715 research outputs found

    Giorgio Vasari: "Allo Illustre, e Molto Magnifico M. Alessandro De' Medici (...)", Firenze, 6 February 1568, fol. [2]r, in: Vita Del Gran Michelagnolo Buonarroti. Scritta da M. Giorgio Vasari, Scrttore & Architetto Aretino. Con le sue Magnifiche Essequie stategli fatte in Fiorenza. Dall' Achademia Del Disegno (Florenz 1568). (FONTES 20)

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    FONTES 20 publishes the dedication letter of Giorgio Vasari (2.02.1568) of the Vita del Gran Michelagnolo to Alessandro di Ottaviano de' Medici, the future Pope Leo XI, of Vasari's extract of his vita of Michelangelo from his Lives of the artists (1568)

    Vasari's Castration of Caelus. Invention and programme. Giorgio Vasari: The "Castrazione del Cielo fatta da Saturno" [1558], in: Ragionamento di Giorgio Vasari pittore Aretino fatto in Firenze sopra le invenzioni delle storie dipinte nelle stanze nuove nel Palazzo Ducale con lo illustrissimo Don Francesco De’ Medici primo genito del Duca Cosimo duca di Fiorenza, Firenze, Biblioteca della Galleria degli Uffizi (Manoscritto 11) and Cosimo Bartoli: "Castratione del Cielo", 1555, in: "Lo Zibaldone di Giorgio Vasari", Arezzo, Casa Vasari, Archivio vasariano, (Codice 31) (FONTES 47)

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    FONTES 47 publishes two sixteenth-century iconographical texts for Giorgio Vasari’s cycle of paintings in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence: (1) Cosimo Bartoli’s "invenzione" for the Castration of Caelus, and (2) Giorgio Vasari’s description of his painting based on this invention. Vasari’s "Castration of Caelus" constitutes the central work of the upper level of Vasari’s decoration in the Palazzo Vecchio, the Quartiere degli Elementi. An essay examines the consequences of the iconographical invention for the visual appearance of the painting

    Le vite de' piĂą eccelenti pittori, scultori e architettori

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    P. 1/2: Prima, e Seconda Parte. Con le Tauole in ciascun volume, Delle cose piu Notabili, De´Ritratti, ... Et dei Luoghi doue sono lópere loro P. 3, Vol. 1: Delle Vite deà piv eccellenti pittori scvltori Et Archiettori ... Primo volume della terza parte P. 3, Vol. 2: Delle Vite deà piv eccellenti pittori scvltori Et Archiettori ... Secondo, et vltimo volume della terza parte. Nel quale so comprendano le nuove vite, dall'anno 1550 al 1567 ; con una breue memoria di tutti i piu ingegnosi artefici che fioriseano al presente nell'accademia del disegno in Fiorenza ..

    Plants in space exploration – a short overview ff astrobotany

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    Astrobotanika se bavi istraživanjem rasta i razvoja biljaka u svemirskim uvjetima. Istraživanja u ovom području počinju već od najranijih dana čovjekova istraživanja svemira jer biljke kao fotosintetski organizmi uz minimalni dodatak energije u obliku svjetlosti i esencijalnih hranjivih tvari, mogu osigurati kisik i hranu posadi svemirskih letjelica. U istraživanjima se koriste sjemenke, klijanci, kalusne kulture ili pak kulture protoplasta kako bi se ustanovile sve promjene koje se događaju u biljnom metabolizmu u svemirskim uvjetima. Zabilježen je niz promjena poput indukcije stresnog metabolizma biljaka ili prilagodbi stanične stjenke, no unatoč tome biljke su bile sposobne aklimatizirati se na nove uvjete. Pokazalo se da su rast i razvoj biljaka u staklenicima na svemirskoj postaji mogući tijekom nekoliko generacija uz stvaranje vijabilnog sjemenja. Trenutačno se istražuje nekoliko sustava sa ciljem integracije biljaka u sustave za održavanje života koji bi trebali omogućiti dulji i samostalniji boravak ljudi u svemiru bez potrebe za opskrbom sa Zemlje pa tako Europska svemirska agencija (ESA) razvija bioregenerativni sustav pod imenom MELiSSA. Kruženje tvari unutar ovoga sustava trebalo bi pomoći posadama duljih letova da sami regeneriraju potrebne esencijalne elemente uz njihov minimalni gubitak.The main focus of astrobotanical research is growth and development of plants in space. Plants have been part of space research since its earliest years and have been recognized as valuable resource to support human life in space. Due to their photosynthetic activity it is possible to grow them for food and oxygen production, with minimal energy and nutrient input. They are tested as seeds, shoots, callus and protoplast cultures in order to identify changes that take place when exposed to space conditions. A number of changes have been identified in plants grown in space compared to plants grown on Earth, mainly the activation of stress metabolism related genes and remodelling of the cell wall structure, however plants were able to adapt and grow. Growth and development of healthy plants that produce viable seeds is possible in space even over a number of generations. At the moment, there are a few designs in development for the integration of plants into life support systems. One of such is a bioregenerative system named MELiSSA (by European Space Agency), based on the circulation of elements in order to regenerate nutrients and enable longer space flights

