o vídeo pode ser considerado um recurso capaz de favorecer a aprendizagem, desde que o professor planeje o seu uso e o relacione com o que está sendo ensinado. Ademais, quando bem utilizado, ele permite que os estudantes desenvolvam o pensamento crítico e a capacidade de ouvir e dialogar com opiniões diferentes sobre um mesmo assunto. Porém, docentes e estudantes evidenciam que a estrutura das salas de aula pode limitar o uso dessa tecnologia. Os dados também sugerem que seria importante que os cursos de formação docente enfatizassem a utilização dos recursos audiovisuais e a importância de empregá-los em sala de aula, uma vez que os estudantes têm dificuldades de utilizá-los didaticamente