1,223 research outputs found

    The Welfare and Public Health of the Population of Russia: Adaptation To Economic Volatility

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    In the article, the results of the research of correlation of welfare and public health of the population of Russia in the conditions of economic instability are presented. The review of performance indicators of development of public sentiments of society applied both in Russian and foreign practice is submitted. The concept content of the “social and psychological potential of a region” as an indicator of public health of the population is opened. On the basis of this concept, the potential pattern is created. The evaluation method of social and psychological potential of a region is developed, its main idea is an integrated assessment of both the potential of a region in general and its separate components. The assessment of the condition of potential in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is given. Character and power of correlation between indicators of welfare and level of social and psychological potential of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of development of correlation matrixes are revealed, also, the regional consistent patterns and tendencies are determined.The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 14-18-00574, “Anti-crisis”, an Information Analysis System “: Diagnostics of the Regions, Estimation of Threats and Scenario Forecasting in Order to Maintain and Reinforce Economic Security and Enhance the Well-Being of Russia)

    First experiences in the application of biopreparations against the cherry fruit fly in Southern Russia in 2007

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    On the Russian market there are no currently registered biological preparations for the control of Rhagoletis cerasi (cherry fruit fly, CFF), and therefore the effects of natural products against this pest were studied. In laboratory, semi-field and field experiments a range of botanicals (NeemAzal-T/S and Quassia-MD) were tested alone and in combination with comparison product Phytoverm and chemical standard insecticides for their effectiveness against R. cerasi in commercial orchards. These products showed a high biological effectiveness against R. cerasi comparable with chemical insecticides

    Fiscal capacity of the city: the assessment of the influence on the sustainability of urban environment and the quality of living (the case of «second» cities of the Russian Federation)

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    The modern financial situation demonstrates tough asymmetry in financial development between the territorial units, which are the capital cities, and the «second» cities of constituent units of the Russian Federation. This is based upon chronic deficit of inner financial sources for covering the budget expenditure items of the latter ones. The instruments of municipal units’ fiscal capacity level equalization, which are being implemented by the national government, lead to adverse effects. These effects of national fiscal practice include the resource dependence on the upper level and lack of interest of the «vice-capitals’» local authorities to broaden the inner income base, disbalance between economic, social, natural-resource components of urban environment’s sustainable development and the fall of the residents’ quality of living. In this connection, the effectiveness research of the current managerial mechanism of fiscal capacity of the «second» cities of constituent units of the Russian Federation in the context of the sustainable development concept is extremely important. The results of the survey on the packaged approach to economical and statistical assessment of the fiscal capacity level as a defining factor of sustainable development of the urban environment and the residents’ quality of living in «vice-capitals» of constituent units of the Russian Federation (the case of Magnitogorsk and Nizhniy Tagil) are presented in this article. Having used the packaged approach, the authors have brought to light the interconnection between the level of the «second» cities’ fiscal capacity and indicator values of ecological and socio-economic well-being of the analysed area. Additionally, they have revealed the character and direction of this connection as well as assessed the competence of management of the financial opportunities generation and usage by means of determining the indicator values of the areas’ fiscal capacity as of the current date and comparing them with optimum values

    Economic tomography: the possibility to anticipate and respond to socio-economic crises

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    The article discusses an approach based on an original hypothesis related to the peculiarities of Russia’s development (on the one hand, its scale, the Russian mentality and a certain closeness of the economy; on the other hand, a significant dominant resource and human potential, and, as a consequence, a genuine role in the global economic community), the diagnosis of which (at the level of the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas) can be used to identify crises, provide an early assessment of threats to socio-economic development of regions as well as help to evaluate the state of the region over a 3 to 5 year period. In other words, in order to ensure that executives have enough time to mount a sufficiently rapid response to the crises and administrative errors and to reduce the impact of emerging threats. The aim of this paper is to present theoretical and methodological tools for the recognition of the early stages of emerging threats, allowing fewer losses to be experienced during the crisis period. Simulation experiments were carried out for the purpose of classifying previously occurring social and economic crises (9 possible variants were reviewed) and mathematically processed trajectories of change in the main indicators for the well-being of individuals and inhabited areas, taking the influence of various factors into account. On the basis of the authors’ proposed approach (referred to as economic tomography) an attempt is made to comprehensively assess the state of sample representative regions of Russia.The research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14–18–00574 'Information-analytical system "Anticrisis:" diagnostics of the regions, threat assessment and scenario forecasting for the preservation and strengthening of economic security and well-being of Russia')