    Giorgio Vasari: Descrizione dell’apparato fatto nel Tempio di S. Giovanni di Fiorenza per lo battesimo della Signora prima figliuola dell’Illustrissimo, et Eccellentissimo S. Principe di Fiorenza, et Siena Don Francesco Medici,e della Serenissima Reina Giovanna D’Austria (Florenz 1568) (FONTES 6)

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    Der hier vorgestellte Text, die 'Descrizione dell’apparato fatto nel Tempio di S. Giovanni di Fiorenza per lo battesimo della Signora prima figliuola dell’Illustrissimo, et Eccellentissimo S. Principe di Fiorenza, et Siena Don Francesco Medici, e della Serenissima Reina Giovanna D’Austria' (Florenz: Giunti 1568), ist die gedruckte Beschreibung einer Festdekoration; er wurde von Vasari gleichzeitig mit den Feierlichkeiten am 29. Februar 1568 (nach Florentiner Zeitrechnung noch 1567) veröffentlicht. Die 'Descrizione' beschreibt minutiös die Festdekoration Vasaris für die Taufe des erstgeborenen Kindes von Francesco I. de’ Medici und Giovanna d’Austria, seiner Gemahlin. Die Feier fand in San Giovanni, dem Baptisterium von Florenz, unter Anwesenheit zahlreicher Prominenz und eines großen allgemeinen Publikums statt. Die malerische Ausstattung des Innenraumes des Baptisterium folgt einer für die Zeit typischen ikonografischen Erfindung (‚invenzione’), entwickelt ein gängiges Programm. Es stammt von einem engen Freund und Berater Vasaris, Don Vincenzo Borghini

    Improving the environmental performance of bus fleets in Europe

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    Predictive Maintenance Systems (PdM) for bus fleets are gaining momentum among transit operators in Europe, although two major issues in this practice are still not fully addressed in mitigating negative impacts on the environment: emissions control and water management. To this end, the paper presents some innovative Dashboard Functions (DF) for a specific PdM, based on a software, already developed within a project funded by the European Commission (EBSF_2), with the goal to optimize predictive maintenance at bus garages. The first DF is aimed at assessing the emissions generated by buses, especially when fleets are composed by pre-EURO VI vehicles (one in three buses in the world is still pre EURO IV). The second DF is focused on the water management and control for washing buses: an underestimated issue, but still relevant in pursuing sustainability, since according to garage practice a vehicle needs around 300 litres of fresh water to be cleaned, typically 4 times a week, which multiplied by the almost 700,000 units which compose the European fleets generate 43 million m3 of yearly water requirement. The paper describes the results from the assessment of both emissions and water in the software, with a special focus, for the former, on the problem of obsolescing vehicles and their components specifically contributing to the emissions phenomenon; for the latter, in turn, the paper focuses on the application of different washing technology. The research goal is to advance scientific knowledge further afield and provide examples of best practices in the field of PdM implementation for bus fleets

    Le dégoût de l’absurde : Phénoménologie de l’existence dans La nausée de Jean-Paul Sartre

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the disgust of which Sartre's “nausea” is an expression, by identifying its ontological significance and its role within Sartre's thought. Particular attention is devoted to the phenomenological themes of vision and conversion of the gaze, in the strict correlation they have with disgust. My claim is that Sartre, in his early philosophical work, elaborated a response to the Heideggerian problematic of the correlation between Befindlichkeit and Faktizität. To verify such claim, my paper will analyse the differences between Sartrean and Heideggerian thought with regard to these concepts, and show the extent of the influence that Husserl, Emmanuel Levinas and Aurel Kolnai had on Sartre
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