    Russia’s Birth Rate Dynamics Forecasting

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    This article covers contemporary issues of Russia’s population reproduction, their causes and the state policy aimed to overcome the same. The urgency to fulfill the task related to assessment of the most probable future dynamics of Russia’s population birth rate in the context of a low child-woman ratio, and subject to an impact of pronatalist policies implemented by the state, is justified. In order to fulfill the task based on the crude birth rate behavior probability distribution function, a probabilistic assessment of future dynamics of Russia’s population reproduction has been carried out. Based on a modernized method suggested by Hurst, the following two forecasting paths of the crude birth rate dynamics have been built: the first path conforms to the scenario where a value of the crude birth rate is to tend to values between 8–10.5 births/1,000 people (probability is 0.182), in particular, through a negative external impact, the second path is to tend to values between 13–16.5 births/1,000 people (probability — 0.618), in particular, through a positive external impact. Notwithstanding that these scenarios significantly differ from each other, the paths of the crude birth rate dynamics for 2015–2041, corresponding to the reliable prediction time, forecasted according to the abovementioned scenarios, are virtually identical. The analysis of the findings allowed for the conclusion that the state demographic policy is not capable of having a significant impact on the future dynamics of the birth rate, substantially determined by the current situation and conjuncture shifts. These conclusions confirm the view prevailing in academic circles and suggesting that the state regulation of Russia’s demographic situation should be primarily focused on the improvement in health and a rise in the life expectancy of the population.The research has been prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation grant (Project No. 14-18-00574 “Information and analytic systems “Anticrisis”: diagnostics of the regions, threat evaluation and scenario forecasting to preserve and reinforce the welfare of Russia”)

    Issues of forensic inquiries and preliminaries in investigating ecological crimes

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    The article touches upon current theoretical and practical issues of forensic inquiries and preliminaries’ proceedings in the process of ecological crimes’ investigation. Moreover, the authors highlight the peculiarities of investigations’ classifications, their role, place and comprehensiveness.peer-reviewe

    Plastic raw materials in Neolithic pottery production

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    The paper is dedicated to the investigation of various natural silts as the most ancient type of raw material used in pottery production. The authors describe the specific features of the composition of plain and mountain silts, and discover the same features in ancient ceramics from different regions in Russia. It can be concluded that silts were the earliest raw material used, a tradition that faded away during the evolution of pottery production.V članku predstavljamo raziskave različnih vrst naravnega mulja, ki predstavlja najstarejšo vrsto surovine za proizvodnjo lončenine. Opisujemo specifične značilnosti sestave mulja, dosegljivega tako v ravnini kot v gorah, ter jih primerjamo z najstarejšo lončenino iz različnih regij v Rusiji. Sklepamo, da predstavlja naravni mulj najzgodnejšo vrsto surovine za izdelavo keramike, in da se je ta tradicija proizvodnje lončenine sčasoma izgubila

    Modern Hanseatic Trends in the Baltic Region

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    A critical analysis of Hanseatic traditions may produce consequential methodological material for the study of the 21st century Baltic regionalisation. Current trends in the development of the Baltic region, whose academic analysis is impossible without considering earlier cases of successful interactions between the peoples of the Baltic Sea region, necessitate political, economic, and historical research on the strengths and weaknesses of the Hanseatic League. Unfortunately, in the 21st century, the Baltic region turned into a stage for geopolitical controversies. This took a toll on the efficiency of cooperation between the cities of Russia’s North-West and their Baltic counterparts. Therefore, it is important to seize the opportunities provided by the information society and focus on the innovative areas of regional cooperation. An interesting example is the partnership between Baltic universities, which is aimed to draw up an international agenda for sustainable regional development. Baltic cities are involved in various forms of cross-border cooperation, providing opportunities for interstate relations and contributes to laying down crossborder cooperation roadmaps and developing civil society networks. It can be concluded, that the history of the Hanseatic League and its current incarnation — the New Hanse — testify to the fact that productive economic, cultural, and other relations can be established between states but also between cities and universities, thus contributing to closer economic, political and cultural ties between the peoples of the Baltic region

    Towards the second order adaptation in the next generation remote patient management systems

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    Remote Patient Management (RPM) systems are expected to be increasingly important for chronic disease management as they facilitate monitoring vital signs of patients at their home, alerting the care givers in case of worsening. They also provide patients with educational content. RPM systems collect a lot of (different types of) data about patients, providing an opportunity for personalizing information services. In our recent work we highlighted the importance of using available information for personalization and presented a possible next generation RPM system that enables personalization of educational content and its delivery to patients. We introduced a generic methodology for personalization and emphasized the role of knowledge discovery (KDD). In this paper we focus on the necessity of the second-order adaptation mechanisms in the RPM systems to address the challenge of continuous on-line (re)learning of actionable patterns from the patient data